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  1. ........of emergency cash slams Brian Stockbridge's 'disgusting' golden handshake share deal. GEORGE Letham, who is still out of pocket four months after bailing the club out, has accused the regime of misleading shareholders about Stockbridge's penny share option at December's agm. THE Rangers fan who loaned his club £1m of emergency cash last night said he is “disgusted” by Brain Stockbridge’s golden handshake share deal. Record Sport revealed yesterday that former financial director Stockbridge will pay just £7000 for around £215,000 worth of shares as part of an agreement with the board when he was booted out of Ibrox in January. Now wealthy fan George Letham – still out of pocket four months after bailing the club out of a financial crisis in February – has accused the current regime of misleading shareholders about Stockbridge’s penny share option at December’s agm. At that meeting, Letham asked specifically about Stockbridge’s entitlement to share options worth up to £500,000. In a statement supplied to Record Sport last night, Letham described the board’s failure to disclose the full details of that deal as “indefensible”. He said: “I am disgusted by the news that the share options granted to Brian Stockbridge were at an exercise price of one pence and feel that myself and all other shareholders present at the agm were misled by the response to my question. “The response to it from Stockbridge and David Somers meant I left the agm comforted that my shares were not going to be diluted to the benefit of Stockbridge. “I think it is indefensible that company representatives and advisers present at the agm did not seek to clarify the position especially when shareholders were voting on a resolution to give authority to grant share options of up to 6.6m shares to directors and employees.” The Union of Fans also hit out and questioned whether Charles Green had a similar agreement on his shares. Their statement read: “If ever fans required a reminder of the reasons for our campaign to secure our club’s home, it is the recent windfall received by Stockbridge, who has been handed shares worth around £215,000 for which he has paid just over £7000. “It is the current board’s position he was contractually entitled to these shares and so it was outwith their control. We reject this entirely ... the windfall is an absolute disgrace. “Charles Green had a clause in his contract which entitled him to 1,028,571 shares. Can the board confirm whether this option was also allowed to remain following Mr Green’s contract termination? “If so, can we expect a further windfall in the near future for Mr Green on top of the small fortune he has already bled from the club?” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-fan-who-loaned-club-3806719
  2. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/police-drop-probe-into-agm-comment-by-rangers-chief.24665736
  3. “If ever fans required a reminder of the reasons for our campaign to secure our club’s home, it is the recent £200k windfall received by disgraced former finance director Brian Stockbridge, who in the past couple of days has been handed shares worth approximately £215,000 for which he has paid just over £7,000. It is the current board’s position that Brian Stockbridge was contractually entitled to these shares and it was therefore outwith their control. We reject this entirely. Mr Stockbridge could and should have been sacked for any number of employment related issues including his abysmally inaccurate financial projections, financial mismanagement of tens of millions of pounds of fans’ and investors’ money and several misleading statements to fans and shareholders. That this board allowed a compromise agreement to be signed, on termination of Mr Stockbridge’s contract, which allowed Mr Stockbridge a further £200k windfall is an absolute disgrace. His share option entitlement and any other financial benefit which Mr Stockbridge was due should have been removed as part of his contract termination. Mr Stockbridge has already received considerably more than he merited from our football club as have several others with whom he is closely associated. Did Mr Stockbridge’s close relationship with the Easdale brothers, who hold undue influence over boardroom matters, smooth his path to this further windfall? Furthermore, we believe that David Somers misled shareholders at the AGM on the subject of Mr Stockbridge’s share options. When a question was asked on this topic, the clear inference from Mr Somers was that this would not be an issue due to the option price of 70p, which at that time was almost twice the market value of the shares. Mr Somers clearly gave the impression that the option would not be taken due to the drop in share value. At no point did either Mr Stockbridge or Mr Somers make it clear that this option could be exercised for 1p a share – a crucial and highly misleading omission. Charles Green had a similar clause in his contract which entitled him to 1,028,571 shares. Can the board confirm whether this option was also allowed to remain following Mr Green’s contract termination? If so, can we expect a further windfall in the near future for Mr Green on top of the small fortune he has already bled from the club? Finally, despite repeated attempts to engage with Graham Wallace and the board over the issue of a binding legal commitment not to sell or lease back Ibrox or Murray Park, we have been unable to come to any agreement. It seems the board are happy to continue to alienate the thousands of fans who have supported our efforts through the Ibrox 1972 fund. As a result of this refusal from the board to give fans any legal undertaking over the club’s most prized assets, we are left with no option but to release all those who have supported the fund from their binding financial commitment. This will be confirmed to them over the coming weeks. We urge fans not to give their money to this regime in a lump sum payment via season tickets and to support the team on a game by game basis. The team deserve our loyalty, this regime, with its stranglehold on our club, deserves nothing but our contempt. Quite simply, they cannot be trusted and supporters simply do not know where their hard earned money is going to end up if they pass it over blindly."
