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  1. Please say it is so (SDM and Wattie... ignore the offers we will no doubt receive !!!)...... from sportinglife Madjid Bougherra claims he is 100% certain he will still be a Rangers player next season after helping them clinch the Clydesdale Bank Premier League title. The centre-half has enjoyed an excellent debut campaign at Ibrox, prompting speculation he could be set for a move in the summer. He was linked with both Marseille and Newcastle but, with a league winner's medal and Champions League football to look forward to, insists he is going nowhere. He said: "For a player like me, I had never won anything and this is a dream for me. "I will say it again, 100% I will stay next season. When you see the fans behind you and know they like you, you can't move. It's impossible." Rangers chiefs admitted in January they could be forced to offload one of their key players in a bid to balance the books. But, now that a �£10million Champions League jackpot is secure thanks to their status as Scottish champions, Bougherra is optimistic not only of holding onto their best players but adding even more quality. He said: "I think with these finances, we can keep our players and bring new players. It's fantastic for the club to prepare for next season." Goals from Kyle Lafferty, Pedro Mendes and Kris Boyd secured the win over Dundee United which allowed Rangers to win the championship and end Celtic's quest for a fourth successive title. Bougherra knows Rangers were all but written off at the turn of the year when they fell seven points behind following defeat in December's Old Firm derby. But the defender claims he never gave up hope of bringing the trophy back to Ibrox. He said: "We have come far because we were seven points behind. But we didn't speak, we carried on working and now we are champions. "You can read all my interviews here, where I said the championship was very long and I knew the quality of my team. We are delighted to win." Meanwhile, Rangers skipper David Weir branded comments made by Georgios Samaras ahead of the weekend action as "stupidity". The Celtic striker claimed the Parkhead side were the better team and that Rangers would be unworthy champions. But Weir said: "The comments are irrelevant. I think anybody with any sense would realise it's just stupidity. "I'm sure the other team's players will be disappointed with that because it puts them on the back foot straight away. "I think we went about our business in the proper manner and did our talking on the pitch. That's always the best place to do it." At the age of 39, Weir could remain at Ibrox for a further year, admitting: "It's not for me to decide but I hope so."
  2. WHEN Martin O'Neill's Celtic team flogged the title on the last day at Fir Park four years ago, his players should have been put in front of a firing squad before they made it to the showers. Think about it. A team that could count on the quality of Chris Sutton, John Hartson and Craig Bellamy was asked to beat Motherwell to win the Championship and they folded. Unforgiveable. The same will apply to Walter Smith's Rangers players if they blow it on Tayside this afternoon. As the hysteria of Helicopter Sunday mounts, there has been some junk written of the task facing the league leaders. Rangers haven't won at Tannadice in three years, we are told. Dundee United will die for the single point they need to clinch a European place, we are warned. Gordon Strachan You would think that Smith's side were facing Manchester United. The league table tells a different story. United lie a massive 30 points behind Rangers! Of 18 home games this season, the Tangerines have won just seven. The reason for that? Craig Levein's players aren't as good as those who will run out for Smith today. End of story. Nor are they used to the pressure that comes with the Old Firm territory. Of the four title medals I picked up, three were won on the last day. Nothing concentrates the mind more than the fear of losing. It's a way of life in Glasgow, a psyche that breeds the mental strength required to survive at our two biggest clubs. One that should see Rangers over the finishing line after an astonishing comeback. Every time the Celtic boss checked his rear view mirror the Rangers boss was there Whatever the outcome, Smith has outmanaged Gordon Strachan this season. While Strachan drove his side to glory with a seven-win sprint finish last year, Smith has guided Gers into the box seat against all the odds this season. When the embarrassment of Rangers' Champions League exit to Kaunas was followed by the departure of Carlos Cuellar to Aston Villa, you'd have got long odds on them being in the mix this morning. Remember, they were already without long-term injury victim Barry Ferguson at that time. And there was more pain for Rangers punters to swallow. While Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell was sanctioning a January deal for Steven Fletcher that would have run to �£4million, Sir David Murray was trying to flog Kris Boyd on eBay. Murray's humiliating admission that the bank was now calling the shots must have had the Celtic board purring. Throw in the seven-point lead the champions had at the time and Dermot Desmond's gang had Rangers in their pocket. Or so they thought. What a misjudgement. While Hoops punters started to dream of another nine-in-a-row, Smith set about the unlikely task of closing the gap. On and off the pitch he has had his work cut out. The lack of brains in his dressing room saw to that. Boyd was first to feel Smith's toe up his backside when the striker was booted out of Murray Park. Since then the player has been terrific. More firefighting was required when Ferguson and Allan McGregor hit the headlines at Loch Lomond while on Scotland