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Everything posted by eightball

  1. Unfortunately this is what I had feared from this guy. Why the heck did we sign him? Unless of course this was a one off...
  2. That is class! I'm gonna have to show that to thw guys in work!
  3. I can't believe that Hemdani was left out of the squad yet again yesterday. He's got the experience and cool head that we need out there. Something is definitely not right... How did Faye play? Did he provide any evidence that he might be a decent signing for us?
  4. Fulham just don't seem to be able to concentrate for the whole game. Very strange that they seem to switch off in the last 10 mins of most of their games. Maybe they think they're playing rugby?
  5. Gribz, thanks for the words of encouragement. Unfortunately the appointment of Worthington has proved to be a terrible mistake by the IFA. He has taken us back 5 years and has ruined team morale - all this in 3 games! I'm not giving up hope yet, but it is going to be very, very difficult for us.
  6. No probs dude. I really hope that Scotland can go on to top their group. It would be a remarkable achievement!
  7. eightball

    Alan Gow

    LOL! I was waiting for someone to say something like that!
  8. I'm from Norn Iron. After our shocking display on Saturday I decided that I couldn't put myself through another woeful display last night. As it turned out I was right. Nigel Worthington MUST GO NOW! Well done to the Scots tho! :cheers:
  9. Good luck to the Scots tonight! I'm going to the cinema this evening, so I won't get to hear the results until the games are over.
  10. eightball

    Alan Gow

    Is Gow an out and out striker, or can he also play in 'the hole' and on the wing?
  11. £105 is a lot of money, but it is still very tempting...
  12. I think he has been sent out on loan to help his confidence and get him regular action. If he can be a hit this season in Ligue 1, then perhpas he can come back to Ibrox next season and challenge. Having said that it'll be very tough for him to work his way into the first team.
  13. LOL! Was wondering when you were gonna bring that up! Up �£2K? Jeez! Maybe I'd better start listening to your tips!
  14. Have to say that does sound like a good idea!
  15. NO! And I'm not taking any tips off you! Put some money on Israel beating England! LOL!
  16. McLaren has already said that Robinson will start today! LOL! Does he never learn? I think Owen will be partnered up front by Heskey as the rest of the strikers have never looked very good at international record (not that Heskey does, but he knows the ropes at least). England will probably win this game 1-0.
  17. For a guy who has played in a UCl semi final we are yet to see his true form. Having said that Djimi Traore is a UCL winner, so maybe I'm just talking sh*t...
  18. :uzi: Not an person on my Christmas card list...
  19. Another thing that has been brought up is that all the 'home' nations play a similar style. So the youngsters that are being brought into the team won't get to play friendlies against a more continental style of play which might hinder thier development. Cammy could be right tho, it might not attract the crowds (Although it'd be interesting to see the GAWA (NI fans) singing their hearts out in Croke/Hampden?)
  20. Does Run DMB wear Adidas tho?
  21. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/internationals/6981446.stm Kinda surprised no-one has posted about htis yet. What do we think about this, sort of like the Home Internationals, but with ROI instead of England (who doon want to take part cause they don't want to get beat all the time!). Not sure of the name of the cup tho! British Isles Cup might have been better...
  22. Bob just doesn't have the heart to play for Derby. Having been there with work I can understand why!
  23. I haven't read the whole thread, forgive me if I'm repeating anything already said. I voted 'no'. It is not a football related (it's about child abuse FFS!) song, and therefore it should have no place in our 'hymn book' of songs at Ibrox. Surely there are plenty of smart and witty guys in our support who can come up with a better song to taunt Celtic with?
  24. I was there at the start of August, it's still a fair bit off being finished. I think there was a completion date of 2012 being bandied about.
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