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Everything posted by Malangsob

  1. Or...it could go the other way. Two young squads with something to prove. I think when you get a bunch of young, testosterone filled men on a field....lots of chest thumping. Unless they are given specific instruction to 'throttle back' I think these cats are gonna get down. That's what I wanna see anyway. Nothing like a goalie operational check game.
  2. Russia 1-0 Egypt 2-1 Spain 1-0 joker Portugal 1-0 France 1-0 Australia -Peru 1-1 Argentina 2-0 Croatia 2-1 Germany 2-0 Mexico-Sweden 1-1 Brazil 2-1 Switzerland 2-0 Japan -2-1 Colombia 2-0 Belgium 3-2 Tunisia 2-1
  3. Ok cool...I'm trackin now. Thanks bud. Yeah...sounds like the Shakira guy is a real douchebag.
  4. I don't get it. Is that a bird gesture?
  5. Good game! Well...if you're an England fan. lol!
  6. I am done with this topic. I have made my stance clear. No more to say. He is a Ranger. I support my team to the end.
  7. That German kick...lordy that was pretty.
  8. Flanagan has a violent past. The quality of Flanagans game has been dropping precipitously over the past three years. He makes stupid fouls at stupid times. His diecision making skills are highly questionable. Do you think this will change? Do you think the Rangers badge will cure all of his stupid ills? Please.
  9. Gonzo...I don't care either...seriously. However, there is nothing enigmatic about his color selection given his background. I don't trust him. Mark my word you will curse his name if for nothing else than rabid stupidity.
  10. YOU couldn't nor could I...this is why the topic was never brought up by myself nor any on here. However grasshopper, it is a very important topic with many IRISH people. Remember my man...to many an Irishman, Rangers and all things represented are Satan. 2 days should make some differense? Why not 2 months? Signalling is usually conducted immediately as it is emotional. Emotions don't tend to wait. I have led many a young man. Young men...especially sporting ones love to team up. The ones who like to stand out in teams are the ones who we must examine closer.
  11. Fishing? Small minded is not identifying non-verbal indicators. Flanagan is of Irish descent and dollars to donuts a Catholic. Do you NOT think he has not received flack for signing with Rangers? Come come now. This is signalling of the highest order. This indicates both lack of buy-in and maturity issues. Trust me on this, Flanagan will be a problem.
  12. Pic 11 in the slideshow...ass hat has bright green shoes on. All the colors in the rainbow and genius just HAPPENS to pick green? Fuqouta here. B-U-M.
  13. Yeah... i do.. I got one. But you RESPECT the badge. You don't show up the next day to a club who is sticking their neck out for you in Ceptic colors. This is passive aggressive BS. If I were SG I would make that rat bastard run drills barefoot. I am tellin you guys, I grew up with clowns like this guy. He is a bad egg.
  14. The guy is a bad egg...pure and simple. I don't give a rat's ass...this guy is a bum and he will show it sooner or later. What kinda bum shows up to Rangers training camp in green f***in shoes? Signs...it's the little things. I get some bad vibes from this clown. Pic 11 https://rangers.co.uk/news/galleries/gallery-training-camp-day-7/ Alfred E. Neuman lookin MFer. He needs his ass kicked.
  15. That's bad ass...best fanbase in the world.
  16. First, the BBC are a bunch of GD Communists. They are all about pushing the agendas of organizations which anti-traditionalist. When I say 'traditionalist', I am referring to the old order of things, your crown, your empire. Celtic and all of their extra-football, bleeding heart agendas, combined with the history they represent are the perfect poster child. Celtic, as an organization, represent the perceived, progressive future with it's mixed bag of dysgenic tripe. Football, being a proxy battleground of ideals will only become more heated as the two draw closer. When Rangers do begin to win you will see propaganda of the like you have never seen prior. Outfits such as the BBC will sure us of that as their agenda forbids shame on their part. Prepare yourselves, as success comes, the machine will match in kind.
  17. He wasn't a Razorback that's for sure! Woo Pig Soooie!!!
  18. I will admit something. Last year's loss to Progres Unicorn was the first time I have been embarassed to be a Rangers fan. That shit was humiliating. The Celtic losses yeah, they suck, but at least you can say they have a good squad. We need to caste out these demons man and whip these gypsies like they stole somethin. For real.
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