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  1. Press release Woo hoo.
  2. Beat 2 - 0 Former Villa player angel got one. Laughing.
  3. With Pre-season friendlies well under way I thought id kick up a debate prior to the Champions League qualifiers. Over the summer weeks we have spoke about players coming in and out and all the rumours. But after getting plenty additions for the squad it looks as thought the trolley is full and we are at the check-outs after spending the best part of 6 million. Whether those who have came in are good enough is another debate, we all believe the depth in the squad is better but we all agree we could have been done with a higher profile name or two to go straight into the starting line up. So, after 2 trophyless seasons what must our realistic targets be for this season? and are we well enough equipped to meet that targets? Lets break it down into each competition we will enter. SPL - Finishing 3rd 2 seasons ago was a wake up call and last season we expected huge improvement only for it to get worse. If Walter Smith did not arrive then its anyones guess where we would have finished. But he improved us and we created a gap between ourselves and the pack chasing 2nd place. This season Smith doesnt have the excuse he is steading the ship - thats been done. However we did look the more stronger in the 2nd half of last season. We need to get off to a good start and the silly results against the bottom sides must be erased. Smith has shown he still knows how to get the better of Celtic so let that continue. The aim IMO is to win the league, its certainly not out of our reach, but at the minimum we have to at least be in the hunt by easter and not have it all over by Halloween. Domestic Cups - The less said about last years runs the better. They were nothing less than embarrassing. The 90s saw us winning cups left, right and centre but we havent been to Hampden for a Scottish cup final for 5 years now. Again IMO we should be looking to lift one of the cups, preferrably the Scottish cup. Europe - Champions League qualification is a MUST for financial reasons and to give us something to look forward to. It is also huge to get us progressing again on the park. Are we equipped to take on the big boys - No, probably not yet but we will still give it a crack. A good run would be to finish 3rd in a group (depending who we draw) and then entering the UEFA cup after Xmas. Anything more from the CL is a bonus, but we cant let Celtic go on and have another crack at it while making 10 million in the process while we are not even in it. Time will tell Bears but I expect us to be stronger domestically than the previous 2 seasons.
  4. Taken from The Evening Times website..... I'd take him in a second. Great player.
  5. Celtic Fucked by Young Boys. Used to be the other way about, Sorry Frankie throw it out if you want.
  6. This could be a laugh for us this season: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/celtic/6234992.stm
  7. Well that is English Clubs out of equation as he wants to stay in Scotland and i would say Celtic are out as well considering how many players they have got. So really it must be us and Hearts if there still intrested
  8. Gribz

    We Are

    Rangers Super Rangers No-one Likes Us We Dont Care We Hate Celtic Xxxxxx Blighters And We Will Chase Them Everywhere Watp
  9. Netherlands- England U21 A case of a crap game which Engerland thought they had won but the Dutch scored in the 89th minute with a goal that verged on dangerous play. A super overhead kick from Celtic target Maceo Rigters. Ruud Gullit stated after the game if it was a Spanish or Italian team the defenders would have been rolling around on the ground holding their heads to get the decision but the English are too proud or naive to do that.(discussion?) It amounted in a fantastic penalty shoot-out which also caused a spectacle. After all the other players had taken a penalty Taylor of England said he wouldn't take one as he was injured. This upset Foppe de Haan the Dutch coach as Taylor had finished the game. De Haan marched onto the field to tell the ref that Taylor had not taken a penalty. After a heavy discussion Taylor slotted the penalty in the corner of the goal. With the English shooting first the Dutch managed to hold their nerves and go on to win 13-12. They will meet Serbia in the final.