duty. Smith could have ducked it but put the title and his job on the line by suspending them. Throughout the crisis management Smith continued to stalk Strachan. Every time the Celtic boss checked his rear view mirror the Rangers boss was there hoping for a slip - and boy, have Celtic obliged. Just two away wins this side of the New Year has seen Celtic lose their earlier authority. Last weekend's tame surrender of two points at Easter Road was symptomatic of a team that has lost its way. Celtic may well beat Hearts today, but they should never have been in the position of needing a favour from Dundee United in the first place. Meanwhile, Smith and his players head for Tannadice and the most difficult step of them all. There can be no excuse for failure. Time surely for critics of the SPL split to dry their eyes. Sure, it's not perfect and yes, ideally teams should play the same number of times home and away. But for a league of dubious quality, Hitchcock couldn't have scripted a more dramatic end to the season this weekend. Agree? Disagree? Scroll down to leave your comments As Kilmarnock's Billy Brown backs Gordon Strachan and Ally McCoist's endorsement of the format, who has come up with a better idea? To be fair, wee Jim McLean's favoured 16-team set-up still has supporters. Most of them already sectioned under the Mental Health Act! http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/scottish/scottish_sport/322276/DAVIE-PROVAN-Celtic-should-never-have-needed-a-title-favour.html
  3. Listen to his reaction when Gerrard scores. To think he played for their city rivals too..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S54q9ZbsLzg]Quality[/ame]
  4. Tom Boyd led Wim Jansen's side to the championship in 1998 to prevent Rangers completing a decade of dominance, but he is convinced that if Gordon Strachan's leaders claim the flag for the fourth successive season then they can consign their arch rivals to the wilderness for years to come. Richard Gough, who inspired Rangers to those nine successive titles between 1989-97, has argued that debt-free Celtic will go on to at least match that achievement if they retain the trophy. Rangers are around �£30 million in the red and desperately need the �£15 million which comes with the automatic qualification for next season's Champions League money. However, failure to win the championship and claim that revenue could leave them disappearing in Celtic's rear-view mirror. "Who am I to argue with Richard Gough?" said Boyd. "I certainly hope he's right. "If you believe the financial problems that Rangers have at this moment in time then this title is crucial to them. "Celtic are on this three-in-a-row run and if Rangers financial position is as bad as people say then they won't be able to afford the better quality players if they don't win the league this season. "The money that the Champions League brings in is colossal and it would be one of the most vital championship wins in Rangers' history for those reasons. "There was a lot of pressure on us in 1998 to win the title and stop 10-in-a-row and that was evident in some of our results. The financial position that Rangers are in now makes this title every bit as intense for them as it was for us then. "Rangers need the money to compete and automatic entry into the Champions League. We didn't have that back then as we had to negotiate the qualifiers and that money wasn't guaranteed. "There is an added pressure for Rangers because a lot could hinge on their success or failure in this title race." Murdo MacLeod won four championship medals with Celtic, including last-day successes in 1979 and 1986. Now an analyst for BBC Scotland, MacLeod believes that the current side surrendering their advantage would constitute capitulation. His main concern is that Hibernian's top scorer, Derek Riordan, signed and discarded by Strachan in seemingly arbitrary fashion, will have yet another say in this season's denoument. Riordan scored in the 1-1 draw against Rangers which handed Celtic an unlikely lifeline on Wednesday, and he will be out for revenge at Easter Road on Sunday. "If you're ahead with two games to play then I think you can only throw it away," said MacLeod. "You're at the stage with two games to go when you say: 'Let's win at Easter Road and then at Celtic Park'. That's a situation you would take all the time. "Derek won't hold back on Sunday, though. He'll look back on his time at Celtic and not be happy with the amount of games he played. "He felt he didn't get a chance. He's certainly capable of scoring and I'm sure that possibility is in the thoughts of a lot of Celtic fans just now. "I think he'll have a point to prove. Derek knows how tight it is in the title race but he has more affection for Hibs than anyone else. "He won't look at Celtic as one of his old teams that he has a soft spot for. He is a big Hibs man and, 100 per cent, he will be wanting them to win." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/scottishpremier/celtic/5325733/Title-outcome-could-affect-Rangers-Celtic-battle-for-years-to-come-says-Tom-Boyd.html
  5. Anyone else like this guy? Having written him off as merely the latest in a long line of quality-starved Aberdeen fans' mediocre cult heroes, I've actually seen a bit of him in a few games recently. I watched the Aberdeen v Dunfermline cup replay (actually I was in the Pars end ) and for 105 minutes he gave the Dunfermline full-back a torrid time, you could feel the Dunfermline end shite itself every time he got the ball. And I saw highlights of Aberdeen at the pig sty the other week and he made absolute mugs out of Heid It and Hoof It. A real tricky wee player, I believe he may even have been an England U-21 player at some point? I'd take him as a cheap squad player offering something a bit different. Thoughts?
