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Everything posted by DJBlue72

  1. Its so frustrating when they cut you straight off saying the lines are busy
  2. Finally got through to online and got my seat panic over for me thought �£35 is quite reasonable consiering its a Uefa Semi Final Cant Wait Come on The Rangers
  3. Would be the Uefa for me as have witnessed league wins before , most enjoyable (helicopter sunday) but want to see Rangers lift a European Trophy in my lifetime and we have a great chance now so why not take it.
  4. I missed Fridays email from Rangers about the Semi Final tickets going on sale Sat morning , now i cant get through on the phone to the ticket office and it says online there is no tickets avalible for this match ? , anyone know when the deadline for season ticket holders is ? , starting to get a bit nervy
  5. We might even get close to the 12,000,000 Celtic Fans that went to Seville ha ha W.A.T.P
  6. Has anyone got one and does anyone know if Rangers make it will we get a share to ballot between supporters As i know the Money men will get their share of them , i know the Uefa website was selling them a while back but not heard anything since , if we make it i will be there ticket or not
  7. Thats amazing , they have not sold all there tickets so hopefully more Bears can get hold of them and get in to support the Gers tonight turn it into a home game for us. Come on Rangers do us proud
  8. 1 -1 for me and we go through on away goals rule like in Athens ,would love this to happen but if not we have done superb and punched above our weight in Europe this year.
  9. Yeah your right really ment for the Uefa Cup.
  10. Why is ITV 4 showing good football games ? as they had the Chelsea game last night too , have they bought the rightsto the Uefa Cup as well as the Champions League cant see Sky being too chuffed.
  11. Who's watching tomorrows game on Itv 3 with the Anti Rangers Brigade (Walker,Archie & Co) i know for a fact i will be tuning in to ITV 4 for some decent comentry& opinions and unbiast support from the media down south
  12. The SPL trying to avoid a League decider ? , the League will be over by then And why have we not got our last game at home as League Champs elect you would think they would give us our day at Ibrox for celebration ? Typical SPL
  13. That was right in front of my seat , what a laugh the ball boy fell on his arse to timmys amusement then the bold one sticks 2 fingers up to the Mhanky mob and they were spitting feathers complaining to all around Police Rocksteady etc. , the wee man got his Laudrup style aplouse from myself and others around me. ha ha
  14. Exactly , Celtic can go on their "love us far east tour 2008" what has it got to do with them if we have games still to play , they finish there games and go to Japan we stay at home and round off things in the league and if we need to play after the scottish cup final then so be it , Liewell cant stand the fact that The Trophys are heading to Ibrox this year and will do anything to stop it.
  15. Le Guen was a fitness fanatic , Hartson is a walking advert for McDonalds enough said
  16. Do you listen to them , i Tend to listen to Clyde 1 superscoreboard its the best of a bad lot in my opinion Real Radio is a joke The reason i ask is i was listening to the show last night and 1 Celtic fans phones up complaining that 4 Rangers players have withdrawn from the Scotland squad with Injury But despite several attempts by the panel to explain this the not so bright tim wouldnt lewt it go and it was a injustice to them , i found myself shouting and cursing at the radio and then relised what am i doing theres no one here.
  17. Mine would be- Celtic to have several shots at goal with Mcgregor pulling off world class saves one after the other with strap-on going ape on the sidelines Then a cross from steve Davis bounces off the back of Gary Caldwells nut and past Borat into the net 1-0 Rangers , knackeredmotor is given a free kick outside the box and sends it into row AA of the copland rear, then Aidenodinhio is sent off for diving , Sasa Papac runs 40 yards and unleashes a Bert Konterman style screamer into the top corner 2-0 Rangers David Weir goes in late on Joe Vinegar of Castlemilk stone waller surely (Not Given) Strapon goes balistic and explodes sent to the stand facing a 10 game ban then Boydy meets a cross from Broadfoot and sends in goal no! 3 past bore-arse Gers are in Dreamland and Strap-on is carted off to the Martin Oneil institute for the insane and deranged. thats my take on it (here's hoping)
  18. Just wondering what grounds you have all been too either in the UK or Abroad and whats your favourite. In the UK i liked Stokes Ground but , also been to the Reebock which was ok abroad the Nou Camp was class. Dont rate Hampden but thought it done the cup final justice on Sunday.
  19. Dont think we could have hand picked a better draw , if we can get past Lisbon we should be able to progress against PSV or Fiorentina in the semi's i am begining to think this Uefa Cup might be a possability , if we get to the final hopefully the Bayern that drew at Shittodrie turn up
  20. Thats what it said when i went online to buy 1 i wanted to go with my 3 mates together but 1 hasnt got a ticket and the other 2 are sitting no where near me a total balls up by RFC in my opinion , were are all these D Utd supporters crawling up from ?? 17,000 tickets sold for the cup final ??
  21. Got mine yesterday West Stand Section Q , Row F Cant wait
  22. It was really busy online and it said to retry several times if it kicked you out i retried once and got through but it said season ticket holders limited to 1 ticket each which is crap as i wanted to go with a few mates who will have to try on their own to get a ticket.
  23. I phoned and had no joy and then went online and got 1 within 10 mins.
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