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Posts posted by colshy18

  1. Every Other team is an opponent to Rangers. We could end up gettin ure Chelsea, etc in Europe. So you obv wouldnt wear their top then. So why wear it any other time.


    thats impossible since chelsea are in the champions league;)


    the only real opponents to rangers are every team in the spl.


    anyone else can`t really be considered a real opponent since we never actually meet them unless it`s a blue moon.

  2. i'm a doorman colshy WTF you sayin!?


    sorry rino,


    did i not make myself clear enough?


    well, if you ARE a doorman then being a bit slow is excusable.


    i was saying, ALL doormen are big ugly blokes with wee dicks who are on a mission to batter all the skinny wee blokes they can find in front of their knobend mates who look on and laugh when they should be stopping the wee skinny guy from getting a kicking.


    i don`t let that happen and alays stick up for the wee skinny guy as its called `bullying`


    as gav said they are people who think they are an authority figure and in their one cell brain for mush think they are police doing a service to this country.


    i`ll admit i`ve had a few run ins with doormen.


    mostly just pushing and shoving, but once in my youth(22ish) i had one down actually kicking his teeth in before his mates burst in and split it up. obviously i never hung around because i didn`t want arrested but the reason the guy was on the floor being extracted of his teeth was because he thought he could `touch` the girl i was with and wouldn`t take a `fuck off` for a answer and thought he was above the law and untouchable. gobby wee shite like they all are.


    i am openely quite critical of any doormen anyway. i had a bad experience with one in london where i turned to grab the bouncer who was on top of my mate and his pal broke a fucking bottle over my head.


    the cunt thought he`d knock me out and was kind of shocked when i turned round and said `What the fuck d`you think yer dain" with blood pumping out of the top of my head.


    i had to go and get 4 stitches on the top of my head cause of that fucking cunt.


    anywhere else i`ve EVER been ALL bouncers have the same stinking attitude and are all itching for a fight.


    if they don`t like the look of you then you`ll never get in, even if your totally innocent, they don`t even ask you anything they just tell you to fuck off.


    total scumbags but i have to say i did enjoy booting one in the face as it did help me releave some of the built in tension i have of bouncers!:D

  3. Of course I would, everyone is there to support Rangers not Chelsea, Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool etc.


    absolute SHITE mate!


    i just know you would`ve said fuck all but the chance to have a pop at chelsea was too irresistable to you.


    read stewartys comment above, most sensible post on this thread yet!!!:admin:

  4. Nope, never met him. I told the guy I was meeting a mate in there who comes from Bermuda and his response was "where's that?" then ignored me.


    what a pure tit.


    i`m sure he`s just lost some custom then.


    but honestly, that was just being a prick. there was no need for it.


    he could`ve let you in for a sec to see craig so you could tell him and then you could`ve left.


    see doormen, i fucking hate them. there pure scum who think they`ve got a position of authority or something:flipa:

  5. But you're there to support Rangers not show your support for Chelski. How hard is that to get your nut round?


    As for the orange day at Hampden, that was organised by the fans, I can't remember fans organising a Chelsea day at Ibrox.


    I'm sure all the Chelsea top wearing folk at Ibrox have more clothes to choose from.


    what the fuck is the difference?


    chelsea and rangers are the smae colours.


    so, anyone who wears holland tops or france tops will be getting a cuff round the ear from you then?


    i better never see you at ibrox with an arsenal top after this pish!


    it doesn`t matter wtf you wear to be honest. it`s blue and it helps it`s the same colour as gers and maybe the guy is so poor he can`t affoard two tops and thinks if he wears a football top to the football it would be ok.


    i certainly don`t have a prob with it, unless it was septic or the sheep!

  6. Went to the club where I was meant to meet him and the bald prick at the door wouldn't let me, my dad and 4 guys in front of us in cause it was "too busy". Bollocks!


    Aye Craig, don't come back to another Rangers game, you jinxed it. ;):thup:


    so you didn`ae get to meet him then?


    how did you no explain to the geeza that you were meeting a guy who`s from in from bermuda? to be here?

  7. uch fuck off gav, i fuckin do it all the time.


    so, now your saying no one can wear anything else but their clubs colours? bullshit!!!


    what about the `orange` cup final? bet you never said fuck all about that.


    this thread is a total fucking joke btw and your making an arse of yourself talking about it.


    i`m not just saying it`s chelsea tops but everyone should be allowed to wear whatever the fuck they like within reason!:admin:

  8. this is absurd!


    rooney can`t even tackle now without getting a straight red!


    these fucking refs better sort it with him.


    he`s only a boy but they are clearly picking on him.


    i HATE man.utd but wayune rooney is an england international and i don`t want to see any player being picked on by refs for extra treatment.


    i`d normally be over the moon that he got a red and will miss three premiership games, but this situation has gotten out of control.


    the last red he had against carvalho stamping was NEVER a red card as he didn`t mean to do it.


    now the assholes have gone and done it again.


    wayne rooney is being picked on and it`s a travesty!

  9. Both West Brom and Birmingham have a large 'loyalist' following where Villa have always 'swung' to the 'republicans'....... And, a few years ago, we did have a rather nasty tare up with the villans...


    Cammy F


    well, you follow the hoollys closer than i so i`ll take yer word for it:thup:

  10. sorry guys, but i think we should be above this!


    Why should we be offended? Let us sit and ignore any such actions, and let the finger be pointed at the true provokers and bigots. By showing we are offended by a religious gesture does us NO favours in the current climate :(


    jim i don`t think we are offended.


    we`ve just made the point that it would make more sense to cross yourself off the park away from people because of the climate here.


    but, remember all the crap the press were hitting us with saying ` i wonder what rangers will do when such and such crosses himself`.


    well it happened and we didn`t care, so why then are WE being called the biggots?

  11. Doesn't matter if he gets away with it or not, it is the fact that he is even being investigated that is the point.


    You do have to agree with the charge if you believe in the Scottish Assemblies sectarian teachings - any form of religion is banned from football and that applies to the players (well, unless your name is Neil Lennon).


    This is great news for us, as soon as I see a Tim blessing themselves at an OF game, I will video them. send the video to McConnell, NBM, Strathclyde Police, UEFA and ask for Craptic to be punished accordingly.


    Cammy F


    if your going to do that then cammy then i suggest you keep your film pointed on them when they enter the pitch at the start of the game and when subs come on and off.


    your right, maybe this is a big turning point and maybe also it is a warning as to what happen to them if they carry on like this in the champions league.


    it`s great news but boruc is still a polish twat!

  12. strange lampard should persist on about this.


    yes i remember them shouting `you fat bastard` by his own fans at west ham, but it happens EVERYWHERE.


    the classic example for us is the whole of the copeland singing "ally, ally get tae fuck" after he missed a chance vs dundee? in the 80`s.


    he came back and had them adoring him!

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