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  1. Yep Ally, full pre-season this year, good winning momentum at the moment, settled team by the looks of it. Now just 'go for it' in this game. There would be nothing worse going out of this tie at a wimper. If we give all and play fast attacking football but go out I would accept it as it gives a measure as to where we are but going out in poor fashion just turns attention onto Ally's ability to put a good team out again.
  2. rbr

    DK's presser

    RANGERS BOARD REJECT KING PROPOSAL The Rangers board have rejected Dave King's plan to ring-fence season-ticket cash, the former director claims. King met with the ruling Ibrox regime on Friday for showdown talks about the club's worrying financial state. The club responded 24 hours later with a statement describing the meetings as a "helpful, open and honest discussion". But the South Africa-based businessman's proposed scheme - that would have protected season-ticket cash from being used to repay a controversial £1.5million loan handed to the new League One champions by investors Sandy Easdale and Laxey partners - was knocked-back by the board. The loan agreement is secured against the Albion car park and Edmiston House facility and will earn Laxey a £150,000 profit in either cash or shares when it is repaid next year. King says the board have addressed many of his concerns about the fallen Glasgow giants' future but revealed the two sides could not find common ground on the topic of season-ticket revenue. In a statement, the Castlemilk-born multi-millionaire said: "The only significant issue that I discussed with the board that is not contained in the board statement is the Laxey loan facility. "Mr [Norman] Crighton, on behalf of the board, made a forcible argument as to why the board considered and approved the terms of the Laxey loan. "The board considered that a combination of legal risk and the current financial position justified the loan terms. "I replied that a consequence of the board's view of the high risk to anyone advancing funds to the club is the board's fiduciary responsibility to ring fence any season-ticket money that is received (even if fans don't request this) unless sufficient committed financing is in place at that time. "The board did not agree with me on this logical consequence but I believe that my observation is correct." King looked set to go to war with the board when he advised fans to withhold season-ticket cash and instead pay it into a trust fund which would then drip feed the money to the club. He made his original call after complaining about a lack of transparency about the club's financial state following last year's £14.4million loss and rumours of downsizing to boss Ally McCoist's squad, which King feared would allow Celtic to rack up "10 in a row". On top of his concerns about season-ticket cash, the former director - who lost a £20million investment when the club was liquidated in 2012 - also expressed fears that the board would mortgage off Ibrox and Murray Park to secure fresh finance. But he added: "The board has now publicly dealt with each of the above. The board has affirmed that it regards competition with Celtic and in Europe as being its continued aim and that this outlook will be reflected in the business review that will be published within the next month. "Crucially, that will allow fans sufficient time to consider the review prior to investing in season tickets but it is also important that the board has now confirmed categorically that they will not use Ibrox or Murray Park as security for any form of fund raising. "No one should be in any doubt that this public statement and commitment is significant and should be appreciated as such. "Statements from a public company board are intended to be relied upon so in a couple of weeks we can expect a business review that will reflect the board's ambition and a funding plan to achieve this. "We can also rely on the fact that if circumstances change the board would be bound to advise the public in advance of this." He added: "The board has now communicated with the fans and has committed to do so in more detail within a month. "Let us give the board time to comply with its commitment. "I advised the board that I would wish to be a part of the required fund-raising as a component of a united fan group investment vehicle. This will require further discussion after release of the review in the next month."
  3. Lifted from FF From Sun Journo Andy Devlin on Twitter
  4. According to The Sun. They're contracts won't be renewed but Cribari will be offered a role in youth development. Apparently both are on £5.5k a week. Can't say I'm bothered with this news.
  5. Salivating Stu' was in giddy triumphalistic mood yesterday. Just when you thought his domination of BBC Radio Scotland airwaves was complete, he announces that Off the Ball is now scheduled for an hour on a Saturday evening, after the action. If you manage to avoid Stu's double dint on a Saturday, there's the two hour Sunday supplement, the current affairs commentary on a Thursday, the, 'my life in five books', alternatively the, 'my life in five tracks', ................ etc. Stu' loves utilising his considerable broadcast time to discuss his trials with psoriasis, appropriate really since he is all over Beeb Scotland like a rash. Channel Four's Director for Diversity was in full flow in last evening's first après-action Off the Ball. He was fully supportive of biggest, bestest mate, Jum Spence's latest whine on behalf of his beloved Dundee United. Stu' is unequivocal, Ibrox is not neutral and the Arabs deserve a 50% allocation of the tickets. I suspect today's Sunday supplement will be used to reinforce these points. Oh, and Stu' was most determined to emphasise Stephen Thompson's point that this was not an exercise in sinking the boot into Rangers. Stu' did not comment on Jum's assertion that Thompson's refusal to sit in the Ibrox Directors' Box is because he feels threatened by certain Rangers Directors. Clearly, both Stephen and Jum have lost their discipline, again. As the show chuntered to conclusion, a wildly excited Stu' bellowed in climax, "over forty thousand Aberdeen fans in Glasgow tomorrow for the League Cup final, arrrrrmahhhgeddonnnnnnn, bring it on". Of course, the Aberdeen revival is Stu's comfort blanket, ignoring the League Cup like the Premiership continues without a sponsor. The real irony is in the delicious detail, Stu' in his state of heightened tumescence was forgetting his own club, St Johnstone were at half time in their match against Ross County, playing in front of a McDairmid Park attendance of 2,200. Aye, that Armageddon has a tendency to bite you on the arse. We know Stu' to be a principled man, don't we? Thus, he will be demanding that his own club are awarded 25,500 Ibrox tickets for their semi-final against Aberdeen. Further, surely on the same principle he has demanded ICT receive 30,000 tickets for today's cup final? Principles are inconvenient, awkward, and unbalancing whence sinking the boot into Rangers.
