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A Horse With No Name

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Posts posted by A Horse With No Name

  1. That's not how it reads to me, no.


    It looks as though Craig Whyte and the directors of RFC should have notified the FSA of the intention to appoint administrators before doing so. That's how it reads to me, although I could be wrong.


    I'll take your word for it - to do different would mean trying to get my brain cells working again. Whatever the case it doesn't look like a big deal so hopefully BBC Scotland won't find anything else to drum up prior to all the stuff getting sorted.

  2. I've had a few emails recently saying the link on various websites isn't working for the last updated spreadsheet file, but i've tried this one (pretty sure it was the last one i gave out) and it can be downloaded okay on my laptop.




    Also, they inquired if the file's been updated recently.


    The file is ticking along beautifully (got all euro results inc too now) and I will maybe make it available in the future. If it is what I was thinking of doing is charging £8 for first timers and £4 for future updates. That would be done by me setting up a separate bank account with all the money going to The Rangers Supporters Trust or some other Rangers cause/group! I'll probably let everyone getting a copy put their choice of where the cash goes (then tally them up) and will make the bank account (and payments made to whatever the Rangers cause is) viewable to anyone who wants to see that all is well.


    I'll not be doing that for some time as fans cash is being stretched an awful lot at the moment! I'll just play it by ear but my thinking is the end of next season (if the demand is there) when we're SPL champions again! :drum::D

  3. "It was effectively salary and should have been included in the players’ wage slips"


    'Effectively'... 'should have been' both point to that being Hugh Adams' opinion HARDLY FACTUAL IS IT. If that's all the HMRC are gonna come out with then maybe we will win this big tax case.


    I had a lot of sympathy for Adam the way he was treated by David Murray for speaking out, but it's beginning to sound like he's a bitter man who has changed alliegances and now has joined the Septic minded... The way he's got his teeth into this would suggest he's looking for a job with BBC Scotland.

  4. This is a great thread!


    Hope it all happens!:rfcbouncy:


    One other point that highlights their piss poor attitude is that AFTER they were saved I'd say a lot of us were happy for the Celtic fans we knew, laughing and saying things like "it wouldn't be the same without your whining" etc now today even the thought of us staying in business has them almost foaming at the mouth.


    As my Pop used to say 'live and learn'!

  5. I've been screan capping a few Dims recently. "If" we survive as the current Rangers team, there'll be a little FB page going up with the "Nuclear Timplosion" screan caps, pre and post the Rangers demise :D


    Great stuff look forward to that!


    A wee suggestion on Celtic's past - why not have a wee cartoon picture of Parkead full to the brim circa 1980's with Paul Coia and Keevins in the foreground and Paul saying "another 20,000 crowd Hugh!" and you could have Keevins whistling in the air!

  6. You should have phoned in and asked what are HMRC gonna do about all the cash that Celticfootballclub (copyright Tommy Burns) robbed from them by lying about gate receipts!:touche:


    We've not really heard much on that...

  7. Accepting £20m from just anyone again. And he wonders why Whyte duped him so easily.




    Reading today in the papers the way he tried to negate his poor decision making by claiming EVERYONE was duped by Whyte was (for me anyway) sickening! In his own words HE WAS THE CUSTODIAN of Rangers and the responsibility was his alone! If he wanted to come out and say LLOYDS TSB MADE ME DO IT! we could maybe afford him a little leeway but to sit there saying he was just one of many who were fooled is garbage and insulting!


    He was in Charge of Rangers and I'm sure there's PLENTY of phrases from Bill Struth that would rip his excuses to pieces!


    I'm glad he had his lapdogs through there to make public his feelings but as expected he just wouldn't take the fall for HIS actions, as expected his ego just wouldn't contemplate the weight of his guilt! Glad he went to the papers but glad we won't be seeing him again at Ibrox! No wonder Dave King wouldn't go into his room - smug c**t sits telling people to come through to him!


    Sorry, but this has to be said DAVID MURRAY IS ONE ARROGANT BASTARD!

  8. Methinks he admits that he best works alone in such circumstances, not with people who may interfere at and from various angles. If that works for him, fair enough. What we usually disregard here is that hundreds of clubs are run by chairmen with or without boards. The vast majority - when being run like this - has not "failed" (for lack of a correct word) over decades. Only when mismanagement, illness, or something other befell the hierarchy, or the club punched above their weight (for too lonmg), things become unstable.


    Very true!


    Best case being Jack Walker at Blackburn Rovers (last I read about them anyway).


    Thing is though the larger the ownership the more democratic the club. I know some will say it holds up decisions but in most cases that's best, and procedures can be put in place that speed up important decisions and actions.