  10. Would love him to come back, that was another mistake by Le Tit, by not keeping him
  11. MARTIN McMILLAN June 20 2007 Hearts last night defended a 30% rise in ticket prices that will be imposed on supporters of the Old Firm and Hibernian at Tynecastle next season. Fans of Celtic, Rangers and Hibs will have to part with �£33 to watch their team in the centre of the upper section of the Roseburn Stand, a jump of �£8 from the last campaign. Supporters in the other areas of the stand will be charged �£27, an increase of �£7 on last season, for Category A' matches. Opposing fans outside the Old Firm and Hibs will pay between �£17 and �£22 for Category B' games in the Roseburn Stand. advertisement Hibs fans have reacted with disbelief to the price increase, claiming Vladimir Romanov, the Hearts owner, is merely lining his pockets. But the club have defended the price hike in light of the planned redevelopment of the Tynecastle main stand in the coming campaign. "We reviewed the pricing of match-day tickets at some length prior to any increases," said a Hearts spokesman. "It's really all about supply and demand and we have to be commercially aware. Demand for tickets for Hearts versus Hibs at Tynecastle outstrips supply." Hibs travel to Tynecastle on the opening day of the season and Dave Kowalski, a spokesman for fans website Hibs.net, said yesterday: "Thirty-three pounds is an outrageous price. I've not heard about an organised Hibs boycott, but if there was one, Hearts would deserve to lose money." Meanwhile, FC Thun are seeking to secure a deal with Hearts to allow the Finnish striker, Juho Makela, to return to Switzerland. The 23-year-old was loaned to Thun in February and is unsure of his Tynecastle future, despite being contracted until June 2009. Reto Gertschen, the Thun general manager said: "The return of Juho Makela is an option for us. I spoke to him and he showed an interest to play for us again." Hearts are also rumoured to be set to return Chile again with a move for international winger Jose Luis Cabion. 33 quid for a ticket that is daylight robbery and should be looked into by instances controlling price rices and monopolies.
  12. Beasley was a good player a few seasons back but has been poor the last few Thoughts ???
  13. As the Rangers support rightly becomes ever more impatient with the slow and apparently minimal strengthening of the playing staff this summer itââ?¬â?¢s interesting to note that this Wednesday the Queen will hold an Investiture at Buckingham Palace. This essentially means that after a 6 month wait since being announced as a Knight Bachelor in the New Year Honours list, David Edward Murray will finally be officially known as Sir David Murray. Mere mortals such as I can only imagine the pomp and glamour associated with such an event. Iââ?¬â?¢m sure the pride and indeed honour of being recognised by oneââ?¬â?¢s peers could be considered the pinnacle of oneââ?¬â?¢s professional career. Certainly, Sir David Murrayââ?¬â?¢s business career has been impressive and he deserves much credit for the way he has led his life whilst battling several personal tragedies. Ergo, I sincerely hope our chairman enjoys the day and accepts our good wishes. I then hope that, after the ceremony and upon his return to Scotland, Sir David will then commence a renewed campaign to return our club to the pinnacle of their domestic fraternity. In the last two seasons our great club has not won a thing and the outlook isnââ?¬â?¢t bright ahead of any new campaign. Beaten to the signature of Scott Brown, embarrassing and pointless bids for Steven Naismith and the usual media stooges announcing non-existent bids for the likes of Claudio Pizarro means the pawns in this game of transfer chess are interesting to discuss. Is it the first class players who we allege we will buy? Is it the young domestic players who we canââ?¬â?¢t compete with Celtic for? Or is it the fans who are being asked to renew their season tickets at an increased price for little return? No matter the answer to that question, we are losing the game ââ?¬â?? even at this early stage. Alan Gow, Kirk Broadfoot and Jean-Claude Darchville are all reasonable signings. All three have the game to add to our squad as well as the potential to improve it. However, we still need more and we still need players of a class to settle quickly ahead of a huge game in late July where weââ?¬â?¢ll be involved in the second round of the CL qualifers. Teams such FenerbahÃ?§e, AEK Athens and Sparta Prague then all await if we make it to the third round in mid/late August. Can we genuinely say weââ?¬â?¢re confident of beating these teams? Do we have the squad to cope with these huge matches while getting off to a much-needed good start in the SPL? To maximise our chances, itââ?¬â?¢s vital we make any further signings as soon as possible. Pre-season will soon be upon our players and its imperative that, considering the number of changes Smith intends to make, all new players are integrated into the squad as soon as possible. The longer our new team has together in terms of training and actual matches the better. Waiting till the window shuts in late August to make the bulk of our signings is very risky and we donââ?