  6. Mourinho was right then, the league table was false. Chelsea lose at Villa and City win at Hull, 6 pts gap with 3 games in hand. Makes the run in interesting. Huge games later today, Man Utd v Liverpool and Spurs v Arsenal. Arsenals chance for the title, win today and win against Swansea in their spare game puts gives them a chance but I cant see them winning today with no strikers. Past titles winning teams had henry, Bergkamp, Anelka, Wiltord and Kanu. A knackered Giroud cant match that. Score draw 2-2 with Spurs Arsenal. Man Utd to beat Liverpool 2-1.
  7. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/6545-club-statement
  8. "Now to the story from Jim Spence. He reports that Dundee United have been refused their request to have their Scottish Cup semi-final on 12 April moved to a neutral venue, if their opponents are Rangers. The Tannadice club made an official request to the SFA that the match be played at a neutral venue, but say the governing body has rejected the request, citing examples from Uefa as a precedent for a club playing a semi-final on its own ground. Dundee United chairman Stephen Thompson said: "This of course is all dependent on the result of Albion Rovers v Rangers. If it is to be Rangers, then we are not happy with the fact that it is not a neutral venue. A semi-final or final should be at a neutral venue. "This is not an issue with Rangers, it's with the SFA and putting commercial and sponsors' interests before that of fans. We wanted to play the match at Celtic Park but that was flatly denied." Thompson also said that he would not be sitting in the directors' box at Ibrox for the match if United do meet Rangers, but would instead be in with his own supporters. United say they have been given a maximum ticket allocation of 13,100 for the semi at Ibrox if their opponents are Rangers and say that initially they were offered only 11,000 tickets. Albion Rovers meet Rangers next Monday night at New Douglas Park in the quarter-final replay for a place in the last four. An SFA spokesperson said: "The clubs were informed of the venue just after the first round of the cup, due to Hampden Park being out of commission because of the Commonwealth Games. "There were no issues raised then at that early stage."
  9. Taken from FF. MEETING SANDY EASDALE AND THE DATA PROTECTION ISSUE Many have asked why I approached Sandy Easdale after the match on Wednesday and due to even further threats of court action, I believe its time to share with the Rangers family exactly what drove me to do this. Weeks ago when we first received correspondence from layers on the instruction or Mr Easdale, it was via email and arrived one Monday afternoon. The letter was in regard to posts by third parties on this page and we done as requested by the lawyers. Two days later my mother phoned to say a letter had arrived at her home for me. Like lots of other season ticket holders with multiple family season tickets, all our tickets go to one address and in our case it’s my parents home as its easier to manage the renewals and continuous card requests etc. The letter that had been sent to my parents address was surprisingly a copy of the letter I had received via email two days earlier. Mr Easdales (not Rangers) lawyer had somehow sent a letter to an address that to the best of my knowledge only Rangers have for me. How bizarre. I asked the lawyers on several occasions to explain how they came by my address and was instructed that due to “client confidentiality” they could not disclose how they came by it. If they unable to give me this information as to protect their client, then it’s fair to assume this information must have been passed to them by their client. If their client gave them my parents address, where did he obtain it from? There is only one possible source I can think of. Jack Irvine called me in the middle of all this and I advised him of my issue, he refused me the opportunity to speak directly to Mr Easdale regarding this and informed me Graham Wallace would be my best point of contact. I emailed Mr Wallace with my concerns and he set up a meeting. I met Mr Wallace two weeks ago and he advised me that an investigation had taken place and he found no evidence that the address was leaked from Ibrox. When I informed him that the address was in fact not mine but my parents and I was aware of no other organisation that had it as my address, his body language changed somewhat. So Rangers have my contact address as my parents, Sandy Easdales lawyer receives my parents address from their client thinking its mine and no one can explain how this happened. The fact that they knew that I sat in a specific seat in a stadium of 30,000+ season ticket holder is not lost on me either. Fast forward to Wednesday night. As I was getting set for the match I received another email on my phone from Mr Easdales lawyer asking for my current address. I replied saying they had no need for it as they can correspond via email and as far as I was concerned had