  4. well a few weeks with no rangers games and old compo is lost and to make things worse the world cup has wetted my appetite for footie I just hope we at ibrox play a passing and free flowing type of game something that will have the fans begging for more , lets hope .
  5. Rae: Injury-free Lewis is set to shine as Rangers face tough test LEWIS MACLEOD has often found himself out of position at Rangers as he has been shunted to the left of the Light Blues midfield. But former Ibrox star Alex Rae reckons Macleod will be central to the Gers' Championship challenge next term. The 20-year-old is the brightest star to emerge through the ranks in some time but has not had his problems to seek in his first two seasons in the spotlight. A knee injury brought a premature end to his first campaign then a viral infection sidelined him for several months last time out. Having returned to full health and full training, he is once again on the right path. And Rae reckons that could take the midfield protégé to Rangers stardom. "It is important that Lewis gets a good pre-season under his belt and then hits the ground running," Rae said. "He's one of the better players in the squad and the experience he has got will benefit him going forward. "The Championship is a tough league and it will be a good test for Lewis. "Any competition for your place is healthy and Lewis will be determined to get himself in the team. There were times last season where he played wide on the left but he played in the middle as well. "That is his preferred position but the experience of playing is the most important thing for him just now. "It is a great learning curve playing alongside guys like Ian Black and Nicky Law and Lewis will benefit from every minute he gets on the park. "Even guys that aren't in his position - like Miller, Boyd, big Jig (Lee McCulloch) - they will all help him and bring him on all the time. It is a fantastic chance for him and it will be a great grounding. "Technically he is up there with some of the better ones that have come through Murray Park and hopefully he can go on to have a really good career at Rangers." Having shone in the Third Division and League One, Macleod will have to up his game once again when Rangers begin their bid for the Championship crown next month. It is a challenge all of McCoist's players must rise to as they look to complete The Journey. Rae said: "There are seven full-time teams next season and that will be a factor, the quality of the opposition will increase once again "It will be a brilliant league. The last couple of years have been a formality but the competition will be stiffer now. "There are some good teams in there and you have Hibs and Hearts who will be looking to get back up at the first time of asking. "Rangers obviously have the aspiration of getting up this season and they will be looking to start well and put a marker down again." http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/rae-injury-free-lewis-is-set-to-shine-as-rangers-face-tough-test-169504n.24643209
  6. WILLIAM HILL are offering the odds on the Gers to make it two league campaigns in a row without losing a match. BOOKIES William Hill are offering 16-1 that Rangers go through the Championship unbeaten. Ally McCoist’s side were undefeated in League One last season, earning a return for punters who had backed them at 4-1 not to lose a game. Rangers are 4-9 to top the Championship, with Hearts 7-2 and Hibs 5-1. The Ibrox outfit’s last league defeat was 39 games ago, when Peterhead beat them 2-1 in the old Third Division. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bookies-make-rangers-161-go-3784129
  7. According to his mum on the radio this am. "His dad played for Hibernian and the whole family are big Hibs fans." Good luck to the young man - we all have our troubles in life. I only mention this because he was touted as either a bear or a jambo. I always thought he was hertz because he talks posh like Gorgie folk, 'ken?
