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Everything posted by Malangsob

  1. Hell yes! Even if you factor sunk cost we would still probably turn a profit.
  2. That's a lot of scratch at our level for a guy with little to no sell on. I hope this cat works out. I really do. Like I said though, I don't blame the team. These markets are insane.
  3. We shall see. I can't hate on the club. They are doing everything they can, but this market man. This guy is a 1.8-2M player...4.3...woof. The entire transfer market has turned into Saks Fifth Ave.
  4. Just make the fourth kit a rainbow, hire a 'trans woman' coach, and throw up some black power murals. They will be giving us players in fifteen minutes.
  5. Not sure... Wonder what the overhead on labor is for a 15 year old Indonesian pulling 12 hours shifts in a tax free zone? How many kits can a stitch girl stitch if a stitch girl can stitch good? 50, 100/day? that was from about a decade ago. Factor for inflation Per month. Nike has them timed down to the second as well. Somebody makin some money.
  6. Good for her. Plus, fresh baked goods for the team. Win Win I say!
  7. I played D-line and LB in HS (American FB) I had these ugly high top things. I think they were Nike? I remember the coach telling me that I wouldn't get a high ankle sprain in them. He was right...separated shoulder, clicking knee, a couple good concussions...sure...no sprained ankles though! Thanks Coach Chapman!
  8. Bolshevik Broadcasting at it again. Yes comrades the issue has been addressed. https://imotana.com/
  9. Ask Mossad...I am sure they know.
  10. Yeap...right off the Lady Ghislaine...named after his now very famous, and also Mossad daughter.
  11. It is, the oldest form of, but in a completely different sense. There is nothing intimate as this is essentially untraceable. Nothing is given nor expected here...phone numbers (registration), name, town, life, personal photos. As opposed to Twitter, Facebook etc. where you are encouraged to create virtual community. Message boards are intentionally anonymous mediums.
  12. Not if you have a team full of new guys who are just beginning to gel. Playing a game that matters, for points, and getting a good result will go a long way.
  13. I want a nice easy 'tune up' before the team get to CL qualifying. Killie, Dundee..one of those clown cars. Get morale up, locker room pumped, cohesion.
  14. I think it involves dopamine. Or so I have been told. I don't do social media because I don't get that dopamine rush. I just wanna whoop someone's ass.
  15. BUT... if this guy can manage to give us a few healthy months then hopefully it will be a net positive. Not confident though.
  16. The markets have become ridiculous. The valuations are absurd. You either need a corporation, an amazing TV deal, or a crazy rich Asian to compete. This is just frustrating.
  17. By the time it is said and done I think Everton will occupy at least one solid case study in an MBA course. They are going to be one hell of a good deal in a year or two.
  18. I agree with his statement. Have you seen our league? I think they play soccer too...not sure? MLS is what happens when band geeks, and freaks become supporters.
  19. Yeah bro. Totally sanitized, risk, and controversy averse. I don't think I will ever get used to it. I grew up watching American sports, obviously. If a player was injured in the first half, inning, period, you pretty much knew by game end what the injury was. The next day you would know the exact injury and how long he would be out. You could damned near set your watch to it as well. It wasn't just filler, it was quality stuff. I mean we are talking down to the degree of a shoulder separation, high ankle sprain, strain, tear...treatments. Same with contracts, salaries...free agency...the whole nine. Do we NEED to know that? No, but it helps to gauge in the mind where your team are sitting. Just a little? UK sports are an information void, save for a few amorphous terms thrown around with little thought...'Loan...knock...agreed to terms.' Unless of course a player says a 'meany word' or something salacious. Then the press and opposing fans are shrieking like seagulls chasing a trawler. Every detail breathed over like a SCOTUS case. Don't get me wrong I love the sport. It is the most addicting thing imaginable but the information quality is putrid. Definitely a lord and serf relationship. Rant over as well.
  20. Details help to clarify things. That goes for injuries too. If I hear the word 'knock' one more time I'm gonna strangle a kitten. Everything is so unnecessarily cryptic.
  21. Or we could have acquired other talent that would have been a year forward by now? The more I read and hear about this it appears there may have been some type of contract dispute in the end between RFC and BM. It appears they just threw some cash at, and Rangers accepted in lieu of… I find this a highly likely scenario as we seem to employ Lionel Hutz as counsel. Either way…. It is done. Better days ahead. Thanks bud.
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