no outstanding issues. During the half time break I checked my emails and found another claiming they would send sherriff officers to obtain my current address. Sheriffs officers could only obtain my current address by visiting my parents address as it the only one they have. You can maybe imagine how I felt at half time knowing a Rangers directors lawyers where sending sheriffs officers to my parents house who are both in their 70’s. Hence the reason I visited the directors box at full time. When I confronted Mr Easdale with this newly found information and explained that this had crossed a line his response was that I to had also crossed a line and got personal. When I asked him to elaborate he stated that “I took the piss” and even slagged his hair on our facebook page. He confirmed that any libellous comments had indeed been made by others but his problem with me was that even my public apologies “took the piss out of him”. I will leave it to the reader to decide if further future court proceedings are based on him being upset about what others write or indeed the sarcastic manner of my writings. I asked him to consider getting his lawyer to confirm in writing that no such visit to my parent’s house would take place and he said he would see what he could do. What he did do was to instruct his lawyers to issue further proceedings which I received yesterday and these are the basis of today’s Daily Record article. To the fellow fans who asked me yesterday to comment on why I approached the directors box, I hope you understand why I didn’t make it public knowledge then, I was giving Mr Easdale the opportunity to do the right thing. The right thing in his eyes was to instruct his lawyers to send even more threatening letters which included arrangements for court proceedings at the court of session. I have no desire to take Rangers to court or indeed involve innocent employees who may have been forced in to giving out protected data. If I did wish this I could have made this information public weeks ago. I feel I need to state my point now to defend my actions on and since Wednesday’s game. Aye Ready Craig
  10. One decent season (not won anything yet) and he gets a bumper contract.
  11. DAVE King will help rebel Rangers fans to finalise plans for the formation of a trust for season ticket money at talks in Glasgow this weekend. And supporters are set to show their backing for the South Africa-based businessman at the game with Dunfermline at Ibrox tomorrow. The Union of Fans - an umbrella organisation comprising six supporters' groups - will distribute 30,000 blue cards to spectators at the SPFL League One match. And they will be asked to hold them up in the 18th and 72nd minutes of the match and "paint Ibrox blue" to underline their backing of the former director. The Union want the current board to accept the wealthy Scot's proposal to inject fresh share capital into Rangers. Union spokesman Chris Graham said: "The club clearly needs investment and Dave King has stated his willingness to provide it. "We hope that fans will take the opportunity to show their support for someone with a track record of supporting Rangers both personally and financially. "Hopefully the board will realise the strength of feeling on this issue and adopt a less adversarial approach in their future dealings with Dave King. "Fans should not underestimate the power they have to push for positive change at another critical time for the club." King has spent the last two days in London speaking to institutional investors in Gers about whether they would back his plans for the Ibrox club. The 58-year-old, who previously invested £20million of his personal fortune in the Light Blues, will now meet with the Union and the current board of directors over the weekend. He is urging fans to pool their season ticket money and only release it to the club on a "pay-as-they-play" basis when their questions are answered and their demands are met. The Castlemilk-born financier has vowed not to return to his adopted homeland until a trust for pooling season ticket money is legally in place. King's visit follows the news that Rangers had agreed a £1.5m loan for "working capital" with shareholders Sandy Easdale and Laxey Partners, secured on Edmiston House and the Albion car parking facilities. The revelation that Laxey Partners will make a £150,000 profit on the loan when it is repaid in September has also angered fans. Wealthy Rangers fan George Letham has volunteered to loan the Ibrox club the money on better terms and officials are believed to be considering his proposal. Documents lodged with Registers of Scotland, the country's official land and property register, have shown that Rangers will use season ticket money to repay the loan. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/king-to-set-out-pay-as-they-play-scheme-to-rangers-fans-155805n.23693712
  12. http://metro.co.uk/2014/03/13/should-rangers-get-the-plaudits-for-the-their-league-one-title-win-4558956/ Thoughts?