¬â?¢t exactly have a great record of doing good business on deadline day. I guess the likes of Murray and Bain will be trying to ensure that we only spend money we can afford. Obviously, that makes fiscal sense but instead of gambling on CL Group stage qualification with an under-strength squad, why not spend the allocated funds (whatever they may be) early enough to maximise our chances? Yes, that is also a gamble but the odds are arguably not as long as the former. Spending money on players is always a risk. We have suffered in the past from this and will continue to do so in the future. We havenââ?¬â?¢t helped ourselves by having a non-existent scouting system and by negotiating the kind of contracts that make players lazy. Again, we have to minimise risk by taking the time to analyse prospective players fully in what they may bring to the club. As such, perhaps our lack of real movement on the transfer front is explained by a greater need for full analysis. If this is the case then patience must be advised. However, weââ?¬â?¢ve been patient now for over two years. Weââ?¬â?¢ve also been incredibly loyal and weââ?¬â?¢ll continue to be so. What we now need is ambition, commitment and leadership from those we follow. What better leader than a newly honoured knight of the realm? He may not be here for much longer and perhaps his battle days are behind him. But can he leave a sporting legacy that would match the pride he has for his business work? Or is this one step too far for a warrior who can no longer lead from the front? Arise, Sir David... http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=425&Itemid=1
  14. http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=422&Itemid=2 At last, after much rhetoric over the last few years, the SPL (in conjunction with the SFA*) is to officially introduce wide-ranging rules to combat anti-social behaviour at matches from next season. The new legislation, to be included in its constitution from August 1st, will include tough new penalties for offenders. These will include fines, annulling and replaying of fixtures, deduction of points, closing all or part of a stadium and playing matches behind closed doors, withholding the title and, ultimately, expulsion from the league. Tough talking then from the authorities - however the question remains in that what exactly is anti-social behaviour? Obviously it rightly includes sectarianism. Over the last few years Rangers fans especially have been vilified for such behaviour. Chants of *** and the use of the word ââ?¬Ë?******ââ?¬â?¢ have been challenged and, for the most part, wiped out in an admirable years work by the Rangers support. Being fined by UEFA in 2006 finally made the majority of the Rangers support appreciate that a small cross section were letting us (and our club) down by using outdated chants to bore other fans with non-football related nonsense. One unfortunate incident in Spain earlier this year brought the issue again to the fore and since then the Rangers support have worked together to ââ?¬Ë?self-policeââ?¬â?¢. The results have been magnificent and although weââ?¬â?¢ll have to continue to work not to allow any small minority to let us down, our support deserves a lot of praise for reacting to the criticism (from the media and the authorities) so quickly and so well. Just a pity you wonââ?¬â?¢t read about it any time soon from the people who wanted the improvement. However, no faux praise is required as we should be happy enough with our progress to feel comfortable that the new SPL legislation may not actually worry us more than some of the other teams in the league. What also seems to be included (if you take the Scotsman article below at face value**) is offensive singing generally. Unfortunately, this is where the new legislation will really be tested. Ewing Grahame suggests that songs about ââ?¬Ë?sheep-sh#ggersââ?¬â?¢ will be punished as well as any other ââ?¬Ë?racist, sexist or violent behaviourââ?¬â?¢. This is strange as the Aberdeen fans sing about their selves in that (albeit bizarre) manner and there was little complaint in May when Neil Lennon light-heartedly used the term to describe them as they ruined his farewell speech. A contested term already and we have hardly started analysing the issue! Thus, what else can be considered offensive? ââ?¬Ë?Politicalââ?¬â?¢ songs supporting terrorist organisations will obviously be high on the agenda but will the SFA be expected to ââ?¬Ë?self-policeââ?¬â?¢ the Scotland fans as they sing about Jimmy Hill being a p##f? Will the Hibs fans be in the dock for suggesting some Hearts players may be overly-friendly with their owner? Indeed, will the Edinburgh clubs no longer be able to sing about Glasgow slums when they travel west? Killie fans may also no longer wish to be ââ?¬Ë?up to their knees in Ayr bloodââ?¬â?¢. Just how far will the new rules go? There is obviously a fine line between banter and ill-advised mockery of rival clubsââ?¬â?¢ backgrounds compared to genuine discrimination and prejudice. Ergo, who will decide where the line is drawn? After his embarrassing quotes of last week, can we safely assume it wonââ?¬â?