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Everything posted by Malangsob

  1. Rangers are back...it's 0600...i have a slight hangover...gonna go see them hogs today...normalcy restored. Thank ya Jesus!
  2. I seriously don't think Potter would be interested at this time since he is still being paid by Chelsea. At least that is what I heard about the guy. If true, would you cancel out that kinda scratch to come up to Planet Glasgow?
  3. Would make sense given his excellent money management over the years.
  4. Nice... Michael Beale Loyal Por Vida!
  5. Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. Matthew 8:26 Il Duce! Today the league...tomorrow...Europe!
  6. Onward and upward Michael Beale. He is gonna turn it around.
  7. . Wait...I have seen this guy somewhere before... Imagine the first team meeting...
  8. For real. IDK about Scotland but watching the USMNT cures insomnia. I have tried, could not give a crap.
  9. Even if it means starting in league two. Abso 'bleeping' lutely. This might piss off a few kids in the class. Just keepin it real. The fear... The knowledge that we will no longer be a big fish in a small pond...just another fish. Battles for league supremacy will be uncertain, perhaps not even a possibility. Kiss European qualification goodbye for quite a few years...if lucky. We will just be, average, for a while. Maybe even bad. The whole 'most successful team in the world' moniker may ring a bit hollow as we are forced to truly fight for survival for the first time. Identity Identity Identity... Our duopolistic cartel would be dissolved and a HUGE part of our identity with it. Thus there will be a gaping hole left in the visage that took over a century and a half to create. As much as no one likes to admit it we are intrinsically tied in identity, culture, and image to them...our arch nemesis...the scum. A bit redundant to be a pro-crown, UJ waving 'Loyalist' club...in England. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but the whole point of that image is in antithesis to a broader, rebel Scotland. Missing the Pain... Finally, as much as everyone loves to complain about the SPL, refs, the press...THEM and their meddling, they love it. Deep down they love the Hell out of the consistent BS. Call it abused spouse syndrome, but like many abused spouses, it has become, partially, who we are. Doubt me? The financial collapse of the club over a decade ago...Allies? Proponents? Support? Votes for clemency? Nearly every substantial club and fanbase in the country wanted us destroyed, leveled, and deleted from existence...'SMACK!' A political, financial and legal frog stomp from an entire footballing nation...'SMACK'! Kicked out in the rain with a handful of lint and pair of Irish sunglasses. But what do I know...I am just that cousin in America telling you to pack your bags, for your own good.
  10. I think half of these guy hurt themselves flopping to the ground like toddlers.
  11. Bingo Bongo. I would like to introduce Borna's latest 'injury' to the court as evidence.
  12. Professional perception. There is little enticing about this club for managerial candidates. It is a career landmine. It is viewed as a tinpot league with a feudalistic hierarchical structure. Transfer budgets are miniscule. The fanbase is viewed as unyielding, overly demanding and often schizophrenic. Will there be Europe? Yes, but refer back to miniscule budget. Sacking Beale four games into a 'rebuilding' campaign will only solidify that perception in the professional community. Whether we like it or not, Beale should remain until his year mark. In the interim, the club should be actively searching for VIABLE candidates. Withstanding a complete collapse...of course. However, the club need time to show they have both given it, and to find someone who is willing to sign. Cause this club is like wrestlin a porcupine. Even if you win, you still look like you lost.
  13. Landon Donovan? Greatest ever…pfft… I think not! 😁
  14. You can say what you want but Rangers will miss him. We were poor overall on the field against them. We were barren up that left side. That makes us so much easier to deal with.
  15. He has a breadth of experience and track record of success (varying) across multiple levels and leagues. As i stated I dont know his career in detail. But we can all agree this would not be his first hoedown. We have a fanbase that demands success at all levels. Yet we are limited. Agile leadership, acquired through experience may help.
  16. Solid. I think Rangers have been playing fast and loose with young, experimental managers. Granted, GVB had a reasonably successful, but limited resume when we hired him. However he proved not to possess the malleability required to manage a team like Rangers. We are truly a team of two worlds. Our ‘low block…trog’ domestic league v. a modern European game present two distinct scenarios which must be planned. IMHO this team require a manager with the experience to navigate both. Experience being the key identifier. I dont know Potter from pottery but he appears (prima facie) to fit the type required.
  17. I didn't see anything wrong with the hit. Shoulder to shoulder both goin for the ball. Buuuuut...give it some time and that will be illegal as well...soft.
  18. He should stay. He should stay because firing a manager four league games into a season, might look at bit 'knee jerk'. Beale has lost the support. Teams exist for the purpose of entertaining their support. This may hurt team options for a seriously viable replacement. The club should be actively looking at options.
  19. I think Mike is so afraid of messing up he is messing up in the process. Militaries are packed solid with those types. Spent my life around them. Yappin assed 'leaders' who micromanage their way out the door. Doing everything because they don't want anything to go wrong. Unfortunately it is the worst type of leadership. Mike was straight down that tunnel on Sunday leaving his team to sustain the abuse of the remaining fans in the stands. That's not a good sign...not the type of leader your organization wants. First on, last out. If he wants to live on at Ibrox he needs to ask for help.
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