  9. C'mon. Surely most of us could spare at least £1,000 to help repay poor Ticketus?


    Or have I got that wrong?


    That's very cynical of you!


    Question: if you had two choices to make would your choice be a) or b)


    a). We include Ticketus and deal them in, in return for them being patient to get their cash back. Therefore making a VCA much more likely.




    b) Tell them to sling it. Thereby saving £24 million, but with them digging their heels in a VCA would be nigh impossible thereby Rangers FC would die. Rangers Rovers 2012 'may' have an extra £24 million but 140 yrs would be over!


    I'll stick with a) because RANGERS FC are the ONLY team I'll ever support!

  10. C'mon. Surely most of us could spare at least £1,000 to help repay poor Ticketus?


    Or have I got that wrong?


    That's very cynical of you!


    Question: if you had two choices to make would your choice be a) or b)


    a). We include Ticketus and deal them in, in return for them being patient to get their cash back. Therefore making a VCA much more likely.




    b) Tell them to sling it. Thereby saving £24 million, but with them digging their heels in a VCA would be nigh impossible thereby Rangers FC would die. Rangers Rovers 2012 'may' have an extra £24 million but 140 yrs would be over!


    I'll stick with a) because RANGERS FC are the ONLY team I'll ever support!

  11. Brian says he'll make an offer for the club but hopes to be out-bidded as he doesn't want it but wants to make sure we don't die!


    That would be my point of view if I had that kinda money, but i'd've thought the best thing then is to join the Consortium putting the money onto a joint fund with the fans etc.


    I suppose it's a question of power and not wanting to be a bit part player...

  12. So what is it....a complete contradiction in the space of 7 mins!!!


    Either £1000 is fair or £500???


    In the current climate, even normal punters will struggle to find a spare £500 to invest. However I think it would be a much more achievable figure for folk.


    Keep in mind that this would be on top of whatever people are paying for their season tickets. I for one couldn't afford £500 - I have more important things to spend that kind of cash on!!!


    BOTH! :-)


    As I say I'd imagine most of us in work could shove in a grand, but IF THEY WANNA MAKE IT AS LARGE AS POSSIBLE then I feel they'll need to change that to £500.


    I hope that clears up your confusion.


    Btw the reason I said there was prob a error is because the 2nd tier is down as including those above £1000 up to £500,000 and I 'think' it should have been £100,000 - £500,000... But then maybe I'm wrong? Pretty narrow tier the first one, if it's correct.

  13. If he's starting with the cheapest option at £1000 this surely shows how out of touch he is with reality? No offence meant here, but i actually laughed when i saw that at first.

    They're not doing themselves any favours at all



    I agree.


    I think it would be better having shares at £500 a pop - if they wanna include more people! £500 is well in reach of everyone! I would see that changing tbh mate.

  14. I haven't seen this myself, seemingly in the Record.


    Paul Murray quoted in today's Record saying that proper fan representation is a must.


    He says they are still working on the final numbers but it will be a three tier system.


    Cheapest is at £1000


    2nd tier is £1000-£500,000


    And a final tier at above £500,000.


    Each level will have board representation with a transparent selection process


    Seems fair and reasonable, 2nd tier for me (think you've made a wee error there mate!). To be honest most people that are working should be able to get a grand together.

  15. What an incredibly obnoxious statement.


    Why should people give you the last word when you are making outlandish statements.


    So Greig was a better manager ?


    Why should the start of the season be put in context ? We were winning, Ally was picking the team - what context is there ? You are being highly selective in how you defend your position here.


    Anything positive that has happened you are suggesting it wasnt McCoist's doing whilst everything negative was ALL McCoist's doing.


    And using PLG as a defence is nigh on farcical. I wanted PLG to get more time too but when YOU look at the negative's of PLG's reign you have decided that players are on a mutiny and that the Chairman should have backed him.


    Where was Craig Whyte's backing of McCoist in the transfer market when McCoist couldnt get his first OR second choice signings ? Ohhhh, that would be something we cant blame McCoist for so lets just ignore it.


    Yes, it appears you DO have an agenda against McCoist.


    I am not saying he has been a great manager for us, indeed far from it - but when someone cant be at least objective when comparing them to previous managers then the whole argument becomes futile.


    I thought it an accurate statement. Just look at the reply about me having an agenda against him! I have an opinion and will argue it fairly and squarely, if you don't like it too obnoxious or whatever AS I SAID YOU HAVE A CHOICE either debate it or don't argue.!


    I'm pretty sure I said 'the possible exception of Greig". In some ways they are very similar both inherited great teams and both starts seemed successful enough. I'd say though that the squad Greig had was older and that he hardly got much to spend. Like McCoist he wasted a lot of cash on very average players!