¢t be new ââ?¬Ë?Honorary (sic) Vice-Chairmanââ?¬â?¢ of the SFA John McBeth? Perhaps new Chief Executive Gordon Smith will contribute? Just donââ?¬â?¢t tell the Celtic fans who have started a petition against that particular appointment (what they are doing about Eric Rileyââ?¬â?¢s loyalties isnââ?¬â?¢t known). Thus, itââ?¬â?¢s vital for the credibility of any new rules that they are set out clearly beforehand. If the authorities are serious about the problem, the education of the problem fans should initially be paramount before condemnation and punishment. What songs are offensive? What chants are not acceptable? What is the punishment? Who decides? Will the fans be consulted and represented? Where do the stewards and police fit in? For this to work we have to be made aware of the banned terms and the penalties awaiting any breach. What is also clear is for the legislation to be a success is that all Scottish clubs must take the directive on board and act accordingly. The Rangers support are still imperfect but their actions so far in terms of admitting they have a problem while combating it strongly via the fans working with the club are actions worthy of imitation by any other club that may face similar future problems. What hasnââ?¬â?¢t been so encouraging is that while the Rangers fans have been acting positively; other supports have continued to plead their innocence from the moral high ground. Will the fans be able to rise above judgements based on one-upmanship? Or can we expect some supports to continue to be more eager to have others punished instead of facing their own problems? Can we rely on the media to be neutral in their approach or will we continue to see the irresponsible reporting that continues to increase tension instead of alleviating it? Judgement Day is almost upon us. Scottish football can either lead the way in dealing with offensive behaviour or the whole issue could prove to make us a laughing stock. Can football really show society and the politicians how to remove anti-social behaviour from our country? Or will this be another case of all talk and no substance while flawed legislation ruins our game? At this stage there are still far too many questions and not enough answers. The clock is ticking.... * - http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/news.cfm?newsid=2999 ** - http://sport.scotsman.com/football.cfm?id=866752007
  15. Every weekend in the Scottish press you can read advertisements for the self styled ââ?¬Ë?Worlds (sic) Number 1 Glasgow Celtic Bandââ?¬â?¢, Charlie & The Bhoys. This is a busy band who have an extensive gig history and wide repertoire of songs. Lets look at a couple of them starting with the song currently so popular at Celtic Park ââ?¬Ë?Willie Maleyââ?¬â?¢ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbmUQMPJ65g 1 min 2 secs in you get to the crowd courted cry ââ?¬Ë?IRAââ?¬â?¢. This happens every time this song is sung and has done since its inception. Another popular song which appears on 2 of their CDs is ââ?¬Ë?Go on Home British Soldiersââ?¬â?¢. This can be listened to at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtJOD80S4EI&mode=related&search= youââ?¬â?¢ll note that 35 seconds this time the lead singer doesnââ?¬â?¢t need to rely on the audience singing IRA, its part of the lyrics. And this is not the IRA of the twenties. Further highlights of their recorded repertoire with the number of CDs they appear on are: Sean South ââ?¬â?? celebrating the life of a would be IRA assassin from the 1950s. (4) Broad Black Brimmer ââ?¬â?? celebrating the attire of the IRA (1) Tom Williams ââ?¬â?? celebrating another active service IRA volunteer (1) Boys of the Old Brigade ââ?¬â?? an IRA ââ?¬Ë?classicââ?¬â?¢ (3) Bring Them Home ââ?¬â?? yet another invitation to IRA away (2) This is by no means exhaustive but gives a flavour of what this band are about, believe and the audience they attract. Their official site http://www.charlieandthebhoys.co.uk has a link to a web page called ââ?¬Ë?The ****** Pageââ?¬â?¢ at http://uk.geocities.com/samrod_lee/ Oddly enough there is nothing about religion on this site, but a lot about Celtic and republicanism. So what has this to do with Celtic FC? This summer Celtic FC are preparing a lavish celebration of their finest ever footballing achievement, celebrating the Lisbon Lions. It would be fair to say that this collection of players have done more than any other to represent Celtic consistently throughout time; often in their employment. These very same players are more than happy to share a stage with Charlie & The Bhoys. Indeed, CATB boast on their site that ââ?¬Ë?if you would like the Lisbon Lions or Frank McAvennie to attend your supporters night then email us below. We can help you plan a superb question and answers night along with a CATB gigââ?¬â?