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Everything posted by DJBlue72

  1. A great wee story Loved his other Photo's the one pissing on the Celtic top the americans will love that. couldnt see this story being run over here.
  2. I reckon we might struggle if we do not bring any new players in as all big teams are buying players to add to there squads even if its bosmans a squad needs depth , and we seem to have lost a few players this summer but wont be replacing any a risky stratagy if you ask me , i know our hands are tied financially but we have freed up over �£50K per week in wages so surely we could afford to bring in a few players to boost the squad for an assualt on the SPL and Europe there are plenty of good players who are available on a free transfer just now. I know we will give the younger players more games this season which is fantastic but my fear is we will struggle for quality when it is required during the season due to injurys etc. Are things really that bad financially at Rangers ??? are we poorer than Hearts ? the Tims ? its so frustrating as its like we are the poor man of European football who has a everything must go sale every transfer window i would even say we must keep the likes of McCulloch and Dailly if we arent going to replace them. I am looking forward to seeing the youth get a chance at Ibrox but i fear we will come up short if we are drawn against the cream of Europe. Also i must add this has been the most boring and Frustrating post season summer ever for Gers fans i reckon. Roll on the Man City Game
  3. We have lost a very good player from the team , there is a lot of Fergie haters around but i am the same age as him and have watched him develop as a player through the years. He has played alongside and against many top players from an early age and was never fazed by them and most of the time got the better of them in the middle of the park. I understand people have never forgiven him for going to Blackburn, he got the chance to play in one of the worlds top leagues against some amazing players and took that chance i thought he could have gone to a better club than Blackburn, it never really worked out but he was getting rave reviews towards the end of his time down there but wanted to come home to Rangers were he belonged. For me we wont relise what he done for the club on and off the park until the dust settles on his move to Birmingham , i am glad he has chosen to work with Big Eck again as although towards the end of his reighn as manager was bad i remember a lot of good times too so will Barry , there is a good scottish contingent down there and the ground is called St Andrews so should be easier to settle in. Personally i will miss Barry Ferguson as i respect what he has achived during his time at Ibrox from being made Captain by Dick Advocaat to Lifting numerous trophies and helping the team to league titles and also playing for Scotland and also watching him control european games against great opposition so for me when the season kicks off again and the players run out the tunnel it will be strange not to see him in the starting lineup as the team will miss him too. But his time at Rangers has ended in the stupidist way possible , i absolutly blame George Burley and Terry Butcher 100% for this farce but Barry shouldnt have been so stupid but also shouldnt have been the only one along with McGregor to take the bullet for the farce at Loch Lomond as there should have been more players invloved but thats another debate altogether So for me i wish Barry Ferguson all the Best at Birmingham City with Big Eck and i hope he shuts a few people up and does well in the EPL. BARRY FERGUSON RANGERS LEGEND :spl: You will be missed.
  4. It is a bit confusing as it did say when i watched the draw Third Q Round and had 4 seperate pots Champions and Non Champions ??? They are in deep shit i reckon both rounds
  5. I want shot of Carling and for us to get our own individual sponsor away from Celtic , I agree that being on ESPN and Sky for the next few years wilth a worldwide audience will be a good bargaining chip when it comes down to it we cant let the club lose more money by accepting medicore deals.
  6. Was praying they got Dinamo was between them and some unkown Turkish mob who would be difficult too but Russia is hellish to go to and there league is underway already
  7. If we get a Cuellar type bid then he will go , if so Walter will have another Gem of a CB in the pipeline he can spot a good one. Would like him to stay but every player has a price and Murray wont sell him cheap , agree with Frankie that this would free up some �£�£�£ to bring in 2 maybe 3 players to the squad.
  8. Aye but he is a Pure Celic Man Fae Norwich through and through ha ha
  9. I will be dissapointed if we dont bring anyone in but i understand the financial climate and the clubs plight but always look forward to the new season with a few new faces and see how they gel into the team and progress. We have a young squad with good potential if played correctly by WS let the tims blow �£4M on mediocre players thats what he is the fortune signing Mowbray was Celtics 4th or 5th choice as manager after the rest told them were to go, The Celtic fans are very thickle and will be masked by the illusoion that a prodicle son and Celtic man is in charge and not a mediocre manager who hasnt won a thing as a player or a manager. Title 53 here we come :spl:
  10. Guy in my work claims its a done deal and he is defo away to Birmingham this morning heard it on the Radio.
  11. I will be dissapointed to see him leave as not the best way to leave a club you love and have brought sucess too. I still feel he is the best midfielder we have in the middle of the park but if Walter brings Davis into Midfield along with a fit Kevin Thomson then it could be an exciting time ahead , were will Pedro Mendes fit in ? and who would take the Right ? If he does go i reckon �£1.5M is a fair enough fee for him considering also i think he will do a job for Big Eck down there.