  8. Article submitted by Andy Steele: SDS Survey: No Issues? No Chance! News that a survey by fans' body Supporters' Direct Scotland has found that while the vast majority of fans felt the game in Scotland had no issues with racism or homophobia, it had a big, big problem with sectarianism. This highlights not just the issue of social attitudes and football, but, sadly, the problem people have with perceiving themselves as part of the problem. One can assume fairly safely that for such a result to be obtained a good proportion of respondents were either non-Old Firm fans, or if Old Firm fans, Celtic supporters. I would be willing to place a hefty wager that the only fans who feel strongly that there is little sectarianism in Scotland would be those supporters the others consider to be the problem: Rangers fans. One must always, in such debates, pander to the thin skinned and establish that yes, one does think there is an issue and yes, Rangers fans most of all need to deal with it. A major issue, though? I don't see it in my day-to-day life, though I may of course simply be lucky or blinkered. Having established that denial is not on the agenda, though, I'd like to examine the other two aspects mentioned, homophobia and racism. If Scottish football has no issue with racism it is because the game is played, watched, commentated on and written about in what is a virtual monoculture. The BBC can count Kheredine Iddeshane, who to guess from his name may be of middle east extraction, and STV Rhaman Bardwan, but that's about it. The sight of players from non-European backgrounds has diminished of late, while managers and chairmen are exclusively white. No racism? Well, maybe if we understand that creating an almost exclusively European ethnic identity for the game will go a long way to excluding those from without such a background, it may expain why there's 'no racism': there's no cultural mix in which it might appear. Perhaps, if we actively created an environment which encouraged diversity, and focused on policing the resultant mix effectively, we may find we're not quite so tolerant as we might like to think. Or we may not - who knows? Casual racism has certainly been part of my west of Scotland experience: I am inclined to believe that 'no issue' is a complacent and boastful conclusion not based on evidence. But since many have called long and loud for such an approach to sectarianism, it seems only logical to apply it to these other areas as well. And what about homophobia? 'Get fucking up, ya poofy cunt' is, for the student of English, a fascinating sentence, but it's hardly indicative of a tolerant atmosphere. You'll hear it, and variants thereon, at every ground every week when an opposition player is apparently injured, though: 'no issue'? When 'Off the Ball' described a poor flag as 'poofy' I actually, for the first time in my life, got off my arse and complained. I got a reply: it was drivel. Credit where it's due, though, the programme presumably realised they were out of order and have since addressed the issue interestingly and humourously. What the incident that riled me shows, though, is that many of us are actively discriminatory without even realising it: Stuart Cosgrove was no more actively trying to put down homosexuality than I am actively trying to create a Protestant theocracy when I sing 'No Surrender' at Ibrox. The effect, nevertheless, can be non-inclusive. My singing of that song is based on the fact that it creates a great atmosphere first and last, and not in any way because I care about or know about Irish or religious history. Others, though, hear my singing and feel excluded or offended by it. What to me is a noise is to others an insult - if Tom English, easily the best analyst of the game at the moment, is freaked out by it I have to think twice. That's not to say I will agree with him, but it gives pause for thought. Plainly all these issues are hyper-sensitive with absolutes thin on the ground, but there's simply no way we have absolutely 'no issue' with racism or homophobia. I suppose the point I'm trying to make is that in our game, all three of these issues exist to varying degrees, but only one is taken seriously and, conveniently, it's the one that can be blamed on someone else. Sectarianism deserves to be taken seriously, but so too do other forms of bigotry: not least sexism, which in Scotland remains rampant. I find women as sexually stimulating as the next man, assuming he's straight, but that's no reason to objectify them or base a professional appraisal on their chests or backsides: that's still the default position of far too many men. We've plenty issues which could do with being addressed both in the game and in the country, but the first step we take will have to be from our own front doors. Blaming everything on Rangers and Rangers fans while insisting the rest of the land is a paradise of tolerance and diversity is doing no-one any favours: a more honest appraisal of our own prejudices would reveal some or all of these issues, far from being non-existent, might be visible in the mirror tomorrow morning as you shave. http://www.gersnet.co.uk/index.php/latest-news/252-sds-survey-no-issues-no-chance
