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DevilBlue WeeThe

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Posts posted by DevilBlue WeeThe

  1. 1 hour ago, 26th of foot said:

    Why were BBC Scotland so anxious and so quick to bring those two back?

    I know it's a rhetorical question but I'm going to answer it anyway - their mutual dislike (I'm being polite when i say dislike) of a certain Scottish footballing institution by any chance? 


    That single attribute opens many doors at BBC Scotland and would appear to allow many to bypass the seemingly normal requirement for employment of actual talent / skill / impartiality.

  2. 10 hours ago, trublusince1982 said:

    With our support and players all we will ever play is a dying game.


    too focused on Celtic to build anything of note and too xenophobic to see European football has left us behind.

    What utter nonsense.


    We can't qualify for the Champions League if we can't beat Celtic (our biggest rivals all else aside) and you say what you did????????


    Xenophobic  - oh my......I've heard some claptrap as to why we are not very good any more but that's just taken the biscuit. 

  3. 2 hours ago, BEARGER said:

    Results doing us no favours today, not really surprised with their result Hibs would do everything we failed to do last week . Bit surprised that Killie are getting beat at home against Aberdeen. Tomorrow is a must win imo.

    Hibs strengthen their position and have the psychological boost of beating the league leaders. The green and grey rabble get their chance to rub our noses in it next week. Sheep win too. Pretty crap day all round!


    No team in Scotland fears us at all and we just do not have what it takes mentally or physically at the moment to boss a game. We will struggle to get points in all our remaining fixtures.


    I just want it over now so we can try to rebuild again.................


    I agree with Gonzo - I think we are looking at fourth. I would also be happy to sacrifice Europe for a better team, manager and some domestic success.



  4. 23 hours ago, Big Jaws said:


    There may be managers who's salaries are unaffordable at this time. There may also be managers whom would never work for our club under any circumstances. I however do not subscribe to the notion that the Rangers Football Club managers position is ANY less prestigious than it was before the companies running the Club found themselves in financial difficulties. To agree with that would be tantamount to agreement with the moon howlers that the Club is now a lesser club. It is not! It is exactly the same Club and institution that it has always been. 


    We disagree on this point and I'm perfectly comfortable disagreeing with you about it. Its a fundamental argument and I don't need you to be in agreement with me on any level whatsoever whether you are a Rangers supporter or not is irrelevant. I'm not questioning whom you support I'm questioning your assertion that the position of Rangers manager, or by association, that of any other position within Rangers Football Club is somehow considered lesser than it was or that it is somewhat toxic. Its an argument I find completely incredulous! 

    However they go about it, I just hope they get it right this time.


    I think there will be a fair few of the better managers who aren't unemployed who won't want the Ibrox job under current circumstances.


    I responded to Busters post above and you decided to interject into the conversation. A conversation that I and Buster were perfectly capable of resolving through reasonable discussion. I disagree with you and posed the question... What are you talking about? Since then you've told me how my reply was condescending and indeed wrong thinking.  


    So far you haven't explained to me why I am wrong thinking. So with that said... Please explain to me in what way Glasgow Rangers Football Club are no longer the same Glasgow Rangers Football Club as it was before the financial issues of 2012? If you cant explain this to me then you should retract your assertion and accept that WE ARE THE SAME CLUB WITH THE SAME HISTORY AND THE SAME PRESTIGE! I shouldn't need to remind anyone of this but the position of Rangers first team manager is extremely prestigious! Rangers have not now nor have they ever been an unattractive opportunity for any ambitious footballer/manager regardless of any financial issues or their reach today.  


    Again..... I'll reiterate asking another what they are talking about during discussion is neither condescending nor is it disrespectful its an attempt to clarify their point. In this case it was however quite obviously an enquiry fuelled by incredulity! What clearly passes you by is that your 'right on' opinion might have the opposite affect to that which you intended.


    Little apples will grow again!

    Knock yourself out buddy!! Apples , pears whatever you like..............


    You just don't get it do you? And you never will.

  5. Tom likes to give the impression he is "middle of the road", he is not.


    Occasionally he will say the odd thing slightly positive about Rangers. Usually on Twitter as to do so on BBC would be against policy there, so it would seem.


    File under Rangers hater pretending not to be.









  6. On 4/15/2018 at 20:52, Big Jaws said:

    There's obviously a disconnect or cross purpose here... what you seem to be saying is that you don't think that Rangers can attract a decent quality manager thats fine you should say that and say why you think that its allowed in debate.


