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Posts posted by colinstein

  1. I think I'll wait for something official instead of listening to a cunt like Merlin.


    he's spouting what Irvine has told him. And Irvine has been told by Easdale....and Easdale's been told by the 20% shareholders block of Bluepitch and Margarita

  2. I agree but unfortunately I don't think it's that simple, if Foster has another mare I'd imagine Bilel would go straight back in and McGregor shifted to right back. I hope I'm wrong though and he can keep his place at CB.


    yes that's what will happen

  3. There was a piece on Mcgregor on the club site and it mentioned Mohsni would complete his suspension at Dumbarton, Zal injured so Mcgregor likely to remain at CB this weekend.


    he's put in a solid show so far..................apart from the goal that had them dancing on the streets in Raith.


    So lets hope McGregor shows Ally he's the man for the centre of defence

  4. But Easdale is understood to prefer an alternative funding deal from Newcastle owner Mike Ashley who recently offered the club a £10m emergency loan but demanded the club’s badges and trademarks in return.


    That was turned down by CEO Graham Wallace who is backing King’s men.


    This implies that Easdale wants rid of Wallace and prefers to hawk the remainder of our image rights to Ashley for a £10 million LOAN


    Surely there will be no section of our support that will back this !


    (I know Easdale's just doing what he's told !)

  5. You're probably right but I think we all have to realise (and it's difficult for some) is that neither King or the incumbents care what we think.


    King or Ashley or Green or SDM or Whyte will all do what benefits them. We can only hope that, for the most part at least, that coincides with the well-being of the club.


    I can't see how King will make money from the 'Gers. I think you do him a disservice by lumping him along with Ashley/ Green/ Bluepitch/Margarita.


    I see neither McMurdo or 3 names have been fed today.............I'm wondering if this might mean something good.s going down

  6. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/opinion/sport/keith-jackson-dave-king-jets-4467044



    Keith Jackson: Dave King jets in for crunch Rangers talks - but will his deal get past Mike Ashley

    Oct 20, 2014 07:44


    WITH King due to land at Ibrox for his latest power play today, KEITH looks at his bid for control and asks, how will Ashley respond?


    1 Share





    Paul Chappells/Daily RecordDave King leaves Ibrox with George Letham

    THE tail end of hurricane Gonzalo is set to wheeze and splutter its last breaths over Scotland at some point in the next 24 hours.


    In terms of sheer irony, it could not have timed its arrival any more aptly because Dave King will also touch down back on home soil today and when he does he too will be trying his best to whip up the perfect storm rather than fizzle out in a whimper.


    King left the country on Thursday, just 48 hours after walking back into 
the eye of the Ibrox power struggle but this was more of a respite than a 
full-scale retreat.


    On Tuesday he met with Graham Wallace and members of the Rangers board to outline the terms and conditions behind his offer of a £16million bailout and this morning he will be back looking for answers.


    This is King’s long-awaited big play. The beginning of the end game in his bid to thunder up the marble staircase and finally wrest back control of a club which he feels has been held hostage for the best part of three years.


    But so far this rescue mission has been a bit of a slow burner which is why King and his allies will, over the course of the next few days, attempt to light a fire under it.





    Quite simply, for King and his group, it is now or never because the next time he boards a long haul flight back to Johannesburg he’ll either have control of his club or he’ll be waving it goodbye. It is my understanding that negotiations have moved on over the weekend and that, although King did leave the country, he was holed up within a 
two-hour flight time of his home city.


    It was always his intention to return at the start of this week, just as last Tuesday’s meeting at Ibrox had been arranged many days in advance and diaried by Wallace, chairman 
David Somers and financial director Philip Nash. This is hardly being done on the hoof.


    Nor, for that matter, have any deadlines been set. The situation is too delicate and complex for intransigence and it has been further complicated by the passing last week of the mother of James and Sandy Easdale. The brothers will attend her funeral today and were not personally involved in any of last week’s talks.


    King, of course, was in attendance, flanked by another wealthy fan, George Letham, who is part of a group of high net worth Rangers supporters who, as a collective, are committed to matching King’s initial £8m cash injection pound for pound. They could not be any more serious or committed to turning Rangers around and repairing the damage which has been done to it.


    The thing is, it really shouldn’t be this difficult to give £16m away.





    Which is why the next few days will determine whether or not this consortium of the well intentioned will be able to get their hands on Rangers and to nurture it back to a state of health or if, indeed, they are wasting their time.


    The indications from inside the club are that King and his cohorts have been encouraged by the first round of negotiations which shouldn’t come as a great surprise given the scale of the financial crisis this club now faces.


    To that end, Wallace, Nash and a third director, Norman Crighton, appear to have reached consensus. They know they need money now or their business will go bust, very possibly before the end of next month.


    King’s group is offering them that cash for free but they have demanded a guarantee of a majority shareholding which would be delivered to them via a new issue of shares, probably before the end of this year. Of course they want control. They are hardly about to hand over their wedge to the very people who have allowed this crisis to develop.