¢. They confidently back this up with a photo of Tommy Gemmell and Bertie Auld doing their Q&A bit at a CATB gig in Jersey at: http://www.geocities.com/charlienthebhoys/lionscatbgigjersey.JPG Further, evidence that Celtic FC officially endorse CATB is given when they appear to feature on Celtic TV at Seamill at: http://uk.geocities.com/theworldsnumberonecelticband/seamill2.JPG CATB showcase a fundraiser for the Brother Walfrid statue that sits outside Celtic Park with former favourite Bobby Lennox http://hometown.aol.co.uk/CATBhoys/lennoxetc2.jpg Any prizes for thinking that the man two to his left could be none other than Brian Quinn? Celtic FC have a number of supporters clubs throughout North America who have an annual convention each summer. Celtic provide a direct web link to this organisation from their official site at http://www.nafcsc.com/ and send over official representatives each year. This yearââ?¬â?¢s extensive official representatives list includes Neil Lennon, Tommy Burns and Billy McNeil. At this moment in time the author doesnââ?¬â?¢t know if CATB will again share the stage but if the last three years are anything to go by we can only assume, yes. After all, in 2006 the hosting CSC http://www.windsorcsc.com/2006.htm were sure to thank all official attendees who included Billy McNeil, Willie McStay, John Fallon and George McCluskey ââ?¬Â¦and Charlie and the Bhoys. Also included on the 2006 bill of thanks for providing entertainment was Derek Warfield of Wolfe Tones fame. Derek is not short to hide his admiration for the modern day IRA at his official http://www.derekwarfield.com in which he urges visitors to ââ?¬Ë?never fail to salute the menââ?¬â?¢ of the IRA. Derek, you may recall was part of the Wolfe Tones group who were given access to Celtic Park in the late 80s/early 90s to shoot their video ââ?¬Ë?Celtic Symphonyââ?¬â?¢ which includes the words ââ?¬Ë?Ooh Ah Up the Raââ?¬â?¢, a popular chant in favour of the IRA at the height of the Troubles. This infamous video can be viewed at: Derek Warfield and his band are confirmed to appear at the North American Federation of Celtic Supporters Clubs 2007 convention. Entertainment that will no doubt have Messrs McNeil, Lennon and Burns toe tapping along with the remaining members of the Lisbon Lions. Derek says on his site ââ?¬Ë?The Celtic Football Club will always be bigger than the community it serves in Glasgow and it remains a beacon of Irish identity throughout the world. These anthems and songs will never be performed with greater passion than when they are sung by the Bhoysââ?¬â?¢. The quickest of cursory looks at Derekââ?¬â?¢s recorded repertoire will give you a flavour of these IRA songs. Peter Lawwell would need to draw on his unique brand of ââ?¬Ë?factionââ?¬â?¢ to explain how this does not contradict or compromise his boasts about Celtic and sectarianism. Mr Lawwell is never shy in letting us know that 80,000 Celtic fans (55,000 according to the Spanish authorities and UEFA) went to Seville and were a great credit to their team. Five of those fans were members of CATB and they played to several thousand fans in the build up to this match. CATB official site proudly displays pictures of these huge crowds. One can reasonably assume that their favourite IRA songs were sung with gusto. What does this do for their UEFA award? And why can they continue to play at most of Celticââ?¬â?¢s European locations, most recently Milan, without any investigation or questioning. In light of the above, the question must be asked ââ?¬â?? does this matter? Not to Celtic, not to NBM, not to the police, not to the Scottish Executive or not to the media apparently.
  16. Emailed to me from a mate. Name 15 ex Celtic players who are CURRENTLY playing in the English Premiership?
  17. Can someone please remind me what the deal with the production, design, marketing and selling of the "rangers brand" is? I read today that celtic are getting �£5m a season from nike - i just wonder if we are getting anywhere near as much, and what the benefits are of what we are doing. My dad was recently in Toronto and while my mum and sister were away shopping in the malls, my dad went into the sports store's looking for gers tops, and speaking to the guys in the shops to see if they knew anything about us. Unfortunately its all "man u, chelsea, celtic and liverpool" and such like, that have the profile. When we were over in america it was a pretty poor attendance and you have to worry about how our profile is around the world - not with the ex-pats (once a ranger, always a ranger) - but with potential new fans. see man u and celtic with korean players (JS Park) and the japanese and polish boys. You see peter lawwel or whoever the tims have shooting his mouth off about how big a club they are world wide and we just seem to be downsizing. even the new kit in my opinion is a pretty unprofessional looking thing (the white diamonds on the shoulder being lopsided for a start!) and stupid strips like that (and changing the appearance so much regularly) affect the image of the club! the pars looked dead smart in their new addidas kit, and the aberdeen top looks good too, but seeing our one in the champions league?! the badge doesnt look out of place, but its almost as thought its been put on an amateurs kit! I guess its more a concern at the image and branding of rangers world wide, but i think the fact that we cut ties with the likes of addidas and nike have hindered us on the global market, and we may be making more money in the UK but what about world wide...