  6. Pedro Mendes moved away from the best league in the world to come to Scotland and doesn't regret it for a minute. But yesterday he was left scratching his head at the inability of his fellow pros north of the border to pick a player. Not that he thinks Steven Davis, Scott Brown and Gary Caldwell - as well as himself - can't play the game. The Old Firm quartet, nominated by the PFA Scotland for their Player of the Year award, have had fine seasons and few would argue at their right to be in the shake-up. But in Mendes' mind, there is only one worthy winner of the trophy this term - the man whose goals have almost singled-handedly kept Rangers' title hopes alive. Mendes has played with and against the best in Portugal and England but has rarely seen anyone with Kris Boyd's radar for goal. In fact, he can recall lining up with only one other in possession of the same strikers' mentality and it is a guy who almost joined Rangers a decade ago. Brazilian Jardel was paraded at Ibrox but his move fell through and he ended up at Bolton before joining forces with Mendes at Porto. Now the midfielder is setting up goals for a player he believes has striking similarities with the South American. He said: "For me, Boyd would play all the time. He is a top scorer, a finisher and it is good for us that he belongs to Rangers. "It's beyond me why he hasn't been nominated. I would vote for him if I could. Improving "We had a player who came from Bolton - Jardel - who played with me at Porto. Boydy is so like him. "Sometimes Jardel would not look interested but at the right time he would be and he scored 40 goals a season at Porto. It was unbelievable. "Sometimes his touch wasn't the best but he could score every kind of goal. "It's similar with Boydy. He's got 28 at the moment and with six more games to go I don't know how many goals he can score - I hope 45 or 50. "Jardel was the same. He was a great finisher but you couldn't expect much more from him. "That's what we want from Boyd - just to score. Even so, he is improving his game very much outside the box. "If we win the league, Boydy's goals will have been the key. "There have been games in which we have struggled and suddenly Boydy has scored. "We know if we can give him a good delivery inside the box, he can finish. It's a big bonus for us." While our neighbours in the Premiership are congratulating themselves on having three clubs in the last four of the Champions League for the third year running, the Rangers midfielder couldn't be happier that he jumped Hadrian's Wall in the summer to ply his trade in the SPL. And he insists the quality of player in Scotland is much better than the league is often given credit for. Mendes, who is a member of the English PFA and didn't have a Scottish vote, went on to reel off a series of names who have impressed him - even if he did joke that his picks would have been countrymen Bruno Aguiar and Felipe Morais if he had been handed a ballot paper. He said: "I train and play with Rangers players every day and it is a pleasure to play with them. But Celtic have great players, like Nakamura and McGeady. "Then you go to Dundee United where Sandaza and Gomis are very good players and at St Mirren, Dorman is a very good player. "I would have voted for my countrymen Aguiar and Morais. Not because they are my countrymen. "Aguiar has done a fantastic job for Hearts. He is a very good player. Morais just joined Inverness in January and has been very good for them. "I also think that Falkirk are a fantastic team. They are one of the best in possession, yet they are struggling. "For me, that is a difficult one to understand because they have very good technical players but they don't score enough. "There is quality and very good players everywhere. Maybe that's why the Old Firm are dropping more points." They might be but it is making for an exciting end to the season and Mendes is loving it. In fact, the chase for the titles is the reason he gave up a good life in Portsmouth. He said: "One of the big things about playing for Rangers is that everyone expects you to win every game. In other championships, the top teams sometimes lose and it is not such a big thing. But in Scotland the pressure is there all the time. "I knew how big Rangers were and that Scottish football was more or less two teams playing for the title every season. "With the number of fans the club has, the pressure is there all the time to win and when a club like Rangers spend three years without winning the title the pressure is even greater. "The most important thing is to finish the season on a high. That's what we are aiming for. "Rangers and Celtic are dropping points more often than they usually do but it's all about how it finishes. "Sometimes you want something new - new leagues, new clubs and Rangers are such a big club. I knew it would be a big challenge for me and I made the move. I was leaving the Premiership, which is probably the best league in the world. "But it was a chance to come to a massive club and that helped me decide. I didn't ask for advice. Sometimes it is better to go with what you think rather than talk to someone. "Together with my family, we decided it would be a good move for us and I am pleased with it." Mendes will be even more pleased if he ends up with a championship medal at the end of his debut season in Scotland. The Player of the Year award would just be an added bonus, even if he thinks it should have gone to his big mate Boydy. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/spl/2009/04/17/kris-boyd-is-rangers-answer-to-jardel-says-teammate-pedro-mendes-86908-21284375/
  7. What a difference a couple of weeks make. Even before the clouds began circling over Ibrox after the behaviour of a couple of the club�s biggest stars on international duty, there was a general malaise and negativity down Govan way. Having let a lead in the SPL slip, with Celtic stretching their advantage at the top to 3 points overturning a 10 goal deficit in the goal difference and taking the league title out of our hands, even accounting for the remaining Old Firm match at Ibrox. This was followed up with a lacklustre defeat in the CIS cup. Finally all the excitement and hype of last season�s enthralling chase for four trophies had ebbed away. Questions are continually asked of Smith�s tactics and of team formations and line ups. Summer signings are under increasing scrutiny. So the last thing we needed was the suspension of the club captain and the number 1. A squad decimated by injuries to Thomson, Lafferty, Miller and Papac amongst others. Without so many key performers how could we possibly halt the relentless march of Strachan�s