  13. ...............and staff were threatened... but Raith Rovers chairman Hutton says: I'd do it all again It's now 20 months since Turnbull Hutton stood up to be counted amid threats and warnings of the imminent 'slow lingering death' of the Scottish game. But the only thing dying around Stark's Park in March 2014 is the chairman's latest attempt at comedy on his club's website. With no victories for Raith Rovers in the Championship since mid-December, a tongue-in-cheek message from the 67-year-old to fans declaring 'Don't Panic' and signed by 'Captain Mainwaring aka Turnbull Hutton' has gone down like a lead balloon among the denizens of Kirkcaldy. 'Supporters of other clubs liked it but I've been accused by Rovers supporters of patronising them. I've even been accused of being on the sauce while writing it. I've not had a drink this year,' chuckles the Harvard University-educated former head of United Distillers. His point to the malcontents is that Rovers are, these days, in pretty decent nick. They reached the quarter-final of the Scottish Cup before crashing to St Johnstone and a Ramsdens Cup final against Rangers awaits at Easter Road next month. Grant Murray's team might be just four points from the relegation play-offs, but they are also sitting six points from fourth place in Scotland's tightest league. And, vitally, off the park, Raith Rovers turned a profit last year. After the fall of the SPL that Hutton so reviled, clubs like them are now earning four times as much as they did under the old set-up. It's certainly not the Armageddon chillingly forewarned by the SPL's Neil Doncaster two summers ago; an episode that saw Hutton endure a crash course in fan animosity that makes the current levels of disgruntlement at his Dad's Army stunt seem akin to a spot of love-bombing. In July 2012, Hutton led the fightback against what he saw as attempts by the SFA and SPL to 'blackmail' the SFL into solving an SPL problem, using 'a campaign of misinformation and disinformation'. SFL club reps like Hutton were told by SFA chief executive Stewart Regan that a 'slow lingering death' awaited the national game if newly-liquidated Rangers were sent all the way down to the Third Division. Hutton's impromptu Monty Python-inspired speech on the steps of Hampden, when he branded the SPL a dead parrot, saw him emerge as an accidental hero to a wider Scottish football public unimpressed by the authorities' attempts to give the fallen Ibrox club a softer landing in the old First Division. But the fallout also saw Hutton labelled Public Enemy No 1 by Rangers fans. He still maintains his motivation was to stick up for his under-fire director, Eric Drysdale, who was on the SFA's supposedly-anonymous panel that, in April 2012, handed Rangers a one-year transfer embargo and banned Craig Whyte for life from any involvement in Scottish football after he ran the club on to the rocks of ruin. Despite a particularly nasty backlash, however, the redoubtable Hutton says he would take the same stance if it happened again. 'There was all this talk about Armageddon and the slow death of Scottish football, but the best thing to come out of that whole episode was the death of the SPL,' he said. 'I didn't need or want that kind of profile. People forget that situation did not come about because of the Rangers financial situation. It was because of the involvement of Eric on that three-man panel. 'Ally McCoist's famous "who are these people?" speech kicked off a whole series of events that placed me to the fore. Eric was eventually outed, we had threats to our staff, supposedly viable threats to burn our stadium down. 'Eventually you think: "To hell with this!" How could I support the rule book being ripped up for Rangers? I came out on the steps of Hampden, had 25 reporters in my face and I told it like it bl**dy well was. 'But you stick your head above the parapet and suddenly you're all over the bl**dy internet and it spiralled out of control. I became "Turnbull The Tim", which I found quite amusing. But pro-Celtic - or anti-Rangers - had nothing to do with me taking the stand I did. 'I got some charming personal emails. One said: "I hope you die of cancer" and "The only slow lingering death I want to see is yours, Hutton". 'But there were far more supportive emails than nasty ones. I tried to answer them all but it got too much. I stuck them in a "love" file and a "hate" file on my computer and I've still got them to this day. 'Looking back, would I play it different if it started today? I don't think I could and I don't think I would. 'You've got to stand up for what you believe in. The consequences of speaking your mind are beyond your control but I'd do it all again. Everything that's happened since then suggests my view was the right one.' In a month's time, Rangers - still mired in a financial maelstrom - are due to cross paths with Raith Rovers for the first time since that fateful summer. Hutton expects a backlash. 'Ally McCoist is the only one from Rangers we've spoken to,' he nodded. 'He came to see us playing Dumbarton. Eric Drysdale and I passed the time of day with him, and it was fine. But the other faces at Rangers keep changing and we've never played them since. 'There's still a hangover from when that whole episode was at its peak, with the likes of Sandy Jardine mouthing off about boycotts and stuff like: "We won't forget". 'I don't know if we are still on a boycott list but I'd imagine the Ramsdens Cup Final won't be a happy family day, filled with brotherly love. 'I've been involved with the tournament from its inception and there have been some wonderful finals over the years, like Dundee United vs Stenhousemuir and Alloa vd Inverness. They were all happy family days out but I've a feeling this year's won't be.' This season also 'marks' the 10th anniversary of another dark episode in Hutton's colourful Stark's Park tenure. Not even his formidable 35-year business background could have prepared him for the crazy five-month tenure of Claude Anelka, brother of France's enfant terrible Nicolas. Claude's previous job had been as a DJ in a Miami nightclub and he arrived with a fearsome sidekick named Styx amid promises of luring a stream of 'new Thierry Henrys' to Kirkcaldy. 