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Everything posted by Unicorn

  1. This should have been done when we first came back up. Better late than never though.
  2. Gerrard, Zidane and Whittaker in the same thread. That’s some exalted company he’s keeping.
  3. The standard of Scottish football was much higher then. You can’t compare between then and now.
  4. He’s treating the club and the fans (us) with utter contempt. I’m usually pretty laid back about all that stuff. I don’t care what religion a player is or if they supported Celtic as a kid as long as they are professional enough to forget any previous allegiances once they sign (Neil McCann) but this is completely unacceptable and unforgivable.
  5. His dad’s a Celtic employee too. Talk about having a mole in the camp ffs.
  6. The original plan when filling in the corners in the 90’s didn’t include the big screens. The capacity would have been approximately 57,000 if I remember right. I don’t know why we decided to go with the big screens in the end.
  7. McGregor is an upgrade on both Wes and Alnwick. It shouldn’t even be a debate.
  8. It’s like he’s trolling the Rangers support. Get him to fck!
  9. 2011 was the last proper Rangers team. Hopefull we get another sooner rather than later but it’s understandable that we haven’t considering what happened in 2012.
  10. Definite upgrade. Happy with this.
  11. ...and which ref do we scapegoat for Progres? The Scandinavian ref on the day? Rangers hating bassa! Clearly losing 7 times (!) at home and failing to lay a glove on Celtic in 5 fixtures isn’t down to our failings but the fault of an anti-Rangers cabal with whistles,
  12. If that’s how you want to salve your feelings then that’s your prerogative. I think today was a fitting end to an atrocious season.
  13. It means little having the skill set if you don’t have the mindset to make the most of it. Pena is clearly not interested in anything other than pissing his talent up the wall.
  14. Well quite. I was assigning the inferiority complex to the tims, by the way.
  15. Unlike well known tims who shout it from the rooftops. Reeks of a deeply ingrained inferiority complex.
  16. He was linked to us by the Record all the way through the 90’s.
  17. Get well soon Sir Alex. A good Rangers man despite teams he managed. An absolute giant of the game we all love too. Thoughts are with the Ferguson family.
  18. This is the first time in years that I’ve been enthused by what the club is doing. I missed this feeling.
  19. A treble and two doubles. Big Eck was/is more than competent.
  20. Perhaps he misheard Stevie G as Stevie Tree?
  21. I think the tims are struggling to spin this. If we can attract someone like Gerrard then we’re probably not as big a mess as they feverishly claim.
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