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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. Providing we get decent fees I'm very pleased Windass, John and Alnwick are away. All part of decluttering the squad and replacing them with quality. Time to bring in a player who brings goals, either created or scored.
  2. It's essential Middleton makes the bench at least for me too. We need his pace and dribbling if Maribor prove difficult to break down.
  3. Wales Online has said the fee would be "less than 500k" for John. That would be very disappointing and terrible business again from our us as a selling club. He's a Wales international and just turned 23. Blackburn possibly in for Foderingham but they won't have much money to offer.
  4. Celtic's defence has been lambasted yet again by their fans after last night. I think for the first time in a long time a number of our starting 11 would get into theirs. The only problem is that it's all in the same position! Just my opinion but it looks to me that almost our back 5 is better than theirs, I think Barisic will be fantastic but you'd have to give Tierney the nod. I think Jack can be better than Brown from now on. But the rest of the attacking positions go to Celtic, and it's not even close. They are still head and shoulders above us in all those positions and our guys would seriously struggle to make their bench. I think this is a worry and we need to address it before the window closes, otherwise we could have another season of frustrating home games where we lack the quality and creativity to break teams down. McGregor Tavernier Katic Goldson Barisic Jack Coulibaly/Arfield Candeias/Windass Arfield/Dorrans Murphy/Kent Morelos/Sadiq Gordon Lustig Ajer Hendry Tierney Brown Ntcham Forrest/Hayes/Christie Rogic/Arzani/Allan McGregor/Sinclair Griffiths/Dembele/Edouard
  5. I think this must be why nobody has gone in for him. I'd consider him for that sum though given his age and potential, but I suppose we'll see if anyone takes him.
  6. Unless John wanting away is true and known by Swansea. This does his value no favours at all. I think Wallace is a top quality left back. If it wasn't for injury and this disciplinary issue he'd easily be worth £2m in today's market so it's a bit of a disaster the way things have gone. Having said that with Barisic in it makes no sense to have wages like his on the bench, I just wish we could get a transfer fee for him.
  7. Would be great to get a fee for him. Should make a decent profit on him too because we've brought him on signficantly and he's featured several times for Wales in that time so would be a popular signing at Swansea.
  8. We've still got a number of players who we need off the wage bill. It's a bit of disaster if they're all still here in 24 hours because England is the most obvious destination for most of them.
  9. A bit of a pointless post maybe, but I'm surprised the club haven't been linked with Souleymane Coulibaly at all. He was brilliant at Kilmarnock, moved to Egypt for 800k and hit the ground running there before quitting the club. He's now a free agent but only 23. He responded to an Aberdeen fan's tweet a couple of weeks ago with thinking faces after the fan had said announce Souleymane Coulibaly.
  10. I hadn't thought of that! Looks very unlikely at this stage however as valuations of both Winass and Tavernier appear to be miles apart. I'd bite their hand off if they offered anything like £5m for Tav but £2m is easy to turn down. In the unlikely scenario a club really want Windass or Tav today, the fact we're playing is a great negotiating tool and would push up their values.
  11. For a change there are actually a lot of questions over what the team will be. Ejaria vs McCrorie Kent vs Murphy Candeias vs Windass Ejaria over McCrorie would be an attacking move because Arfield isn’t a defensive player. However it’s probably the right move because we need to be able to retain possession tonight and Coulibaly and McCrorie in the middle wouldn’t do that. That’s a pairing for an away day.
  12. DMAA

    Armin Hodzic

    My take on it is that enquiries/bids were probably made on one or both but we’ve walked away. I think that’s why he stressed “currently”. No reason to disbelieve the president of the Koljic’s club that we made a bid. Of course as the window goes on maybe we’d decide the high price we were quoted might after all be our best option so it’s not necessarily done.
  13. I actually thought that was a fair question. If we’d meant any attempt to hold onto the ball against Aberdeen we’d have seen the game out.
  14. DMAA

    Armin Hodzic

    Gerrard denied interest in any Bosnians unfortunately
  15. I’m aware of that but to be unbeaten in 3 out of 4 of the non Liverpool games is very impressive.
  16. Contrary to what a few have said I think Maribor will be a noticeable step up in quality from Osijek and will pose a genuine threat. Skupi were terrible and Osijek were bang average whereas Maribor performed very well in the Champions League last season and have a strong track record in Europe. It's very exciting to see how we hold up against a European side with genuine pedigree. I think they will be playing for 0-0 and it could be a very frustrating game for us.
  17. Disappointing really. Though we have weeks left to add to the squad and Gerrard seemed keen to suggest we’re in no hurry and not to expect much just now.
  18. Sounds like a very promising candidate for sevco of the week
  19. Jack had 2 of his 4 rescinded. The Stevie May one was a clear red but the Hamilton one was an incredibly harsh second yellow. The kind that really highlights the total lack of consistency with these kinds of decisions.
  20. Absolutely. The failure to show Ball a red was a poor decision. But this decision was more than poor, it was absolutely inexplicable and outrageous. All the more so given the yellow shown to the St Johnston last year for an unprovoked proper kick last season. Big consolation is that Morelos is back and McKenna has got his karma and will miss the best part of 2 months. Serves him right for what was unprovoked genuine violent conduct.
  21. Tell me about it! Alan Brazil on Talksport was seriously suggesting Liverpool should join the race for Boyata because he "proved in the World Cup he could play at the very highest level." Never mind the fact he only played against England's B team and two walkovers against two of the worst teams in the tournament in Tunisia and Panama. As soon as Vermaelen and Kompany recovered from injuries he was back to being 5th choice centre back and didn't feature for the rest of the tournament when Belgium were really tested (Japan, Brazil, France, England). Absolutely incredible nonsense like that goes unchallenged.
  22. Elvir Koljić actually looks like a target man type, seems strong in the air and offers a different dimension from what we have. He could be an exciting addition. I'm guessing with interest in these guys that we've decided to leave Lafferty until the winter or next summer on a free. If so I feel a bit sorry for him because we got his hopes up.
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