'It was Monty Python stuff, frankly,' says Hutton, who joined the Rovers board in 2000 and found himself increasingly 'sucked in' to becoming a 'reluctant chairman'. 'I took a stroke in April 2004 and I was out of the frame for around eight weeks, which was unfortunate, because at the same time Claude Anelka surfaced. He promised £180,000 per season for the playing budget and, as a struggling First Division club, the board had to look at that. 'He was going to be director of football, with Antonio Calderon staying as manager - but Antonio couldn't work with him and he packed up and returned to Spain. 'Claude became boss and, unknown to me, held a press conference and gave a line about making Raith Scottish football's third force. 'Then Styx arrived with all of his belongings stuffed in the back of a Peugeot van; a pile of soul records, 10 to 12 pairs of trainers and a heap of unwashed jeans. 'We had supposed "young superstars" turning up who had never played 11-a-side before. There were Czechs, Muslims, French players, English guys and the odd Scot. You name it. 'Raith at the time had more rented housing in Kirkcaldy than the Scottish Special Housing Association. That came back to bite us when they all disappeared and we were left to pay the outstanding council tax and electricity arrears. 'Anelka did put the money in, but the additional costs far exceeded his investment. It was a pretty big fiasco and, when it came to a halt, we were left to pick up the pieces. 'There were meetings with our local MP (and future Prime Minister) Gordon Brown, who was Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time, as the Reclaim The Rovers campaign gathered pace. 'But some investment failed to materialise and that rescue deal was seriously under-funded. We've been battling that legacy ever since. 'Ironically, it's only in the last two years we've seen a turnaround, helped by league reconstruction. Before it was £60,000 to win the First Division, now it's £60,000 per place.' Hutton has seen high times with Rovers, particularly when Jimmy Nicholl's team stunned Celtic to win the League Cup in 1994. He was also in the Olympic Stadium with his son and daughter the following year for a 'once-in-a-lifetime experience' when Danny Lennon's goal saw the famous, if short-lived, scoreline: Bayern Munich 0 Raith Rovers 1. Given the club's chequered financial history in the modern era, however, in typically blunt fashion Turnbull prioritises Championship survival over a potential first Scottish Cup triumph in Raith's 131-year history. 'If I had to make a call, I'd rather we stayed up,' he says. 'I don't want to be a Wigan and win the Cup and go down. I know some supporters would take a different view but balancing the books is paramount. 'Winning the Cup would be a fleeting moment of glory and then a short-lived trip to a Russian outpost. Cup success would also bring its own financial challenges in terms of stadium improvements for a one-off shot at European football. 'I'd be more excited about the St Johnstone game if we weren't on a disastrous run. St Johnstone's Tommy Wright and Callum Davidson came to see us against Hamilton last month and we were 4-0 down at half-time. I hope that lulled them into a false sense of security.' With that, the chuckling Hutton heads off to an appointment with his dentist. 'His name is Graeme Smart and he supports Hibs, who we beat 3-2 at Easter Road in the last round. His brother Gordon is married to Kate, daughter of (Dunfermline legend) Jim Leishman. If Graeme goes above the usual pain threshold this time, I'll go for him …' Whatever else has been said about this Burntislander, and there has been plenty, nobody would ever describe time spent in Turnbull Hutton's company as akin to pulling teeth. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2576251/Rangers-supporters-branded-Public-Enemy-No-1-stadium-staff-threatened-Raith-Rovers-chairman-Hutton-says-Id-again.html#ixzz2vs7DmEeS Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  14. March 13, 2014 Ibrox Set For Blue Card Display by Union of Fans The Union of Fans are set to paint Ibrox blue in support of Dave King. 30,000 blue cards will be distributed at Ibrox on Saturday calling for the Rangers Board to meet with King and accept his plan to inject fresh share capital into the club. Following the very successful red card display carried out by Sons of Struth earlier in the season, to show the fans displeasure with the board, this display will take a similar format. Rangers fans will be asked to welcome King’s involvement by displaying the cards on the 18th and 72nd minutes - a reference to the club’s foundation in 1872. Union of Fans spokesman Chris Graham said: “The club clearly needs investment and Dave King has publicly stated his willingness to provide it. We hope that fans will take the opportunity to show their support for someone with a track record of supporting Rangers both personally and financially.” “Hopefully the board will realise the strength of feeling on this issue and adopt a less adversarial approach in their future dealings with Dave King. Fans should not underestimate the power they have to push for positive change at another critical time for the club.” “The cards will be handed out by volunteers around Ibrox before the game. So if people want to take part we would ask them to seek out a card prior to the game.” http://www.unionoffans.org/statements/2014/3/13/ibrox-set-for-blue-card-display