    If Wallace, Nash and Crighton remain in agreement then this package will receive boardroom support, no matter what Somers or James Easdale may think of it. But the release of new shares will also need to be approved by 75 per cent of the club’s current shareholders. And that’s the tricky bit.


    The Easdale boys hold proxy votes over a combined 26 per cent including the infamous Blue Pitch Holdings and Margarita Holdings. Together, they can torpedo King and blown his plans out of the water and that’s without the added bulk of Mike Ashley who continues to cast a huge shadow over this entire fiasco.


    Who would you like to see run Rangers?

    Dave King

    Mike Ashley

    The fans

    So what is Ashley’s motivation in all of this? Well, the official line is he wants nothing more than to protect the retail deal which was gifted to him by Charles Green. And little wonder.


    In fact, Ashley has boasted to some of his associates that this hugely generous seven-year contract represents the best single deal of his entire business career. But, given that the more strips he sells the more blue pounds he coins in, surely it stands to reason that Ashley should want Rangers stabilised and its supporters – his customers – placated as quickly as possible?


    The fact he seems unwilling to even open dialogue with King suggests Ashley has something else in mind for this club. And that in turn makes a mockery of King’s back-of-a-taxi-cab claims to be ‘confident’ of getting his way. It’s difficult to make sense of his bullish remarks when the odds seem so heavily stacked against him.


    Because if King’s ransom is not accepted by Rangers then it is almost certain that Ashley will be the only possible saviour. By knocking 
King out, he makes himself the last man standing.


    And with Rangers just weeks away from falling over another financial cliff edge, Ashley can then name his price for the money which will be needed to haul it back from the brink at the eleventh hour.


    In other words, by stumping up a 
life-saving emergency loan of between £10m and £20m he is buying complete control of the club, without having to increase his 8.92 per cent shareholding and running into trouble with the SFA. For that money, Ashley can take from Rangers whatever he wants.


    Has the Ibrox saga sickened you - are you a fan who is staying away from Rangers matches?




    All of which puts the Newcastle owner in a far stronger position than King. The only fly in Ashley’s ointment is the backlash the club might then face from its supporters.


    While his track record at Newcastle suggests he doesn’t tend to bother himself with such tedious details, Ashley is smart enough to realise 
that this Rangers support is 
already dangerously close to a 
full-scale rebellion.


    As things stand between 10,000 and 15,000 are already regularly staying away from Ibrox and it is entirely possible that this number could double if King and his pals are seen to be ambushed by Ashley and the Easdale bloc.


    The consequences of a further disconnect 
with the customer base would be potentially catastrophic for a business which is already making heavy, unsustainable monthly losses.


    There were only 33,000 inside Ibrox on Saturday but if attendances dropped to around or below the 20,000 mark, would Ashley be prepared to keep funding the shortfall?


    No wonder that Wallace is so keen to find a more elegant, long-term solution as he has overseen this calamity without acting to fix it and now there really is no more time for his inactivity.


    One way or another, the answer to Rangers’ problems will be revealed within days. King and his supporters will hope it’s not another washout.

  7. I don't think Ashley wants to buy us at all. Who is going to ditch an EPL team for one in the SPL ? newcastle games will be sold to a far wider audience than we could get probably even the CL qualifiers we hope to reach.

    My gues is his alternative funding will be an interest free loan as long as he gets advertising at Ibrox and the rights to the badge

    Frankly if the Easdale front goes for this, it tells us what we know already.

  8. I was at the 3...2 game DJ's on about. As I remember , despite losing 2 goals to them, the general mood was positive. We were playing well and were convinced it would pay off in the second half. So when we won it was more or less expected.

    I can't remember any other game against them when we were down but were still convinced we'd win it.

    I'm surprised what Jock Wallace said to DJ

  9. And Stuart McCall and Jim Stewart are not? Strange you would leave out the two Rangers men in the coaching team.


    If anyone involved in the Scotland set up should be at Ibrox it should be Mark Wotte and especially Ricky Sbragia who is a world class coach.


    it's a team effort certainly

    I posted what Mark Wotte was saying about Lewis McLeod ages ago, and I put forward his philosophy of thinking footballers.

    Stuart McColl's done a brilliant job on a low budget.

    but wee Gordy ( and remember he's not celtic minded) and McGhee ( who is I think....)..have done a great job on that Scotland team

    get them signed Dave

  10. Mark McGhee who stated his anger and anguish at not getting the Celtic managers job at his Aberdeens managerial appointment press conference? Here fishy fishy. He is a failure and a horrible Rangers hating scum bag.


    As for appointing a former Celtic manager. Just lol.


    Crazy thread. It's a no from me, oh and another one, no.


    I remember Archie McPherson standing on the touchline with bananas at his feet. We'd signed Mark Walters shortly before

    Archie said he couldn't care whether any player was a one eyed hottentot

    he was right of course

    who cares if wee Gordy and Mcghee were one eyed hottentots

    they are doing the business

  11. Like the forum he infests, McMurdo is simply a mouthpiece for the Easdales and the people who pull their strings to keep the gravy train going. Looks to me like he's being fed from the same source as 3 names and they both show their thanks to the spinner.

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