  9. .........that Ally McCoist showed me the door at Rangers. THE Northern Ireland internationalist says that McCoist spoke to him throughout last season and fully expected to stay at Ibrox. FORMER Rangers striker Andy Little says he was left stunned last month when he was axed at Ibrox. The Northern Ireland international didn’t take long to find a new club 
and earlier this month agreed a contract with Preston North End in England’s League One. Little, 25, is disappointed he wasn’t offered a new deal but understands why he was allowed to leave the League One champions. McCoist has brought Kenny Miller and Kris Boyd back to Ibrox since and Little said: “It was a massive shock. I was fully expecting to sign a new contract and stay at Rangers. “The manager had spoken to me throughout the season. I loved every minute of my time there but these things happen in football. “I think they needed to offload some players and I was the collateral, if you like. “I think the manager wanted to keep me but sometimes if there is another player he fancies more than you, he has to make that choice.” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-transfer-news/stunned-striker-andy-little-still-3787254
  10. Don't think we've had a discussion on Boyd before. Certainly haven't had on whether I have been pro-Boyd. Long time posters on here will know I was his biggest critic. However this season I think we've seen a different player and I cant believe I would ever say that if we are being linked with him Id like him to return - mainly due to the position we are in. I still think he is a poor 'footballer' as such but he is a good poacher / scorer. 18 goals this season has kept Kilmarnock in the league until the final day and I wouldn't bet against him scoring today against Hibs. Looking at some of his goals from highlights and pictures I think we have got a guy who has matured late and realised what being a professional is all about. Ive no doubt his ventures in England, Turkey and USA (all of which were poor) has developed the 'person' Kris Boyd. I thought we wouldn't see him play again but to be edging towards a Scotland call up shows the hard work he has put in and he also looks far more fitter and stronger. Perhaps he thought he had made it when he came to Ibrox first time around and being part of Fergusons gang made him feel untouchable. If we was still a top flight team challenging for titles this wouldn't even be a thread but if we ever needed someone WANTING to prove his worth and banging the goals in the championship it might be Boyd now. If Ally could only find some tactical knowledge then playing Templeton, Macleod, Shiels and Law in creative positions then Boyd would score 20+ goals in the championship. But then again if Ally had tactical knowledge we maybe wouldn't need Boyd as Clark, Little and Daly may have got high tallys this season also and we'd be happy with them going into next season. I reserve the rights to retract this statement.
  11. .........and share the 1914/15 league title. By Gary Ralston GARY says that the Premiership champions have an opportunity to lead the way on behalf of Scottish football this summer by requesting a fitting tribute to the Hearts players who made the ultimate sacrifice. HEARTS start the new season in the Championship and it would be an act of graceful benevolence from Celtic if they end it with a top-flight title. The Premiership champions have an opportunity to lead the way on behalf of Scottish football this summer by requesting a fitting tribute to players who made the ultimate sacrifice. It would be a touching act of remembrance if Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell approached the SPFL in the coming weeks and asked for the 1914-15 championship to be retrospectively shared. The new season kicks off on August 9, five days after we pause and reflect on events 100 years previously when World War One was declared. It is estimated total casualties from the conflict was 37 million, including three million alone from Britain and the Commonwealth. It was a slaughter of innocents from all nations that lays bare the great lie of sport’s tragedies, usually uttered when a millionaire fails to score with a free shot from 12 yards. The real tragedy for Scottish football was the deaths of James Speedie and James Boyd, aged 21, Henry Wattie and Duncan Currie, 23, Tom Gracie, 26, and Edgar Ellis and John Allan, just 30 years old. It was the compromised career of Paddy Crossan, gassed and wounded twice at the Somme, and Alfie Briggs, who returned from war and never played again, suffered from severe depression and died in 1950 with two machine gun bullets still embedded in his back. They were among the 16 who signed up from Hearts for McCrae’s Battalion soon after the outbreak of war, foregoing their careers to play for a bigger team and a greater goal. They were not alone, of course, as McCrae’s Battalion attracted players from Hibs, Falkirk, Dunfermline and Raith Rovers, all following Lord Kitchener’s fickle finger of fate to the killing fields of France. No football team in Scotland was unaffected, including Celtic, where players also signed up, and who, in 1918, won the Navy and Army War Fund Shield, played to raise money for the families of those who had fought in war. Seven former Celtic players died in World War One. And William Angus, who won the VC for outstanding bravery, was wounded 40 times and suffering the loss of