  15. Hong Kong, 13 March 2014 - Hong Kong; March 13, 2014: Premier League sides Manchester City, Chelsea, Newcastle United, Aston Villa and Sunderland, and Scottish giants Rangers will be among the teams challenging holders Leicester City (pictured above) at this year’s HKFC Citibank Soccer Sevens. The 15th edition of the tournament will be held from May 23-25 at Hong Kong Football Club, host venue since the inaugural event in 1999. Chelsea will compete for only the second time after making their debut two years ago, while the six other British clubs competed last May, when Leicester beat 2012 champions Newcastle 2-0 in the Cup final. Most of the British clubs will be fielding players between the ages of 17 to 21 as they bid to win a tournament that each year features future Premier League and international stars. Aston Villa have won the event a record five times. Despite the array of Premier League clubs on display, Leicester City Academy Director Jon Rudkin said the club are keen to defend their Cup title as they make a third straight appearance in Hong Kong. “It’s a terrific tournament to be involved in and we’re delighted to be coming back to defend the title in 2014. Winning the Cup last year was a fantastic achievement for the players involved,” Rudkin said. “Having won the Shield the previous year, to go on and win the Main tournament in only our second appearance was a feat everyone at the club was extremely proud of. The players involved in both visits learned a great deal about the format from the first time and used that experience with real intelligence when we came back last year.” Rudkin and his young charges hope they’ll be part of a newly promoted club by the time they head for Hong Kong, with Leicester’s first team currently leading England’s second-tier Championship. “It will be a very good test for our young players in a very intense environment and I’m sure it will be another valuable learning experience for them,” Rudkin said. “We have a lot of faith in our young players, who have shown in the last two years that we’re very capable of competing while playing some exciting football.” Mark Allen, Manchester City’s Head of Academy, said the Blues are looking forward to building on their debut last year, when they were knocked out in the Cup quarter-finals by Rangers and lost to Aston Villa in the Shield final. “I thought it was a fantastic experience. It was well organised and well coordinated, and equivalent to any top tournament I’ve been to. It was a pleasant surprise that it was so well organised,” Allen said. “I thought the format was fantastic and it was also great from the development perspective as well. We’re all really looking forward to coming back.” Weber Lo, Citi Country Officer and Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong and Macau, said the confirmation of seven leading British clubs signalled the tournament’s growing reputation. “We’re delighted that Leicester City are back to defend their title at the HKFC Citibank Soccer Sevens as we also welcome back Manchester City, Chelsea, Rangers, Sunderland and former champions Aston Villa and Newcastle,” Lo said. “It’s exciting to announce seven such major clubs so early and it’s recognition of the tournament’s world-class reputation that these teams keep returning to Hong Kong Football Club. Citibank is proud to title sponsor such an international tournament in Asia for the fourth year, and we look forward to another great and exciting tournament this May.” Citibank has title sponsored the event since 2011 and other sponsors this year include British Airways, Nike, Aegon and The Excelsior hotel. The remaining sides in the 16-team Main competition and the line-up of the 12-team Masters competition will be announced soon, while ticket details will be announced in April. The tournament will start with the opening round of Masters pool games on Friday evening, May 23. All the Main group matches and the remaining Masters pool games are held on the Saturday before the knockout stages for both competitions take place on Sunday. Future stars who have competed in the Main competition include Gabriel Agbonlahor, Glen Johnson, Marc Albrighton, David Bentley, Anton Ferdinand, Sammy Ameobi and Shaun Maloney. The Masters tournament has featured former England internationals Peter Beardsley, John Barnes, Chris Waddle, Teddy Sheringham, Des Walker, Andy Cole and Matt Le Tissier, German legends Jurgen Klinsmann and Pierre Littbarski, former France winger Didier Six and Finnish icon Jari Litmanen http://www.hksoccersevens.com/news/item/man-city-chelsea-among-leicester%E2%80%99s-challengers-2014
  16. Former director Dave King will begin the next phase of his plan to bring fresh finance to Rangers on Wednesday. King is flying to London for meetings with current investors to discuss his plans for the future of the League One leaders before heading for Glasgow. The South African-based businessman has been involved in a war of words with the present board in recent weeks. Over the next couple of days, King will meet several of the institutions and individual investors who own shares. One of those meetings is scheduled to be with Laxey Partners Ltd, the club's single-biggest shareholder, which has been at the centre of the most recent controversy at Ibrox. The Isle of Man-based investment management company loaned Rangers £1m at a 30% interest rate only for the club to issue a statement this month saying they were considering an alternative loan at a lower rate of interest. King will ask current shareholders to back his plans for a new share issue, arguing that a diluted holding for them is better than a total write-off should Rangers go into administration. His plan then is to come to Glasgow at the end of the week to meet fans groups and other interested parties, with the current board having requested an audience. Rangers announced a £14.4m loss in the 13 months to June, but chief executive Graham Wallace has insisted that the Glasgow club is not facing a second administration. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26539769
  17. RANGERS Football Club and Media House International Ltd announce that by mutual consent their current business relationship will end on March 11th 2014.