  18. Sign for them!!! Can't say the thought of the Rangers defence facing him next season scaresd me. Shitty Killen
  19. It's often commented on Rangers sites that we used to be regularly chastised in the press for a lack of a contribution to national squads, yet now we have improved the number of Scots starting the press often fail to mention it. Last night 6 bears contributed to a Scottish victory. Ok it was a friendly and poor opposition, but a win away is a good result for us. Lets not get carried away with our current ranking which is really a bit high. Starters McGregor - Debut. Hardly troubled but a confident display, coming for balls which will in turn breed confidence in the defence. Admitted himself he is unlikely to displace Gordon, even if CG has a slump in form. Regardless competition for the number one spot is good for Scotland. Weir - Best CB Scotland has. Enough said. Shame he doesn't have much time left. Fergie - Captain. First pick. Time and again the only man who can live at international level with almost any team, with the possible exception of Fletcher. Boyd - Linked well with O'Connor, setting up his goal. Pleasantly suprised by the partnership as I though O'Connor was a poor man's Boyd, but GO played off Boyd well. Missed two good chances (the overhead was unlucky imo, poor contact but hard to get on the end of) and a third which should've been a goal, no excuses. Subs Hutton - Going on last nights performance by Alexander, Alan should've started. Best RB we have available. Well deserved debut, although Eck erred by not giving him the full game imo. Adam - Good debut season with Rangers, rewarded with a debut at international level. Short time to impress. Again, why not use a friendly to learn more about the guys who have yet to play at this level and will be available to the national set up for the next decade at least? The Celtic contribution Caldwell started and was one of the worst players on the field. Constantly giving away needless free kicks. Too naive for an international performance. Nearly cost us a goal, losing his man late on to bullet a header off the bar. Hartley came on RM, lacked discipline playing with no width and moving into the middle all the time. Would make it hard for the RB with a lack of cover and his captain's effectiveness was limited as he had to move to the right to cover for Hartley. Very poor, on form he should not be in the squad. Poor for over a year. McManus is probably better than Caldwell, should maybe have started. Came on late on to shore up the middle of the park. No time to have a real impact. Now bearing in mind if Smith can regularly recapture his pre-injury form consistently he should be a starter, and the Webster at Hearts was a national pick and the future for the national team and Rangers is looking very bright. My Scotland team when all are fit and on form would be: Gordon Hutton Weir Webster Smith Brown Fergie Fletcher McCulloch Boyd McFadden Subs McGregor Anderson Naysmith Quashie O'Connor
  20. Basically saying we're better than Celtic??? Quotes him saying we beat the bigger teams but lacked consistancy against the smaller teams. I'm sorry Nacho but are u just trying to wind up the tims? Ask Michael Hart of Aberdeen what publicly dismissing opposition can do to you. I'm getting sick and tired of our team talking a good game. Do you're talking on the pitch Nacho. The league table never lies!!!
  21. Dont know if i will watch this tommorw. I cant see Dunfermline winning but if they play like they were playing 3 weeks ago well they will give Celtic a game. I'm sure Celtic will win this by a few goals, 3-0 Celtic tommorow
  22. Went down to Hampden today to help a lecturer with some performance testing for Queen's Park. He gave me a wee tour, out through the tunnel, into the traditional Rangers and Celtic changing rooms as well as around the various labs and warm up areas etc. Wee bit of testing and then into the changing rooms where the Queens Park boys were having an end of season talk from Billy Stark (ok so he's an ex tim). Loved it. If I think of anything else I'll be on to show off. God i'm such a sad bastard, but I really loved every minute.
  23. Most of us think the first XI are not, perhaps they have a stronger squad. And it seems that the experienced pros agree: Ugo - Featured player on the official site
  24. 6th place Hibs cant catch 7th placed Falkirk. The SPL must scrap this joke of a split.
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