an eye during a daring rescue of an injured pal on the edge of German trenches. But no team suffered more than Hearts during a period when the SFA were under pressure to postpone the season all together, with Airdrie chairman Thomas Forsyth declaring: “Playing football while our men are fighting is repugnant.” At the start of the 1914-15 season Hearts won eight league games on the trot and hopes were high they would win their third title and their first in 18 years. However, the strain of the war effort told in the end as exhaustion from their army commitments took hold to such an extent even trainer James Duckworth suffered a mental breakdown under the pressure. As a result of innoculations, non-availability and additional military training, their form inevitably crumbled. Hearts led the league for 35 out of 37 weeks but eventually succumbed and defeat to St Mirren and Morton allowed Celtic to overhaul them to win the championship by four points. Striker Tom Gracie topped the scoring charts with 29 goals but played the closing weeks of the campaign with leukaemia. His body broken, he died in a military hospital the following year. Jimmy Speedie was killed at Loos in September 1915 and Currie, Ellis and Wattie all fell at the Somme, that repugnant slow march to death ordered by their own generals. Hearts would not hit such grand heights in football for almost another half century, with the last of their four championships won in 1960 after earlier success in 1958. The season after they came so close to the championship they finished fifth and on one occasion could not even raise a team to travel to Morton. A shadow of the club they once were, in the 1916-17 season they finished 14th, used 46 players and were in such a state they finished a match at Ibrox with only 10 men because Fred Gibson had to leave early for work. Hearts fans have never forgotten the bravery of their men and every November they gather at Haymarket for a service at the memorial erected by Edinburgh’s city fathers to mark their sacrifice. In recent years, a cairn has been established at Contalmaison and a bronze plaque was also recently unveiled at Tynecastle, 100 years old this year, to recognise their heroism. Scottish football, led by Celtic, have the ideal opportunity to do the same. It would be a poignant gesture if they asked for the history books to be rewritten and that one campaign shared. Players come and go in Scottish football but this squad of 16 deserves always to be remembered. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/gary-ralston-celtic-should-honour-3773982
  12. ALLY MCCOIST admits it is pleasing to see former Rangers stars showing a desire to return to the club and play a part in the journey back to the top of Scottish football. Kris Boyd’s decision to sign a one-year deal this morning was another massive boost for the manager after Kenny Miller joined the Light Blues for a third time on June 5. Having already enjoyed great success at Ibrox, McCoist believes it says so much about Rangers that experienced stars such as Boyd and Miller are desperate to return and he couldn’t be happier to have both of them on board for next season in the Championship. The manager said: “I’ve got to say I’m delighted with it. You have guys who have an obvious, genuine love for the club and they have suffered watching their club go through what we’ve gone through in the last two years. “It’s really, really pleasing and reassuring for myself and all the staff, and indeed the supporters, to know that great players who have performed for the club before want to come back and help the club through the next campaign. “The good thing for us is we have them in early enough that they can do the pre-season and get right back into it. “It’s one of those things we say that when you leave the club it’s always in your heart and I think that’s the case with, if not all, but the vast majority of all Rangers players that leave. “For example Carlos Bocanegra is away but he can’t wait to meet up with us when we go across to America. So there is something special about our football club and it’s fantastic. “It gives everyone a real boost that two players, Kris Boyd and Kenny Miller, who still have absolutely plenty to offer the football club in terms of their performances on the park, are willing to come back.” With Darren McGregor also joining Rangers this summer McCoist now has competition for places in most positions on the pitch but he still hopes to bring in further new faces as the club looks to gain promotion to the Premiership at the first attempt. He added: “We had to re-assess the squad and strengthen the squad for what will be a very, very difficult campaign next year. “We have three in so far and I would be delighted if we can add to that and strengthen the squad again for what will be, and I am stating the obvious, a tougher campaign. “The last few campaigns have not been easy by any stretch of the imagination but we’ve been comfortable winners in both leagues. “This will be different I would imagine in the respect the majority of the teams are full time. You would expect the level of competition to be higher. “We played three teams from the Championship last year and had two victories against Queen of the South and Falkirk and we lost the late extra-time goal to Raith Rovers. That gives us an indication of what we are facing.” http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/7095-great-to-see-players-returning