  18. KEITH says the resurgence of Aberdeen under the impressively astute Derek McInnes is something that should be cherished and encouraged at a time when Scottish football is struggling. DEREK McINNES has done the first part of the job. A huge red monster has been poked in the ribs. Consciousness has now been successfully regained. But here’s the trouble with waking a sleeping giant. You better make sure it gets out of the right side of the bed because you wouldn’t like it when it’s angry. And you most certainly don’t want to be the cause of its ire. For example, if McInnes does not win the League Cup Final – after watching the abysmal manner in which Inverness Caley Thistle self-destructed against Dundee United yesterday – then he may suddenly find himself with some explaining to do. Worse still, even if McInnes does deliver the Pittodrie punters with their first piece of silver since 1995 on Sunday, he might still be chased the length of Union Street by the natives should somehow fate dictate that he loses a Scottish Cup Final to Rangers. Now don’t laugh. I’m serious. Okay so first Ally McCoist will have to find a way of getting past Albion Rovers in a replay next week. And you wouldn’t bet bad money on them doing anything of the kind. Then – against all odds – they’ll have to deal with the effervescence of Dundee United in the semis. At the same time, McInnes will have to negotiate a way past St Johnstone. But the truth is if Rangers somehow make it to the Final, McInnes might never recover from the shame of not seeing this lot off. In fact, the most damning thing about this latest Rangers humiliation is it did not even register as a shock to see them scrambling to salvage a 1-1 draw against a team of part-time kids on £20 a week. A mild surprise? Perhaps. Shockingly unprofessional? Absolutely. But anyone who was actually, genuinely left slack-jawed in amazement at what went on at Ibrox yesterday afternoon has clearly not been paying due attention to the mess this club has made of itself on and off the park in recent times. So woe betide McInnes then if he should somehow find a way not to do away with his old club. Aberdeen, you see, are standing on the shoulders of history. For more years now than anyone cares to remember this has been one big Incredible Sulk of a football club. Consistently, almost without fail in fact it has punched way below its weight. Often embarrassingly so. But two cups and a second-placed finish in the league can end all that. To put it simply even though there was a similar high point back in 1990 the recent years of bottom-six finishes and the ensuing onset of being comatose this could be the single greatest Aberdeen awakening since Gothenburg. Or it could take crestfallen to new levels. But before it goes one way or the other let’s add a sense of perspective to Aberdeen’s rise while remembering “In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is King”. We could rework that old saying for the modern-day game in this country. In the land of the incompetents, the mediocre man wins medals. And before this mighty and mobilising Red Army starts frothing at the mouth let me make one thing clear. Recently in these very pages, not only did I write that Aberdeen are now well and truly back but, what is more, all of Scottish football should be glad about it. The fact they have shifted more than 40,000 tickets for Sunday’s cup final at Celtic Park merely confirms that a healthy, vibrant Aberdeen is good for business. The game in this country doesn’t have a lot going for it right now but the resurgence of this club under the impressively astute McInnes is something that should be cherished and encouraged. They have been out cold up north for far too long. But while all of that is true, it would be absurd to start fawning over this Aberdeen team or to mistake McInnes’s players for a new batch of Willie Millers, Alex McLeishs and Mark McGhees when evidently they are not. In today’s world they do not need to be. Aberdeen must only achieve competence to emerge as this country’s second force. McInnes has simply been smart enough to recognise this as a fact. Just look at the slapstick defending that cost Inverness their place in the semi-finals yesterday. Some of it was hysterical. Much of it was beyond parody. And this from a team competing in the last eight of the Scottish Cup? It would not seem unreasonable to expect better of a team playing on a public park. In the current climate, simply being competent, resolute and organised is enough to turn any team into genuine contenders. The difference at Pittodrie is McInnes is both smart enough to realise it and capable enough to make it happen. When he brought in Barry Robson and Willo Flood in the summer, McInnes was hanging his hat on the tried and tested. Men who have been over the course and back again. Even at the peak of their powers they were never considered to be world beaters. Their career highs came and went more than five years ago when both of them ended up at Gordon Strachan’s Celtic. The truth is, they’ve been on a downward trajectory ever since. The fact they are now the joint powerhouses in Aberdeen’s engine room suggests clearly the decline of the Scottish game has been a great deal steeper and faster than that of their own. McInnes was shrewd enough to identify even if this pair’s best days are beyond them they are still better than most of their contemporaries. And it was the same in January when McInnes pulled off another fine piece of business in bringing Adam Rooney back to the Scottish top flight. That signing, in my view, secured second spot in the table. It may well turn out to have bought McInnes a cup double too. And yet the reason Rooney was available for free was because he had just been released by League One outfit Oldham, despite his previously prolific stint in Inverness. On Saturday, Rooney scored his sixth goal in eight appearances for Aberdeen to knock Dumbarton out of the Scottish Cup quarters. McInnes conceded after that nervy 1-0 win some of his players are starting to feel the pressure that comes with the weight of expectation bearing down on their slender shoulders. That’s human nature and perfectly understandable. But they should worry not. They are the best of the rest and now is no time for self-doubt to get in their way and stop them from reaching out to claim what is theirs. It’s not rocket science. They have the second-best team in the country because they have assembled the second-best group of players. McInnes has spent well. His squad’s wage bill is significantly short of £2million and miles shy of the £6m currently being wasted by Rangers. Which just goes to show sound management is not just as simple as signing big cheques. Yes, McInnes has made Aberdeen a force again. He had better not blow it all now.