side to another title? Therein lies the problem with objectively discussing football, especially when it surrounds Scotland�s most successful team. Everything is either rosy, or we facing the apocalypse. There is no in between. When in reality the truth lies somewhere in the middle. There are shades of grey. Whilst all the newspapers column inches were taken up with ex-pros and pundits lining up to take a pop at Ferguson and McGregor, new club captain Davie Weir and his team mates have gone about their business in quiet if unspectacular fashion. Weir�s first opportunity to lead his side out as fully fledge captain, as opposed to the stand in role he has ably filled in the past, resulted in a 1-0 victory. A satisfactory outcome at the end of a difficult week for Rangers Football club. At this stage of the season, every game is about earning the 3 points and not worrying about the manner in which they are achieved. The win at the Falkirk Stadium was the beginning of a welcome return to goal-scoring form of Kris Boyd. After not scoring for 5 games, the prolific hitman has found the back of the net 4 times in the last 3 games and is looking to continue his scoring form in the season run in as we chase league and cup success. Lee McCulloch filled in for Ferguson in his absence against the SPL�s basement club. However injury to the former-Wigan midfielder saw Edu promoted to the role of Pedro Mendes� engine room partner. The young American, having had longer to settle in a new country had looked more composed and has been more involved than in his earlier cameo�s this season. Smith�s injury and suspension ravaged side followed up that victory with a maximum 3 points against another struggling side in St Mirren. The Paisley outfit looked like they were in for a long afternoon when Boyd and then Beasley fired Rangers into an early 2-0 deficit. Much like other recent fixtures, such as the dropped points against Hearts, we failed to kill off McPherson�s side and an Andy Dorman second half strike made for a nervy finish. In truth however St Mirren rarely threatened and another deserved victory was ensured. Even in spite of the opposition, 2 back to back away victories will bread confidence given our away record in recent years. Edu followed up his late appearance against Falkirk with his first goal for the club and a strong performance that led to him being given some spectators motm award. The appalling anti-football tactics of St Mirren, with some tackles more recognised in the Octagon at a UFC event, increased Rangers mounting injury problems with both Papac and Beasley first half casualties. As alluded to at the start of this piece though, along with the imminent return of Lafferty, Papac and Beasley are expected to return in the coming weeks. Andrius Velicka made a second late appearance as a sub as we ran the clock down. Even the Lithuanian himself will no doubt have been surprised to return to the starting line up for the first time this year as we welcomed Mark McGhee�s Cel.... sorry Motherwell to Ibrox. With just 2 minutes on the clock, the big Lithuanian had repaid his manager�s faith with the opening goal and is being picked by some as a surprise starter in the upcoming Old Firm. Not to be undone by his strike partner, Boyd scored for the third match in succession with another goal of the season contender before rounding off the victory with a penalty after Brian McLean felled Mendes in the box. After the international fall out, Smith will have been incredibly pleased to have picked up maximum points. The first time his side have won 3 games in a row since September and he will be looking to extend that run when we travel to Leith on Sunday. Smith will also be pleased in the manner in which Edu has come into the midfield and offered a balance that arguably was missing when Mendes and Ferguson, two players who are excellent going forward but less disciplined defensively, play together. Neil Alexander has stepped in to fill McGregor�s gloves to great effect and it demonstrates the defensive strength of Walter Smith�s squad that such a massive change at a critical stage of the season has barely been worthy of discussion since Alexander first pulled on the gloves against Falkirk. The return of Stevie Smith to offer competition to Papac, who is hoping to be fit for this weekend�s match, is another welcome boost. Smith played in left midfield against Motherwell as Walter looked to ease him back into fold and with the inability of any player to make that position his own, the committed display against our Lanarkshire neighbours should be enough to allow Steven to keep his place this weekend. As had been mentioned earlier on, Boyd�s return to goal-scoring form has come at a vital time with Lafferty and Miller struggling for fitness and Novo and Naismith struggling for form. The Ayrshire hitman is looking to break the 30 goal mark and if he can get near to the 39 he scored the year Eck bought him from Killie there is every possibility that will be enough to secure league flag number 52. The emergence of Velicka from the wilderness could also be important with striking options getting thinner by the week. Added to all of this, the relentless pursuit of victories and 3 points, the return to form of key players and the re-emergence of some of the squad�s forgotten men is the boost of the announcement of the final Old Firm fixture, confirmed for the second post-split fixture on May 9th. This news means that Bougherra�s one match suspension, that rules him out of the opening post split tie will be served when Celtic travel to Govan. The Algerian stopper was unavailable as McDonald took advantage of Kirk Broadfoot�s lack of games in his favoured centre-back role and Celtic ran out 1-0 winners. He was also unable to prevent the 2-0 loss last month. The classy defender has to be the leading candidate for both Rangers and the SPL�s POTY. I, as no doubt most other fans, will be relieved that the Bougherra should be marshalling our back line in the final Old Firm encounter of the year. There are a number of issues still to be addressed at Ibrox and Murray Park, both on the field and in the boardroom. However, recent weeks have shown we have strength in depth of quality within the squad and a strength of character capable of winning this League and the Scottish Cup. If we win the two games prior to the Old Firm, beginning with Hibs this weekend, will take us into the Old Firm knowing a victory at Ibrox will put us in the driving seat for the Championship with all the momentum on our side of the city. The opportunity is there. It is up to Walter Smith, Davie Weir and co. to grasp it with both hands.
