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A Horse With No Name

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Everything posted by A Horse With No Name

  1. As great a man as he is I don't think he could stand the attacks and the isolation that went with it - hard to see how he would have been left alone to do his 'day job' with no one showing unity.
  2. I disagree. My feeling is that The Mint never gave him the backing he deserved and that left him VERY EXPOSED. Like big Duncan Ferguson, the previous owner let him down badly, if Rangers come under a new (more fan based) ownership I'd like to think we be more likely to stand together and not leave our people that over exposed ever again! We need to act more like a proper Union in future and protect our people.
  3. Totally agree and having read what Paul said this morning about Ticketus I'm in agreement that Ticketus need to be 'onboard'. I'm sure Paul will cut a good deal with them that gives them most (if not all?) Of their cash back. We need to make sure they are not a hindrance to agreement over a VCA with HMRC. I can see where Paul Murray is coming from!
  4. It wouldn't take him long to resign from Queen of the South - where there's a will there's a way! Also with the slimball in charge at Celtic and their 'influence' over all areas of life (Officialdom, Politics and the media) we really need a hard hitter - the days when poor responses from tame assholes like Bain will need to be over if we're ever gonna be the club we the fans want.
  5. Another great plus is Donald Findlay returning. LONG OVERDUE!
  6. From a personal P.O.V. nothing he can ever do will change my opinion of him. Plain and simple he's a scumbag, he can claim what he did to me was in the interests of Rangers FC and I can see why he'd think that, but it wasn't his work that they effectively stole (laid claims to). Like I say for the bigger picture I'll not let that sway me from digging deep but, a unethical man is just that. Nazi war criminals could do great deeds but that won't change the contempt people (rightly) have for them. There's lot of good points from that meeting but the fact that he chairs it FOR ME will always stick in my craw! Not sure why we'd have John Greig back either - nothing personal but unless it's matchday hospitality I'd be against John returning. The days when we just threw money into Rangers without getting value for it should be over soon - hopefully.
  7. As long as it has Rangers on it, it will look fantastic.
  8. Logic tells me that if Paul's Consortium were ready with a £25 m bid prior to Whyte then surely they must have more cash now - and when you add in what fans say they'll give £12 m plus whatever was pledged since last Friday, that should be a healthy amount.
  9. And yet as stated elsewhere there's only three serious bids - I think I was right there they're (rightly) trying to get more from these offers.
  10. Lots of 'seemingly' positives there, too many to go over so I'll address the negatives. As Juan states discrepancies are there. Surely Arsenal (out of Europe) could squeeze in a friendly with the same scenario as Hanburg are generously offering? Really feeking annoying the fans can't agree with an away boycott with fans coming along to Ibrox for beambacks. Jardine being a sanctimonious p***k again over colours. Surely they should've known we had the start of next season to get out of admin - we need out of that asap and the very minute the big tax case scenario is sorted! A bit concerned there's only three serious bidders kinda goes against what Admin were saying - that's worrying. The fact that the contracts of jjb and azure etc can be torn up is good but alarm bells are there to on that. Also what does that mean re the Superstore? I will be along for as many games as there are inc AC Milan and Hamburg but as much as I'll give all I can to this it is with a very heavy heart knowing that man Jardine is still employed by Rangers I will be digging my hand in my pocket and grinding my teeth at the same time. Rangers should be run ethically but as long as Jardine, Carmichael and Mason are taking cash from Rangers that WON'T be the case! But yes, plenty of positives to mull over.
  11. Of course you're right about scouting and the youths, I wanna see more money spent on those areas - I'd much rather that than just throwing big money at established players! My gripe with the creatures I mentioned is much more than them being 'yes men'. It has to do with ethics/morals - I can't and won't sit back with my mouth shut if that man Jardine stays in a job after the new owners come in! I won't go on about it now but, but we can't all continue slating that scumbag Whyte and at the same time keep Jardine in a job! I won't say no more about it now, as it will just anger further!
  12. We're all entitled to our opinion. I'm of the opinion that a new regime at Rangers would exclude yes men and hangers on like him Carmichael and Mason and after putting my cash pledge in, when the time comes I'll be making it clear I want him out. Out of all this mess may appear a fitter stronger Rangers and to be frank I see no place for yes men, only people that contribute to making Rangers stronger. I could go on about that man, I won't - that's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it too!
  13. If at the end of next Friday16th March the Administrators don't let us all know who the bidders are etc etc I would be of the opinion they're just dragging their heels. With the huge sums of money these people are making - I just can't see any incentive for them to get their finger out and sort things out with HMRC and sell Rangers to good people. It may well be the last job these people have 'if' they're at it, therefore the longer they take the more worried I'll be - with them securing that £3.6 million they know they'll be fine. (why didn't they ask for the £9 million to be secured?) After last Friday things look much more hopeful, after next Friday I think we'll have a much clearer picture.