  19. The First Annual Gersnet Dinner will be held at Malaga Tapas, 213-215 Saint Andrews Road, Glasgow G41 1PD on 26 April 2014 at 3.00pm for 3.15pm till 7.00pm. NOTE NEW TIMES DUE TO EARLY KICK OFF V STRANRAER http://www.malagatapas.co.uk/ The restaurant is currently ranked in the top 20 in Glasgow on Tripadvisor http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Restaurant_Review-g186534-d1087980-Reviews-Malaga_Tapas-Glasgow_Scotland.html MENU FOR THE FIRST ANNUAL GERSNET DINNER (THE BEARS PICNIC) Primer Plato (First Course) Selección del chef de varias tapas, por ejemplo (Chefs Selection of Various Tapas e.g.): Pescados (Fish) – Pescado en Adobe ( Spanish Marinated Fish in a combination of paprika and spices) Fritura de Pescado (Fried Mixture of Fish & Seafood; king prawns, squid & white fish, served with garlic mayonnaise) Carnes (Meats) - Albondigas en tomate (meatballs cooked in a rich tomato sauce) Pinchos Morunos (Authentic Spanish Skewers of Sizzling Pork, marinated with cumin, garlic & red wine) Verduras (Vegetables) – Pisto Manchego (Mixture of roasted vegetables: peppers, potatoes, eggplants and onions mingled with tomato sauce) Bravas con salsa Picante (Malaga Tapas own take on the quintessential Spanish patatas bravas) 3 tapas per person Segundo Plato (Second Course) Paellas: Marisco (seafood), Valenciana (mix of chicken & seafood), Montana (chicken and dry-cured chorizo); Verduras (vegetarian) (the selection on the night will depend on numbers) Postres (Deserts) por ejemplo (e.g.): Crema Catalana (Spanish version of crème brulee fired at the table!) Copa Malaguena (Ice cream, honey coated peanuts, raisins and topped with Pacharin liquor) NB: The above are examples from Malaga Tapas’ current menu (see web site); as the owners import a high percentage of the ingredients from Spain, the actual dishes available on the night may vary from the above. £18.00 por persona (per person). All those wishing to attend please post in this thread. I am proposing to collect a deposit of £9/10 per head and in order to avoid any possible suggestion of impropriety, I intend opening a bank account with two signatories, specifically for that purpose. Frankie has approved the opening of a Gersnet Dinner account with me and Andy Steel as signatories. I'll PM the details to all those who sign up when I get it organised.
  20. Serving his apprenticeship nicely at the moment and as it stands Im hoping he is our next manager. When Ally eventually moves on Id take him well ahead of the realistic candidates like Billy Davies. Got to give McInnes credit, 1 cup final, 1 semi final and 2nd in the league with a team who have been struggling for years. I liked him as a player in the 90s also, thought he was a fine midfielder.
  21. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/foo...1-5m-loan.html Rangers last night appeared to contradict the wording of that document, insisting the repayments would come from a wider pool of money. A club spokesman said: "The loans, if drawn, will be repaid from the operating cash flow of the business at the relevant time. Operating cash flow comprises many sources including commercial partnership income, retail dividends and match ticket income." Spivs out. Just noticed previous thread. Still lying spivs.
  22. DESMOND, who this week celebrates 20 years with Celtic, said the club's financial position and performance on the field exceeds any other team in Britain. MAJORITY shareholder Dermot Desmond claims Celtic are the best-performing club on and off the pitch in Britain and predicts a “visionary” future on the international arena. Desmond this week celebrates 20 years with Celtic after joining forces with Fergus McCann to help rescue the club from going out of business under an intransigent and unpopular board. Celtic are now arguably in their most stable financial position and Desmond feels the next 20 years can be even brighter. Desmond told Celtic TV: “If you look at the financial metrics between Celtic and other clubs in the UK, our performance, the balance-sheet performance and the performance on the field, I think, exceeds any other club, recognising that we are shackled by lack of revenues we have from TV and other comparable income that Premier League and Championship clubs get. “We have got financial stability, good organisational structures as far as scouting, development squad and coaching go. We have a vision of how we want to keep on improving the playing squad. “If you look at the squads over the past few years, they are getting better and better each year.” The Irishman also hailed Neil Lennon as a “first-class manager” and Peter Lawwell as a “wonderful chief executive, as good as you will find in any football club in the world”. And his main pride over his time with Celtic is the culture. When asked for his highlights, he said: “I have too many to mention. I liked the evening we beat Barcelona and I liked when we did the same with Manchester United. “I like any moment at Celtic Park when we have had victories, especially over teams that wear blue. “Seville (the 2003 UEFA Cup final) was a great highlight but there’s many of them there. “But I think the highlight of the 20 years I have been involved with Celtic is that it’s an independent club with wonderful supporters and we have a great future. “I see the club getting stronger on the playing field. I see the club being visionary in developing internationally. And I see the Celtic fans and the club having a partnership that will be a model for all other football clubs.” Meanwhile, Celtic have arranged a friendly against Bayer Leverkusen at Helsinki’s Olympic Stadium on Saturday, August 2. Celtic Park is unavailable at that time because of the Commonwealth Games. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/celtic-majority-shareholder-dermot-desmond-3215293
  23. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/mccoist-to-meet-wallace-to-discuss-summer-signings.23632214
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