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Posts posted by bluepool

  1. Not trying to disagree strongly with the above comments, but I want to just add 2 things - 1, Smith is old, we all know how our older relatives can blow experiences with the internet out of proportion, i.e. their internet world revolves around the few sites they browse, and they don't have as broad a perspective as people only 10 years younger.

    2, There are still more than a few fan sites and youtube videos with what I hope anyone affected by basic Judeo-Christian morality would call 'bile.' Yes, there's a lot of bigotted Celtic material out there too. But Billy Boys lyrics, etc., aren't doing us favors in the PR department.


    Let me just reiterate that I'm not saying Smith is right with that statement, or that we're really all bigots or something because we're on Rangers forums, I'm just saying I can see how someone his age could come out with a perspective (or loss of perspective) like this.


    That said, well done to the 92 or so percent of supporters whose posts, posted files, and webspace does justice to our club.



  2. Ah, yeah. From what I can tell it's just 2 - Northern Spirit FC, somewhere near Sydney, and one of the two Shanghai clubs (United & Shenshua), which have recently merged. Spirit folded and at some point Rangers quit their involvement with the Shanghai club, whichever it was.


    Please set up a developmental side in the States!

  3. Hey,


    Anyone know the names of clubs rangers has partnered with in some way, or clubs set up by rangers for player development (as feeder clubs)?


    Also, anyone know of rangers supporters in _good_ bands? (I mean, travis & Wet Wet Wet are alright, but I always hoped one of the Stone Roses was a bear, for instance, what with their UJ / Red White & Blue art motifs.)


    Probably asking stupid questions as usual


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