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Everything posted by Malangsob

  1. I see the aneurisms have arrived before schedule. What did y'all expect? We are essentially playin without a manager. I was hopin for a draw but these other guys get paid too. Come on now...
  2. Slower than Hagi with the technical ability of Umar Sadiq.
  3. These guys can ball. They gave SP a run for their money.
  4. Nope and my sample size is also small. e.g. Aris. But recognizing the general crap of one side (RB) does not automatically make their opponent a juggernaut (SP). They just have to be slightly less crap on the day. They seem less crap IMHO. We shall see!
  5. Yeah, and we went to a Europa final in the last 3 or 4 years. I know what I saw when they played us...mierda. Till i see something different...
  6. What? Someone handin someone else an ass whoopin? Happens all the time. I just think this Bettis side are absolute garbage. They made our side look competent and controlled in the second half of our game...that's a task.
  7. Keep it simple, work for at least a point away in Europe. No shame in that, though a win would be great. If they can hand the baton to the next guy with at least four points in the table, that would be a good thing. I think SP are gonna hand RB their ass, so four points would set us up nicely.
  8. Hmmm...something in sales. FOREX? Mexican Timeshares? Monorails?
  9. I don't know anything about most of them. I know Lampard sucks. As much as I hate the Australian accent, I will go with Muscat. The Clement guy's record looks good as well.
  10. I can't believe Lampard is considered a serious option. He is really bad.
  11. October 21. I hope the board just have the blinders and the patience make the correct call. Cause if this repeats next season it’s gonna get real ugly. Like scum support ugly I feel.
  12. No I am not. I am not questioning their dedication but their impatience on most matters. The board have respected the wishes of the the mass. Now that they have had that wish granted what are they willing to endure to attract a seriously viable candidate? A process that could take some time. A month? More? Especially if Davis and Rae cannot affect positive change. I say veins start poppin after a possibly unfavorable Cyprus match. I give it a week till they start sparkin them torches. As for me, I appreciate quality. I can wait till whenever.
  13. Well intentioned but a genuinely terrible piece of art. Reminds of that gag played on Beckham while at LA Galaxy...except this is no gag.
  14. Now that the team have chosen the interim duo of Davis and Rae, I have a question? How long do the fans give the board to find a new manager? Say Davis and Rae get in there and lose to that Cypriot side and then SM. Then the break comes and goes...and no new manager? No viable candidates, only a repeat of what we have gone with...yearling managers and some coaches looking to make the jump. How long can Rangers fans endure losing to get what they want?
  15. You can't coach speed. That's why Hagi's ass is down in Spain. I think it's been more about his touch and final product. Both of which have been heavy, off. I mean, let's face it, that dude ain't ever been 'fast' but has managed to score in the past. I think a new staff, maybe some new angles and he will hit a stretch. He is due.
  16. A breadth of experience demonstrating a consistent record of success. Meaning, wherever he goes he improves the squad and leaves it better than when he got there. Commensurate to that should be; Experience employing a myriad of tactics and strategies...mentally agile. The ability to assess, analyze and employ available talent within his tactical system...problem solver A leader with the ability to communicate and train a system(s) in a manner that enables quick uptake...teacher. This will promote tactical cohesion leading directly to unit buy in...leadership GVB, and Beale did not have those things. They were yearlings who did not know who they were as managers. GVB was a shit communicator....ummmmm ahhhhhhh ummmmm ahhhhhhhhhh...with the personality of an IT manager...nobody is gonna follow that guy. Beale was a rudderless yapper/carpet bagger...zero respect from men with those types. Effective leaders, not managers, can achieve great things. Gerrard may not have been the greatest tactician but than man can lead. Men want to be lead.
  17. Well they are probably happy the club finally realized they had mistakenly hired a used car salesman as manager. I would be popping corks and praying the next guy has a clue.
  18. I think Dessers should definitely be given the benefit of doubt. See what the interim guys can do and then the next manager. We paid a lot of mullah for this guy...there has to be a way.
  19. Jesse Marsch? He is like Beale on steroids. Yap Yap Yap Yap...and as full of shit as a Thanksgiving turkey. The rest...Lampard was at Everton...wouldn't know the rest if we were locked in an elevator together. Good...it will all be new to me.
  20. Ain't that the truth about LA. Sterling is bad. All jokes aside, I wonder about his health because he looks, and plays like a reanimated corpse.
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