  13. A KILMARNOCK pensioner was shocked to find a rare and valuable Scotland cap belong to former Gers player Bob McPhail lying in his loft. AN OAP has discovered a priceless piece of Scottish football history in his cupboard. Stewart Core, 78, found a rare Scotland international cap belonging to Rangers legend Bob McPhail as he cleaned out his house. The cap – which marks McPhail’s appearances for Scotland against Northern Ireland and Wales in the 1931-32 season – is now expected to fetch up to £6000 when it goes to auction. Father-of-two Stewart, from Kilmarnock, said: “Bob McPhail became a family friend after my dad sold him a house. “My dad worked for house builders John Lawrence Ltd and they became pally. “My dad was a lifelong follower of Rangers. I visited Bob with my father and he became known to me as Uncle Bob. “Bob played outside left for Rangers and played for Scotland 17 times. “He was known as ‘Greetin Bob’ because he was always appealing to the ref. “I understand that Uncle Bob had decided to give away his international caps and he kept his junior ones. “This cap was given to my father as a gift by Bob McPhail himself. “When my father died in 1966 my mother passed the cap on to me. “I never thought about it and found it in a cupboard when I was clearing things out. I decided to put it up for sale so that it can go to a good home.” McPhail was signed by Rangers from Airdrie in 1927 for the then substantial fee of £5000. He went on to become one of the most prolific strikers ever to play for the club, scoring 261 goals in 408 appearances. Only Ally McCoist has scored more league goals for the Ibrox club. McPhail won nine league titles with them. He was also a great success with Scotland – notching up seven goals in his 17 appearances. They included a double in a 3-1 win over England in April 1937 in front of a Hampden record crowd of 149,415 people. Stewart added: “The last contact I had with Uncle Bob was in 1958 when I married and was setting up my first home and I bought kitchen equipment from his firm. He was a generous chap. “I have no idea what I will spend the money on if the cap sells. “I’ll probably just put it towards doing my house up a wee bit.” The cap is due to go on sale at McTear’s Auctioneers next month. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/real-life/oap-finds-rangers-legend-mcphails-3771253
  14. This is one for the support. I don't see him as a winner.
  15. Hearts: Goalkeeper Neil Alexander signs player-coach deal Hearts have agreed a deal to sign former Scotland and Rangers goalkeeper Neil Alexander, when his Crystal Palace contract expires on 1 July. The 36-year-old will become a player-coach for the Championship outfit. "As a boyhood Hearts fan, I am delighted to join a club I have supported for many years," Alexander to told the Tynecastle side's website. "With the coaching side of it as well, this is a fantastic opportunity for me. I'm excited at the challenge ahead." Hearts, who were relegated from the top flight last term, kick off their Championship campaign against Rangers at Ibrox on 9 August. "With the fixtures now out, it really gives you an incentive to be involved in the first game," added the former Ipswich Town, Cardiff City and Livingston goalkeeper. "It's a really exciting start for us and I definitely want to be involved on 9 August. "This club has fantastic supporters and their backing has been phenomenal. Hopefully we can give them something to cheer about after what has been a very difficult 12 months for everyone at the club." Hearts head coach Robbie Neilson has also signed up midfielder Morgaro Gomis, striker James Keatings from Hamilton and former Sparta Rotterdam forward Soufian El Hassnaoui, subject to international clearance. The Tynecastle club have also tied up teenage winger Sam Nicholson on a new three-year contract after his deal expired. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/27977321
  16. Here is my plan complete with gaping holes for a velvet rangers revolution. I believe currently the rangers support is too fragmented to be effective in achieving fan ownership in 2014, and efforts should be turned to season 2015-2016 by the end of the year if 'angel investors' have failed to remove the current board. Goal - To create a consensus within the rangers support and eliminate economic uncertainty. To buy the club for fan ownership. To rebuild Rangers as a global player Method - Conference to create united body Use fans' season ticket money to buy shares This is Plan Z - it assumes that any investor angels with normal sized hands predictably as usual have failed to walk the walk, and the support are totally on their own with no outside assistance. I think fan ownership could be achieved by dangling this carrot in front of the 17,000 - from 2015 to 2016, a season ticket will entitle the purchaser to a full share in Rangers, and run for 3 years. I would expect around 100,000 tickets at £500= £50 million. I would invite the permanently disappointing millionaires to invest, up to £50 million, and offer a seat on the board for such investment, (and most importantly for their contacts and business acumen) but weight supporter owned