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The Black Wolf

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Posts posted by The Black Wolf

  1. thoroughly enjoyed this Worldcup. 

    I'm a big fan of Modric so it didn't surprise me to see he ran the show last night. Was disappointed to hear the vitriol on Talksport last night and today from Cundy and Whyte. Cundy calling England fans who disagreed with him '' Scum like you '' and Jim Whyte openly calling people deluded. What a lot of the pundits fail to realize that England isn't the only team who will be stronger next time around. Granted these guys are paid to big up the game and make out that it's the best thing that's ever happened. 

    They had the easiest group and route to the Semis. They still had to beat who was in front of them but still, it's not the gallant effort the media are painting it as. Wasn't surprised to see Harry Kane disappear in a puff of smoke last night either. 

    Still have a cracking final to look forward to though. 

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