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Everything posted by Malangsob

  1. Yeah...I have noticed that. It seems many Rangers fans let their passion chokehold their logic. There is one thing about sport which is uniform, take a good player and put him in an unsound scheme and he will look very poor. Meh...
  2. -Very interesting take on things with this lottery system. Is this unique in football? Man...what a lamentable affair that is. That kid is going to be a beast. Oh well, he will come back here >30 like Rooney did with Everton.
  3. The old legs slow everyone. I think it's pretty amazing that they chose him in the first place. Is Portugal lacking young talent?
  4. Some people's kids ehh? Poor guy just wants to go to church. Sad man.
  5. Sorry, let me see if I am getting this correct. There was an organization formed by Rangers fans with the intention of gaining a financial foothold in the club. If all funds were to go toward share purchase wouldn't those projects be commensurate with the percentage of ownership? Do they have a mission statement/statement of purpose (Club 1872)? If so, then this should have been outlined in that mission statement. If it was then specific allocations should be clarified.
  6. I absolutely love the Goldson signing. Ejaria is a mixed bag and is definitely a young, work in progress. This kid is big and STRONG. He has deceptive speed at the top end and distributes the ball well. He has good vision and plays head up ball. However, he appears at times to show a low work rate and is a bit of a 'goonie bird', in that he seems like a boy in a man's body with his loping running style and lack of agility. We shall see...hopefully. OE
  7. Why would they (Rangers) want to restrict access? A sale is a sale correct?
  8. True, we won't get that much value in the English leagues. This is one of those things where you must cede some ground. Gerrard knows Liverpool and the EPL. That is his experience base and he is working intelligently by incorporating his network and his known environment. As time goes on his experience and scope will broaden as his interrelations do. From a strictly managerial birdseye I can start to see his m.o. and I agree with it. Caixinha attempted to reinvent the wheel by incorporating players and tactics which were entirely foreign to a majority 'Scottish' trained squad. He failed because his tactics and techniques were incongruent with his talent base AT his price point. If you examine Gerrard's acquisitions and targets, these are either players who are intimate with the Scottish game or have the physical and mental attributes to adjust to it while meeting stringent cost restrictions. This is logical human resourcing.
  9. A player's level of physicality may be a result of the system which he was utilized in. The statistics for this cat don't lie (6'3" 190lbs). He is a big dude (same height and ~weight as Van Dijk) who has the tools to bang if needed. I am stoked about this guy.
  10. Is this possible in the modern game given the 24/7 requirements of a manager? Especially at a place like Ibrox? If he were at some small outfit like one of those Irish clubs with seating for a family of five...but Rangers? Plus the conditioning has to be factored. He is not gonna get up an hour early, go jog with the dog and be in top-flight form.
  11. The team needs continuity and a core to build upon. This guy is young and everyone says he is pretty legit. I don't know about this Morrison dude. Thirty-two and coming off an Achilles injury seems pretty dicey to me. This guy blows another tire and its curtains. Especially for a club with little wiggle room in funds seems like a big gamble. BTW...everybody keeps talking about a tight budget. What kind of number are we lookin at?
  12. I agree with you on MLS. They are getting better. However, they missed the train withme. Very cool, an immigrant...my GG parents emigrated from Scotland in the 20's. We need more European immigrants. Especially Scots!
  13. Thank you Pete. I hope I didn't come off as too forward but I figured I would preemptively answer the two questions I assumed would be raised. I am nowhere near as knowledgeable as most if not all of the posters on here but I do love to watch the games and I support the club the best I can.
  14. I think he would do well in Scotland. Homeboy wins games. He saved Everton's ass and like another guy said he did well in Sunderland. Aren't those guys down playing in the church leagues now? It seems to me at times that the EPL wants to be something it's not...Spain.
  15. I never formally introduced myself. That was rude and I apologize. I am an American Rangers fan. As an American Rangers fan, whenever I refer to my team in my home country they either think I am talking about the baseball team (Texas Rangers), or the hockey team (NY Rangers). I tell them, "no, it's a soccer team...they are from Glasgow, Scotland" "You don't like MLS?" "No" I reply, and pause because I know what is coming, but I hope that they will ask me about the team...they don't. "Why?" "Because it's dogshit." That is when the subject changes and we move on with our days. I have been a Rangers fan since I was stationed in Okinawa in 06. I am career USAF. Now, with all of the issues, I like them more than at any other time. The whole remaking yourself thing that really resonates with me. I love that about them. No quit. My nick: Malangsob, is Thai for cockroach. I picked it up during a TDY (Temporary Duty) in Thailand. I got drunk one night as one is apt to do in Thailand and I ate one...or maybe two, on a bet. I just remember a Thai squealing "malang sob!"...it stuck...along with a leg that I pulled out of my teeth the next morning. So yeah...Go Rangers baby!
  16. Addiction is a vicious dog. The problem with addiction as with most abhorrent behavior are triggers. For athletes, as with anyone, many of those triggers are rooted in their vocation. This is why so many continue to fail at recovery while still playing. Therefore, it would be a risky proposition inviting him back because only HE knows what stimulates his need to use. Or, maybe he does not. It's a gamble.
  17. Valid points all. I like that expression "off the boil", how accurate.
  18. Sure buddy...malangsob is Thai for cockroach. It's a nickname...long story.
  19. One Red Imps player was driving a taxi until a few hours before the game' That just goes to show you what a paper tiger they really are. People can talk all the smack they want but we are not that far behind. Come on Stevie!
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