shares 2:1 over investor shares. So to recap £100,000,000 investment inwards in 3 years, but with season ticket revenue being used to buy out ****s, and with supporters owning 66.66% of club. If the ****s won't sell, then they must be made aware that any plans they have for Ibrox RE sale leaseback, will not be acceptable. They must be made aware that rangers are willing to move to Hampden and possibly rebuild it with the SFA, if the conditions for Ibrox are not right. If this happens and the ****s sell Ibrox to property developers, they must be made aware that there will be continual harassment and civil disobedience on the site of Ibrox with the sole purpose of reducing the value and profit of the site. Any investors who refuse to sell at fair market value must be made aware that there will be a price to pay for this, and offices in London etc will be no protection from picketing supporters and economic pressure exerted form any avenue possible. There should be however, no ned behaviour like the hounding of BBC reporters, smashing windows at Pacific Quay for example. This needs perfect PR. And no neds. Pre conference 1- Decide on chairman and decide on speakers. You'll need a couple of keynote speakers speaking for half an hour each, and say, 20 speakers speaking for 2 minutes each. The speakers must be representative of the support and include representatives for season ticket holders, supporters clubs and busses, international supporter clubs, websites (of which Gersnet must be one), and board members of the club, if they want to put their point of view across. 2- Decide on format - At start, conference should recap how rangers came to be an omnishambles, and why it is an omnishambles. After this, a keynote address laying out the options for the supporters, and how the conference will progress through the day. Then move onto numerous quick addresses from supporters' representatives, outlining the views of the support. 3- Lunch, then voting. Conference 1- Hire the SECC or EICC. 2- Book a full AV package including projectors, screen, and digital voting system 3- Have prepared motions for conference. These will include: a) Do you agree that today we create one organisation who's authority to speak for all supporters will be granted on achieving 50%+ majority, and the results of any majority votes will be respected and adhered to by the minority? YES/NO b) Do you agree the supporters are the club, and we should own the club? YES/NO c) Do you agree to offer to buy the shares of the current incumbents at fair market value? YES/NO d) If they do not sell out their shares, do you agree to take a course of action which will potentially liquidate the 'company'? YES/NO e) Are you prepared to start again in Division 2 if necessary? YES/NO Vote on all of these and your own crafted (no pun intended) questions. Appoint a permanent 'manager' for your new organisation. he must be of outstanding flawless character, liquid, and without any legal impediments. Appoint a PR person untainted by Scottish nonsense. Try England for a robust PR professional. An attractive woman would be my sexist standpoint here, not some fat guy from Dennistoun. I don't know how to finance PR people, permanent positions, hiring SECC etc - maybe DK could help. Give your angel investors until November1st to provide a viable roadmap to fan ownership. After this it is closed to them and they must come through the fan's organisation in the future. Book SECC/EICC for Jan 31st. 2015. The results must be made available via a press release, and the current shareholder left in NO DOUBT, the consequences of their (in)actions. Note - fair market value should be just above the asset value. The current board will try to manipulate the share price to gain a better position.
  17. Can anyone advise who sanctioned the signing of a player who can't make the subs bench of the Honduras national side? 'The Famous Glasgow Rangers' Oh how they laugh
  18. We know that season ticket sales are slow/low, and this is for a variety of reason. One of them being Dave King's "trust". Does anyone know what sort of numbers are involved with the trust now??? Is it a significant number, or has it turned out to be a bit of a damp squib???
  19. Preston North End: Ex-Rangers Striker Andy Little signs deal Northern Ireland striker Andy Little has signed a two-year deal with League One club Preston North End following his release by Rangers in May. Little, 25, has scored more than 30 goals for Rangers over the past two seasons and can also play full-back. Preston manager Simon Grayson said that Little would bring "good qualities" to his squad. "I am delighted that he has chosen us over quite a few other teams," added the Preston manager. "Andy has a fantastic goal record in Scotland and he can handle playing for a big club, as he has shown with Rangers. "He will bring real pace to the striking department and that is something we have been looking to add." Enniskillen man Little has won eight Northern Ireland caps. He scored 25 goals in the 2012-13 campaign but struggled with injury during when Rangers won the League One title last season. The forward joined Rangers' youth ranks in 2006 and made his first-team debut in 2009. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/27955885
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