  8. I bought my 4 yr old this thing called a "Kickmedic" which apparently helps them hone their footballing skills (you put a ball in a net bag and it is attached to elasticated cord and you kick it - obviously thanks to the elastic the ball returns to you). Anyway..... I just got an email from them and they have partnered with Celtic for US kids to go over and train with Celtic - why is it we haven't done this, especially given the fact we have a history of US internationals at the club and given that US football appears to be on the rise again. Here is the email I received from them plus my response. ===================================================== Hello Craig, I hope this email finds you well. Premier FÃ?ºtbol Concepts is proud to say that we are now exclusively working with CELTIC F.C. ( Scotland ) to bring young players from the USA over to Scotland for the unique opportunity to experience training with a World-Class Academy. CELTIC F.C. have created this exclusive opportunity for players to experience elite coaching from some of the worlds top youth coaches. CELTIC F.C. is one of the biggest and most prestigious clubs in the world and their academy is testament to this success. Over the last few years some of the brightest talents in soccer have come from this very breeding ground, 8 of Celticââ?¬â?¢s current first team actually developed through the Academy. The Residential Course is the first rung on the development ladder for Celtic F.C. players and can act as a key part for talent identification for the club and its coaching staff. Players will take part in some of the most up to date coaching methodologies of its kind using the ââ?¬Ë? Celtic Way ââ?¬â?¢ curriculum. Some of the best training facilities in Scotland will be at their disposal not to mention some of the brightest minds in soccer training. The Course still has reservations open to Boys ages 11 and up and also for Girls 14 and up. Not only is this camp a fantastic development tool for your player but socially he/she will develop by interacting with other players and teams from in and around the UK . Premier Futbol Concepts is committed to the players and teams of the USA and the sport of soccer itself, our goal is to work with some of the best soccer teams and products within the industry to bring clubs and soccer individuals alike the highest quality possible. With this commitment in mind we also have developed some fund raising opportunities available for players and parents to ensure this trip is possible. If you are interested in receiving more information on how to take advantage of this great opportunity, or if you have any questions, or to receive your full-colour brochure, please feel free to contact us at PFC anytime. Cheers! ===================================================== Thank you for the email. However, as I am a Rangers fan (Celtic's fierce rival) I am sure you will appreciate that I have little interest in the product that Celtic offer. I am somewhat surprised that you have not considered brokering a similar deal with Rangers FC, especially considering that they have two current US internationals on the payroll, those being DaMarcus Beasley and Maurice Edu. Further, I find it somewhat strange that you would associate yourselves with a club whose fans infamously mocked the 9/11 tragedy by making "aeroplane" motions at then Rangers and USA player, Claudio Reyna. To be quite frank I am stunned that a US company would promote and asociate with Celtic given the above - unless, of course, Celtic approached you. There is far more to Celtic than meets the eye. However, that is obviously a choice which you as a company have made and are comfortable with. Good luck in your quest. Regards Craig
  9. After watching the first legs of the CL qualifiers last night, are there any lessons that we (as in Rangers) could learn from the mightly impressive Porto last night? Recently, they have dominated their domestic league and won both the UEFA Cup and Champions League playing in a similar standard of domestic league as we do. They have a similar sized stadium to Rangers (in fact, their average attendence is just over 37,000 but you can get a ticket for their games for as little as E15), probably receive the same amount of tv money as we do and as far as I am aware they pay lower wages than Rangers. Given that, how can they sustain domestic dominance and quality in Europe on a yearly basis, yet we 'have' to accept downsizing, financial missmanagement, a terrible scouting system (Ewan Chester claimed on RTV recently that Sergio Porrini was his best 'find' - that'll be Sergio Porrini that had won domestic championships and the CL before signing for us!!!), a youth academy that hasn't delivered the standard of player required. Cammy F
  10. Don't know if you guys are aware of this provider of retro football clothing? The owner, John Scott, sells his Rangers t-shirts outside Ibrox on match days and now has two shots that stock some brilliant retro gear (Stockwell Street and Glasgow Airport). The design and quality of these items are first class (I have 6 Rangers t-shirts and have bought t-shirts for many members of my family for birthdays, Xmas etc). If you are looking for something different to wear or to buy someone, please check out John's site - http://www.fitbo.co.uk/ or pop into his shops or pop round to see him on matchdays at Ibrox Cammy F
  11. Davie Weir is a model professional, still playing at the top of the game as he approaches his 39th Birthday. Unfortunately for Weir and for Rangers, he came to the club he supported late in his career. He has however still proven to be an exceptional capture. Brought in half way through the season after the failed PLG experiment, alongside Ugo Ehiogu he shored up our defence and was key to Smith steadying the ship. The following season he formed a formidable partnership with Carlos Cuellar, helping the Spaniard to bed in and become Scotland's POTY. With the depature of King Carlos, fears were renewed over our centre-back pairing and Weir's lack of pace. Cuellar's replacement, Madjid Bougherra, has again slipped in seamlessly beside the veteran defender. A clear pattern is emerging here and quality players tranistion into Scottish football has obviously been augmented by the steadying influence of Weir. With another crisis at Ibrox, much like the first where Smith made the rallying call South to the towering defender, Weir has again been pitched into the deep end. 7 games to reclaim the league flag, beginning with a 3 point disadvantage. However, you would be hard pushed to find a player who you would rather have to rally the troops and get the squad all pulling in the right direction. Weir's professionalism and desire to win is everything you would expect of a Rangers captain and we should be proud to have such a player to turn to to lead the squad in the final push for a league and cup double. And Weir will not be short of support in the dressing room. Another player with a similar exemplary and professional attitude allied with a great love for this club is Neil Alexander. When he was poached from down south he was first choice keeper at Ipswich Town and battling Gordon and McGregor for the number one jersey at international level. Alexander gave up his comfortable position at Ipswich for the unenviable challenge of displacing his established international compatriot. Alexander was patient as he waited for his chance. And when McGregor cruelly succumbed to injury, Alexander grabbed it with both hands. His decision to give up his number one status and become back up at Ibrox was vindicated when he played in a UEFA and Scottish Cup final in his first season and cruelly missed out on a league winners medal. When McGregor was short on form and short on confidence, Alexander again displayed his excellent professionalism as he came in from the cold to again perform admirably. No sulking when he was dropped, he dedicated himself to his training so he was ready when called upon. Like Weir he has shown his manager and the fans can depend upon him when required. We are fortunate as a club to have two great professionals to turn to in a week of turmoil and I look forward to backing Rangers captain David Weir, Neil Alexander and the rest of the light blues as they lead us to a league and cup double.