    I'd still say McCoist is worse - if he stays you'll see, Ally has a huge disadvantage, he wants all the people to love him all the time!. THAT CANNOT EVER BE DONE!


    Why should the start of the season be put in context? Obviously you have to look at all factors in an equation! Pretty simple.

  16. TBH, I think had the club situation be different, that probably would have been the case.


    If everything else was rosey, and McCoist still couldn't get the results, then fair enough.....but that hasn't been the case. Pretty much anything that could go wrong, has gone wrong and its been completely outwith McCoists control in most cases.


    As stated previously, I am still very skeptical about his long term suitability, but I am willing to be proved wrong and believe McCoist should be given that change once things are stabilised.


    Had Lennon had to put up with what Ally has I suspect he'd've topped himself - that's if he really did suffer Depression! As a sufferer for the last 5 yrs or so I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT, more likely he has a Jesus complex! Only Celtic's control over the media has allowed him to stay in work! Can you imagine Ally putting the boot into a drunk Hibee fan and not a inch colomn of condemnation. When Ally mentioned about people getting their wee kick in now as they'll be payback I just pray he was talking about the recording of yellow teeth with EHD in the background! No doubt the Celtic PR machine wiill get behind him and say Racism is a part of Depression!


    I take onboard the point from DerBerliner about Celtic having enough for 3 decent teams - I say under WS we would have had the title wrapped up even without those 10 pts, because we wouldn't have went into freefall - it's like one of those athletic running contests, we tripped BUT NEVER GOT OFF OUR ARSES, while Celtic seeing that,n took heart and went for it!


    Also, as a lover of stats I find it very revealing that Celtic averaged (roughly speaking) as fouls as all teams, yet week in week out you see that and THEY DON'T GET HARDLY ANY YELLOW CARDS. While the same applies to us but we're probably top of the cards league! HARDLY TAKES A GENIOUS TO WORK THAT OUT and had WS been in charge that's an issue that would have been addressed - but then that's why they hated him so much.


    Rangers really should make that tape available!

  17. This line about McCoist's Rangers having a great start to the season has to be seen in context!


    1. The players just started the season playing the way they finished last season. It wasn't really that much to do with Ally and when the time came in matches to make changes he couldn't make the right ones. Occasionally it worked of (law of averages) course.


    When our important play maker Steven Naismith got injured it was time to shuffle the pack HE HADN'T A CLUE! People played in midfield that were full backs, players played because they put pressure on him etc etc, so many things he got wrong it was getting to the stage it was embarrassing! When that lad got injured the driving force FROM LAST SEASON was gone and Ally was shown to be inept, no longer could they take to the field and return to the default position! When other teams changed tactics he just couldn't see it or combat it.


    2. Celtic were rank and European football just highlighted their woeful manager.


    3. When it came to opposing teams we hadn't met for some time ALL THE OPPOSING MANAGERS took him to the cleaners! Not just European ones - jesus h, even Pressley looked like 'the choosen one' alongside Ally!


    4. We really did ride our luck in sooooo many games.


    People will say I'm being overly harsh on Ally - I'm putting my POV and standing by it. If you don't want it to continue easy stop arguing with me.


    We at Rangers have high standards Ally knew that before he took the job.

  18. So that fact that you've added a smiley at the end makes it OK to suggest that someone blows their brains out....


    There is a BIG difference between someone suggesting you continue taking medication compared to committing suicide!!!


    Is there? One was CLEARLY a joke the other was offensive!


    I'm pretty sure McLauchlin wouldn't take the hint - he's far too engrossed in trying to damage and destroy Rangers FC! I'd say that Rangers hater is doing far more 'social damage' and causing much more worrying among Rangers fans than I am towards him by that sentence.


    Weigh up the damage done with a joke and what he is engaged in! Must say the level of reasoned debate I'm getting is very poor.


    Poor standard of debating skills I think.

  19. So that fact that you've added a smiley at the end makes it OK to suggest that someone blows their brains out....


    There is a BIG difference between someone suggesting you continue taking medication compared to committing suicide!!!


    Is there? One was CLEARLY a joke the other was offensive!


    I'm pretty sure McLauchlin wouldn't take the hint - he's far too engrossed in trying to damage and destroy Rangers FC! I'd say that Rangers hater is doing far more 'social damage' and causing much more worrying among Rangers fans than I am towards him by that sentence.


    Weigh up the damage done with a joke and what he is engaged in! Must say the level of reasoned debate I'm getting is very poor.


    Poor standard of debating skills I think.

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