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Everything posted by JMS

  1. Without attacking or belittling you, I work for a living as well [i'm on night shift], I do give a different opinion, which is up for debate, if someone does disagree with me it is okay, but I may not agree with that but it is debate.
  2. No mate I only want to get the best for Rangers nothing to do with me at all, I hate what has happened to us after uefa and when I go to my seat and you can hear a friggin pin drop it does my head in.
  3. I have never said that everyone has to be an expert on debating. You havin a laff: You seem to get worked up awful easily for someone who wants to debate. Usually in a debate people have opposing opinions. You have never seen me "worked up" as you call it so please do not insult me.
  4. Okay ma man tell me why you you can be sure HE doesn't see it that way, you his pal? Take away the rabble of protesters, WHY? is the whole club on the line. Do you actually know how much money has come out of his [sdm] pocket, and I mean cash not paper money.
  5. Do not be disrespectful mate, just because I want to see change for the better at Ibrox it still does not mean I have follow the mantra, I do agree with a lot of posters on here only I don't always feel the need to say. And I want to win this season's League and fvkk it into these *******s, same as you.
  6. To you ramblings, c'mon pal wtf is that all about. 1 week in 20 years, you obviously sleep a lot. The internet is a busy place don'tcha know.
  7. You've lost me mate. You agree that a protester is only self promoting or is a peson who would seek change to help his club, [ in his opinion]. ?
  8. Which brings us back to what I did say, it does not make them egotistical, only trying to do what they think is best for their club.
  9. That is not the way I read your post, anyway look forward to your next post mate.
  10. Mark , I cannot speak for every protester but I think they only want the best for their club. I was not party to the kid on crap that was supposed to happen on saturday. I do want The Rangers to always be The No1 Club in scotland.
  11. 1st point. Why do you think that a protester is only protesting for the sake of his ego ? 2nd point. Yes we are all entitled to our opinion. 3rd point. If that's the best you can come up with, you're not very good are you.
  12. I don't think it is all in vain, if he was to put all the pieces together he would be able to sell for a reasonable price and then he would be able to pick and choose, and as a rangers man he would want to sell to the right people, and in a house selling analogy if you don't create interest you don't sell, and you don't make money.
  13. He only needs to tell the mhedia he does not want to talk about it. It works for other manager's/CEO'S. If he does talk about it, as maineflyer says he only needs to ackowledge that he got it wrong.
  14. I may doing you a disservice mate but I don't think this guy is any better than the previous. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mattias_Bj%C3%A4rsmyr http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Svensson
  15. Unfortunately, assumptions are not facts so may fall down in the final analysis but you can only try mate. And I have always wondered whether sdm is the goodie or the bad guy.
  16. You have my backing on that one it is someting that I've been speaking of for a long time would be a really great article guys all the best with it if you do it.
  17. Where in all of this debate does the too many people with big mouths and even bigger ego's come into it ? Do you think for one minute that the people who disagree and have a different opinion to yourself are somehow suddenly egotists? If you don't want debate, don't come onto a message board, simple as.
  18. JMS

    a fresh start ?

    As long as we score more goals than the opposition we will win the league and shut they scummy beggers in the other side of glasgow up. C'mon the Ger's
  19. If that was true then it would be a no brainer. What I will say though is, are you happy with the product, do you get value for money, and do we make more money when it is out to tender.?
  20. The breakdown of the 18m. Thanks for your help anyway as frankie has sorted it out.
  21. Mate, it should not be up for tender. It is our's and not for someone else to make money for themselves, all of that money is from the Rangers Fans for the Rangers, and the people in charge should be paid a wage that is all.
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