  12. Had a look is quite snazy and modern i like it
  13. Seriously though are we going to bring in anyone at all ???? The lack of activity in and out is a bit worrying for me we must strengthen in a position of strength this was the tims downfall last time we shouldnt make the same mistake.
  14. I was playing at Ibrox complex yesterday afternoon and wandered into the Rangers Megastore for a closer look at the new strip and to be honest i was largley dissapointed and totally underwhelmed by it Its very plain and boring , the squares look odd and the umbro sign is very small and i hate Carling as a sponsor Also the Shorts look stupid as if another player has snuck up and wiped blue paint across the players arse. so for the first time since i can remember i am seriously considering not buying the new home top as i reckon last seasons is much better and the price will be in the �£45 �£55 range i paid near �£100 for the full kit last season and then JJB done the famous everything less than 1/2 price sale i was raging. The goalie top is a bit wild but i reckon it will grow on people but defo not traditional Rangers. I am hoping for better when the away top comes out.
  15. Got to be a joke , think if we had �£8M to spend we wouldnt spend in on 1 player especially a 31 year old Frenchman http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12961_5414958,00.html he is staying with Juve apparently
  16. Not sure his name was on the list though
  17. The JJB on Argyle Street looks so tacky the now with all the JJB 70% sale signs all over the place with all last seasons merchandise in the window along with all the EPL clubs tops and nothing not a jot of anything to do with our new top its an absolute disgarace of a situation to be in we would have sold loads and loads of new tops by now had we still been under the Rangers shops and owining our own stores. Surley this farce of a company will convince the powers that be at Ibrox to get the stores back into Rangers ownership once and for all. Never to be sold again.
  18. Could put together a decent outfit with some of the free's this summer surely we can tempt a couple of the better ones with Champions league footy and more trophys on decent/reduced wages ? theres a few there i would take no probs Hernan Crespo Pavel Nedved Simone Inzaghi Samuele Dalla Bona Leo Franco Georgios Seitaridis Edu Ivan de la Pena Fabio Cannavaro Fernando Morientes Tomas Rosicky Andy van der Meyde Daniel Sturridge Darius Vassell Cacapa Peter Lovenkrands Lauren Jermaine Pennant Diego Tristan A lot of decent enough players to choose from and not too old to do a job for us.
  19. Good news , hopes he gets a better chance than last season as the boy is obviously talented , Can Walter find a position for him in this current squad i dont see why not.
  20. You were Right , i got one eventually the website just wasnt playing ball got my own seat as it was reserved for me �£19.50 hope its worth it but the missus just treated herself to bags loads of clothes so compared to that its not much to watch some world class players and possibly a new footballing superpower in action. Will be dissapointed if they also play the tims this pre season , is this happening ? if we were to play Real Madid on the moon they would copy us they seriously care more about what we as a club are doing than themselves and are worried we might outshine there green and greyness. :spl:
  21. So would i but i am just going from whats on the website RANGERS V MANCHESTER CITY PRE SEASON FRIENDLY Wednesday, 5th August, 2009, Kick-off: 7:45PM Loyalty Points required: 00000 Price PLEASE NOTE: Game date TBC. Game will be played on 4 or 5 of August. Juvenile Season Ticket holders go free View Stadium Plan To check availability and choose the area you would like to purchase your ticket(s) in orSelect from the options below SOLD OUT
  22. Its avery poor run setup , any word if the tickets are sold out already and has anyone else managed to get 1 ?
  23. Went online , says tickets sold out ???? Tried phoning the Rangers hotline , honestly Andy Cameron whining on and on again and again in an eternal telephonic abyss is enough to make you go on a rampage honest to god , i couldnt take anymore of it so i hung up, they can shove this friendly up their arse , RTO = Amatuers.
  24. Well done to the guys , More Euro Glory for the Bears
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