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Everything posted by Malangsob

  1. Malangsob


    Hopefully I Interpreted what Rousseau was stated correctly. It appears that one of the weaknesses of this non-traditional, 'fullback as a winger' system is the increased movement forward of those fullbacks. This movement out of their defensive position would seem to put a greater stress on the CB's to compensate. Which kinda explains a more mobile player like Davies...kinda. I think people are looking past our weakness there, and placing a lot of the blame on Tav. The man isn't The Flash, he can't be both places at the same time. I would honestly like to a see a Rangers squad where Tav is supported by TWO...not Goldson, and some adequate partner...TWO quality CB's. What was our record when a fully fit Helander was on the pitch? If Ever? I would not be surprised if our first big signing in the off season would be a +4M CB. Besides, Goldson is starting to show the wear.
  2. Kinda like this? Oh...but that is different because they are not 'Officials'. We all know that when someone is bestowed with the title of 'official' they are beyond the criticism of the rabble. Save the BS...thanks. Are ya really...astonished?
  3. Well, one thing we know will never change, regardless of result. Wes will still hold himself in the highest esteem. Wes loves him some Wes.
  4. I'd give old Larry Shankland a shot. The guy has a nose for the goal. It would have to be at a damned good price though. Probably something we won't get from Hearts.
  5. Subsidization perhaps? As long as it reduces overall cost. I am sure there are clubs out there who would swoop a guy like that up at 50% salary. Look at what's his face who is playin over in India...Stewart. He couldn't catch a cab in Glasgow. Granted he was a free agent, but deals can be cut. Greg Stewart ISL 2021-22 Salary The Jamshedpur club pays Scotland forward 3200 pounds per week in wages amounting to 166,400 in yearly wages. Footballer Greg Stewart Net Worth, Salary of ISL 2021-22, Stats, Wiki All You Need To Know (sportsunfold.com) Don't clubs do that all the time? The point is, it's a big world. If the team really wanted to move guys on, they probably could.
  6. Nothing shows cracks like the bright light of high pressure games against teams with talent. I am afraid my initial hunch with Davies was probably correct. Souttar is just a dumpster fire all round. I don't know what they were thinking...maybe there weren't. He will probably be injured tomorrow anyway...not wishing...but you know. Unfortunately we are stuck with these guys for a while.
  7. You ain't missin much...serenading their team to some hippie folks song or something...yech. How do you get pumped to this slop?
  8. McGregor Tavernier - Souttar - Davies -Barisic Jack - Raskin Cantwell - Tillman - Kent Morelos (proudly stolen from Der Berliner) -I don't think Morelos was the best choice. -Goldson better have friggin brain cancer to miss an old firm. Come on Rangers!
  9. ...Oh the B team... It's a good thing our farm system doesn't operate on a 'for profit' basis. Hasta la nunca Juan.
  10. Probably too expensive for Rangers. Everton will probably sign him on at $80K/wk.
  11. Meh screw that guy...Rangers are gonna kick their ass anyway.
  12. Never forget that fan is just the short form of fanatic. Fanaticism and logic are arch enemies. At the end Mr. Park put his money in the pot, and his ass in the hot seat. Like his results or not the man deserves some respect.
  13. Or he will show up to the AGM in a dress.
  14. Rangers have done their part to get them that much closer to relegation where hopefully they will remain this time. Three points!
  15. Uglier than homemade soap...get another goal and put it to bed.
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