  12. It is with increasing comedic value that I read the weeksââ?¬â?¢ papers and websites. Media sensationalism bordering on satire indeed! Unfortunately one finds it difficult to laugh when the stuff that has hit the fan is affecting my club as much as any ââ?¬â?? if not more. Firstly, I think it is important to point out that the behaviour of several Scotland players (senior and junior) this week is nowhere near as bad as has been painted. A group ââ?¬Ë?bonding sessionââ?¬â?¢ ââ?¬â?? sanctioned by the manager ââ?¬â?? which runs over-time and concludes in a few songs and harsh words is nothing new in football ââ?¬â?? never mind the Scotland international scene. Nonetheless, such public (or rather publicised) displays of excess and indiscipline isnââ?¬â?¢t really appreciated as both my international team and club side struggle to find success or quality in recent times. Of course, it would be rather hypocritical of me to complain as Iââ?¬â?¢ve certainly found solace in a beer or two after being part of such disappointments. None of us are perfect and occasionally we all make bad decisions. Unfortunately, the events of the last week do point to a more serious and ongoing problem in our wee country: that being the inexplicable addiction to and need for negativity. The continual negativity in our national sport is affecting our performance. Despite the various positives that can be examined, the preference for mischief-making and controversy is too strong for some. And at every level ââ?¬â?? not just from the omnipresent media hacks! Irrespective of what players were involved in the Cameron House Sunday soirÃ?©e, who was most drunk, who sang what songs and who told which American businessman to mind oneââ?¬â?¢s own business; the ensuing coverage will only result in further grief for our game. And we should all be embarrassed here. From senior football players who prefer alcohol and playground behaviour to self-respect and discipline; to managers with no idea how to handle such egos; to Chief Executives continually on the run from bad publicity; to Presidents more interested in their own profile than the game declining at all levels; to media figures sensationalising and saturating any issue to safe-guard their own finances amid the perpetual negativity; to supporters delighting in pointing the finger to avoid their own clubââ?¬â?¢s problems. Where and when the line be drawn? Indeed, is there even a line anymore as it seems anything goes? I just await Alex Salmond and his political hypocrites in their Edinburgh thinking pods boarding the offended bus so they can take another opportunity to deflect from their obvious failings as our countryââ?¬â?¢s banks go bust and crime rises all the while. Iââ?¬â?¢m sure Iââ?¬â?¢m not the only person who has noted the irony in a country that proclaims independence but doesnââ?¬â?¢t even have the maturity to look after itself at any level ââ?¬â?? highlighted by the Scotland captain drinking like a fish and our First Ministerââ?¬â?¢s bloated figure bumbling into any and every debate. What great examples for the next generation. And Iââ?¬â?¢m offended too. Iââ?¬â?¢m offended that out of all those people none appear to see beyond their own self-interest to repair our countryââ?¬â?¢s real problems. How about they do their jobs instead of deflecting the blame onto others? From football to politics the country isnââ?¬â?¢t something to be proud of right now. Thatââ?¬â?¢s the truth of all this coverage. Thatââ?¬â?¢s the ultimate conclusion. Where have the true leaders of men gone? I see only cowards.
  13. http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=779&Itemid=2 First off, Iââ?¬â?¢d like to say I think it is too early for anyone to make their choice of the names Rangers have short-listed. However, I think their list is accurate enough (if too long) so before you make your vote, lets have a look through and see if the names mentioned are justified. * Kris Boyd There has been some surprise with regard to the strikerââ?¬â?¢s inclusion on the list. His recent form and general demeanour means Boyd will always be an enigmatic figure amongst the support. Arguments will always be evident between those that accept his poacher status and those that think his attitude detracts from his penalty box prowess. Thereââ?¬â?¢s no doubt though that his goals remain an important part of the Rangers team. As such, his 24 goals this season mean his PotY nomination is understandable ââ?¬â?? even if the goals have dried of late meaning heââ?¬â?¢s unlikely to win the award unless his form picks up dramatically as the season reaches its climax. Nominee rating: 6 * Steven Davis An ever-present on the right side of midfield, the Ulsterman is another player who has contributed well to Rangersââ?¬â?¢ challenge for the title. Intelligence, vision and the ability to score goals from midfield are his main virtues and these have been evident several times this season. However, as with the team generally, he lacks consistency and is often posted missing when the going gets tough ââ?¬â?? particularly in a physical sense. Davis will be another player whoââ?¬â?¢ll be looking to improve his form to have any chance of winning. Nominee rating: 7 * Pedro Mendes If you ask any Rangers fan who their favourite player is, the Portuguese midfielder will be one of the more popular answers. Creative, exciting and capable of scoring wonder goals, Mendes is crucial to any Rangers game heââ?¬â?¢s played. In saying that, since Kevin Thomson picked up his injury last November, Mendes has struggled to show the quality he did in the early part of the season. Sporadic rather than sensational arguably best describes his contribution but when he did pick up an injury last month he was missed. Will he be the one that can play Rangers to the title and attain an SPL medal and PotY award in his debut season? Nominee rating: 6 * Allan McGregor I think it is fair to say that McGregorââ?¬â?¢s inclusion on the short-list is puzzling to many. His form has improved since the start of the season but despite having 12 SPL clean sheets so far, Iââ?¬â?¢d contend that is down to the players in front of him as opposed to the keeper himself. Nonetheless, McGregor remains a vital part of the defence and one of the teamââ?¬â?¢s best assets. Unfortunately, recent international problems have shown that he is another player where his attitude may undermine his career. Nominee rating: 5 * David Weir It is testament to the 38 year oldââ?¬â?¢s longevity that Rangers retain the best defensive record in the SPL. Forming an excellent partnership with Madjid Bougherra, the Scotland international player deserves a lot of credit for his attitude towards the game. His lack of pace and poor distribution are well documented but it is his positioning, timing and organisational skills which seems to bring out the best in his defensive colleagues. Weir is 39 in the middle of May and his consistency of performance certainly makes him a valid candidate for Rangersââ?