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Everything posted by Malangsob

  1. Beale needs two immediate things. Stop micromanaging. 1-He needs get help in the way of management level staffing to take some of the personnel load off of him. Yes, I know the transfer season has completed. However, I am positive that much of his focus is not directly related to tactics, training, and winning. -Boots on the ground--balls in the goal. Shit or get off the pot. 2-He needs to pick a consistent, starting 11, and STICK with them. He coached a Hell of a lot better with someone elses team last year. Why? Anyone askin that in the organization? Mike should probably be askin that himself. I will tell you why..."not completely my fault." He has lost the fans, and unless he drastically turns that around he will be coaching at another level. Probably similar to that gulag in Turkey he tried to send Wright to. So unclench them cheeks Mike, lock and load...get'r done.
  2. What an abomination to football this team is. This scum side are absolute dogshit and we are struggling.
  3. Ahh nothin to do with him. Im talkin about family. They just lived rougher back in the day. Imagine goin up to your 55 year old granddad back in the day and askin him about his annual check uo ”They wanna put a camera where?!” My granny was married at 14, had her first baby at 15, went through three husbands, had six kids, outlived one, smoked and dipped tobacco for 65 years and lived to 83. Most of the kids today don't leave their parents basement till they're 30.
  4. Oh it did. I remember grand parents talkin about gettin dentures when they were in their late forties. Seeing pictures of relatives in the 60’s and 70’s who were at my current age lookin like ten pound smashed ass. Honky tonkin, chain smokin, drinkin Schlitz and bad diets will put them years on ya.
  5. Hows about a pic of the SPL champions cup and below it;
  6. After watching the Evertoonians today ‘Fight’ to a draw against a criminally horrid Blades side, relegation is almost certain,
  7. Butland no doubt. I think Danilo will come good. Dessers and Lammers could find some success as well. Sima will make some wonder shots as a bench player. He strikes me as a power hitter who will struggle for average. To steal a baseball term.
  8. Confident is not a word I would choose right now. However I will pass that off to recency bias. Having stated that we need to make it out of this group.
  9. Get out of the group or Europe a failure this year? Me thinks. Hopefully the team do well.
  10. Goldson needs to stay in until we get a suitable sub. That guy Davies aint the answer. We only have Sterling as far as I know to fill in at FB. Can Balogun play LB? I know one thing for certain we better win that damned game. They are as primed for an ass beatin as they have been in a while. Beale needs to TCB. Ima bout sick of the 2nd place shit.
  11. And where do you see the negative? Your inability to differentiate Honest critique from your own dour negativity? Did I not exercise effective group think? Was my timing off for honest reveal? Mental.
  12. Sorry, not a Scot. I refuse to piss my pants crying over a bad result. Positive thinking is the only way forward.
  13. Hell yeah! Still in Europe after that rectal dilation. Still the opportunity to make money. Still the opportunity to get the Rangers brand out there to the mass. BESIDES. I have stated on here multiple times that we are a Europa level side. I think we showed that this evening…
  14. Well it took em four halves but they finally laid the wood to us. Europa here we come!
  15. Should have started DaSilva. Dessers is MIA again.
  16. They are due some mistakes. Given their talent, PSV are very inconsistent. I fully expect some opportunities to fall our way 2H. CanRangers capitalize?
  17. I have been on these Rangers boards (here and other less mentally stable locations)for a minute and have yet to see a 'favorable' ref roster. What would one look like? Are there any names where supporters would be like..."yeah he is not bad...fair guy." I have yet to see that response. What names would an ideal roster consist of? I think the Dallas guy is ok.
  18. Yeah they do alot of yappin. Never seen a team talk so much shit given the history of the matchup. I hope we stomp mudhole in em. Come on Rangers!
  19. Fulham v TotHS…Fulham a proper English club who respect American players. Come on Cottagers.
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