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Everything posted by JMS

  1. Gow came on after 70mins tonight. He has moved into a house as he has a dog and couldn't stay in the hotel they booked for him. He was carrying a injury on saturday and wasn't risked. Personally I wish him all the best as he's a good man.
  2. The day we have a debate at the agm will be a day, we can hardly ask a question.
  3. It is absolutely astounding how we always seem to be in debt in comparison to the mutants over on the dark side recently. After they were pumped by Artmedia their balance sheet has been all rosie and it hasn't affected their buying power.
  4. Anybody heard anything about a protest at the bbc studios, something to do with their reporting on all things Rangers ?
  5. JMS

    Alan Lowing

    I think it's more of, he does not bring youth's through the system and get them to play in the first team, remember barry ma baw.
  6. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    You shure yure no a detektiv pal?
  7. That asswipe robson thinks he can get away with anything he wants.
  8. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    He is not a 3rd party. And I would never betray a confidence. Thank you for being so tolerant of myself.
  9. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    The problem with naming names is it can be denied anyway. If someone says that is the way it is then you either believe it or not, even with rules on the forum you cannot make allegations that will result in legal issues. And as always there are two sides to every story.
  10. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    I ken what your saying mate, but I have not heard anything from anybody, if that makes sense. I do not lie, I have no reason to and if no one believes then it's not a problem. My reason for joining in on the thread is personal.
  11. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    You really want me to say on a public forum ?
  12. Excellent post mate, enjoyed reading it.
  13. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    1. Well he was not offered the same money mate and you either believe me or not. 2.Yes he is, or are you disregarding the contract that both parties signed.
  14. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    And so would he. He was told that he was always in his [wattie] plans and would you believe coisty had a dig at him as well, seems as though you're not entitled to be your own man, and I remember a striker who wouldn't take the hint when supermo was first choice.
  15. JMS


    Do you notice that even though he does lead at times with his elbows he doesn't give away free kicks whenever the ball gets lumped up to him, unlike boyd.
  16. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    From somewhere near to the player. I will not be saying on a public forum if you don't mind mate.
  17. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    These are factual accounts of what has happened to the guy.
  18. JMS

    Gow Rejects Move

    First of all he was not offered the same money from burnley, he is entitled to a portion of the money from the contract that both he and Rangers signed. He was told by the tangoman he was getting fvkk all. Wattie speaks to him with forked tongue. He does not drink nor smoke, eats right and trains well and that was one of the reasons why wattie signed him. His previous managers would all take him back in a minute. He has only asked that he gets a chance, but does now realise that is not going to happen. He will not be shunted off to some club that wattie or tangoman decide he should go to. He is a home bird, and he is entitled to his opinion and rights the same as the rest of us.
  19. I think he said we played better football and in europe we did. Consistency and stringiing wins together take time and that was not given to PLG. He did say that he had a three year plan.
  20. Agree with that comment, still think of what might have been. Then again when you look at the amount of players that have came through our youth system and you think the same thing.
  21. Well I'm obviously the odd one out here. I hate the wee badge thumping **** bassa. But love the fact the gers humped the tattie munchers. And I'm still in party mode
  22. My opinion is to get all the facts out in the open and let us all decide.
  23. I did not realise it was an extra to take the wind out of the sails, it was not my intention.
  24. Sorry mate do not select part's of my individual posts and try to put them in the wrong context. I do not assume that I am right in anything I only believe that I want the best for Rangers if that upsets some people so be it. You may believe that I am wrong in what I say, you are allowed to do so, it does not mean you are right either.
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