¬â?¢ PotY. Nominee rating: 7 * Madjid Bougherra Iââ?¬â?¢ve deliberately left whom I feel is the best candidate to last. The big Algerian arrived in the summer as a straight replacement for Carlos Cuellar and, given our European exit to Kaunas, was immediately under pressure to play well. And play well he has done! Indeed, his form has been that good that many Rangers supporters have already forgotten about ââ?¬Ë?King Carlosââ?¬â?¢ and some even rate ââ?¬Ë?Magicââ?¬â?¢ a better player. Certainly whenever he has been missing from the team (see our two losses against Celtic) we have struggled with him. Pacy, strong, aerially competent and not to mention his exciting forward runs, Bougherra has truly been a revelation at the back. As such, unless the above players really go on a run of excellent form, I can see no better contender for Rangersââ?¬â?¢ Player of the Year. Nominee rating: 9
  14. So in a tie that would have been extremely difficult when George Burley had his first choice to call upon, a comprehensive 3-0 defeat for a severely injury depleted side was not entirely unexpected. Indeed the bookies seemed to be expecting such an occurrence. For around half an hour, Burley�s injury ravaged charges were just about holding their own, if not looking entirely comfortable. Indeed Rangers forward Kenny Miller was unable to take the best opportunity of the opening period. The inclusion of the ageing Alexander, whilst expected after Kirk Broadfoot�s withdrawal, was not met with universal approval. Especially with an improving Steven Whittaker and a fit again Alan Hutton included in Burley�s diminished squad. The fears of Alexander�s inclusion were realised after just half an hour into the fixture. Alexander allowed Huntelaar to run in on goal unmarked, with Caldwell having also lost his man, and they were queuing up at the back post to nod into the Scotland net. The Burnley stalwart was a useful servant when fullbacks were hard to come by, but his days in the dark blue must surely be numbered. Impressive results such as defeating the French home and away in the last campaign were built upon a solid defence and a stifling game plan that kept the opposition at bay. So losing a goal so early in the game will have been a hammer blow to our chances. Shocking defending again from Dutch delivery from out wide, this time a corner, effectively sealed the 3 points for Bert van Marwijk�s side. Darren Fletcher allowing Van Persie a free run and header past the stranded McGregor from point blank rage. A thumping Gary Caldwell would halved the deficit, but the French referee (suspended by his own association for poor performance) erroneously ruled out the goal. Almost immediately the Dutch were at the other end and Berra crudely chopped down Huntelaar in the box, before Kuyt put the final nail in the coffin from 12 yards. We will always wonder what might have been had the referee not imagined an infringement when Caldwell towered above the Dutch defence to score, but the truth is Holland were well worth the 3 points and we must instead look ahead to Iceland tomorrow. Alan McGregor did little wrong and had little chance with the Holland gaols and should retain his place in goal with first choice Craig Gordon not playing regular club football. Alan Hutton finished the game at right back and is one of the few players of genuine quality in the Scotland ranks. If Scotland are to retain hope of 2nd place, Burley has to gamble upon the Spurs� fullback�s fitness. McManus is expected to be fit again and will likely return at centre back beside club mate Caldwell for the visit of Iceland. Despite Berra�s rash challenge at the third I feel that may be a little harsh given the Celtic captain�s form this season, but Burley will rely on his greater experience. Naysmith will likely retain the left back spot, largely due to a lack of competition, however he cannot allow dangerous crosses to be fired in as easily as Holland managed at their second goal. This is the part where the match previewer has to read the tea leaves and try to second guess the manager. Will he stick with 4-5-1 or will he try a more adventurous outlook. Whilst watching Miller undertake a thankless task was not unexpected and the right call against the third ranked team in the world. However if we are to achieve second place these are the game we should be looking to win, so a bolder 4-4-2 should be the way forward. After a cynical challenge by De Jong, Ferguson failed to live with the company with which he is so usually comfortable amongst. One wonders if that was the Dutch team�s intentions all along. The captain will be looking for a more commanding display in the engine room at Hampden. Manchester United star Fletcher is still struggling to reproduce club form on the national stage, he too will have something to prove when he takes to the field beside his captain. Gary Teale flitted between both wings on Saturday, but never really produced a telling contribution. I would start the industrious Scot Brown on the right of midfield. His combative style can upset his opponents, but his lack of positional sense and poor distribution would make him a liability when playing as part of only a central pair. On Saturday we were afforded the luxury of Brown in a central role with the craft and ability of Fletcher and Ferguson. However, with the midfield reduced to four we need greater discipline that his team mates will provide. Ross McCormack, one of the few Scotland players to emerge with much credit on Saturday would ideally play upfront after his encouraging attacking display. However, the previously mentioned injury situation may force Burley into deploying the diminutive hitman on the left. Miller had a thankless task as the lone striker and had we been able to deploy McCormack upfront I would have given the no doubt fatigued forward a rest. Unfortunately, the lack of depth in the squad means Miller should retain his place, with substitute Steven Fletcher a likely partner. The Hibs front man showed some glimmers of promise against the Dutch and should find chances easier to come by against our group 9 rivals. A 2-1 victory in Reykjavik, our solitary success so far, should give the team confidence ahead of tomorrow�s tie. Iceland, tied with Scotland in second on 4 points, are also desperate for the points, and a repeat score line is paramount if we are to harbour expectations of World Cup Qualification. The team are capable, the only question is will they produce the goods. Prediction 2-0.