    Equally I'm allowed to say without being accused of arrogance that Rangers Footaball Club are one of the biggest football clubs in the world, do you contest this, if you don't then explain to me why an ambitious manager wouldn't want to mange at such a club? Its not arrogance its logic!

    Outwith the Rangers family the job of Rangers manager is most certainly not currently as attractive as it once was. The state we are currently in clearly demonstrates this.  I did not say Rangers are not one of the biggest clubs in the world!!!!! I know we are but at this point in time we are an utter shambles, hence my point.


    The condescension in you saying "what are you talking about"  to a fellow Bear who is as equally entitled to an opinion as you are clearly passes you by doesn't it?


  7. 1 hour ago, Big Jaws said:
    1 hour ago, Big Jaws said:

    What are you talking about. Its Rangers of course its an attractive position to go for. If you don't think that it is then I've got no answer for you.


    I'm talking about our club - just the same as you are, so stop trying to shout me down or pretend you are a bigger fan than any other.


    I know what Rangers FC is all about, that's why i'm not having it when you ask - "What are you talking about" you arrogant so and so.


    Where is this great manager who can't resist then? 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Big Jaws said:

    Thats some attitude to have. It's Rangers we're talking about. Any manager who is ambitious should want to be the man.


    If you're a manager who is happy for example to stay at a provincial club like Aberdeen, Kilmarnock or Motherwell then a) You're a fan of that club, b) you are learning your trade and you feel its too early, c) you have no ambition d) you are a jobbing manager happy to take a wage without pressure. If a manager doesn't want to work at one of the worlds biggest clubs then they were never good enough in the first place and I wouldn't want them at the club.

    If we are as attractive a proposition as you are portraying why is it taking so long to appoint a manager of true quality? 


    Wishful thinking isn't going the get us anywhere.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

     No shape, no fight, no hope.  Worst of all, it’s not even surprising.

    That's the hardest thing to take - knowing we just aren't up to and we have little or no chance of victory.  I don't think our players or manager believe we an beat them.


    How on earth are we going to pick ourselves up for the remaining league games? A deep pessimism is setting in with me, I really can't see us making second any more. We are just too fragile.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bluedell said:

    Given the UB's recent "fuck you" to authority with their unauthorised march, and leaflets using the F word and images of violence, is it really any surprise when the authorities decide not to risk helping them when they have no idea what the outcome will be?


    The UBs should remember that there are consequences to their actions.

    Fair comment.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    So the two clubs who complain do so because they're having to visit Ibrox three times.  And we still have three away games and haven't complained.


    Scottish football is a load of crap.

    You might as well piss in the wind buddy - 


    Rangers = Bad

    Them and the rest = Good


    Go figure!!


  12. I guess the UB treasurer will have some questions to answer as to why thousands of pounds have been wasted. 


    Why on earth was money spent before approval was received?


    With anti-Rangers sentiment as rife as it is in Scotland why would  UB expect Hampden / SFA authorities be any different?






  13. 24 minutes ago, rbr said:

    You simply cannot be held to ransom by any player , have some fans learned nothing , I can't be bothered with this , pay them anything mentality .

    I agree but what I would say is that the player is taking advice from a greedy agent and it's more likely that the agent is the driving force when it comes to money.


    I wish players went with their heart rather just reaching for the highest pay packet their agent can get them. Players need to think for themselves. The agent is using them to feather his/her own nest nothing more nothing less. The player is just another commodity.


    How many decent prospects have left Rangers and sunk without trace?



  14. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Spiers is a born liar and a Rangers hater.  He sums up a lot of the Scottish sports press.  They'll find any way they can to twist the knife into Scotland's most successful club.


    Despite all that, we're still here and our crowds are magnificent regardless of our performances on the park.  That must really stick in their collective craw.  

    Spiers' obsession and loathing of all things Rangers seems to be a deep seated psychological issue with him. He just can't help himself and he cannot resist his urges to portray us in the worst possible light at every opportunity.  A psychiatrist somewhere / someday will open that door to his innermost demons. Good luck to the shrink!


    Until Spiers can come to terms with those demons he is best ignored.  He is a journalist of the worst kind, Scotland it would seem has an abundance of these. He will do whatever it takes, usually repetition of lowest common denominator, stale, old, rhetoric (Sinn Fein are also masters of this technique), just to get another payday from an "employer" only happy enough to publish his pathetic anti-Rangers diatribe.

  15. Ferguson speaks highly of  ex-Gers players / managers and has employed a few.


    I would never expect him to come out now and say he is a massive Rangers fan and always has been, he is not. So what?


    You are looking for something that is not there.

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