  14. You may have a point there. Doesn't it feel like we're trying frantically to keep Rangers alive, while others are circling overhead/nearby waiting to get their pound of flesh! Typical Capitalism, everyone looking in seeing if there's a money making opportunity. Hopefully the Government will see that Rangers going into liquidation means a HUGE drop in taxes etc taken in (and get HMRC to be reasonable), if we go under I'll make sure every penny I would have spent on the Gers will go into foreign holidays!
  15. Thanks mate. Although having read that I'm getting a feeling of being ripped off - if they don't deliver us (pronto) into good ownership they should be getting a right good kicking! No wonder they've let things drag on for three weeks.
  16. My God that's even worse, I was sure Leggat said £200 k pcm maybe that was per person. Still doesn't answer my concerns though - just he heightens it. Can't see them ever getting work again if (having been paid that) they fail to address the issues and keep the club alive and deliver satisfactory owners!.
  17. Exactly - I'm confused personally! The only rationale is that this idea was thought of BEFORE the players took the large cuts... In which case surely they should either drop it or restate their objectives.
  18. That link doesn't open with my blackberry. It's beside the point really as what I was getting at is that I don't see the point of keeping them on to the end of the season if the 'big tax case' isn't factored in and they have no sway with HMRC to get a similar outcome as Leeds Utd who (I think) settled for 10p in the pound and never went into liquidation. If things are how they appear I don't see the sense in putting more cash in their direction. Can anyone address my concerns?
  19. If they are saying (and they seemed to be) that the new owners will have to come to an agreement with HMRC should the 'big tax case' go against us it hardly clears the issue up does it? I mean is there something in law that says HMRC must come to an arrangement for say 10p in the pound, as they did with Leeds Utd? For example why would someone buy the club and then be told by HMRC they owe them £49 m or £75 m? Maybe I'm missing something but I would have thought the main thing about having the Administrators there is that they would've got a CVA of whatever 'p in the pound' agreed with all the creditors prior to a takeover! Also, they haven't told us about HMRC ie their actions should the case go against them - will they accept it or appeal endlessly as Whyte said? Also reading their statements about getting new owners in at the end of the season... They'e getting paid £200,000 pw, do they think they're gonna sit there in charge until then? I must be missing something as those things don't make sense to me...
  20. I'd said I'd heard MD had temporarily paid a bill using RST money and Bluedell said that did not happen. I then asked him what the true 'story' was...
  21. Very interesting thread, with intelligent thought out opinions. The points I'd like to make clear are: I do have trust in Paul Murray but tbh it's instinct mostly obtained from what we know of Paul. I'm usually pretty sharp at spotting the bad ones and instinct tells me he's genuine. Only thing that is questionable is that he wasn't a wee bit quicker in spotting the con man Whyte and may in future not spot the bad ones. Another thing that concerns me is fighting the anti Rangers Brigade - I tend to think we need someone with a bit more biteback as we're constantly under attack from the media etc. I do have doubts re The RST but that didn't stop me from becoming a lifetime member! You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater - they represent the fans and at the end of the day it's the fans that need to change it into a more open and democratic body! The BK are just one of the bidders. As far as I can see they have the backing of the fans groups from SaveRangers but I'm sure the other bidders will get their support too (if successful) but it will be conditional on the objectives being met! People shouldn't get drawn into the personalities the important point is for us the supporters to be aware of all our options - we'll put in over £12,000,000 but it'll only be done if the relevant people are open and answer all of our questions and concerns!
  22. Personally I haven't a clue what story is and isn't true re GS but I do know as long as it remains a divisive issue then it will be damaging at some point. I tend to think the competition between rm and ff has got very dirty at times and that rm especially have put their own agenda ahead of Rangers' well being, they don't seem to understand that take away RFC and they won't have any forum worth a toss. I suspect judging by the number of Celtic posters they allow on they are going for the Lowest Common Denominator.
  23. That is interesting and kinda answers the doubts I had over their involvement with the Blue Knights. Big question for Paul Murray there and if true 'maybe' justifies their involvement... My guess is that the support from the fans groups is open to a few bidders so Paul's move may lessen his chances? Let's hope over the next few days he makes his decision clear over this and over the question of the possibility of Mark Dingwall being on the Rangers board - we need to know what happened in that story if he is to be involved, if we don't then that will cause division we can't afford, to grow...
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