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Everything posted by Soulsonic5791

  1. R.I.P Mr Hubbard. My old man says he was the best penalty taker he has ever seen bar none and fully deserved his nickname. A great loss to the club.
  2. Jordan Milsom has stated today that the conditioning work is tailored to enable players to play a fifty to sixty game season. There are a few current squad members who would struggle to complete that many games and Graham is one of them. If he has picked up a new injury running or doing balancing work or if this is a recurrence of his previous knock, then he could be about to be deemed surplus to requirements. The scheduled scan stuff could also be diversionary, but until something is confirmed either way, I wouldn't draw any conclusions from the news that he has left the training camp.
  3. I said to my old man the other day that we are still four, possibly five players short. A 'unit' in the middle of the park, a winger, and two strikers. An extra back would be nice but I'd settle for four out of five. I seriously hope that of these areas, at least one would be filled by a signing of genuine quality the right side of thirty to get the juices flowing. I'm sure Stevie and his team are on the case and that they'll deliver what's required.
  4. Murdoch MacLennan would be the next bridge to suitably fall. I sincerely hope that there is a 'Mark Felt' at the SFA and the SPFL.
  5. Possibly Pete. Harper Macleod and Nolan Partners are bridges which will remain though.
  6. All this stuff re place-men is part of the reason I still have a beef with Murray. When he handed over the reins he left a power vacuum which that lot eagerly filled. They may have been conspiring in the background with strategic position filling, but when Martin Bain ceased to be in the corridors of power they pounced and immediately trained their sights on Campbell Ogilvie. It'll take some time to re-dress the balance and I look forward to the day when we are back on top in more ways than one, it can't come quickly enough.
  7. I've read the thread through and people make some good and valid points. FWIW here's my take: 1) This is an unedifying end to their Rangers careers, especially Wallace's. 2) Miller's time with them is consistently held against him. It colours people's view of him; possibly rightly so, depending on your viewpoint. This can impair one's judgement of his actions and digesting the rumours floating about. 3) Their reputations as leakers to the press and troublemakers within the dressing room are ramped up because the actions therein are seen to have contributed to the downfall of two managers. Whether this is deserved or not is unclear but who's to say that they haven't acted in the manner in which they did because they were disgusted by being in the midst of incompetence and working in an environment of promoted emotional security where players are mollycoddled and failure is overly tolerated. Don't forget, others within the current dressing room have had loose lips in the past. 4) Murty must've escalated disciplinary procedures because he himself didn't have the authority, vested or otherwise, to deal with the situation. You could argue that that situation is entirely the club's fault for allowing the potential for such a thing to arise in light of the extended interim manager fiasco. 5) The club has left itself wide open to accusations of ineptitude because it is damned if it publicly responds and damned if it doesn't. All avoidable if a permanent manager had been in place if you ask me. If Caixinha had survived the season, Wallace, Miller and Kranjčar wouldn't have; that is for sure. Can three experienced players be wrong about the suitability of a manager? Can two of those three be wrong about a youth coach drowning in the position of interim manager, especially in a high pressure environment? As it turns out, it looks as though the three players mentioned won't survive in any case despite Pedro's sacking. I have heard two versions of events and without claiming to be ITK by any stretch, one would appear to back the severity of the sanction whilst the other doesn't, up to a point. Regardless, the players nor the club come out of this very well and whilst discord within the workplace is common, there is an overwhelming feeling that none of this needed to happen.
  8. Agreed Buster. Derek isn't as daft as many people think. In many respects, when it comes solely down to football, he speaks a lot of sense. He's definitely become more credible since he ceased to be a Murray mouthpiece imo, and despite some having a pop at him for promoting the likes of Green, I reckon he's always taken the long view and recognised that despite his instincts telling him otherwise, he's had the wherewithal to see the bigger picture and how 'necessary evils' input into it. I hear what you are saying wrt a willingness on his part to be political. A brief would be a start if doesn't already take place. And without labouring the point, I reckon a little coaching wouldn't go amiss too.
  9. Not that I listen to Snyde, I would imagine that he possibly lets his exasperations get the better of him with regard to jousting with the likes of Sutton (not that he's, Sutton that is, Captain Mensa or anything). If Derek hasn't already undergone it, if I were employed at the club, I'd be looking to get him the best possible PR training that money can buy (within reason). Send Derek back to school and teach him how to think (i.e. pick up on semantics etc., when faced with these potentially hostile situations). This may be naïve thinking on my part, but I subscribe to the notion that it's never too late to teach an old (receptive) dog new tricks.
  10. Could Gary be about to get the heave because he's outlived his usefulness? Or have we queried his suitability? Regardless, there is a dirty war to be fought and it's high time to redress the balance.
  11. Is it Darther? A lack of journalistic rigour may just point to the overreach of certain organisations and 'clean-up' personnel, paid, coerced or otherwise. The parochial nature of this place never fails to deliver...
  12. This alleged complaint was allegedly raised two years ago. Yet, Mark Daly and his editors choose to sit on this for however long until the moment Torbett gets his day in court. The brazen nature of the BBC PQ agenda against Rangers and by extension its supporters, is as cynical as anything you are likely to see. It'll be interesting to see what, if any, response is forthcoming from the club.
  13. I'm not oblivious to the fact that phone calls offering chastisement may be made privately, but public dignified silence surely isn't the answer either. Running the risk of being accused of 'whataboutery' is small in comparison to the damage inflicted by the timing of the dissemination of this kind of stuff. It is high time that this nonsense was called out publicly if you ask me.
  14. I can only hope that Gerrard and McAllister don't underestimate Scottish football and sign overpriced mediocrity from England. I also hope that Andy Scoulding and his team have been using their passports in earnest. Now transfer silly season will really get into swing.
  15. Dornan doesn't think that Hun is sectarian presumably because other teams use the term? The sooner this miscreant is voted out of office the better.
  16. In some capacity didn't necessarily mean first team btw.
  17. Can Gary Mac convey the same depth of bluenose feeling to the players as Jimmy Nic? Call me sentimental, but I'd like to think that Jimmy could be retained at the club in some capacity.
  18. 36 year old midfielders? Surely not. P.S. Has Michael Gray been smoking crack?
  19. My question was semi-rhetorical FS. I read Alskoosher's comments earlier and scratched my chin wondering if he knew something that a relative layperson such as myself didn't.
  20. All this talk of nomads, isn't it the case under UK company law that a public limited company can issue shares publicly without a stock exchange listing? Is that not fundamental to raising capital but retaining control (albeit the number of possible shareholders is limited)?
  21. https://stv.tv/amp/1414365-dave-king-share-issue-to-provide-rangers-with-6m/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&__twitter_impression=true STV's report on King's briefing. One one hand, you could say that as ever, he is being guarded and economical with the truth. On the other, you'd be a mug for believing some of the stuff he said with regard to Gerrard and Allen not having done anything as yet.
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