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Everything posted by Malangsob

  1. Oh Lawd...the Brown Hornet is on the pitch! It's all over now Sparta!
  2. Alright! Let's make dreams happen Rangers! Big half!
  3. That look your dad gives you when you fart in the church pew.
  4. We have no LB. The carnival barker, in all his wisdom, decided to omit Minivan from the European roster. Sparta are hotter than Georgia asphalt right now. Gonna be a tough one. See what Phil has up his sleeve.
  5. Why would anyone want back on that short bus? Different strokes. Don't forget your hockey helmet.
  6. Yeap....Sterling me thinks? I don't think clement wants to try 3 at the back with these guys.
  7. It's too early in the Clement regime to count on any serious positive tactical effects. I think the team may start up beat but they will revert to the norm. It will be a true coup if we draw. Ain't nothin to it but to do it though!
  8. Instead of being angry about those who break the rules why are you not questioning them? The only thing improved by such silly 'speech' rules is the power of government. I hope you realize that these things are not created to protect you. They are created to trap you.
  9. The laws are as amorphous as the slogans that promote them. It's all intentional. 'Racism'. Since we are all the human race WTF does that mean? Operant conditioning for the plebian classes. There has to be someone, somewhere who comes up with this garbage just laughing their ass off. I know I would be.
  10. 4-0 still dont change my opinion on Lammers and Dessers. HOWEVER…what a nice result from the team. Hopefully by the time the new manager bounce eases his system will have set in.
  11. Good half overall. Lammers was still pretty bad. Dessers was a ghost for most of the half. Sima looked good.
  12. This guy has been a round the block a couple times. I hope he contributes some good stuff.
  13. Sorry. Years of NOTAMs. Just be glad it's not all caps Probably get the boot for that.
  14. The first step on hopefully a long, successful journey. I want to see Clement's tactical dynamism. Can he, even at this earliest stage, successfully change in-game tactics for the better? He mentioned that he noticed that negative aspect of team play while watching tape. The apparent inability of Beale to get that done. Which is true. I want to see what he can do.
  15. Damn hard charger. What are his other options? Play himself? By that metric literally every player on the roster has 'let us down'...or have not been 'good enough'. You gotta play the hand you are dealt.
  16. I watched Phil's presser. Seems like he understands the CF that he has walked into. One big vibe I am getting is that he is a football guy who has zero interest in the "Glasgow Fishbowl" drama...BS. None of those same worn out phrases. He gives off an impassionate 'doctor' vibe. Which normally would make him a bit...blah. However, since the experience with the carnival barker, it is a welcome change. He is a professional manager, directing another team, in another league. Let's see.
  17. Or a novel perhaps? Something like. "Right, muh finkins about foobaw an aw dat." By Todd Cantwell. I'd pick up a copy.
  18. Beautiful English. Speaks it better than most Arkansans.
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