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Everything posted by JMS

  1. Not the opinion I heard mate.
  2. Have watched Charlie from about 17 amd always thought he would make the grade, and hopefully he will, but I'm hoping he still is young enough to make the changes that will turn him into a first team pick, he will need to start soon though IMO.
  3. Two years ago the rst had their agm in the wrc before an aberdeen game TBB was brought up and does anyone remember what was the opinion given to the members, cause I do.
  4. I still have that partcular letter and he did not confirm the ban mate. He did say that I would recieve a copy of the written grounds if I contacted the club, so I duly did, in fact one of letters was sent to Carol Paton amongst others and I did not even recieve an ackowledgement from any of them, then of course we had all the rst stuff that basically said we were to drop it as it was gone. I did upon being cautioned on the PRW have a full and frank discussion with the police in Helen St about the subject and recieved an apology, and yes it was about TBB, I could go into it more but suffice to say I have always been of the opinion that their is an agenda against the support and all fingers point in the one direction.
  5. You and I both know how the system works and unfortunately we the punters are the losers. Whether it will, or would, stand up to scrutiny will depend on the various circumstances surrounding each case but bottom line is sadly we will be the losers as they will get their way.
  6. I was not doing it just for myself, I was also aware of said person who had seen it as I spoke to one of guys [NO names] personally after the meeting. I wrote to yoofa with the intention of being pro-active and with the gut feeling that it was just the start,and sadly I have been proved correct in this. Also one of the rst guys [NO names]was fully aware of what I was doing. I do feel that the more you care about something the more you will fight your corner, don't you mate.
  7. Being an Ex serviceman myself,also my father and grandfather[WW1], I am always proud of the guys who put themselves forward in defence of our country. My family will in 7yrs time celebrate 100yrs of Service Life. And when The Rangers show how it's done, it does not get any better, believe me. Still want murry TGTF though.
  8. The Billy Boys meant fukk all to you obviously, because if it did you would have done your digging then. I wrote to the "pope of rules" at yoofa at the time and recieved a reply from a Peter Limacher Head of Disciplinary Services. Oh and bytheway mate all the rst guys that I spoke to said the same thing, "They had not seen the document but had been assured that TBB was banned. And then it was spread all over the papers, funny that.
  9. JMS


    Just thought you would all like to hear of one our players and fellow Ranger, who is trying his best to further his career. http://www.skysports.com/football/match_report/0,19764,11065_3003710,00.html
  10. JMS


    Just not interesting to you mabye. But is of interest to the various Rangers supporters. And by that I mean them all.
  11. JMS


    Just thought you would all like to hear of one our players and fellow Ranger, who is trying his best to further his career. http://www.skysports.com/football/match_report/0,19764,11065_3003710,00.html
  12. Some good photo's there pete, as you say it looks some height up. Cheers for that.
  13. I did not say that.
  14. Remind me again what we are discussing mate. What the point is, if we lost all our Traditions, Culture, History etc which is at the crux of the matter here, I believe it will seriously impact on Rangers. You only need to walk into Ibrox on match days now, it's like a morgue.
  15. Oh I made add, unless what you are refering to is censorship. If so delete my account.
  16. That was because you spoke directly to me. Also it was debating the thread, if you don't want to take part don't.
  17. I'm sure your a big boy so if I thought that I had a problem with your good self I'm sure we could resolve it.
  18. Do it but don't expect me to mate. That is my choice.
  19. Is this a forum ? Do I put my hand up to speak ? If so you can fukk off.
  20. RI don't know where to start mark, here is me just an Irish roman catholic for a grandfather, [on my father's side], just as well for his sake he joined Lodge Shamrock and Thistle then eh! As you have tended to dodge the question I was asking and in doing so have been ignorant of all the Wars that have gone before, I will ask again, How do we express our rivalry in your future ? Did you go to history classes when you were at school?
  21. You are trying to imply that he puts his own money into Rangers and I would dispute that. I will not remove 'another' as you were the one who put it their in the first place.
  22. Could I ask how you came to support Rangers, as I think the opposite and both us and the other mob would lose support and everything about both us and them would be diluted...... Could I also ask what would be the best way to express the rivalry that exists between the two supports in the future, presuming that we won't say boo to a cat?
  23. If he dropped "Another 20 MILLION" please explain.
  24. It will only used as a carrot for a prospective buyer, as the cupboard is bare and there ain't nowt to entice them with.
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