  15. Unofficial U19's Match Report - Rangers 6 v ICT 2 Not long back and have to say that I was well impressed with the performance from the U19's today. Billy Kirkwood has gotten them playing some brilliant football and we appear to have 3 or 4 players who look to have what it takes to break into the first team squad. From what I witnessed today, I would say that Danny Wilson and Jamie Ness are the best placed at the moment and look first squad material. Both fullbacks Cole and Wylde can defend and also break forward to support the midfield and forwards. Archie Campbell has pace to burn and if he can continue to develop and improve on first touch and his decision making, we have a star in the making. His partner Hemmings is a strong lad who is full of running and who creates gaps in defence that the midfield can exploit. Hutton also looked a decent player and scored two goals, both taken well. Isa Bagci scored the goal of the game after coming on as a sub. The kicked off in front of a sizeable crowd (west enclosure was full and part of the main stand was well populated) and the opening exchanges were tense which is understandable given the occasion but Rangers gained the early advantage when Jamie Ness latched onto a brilliant pass from Kyle Naismith and slotted home brilliantly. Rangers then took control and bar from some dodgy officiating, could have scored a few more goals before the 2nd finally arrived in the 26th minute. Naismith was again the provider when captain Wilson headed home from a well taken corner. ICT suffered an unfortunate blow when their keeper came of second best in a challenge with Hemmings and had to be substituted. Rangers were rampant now and the third goal arrived courtesy of Kyle Hutton and the forth followed on the stroke of halftime with Stephen Stirling scoring. The 2nd half followed a familiar pattern with Rangers surging towards the ICT goalmouth and the loss of Ness to injury (replaced by Dick) didn't hamper our intentions or style of play. Kyle Hutton scored number five after a free flowing move where Archie Campbell outpaced the defence and squared for Hutton to slam home. The sixth goal was goal of the game - the pacey Bagci picking the ball up wide right, beating two defenders before sending an unstoppable swerving shot into the net. ICT scored two consolation goals, one from a very soft penalty award after Ross Perry had out-muscled the centre-forward and ushered the ball back to our keeper. By this time, Rangers were down to 10 men after losing Naismith (IIRC!) to injury having committed their 3 subs. Conclusions from the game - Rangers played a very positive style of football with a solid back four in which the imposing Perry and Wilson leading by example. A midfield four with two genuine wide men and two very mobile forwards who run non-stop. The officiating was poor - we were continually and wrongly flagged off-side and this cost us two decent goals. ICT were a very physcial team and we lost 3 players to tackles that were certain yellow cards (no ICT players were booked) and the referee didn't appear to be able to deal with these terrible tackles. Overall, and this is very positive, we do appear to have genuine quality coming through the youth ranks and for that, Billy Kirkwood must be given credit (and for the way that they play). Hopefully, we'll get to see some of these players in the fist team in the next couple of seasons. Cammy F -
  16. In light of recent results, Walter Smith, his tactics, his choice of formation and his negative outlook has come under increasing scrutiny. We are all hurting over a hugely disappointing weekend and it has lead to many questions and accusations rightly being levelled at Walter Smith. Less fans than ever before are convinced that the old campaigner has any answers. But where does this accusation of bottling the UEFA Cup Final come from? Is there any basis in fact for this argument? Should Smith have ditched the tactics time and again served him so well and saw his team oust teams of arguably superior quality? Should he have thrown caution to the wind, opened up our team and attacked Zenit from the first whistle? This same side that beat Bayern Munich by an astounding 5 goals to 1 on aggregate. Whilst many are angry that we did not try to win the game by setting out and attacking team from the start, I would argue the reverse was true. If we had completely changed our game plan, the tactics which saw us oust Fiorentina, Sporting Lisbon, Werder Bremen and Panathinaikos in the previous rounds, we would have left ourselves vulnerable to the talents of Arshavin, Tymoschuk and co. Playing a defensive line up aimed at stifling and containing Zenit and hitting them on the break was arguably Smith way of setting out his stall to win the game. We could have gone for the jugular from the first minute and been on the end of a 4-0 humiliation like the mighty Bayern Munich suffered in the Semi-Final second leg. Of course that is mere speculation. But when a team built on defensive strength, McGregor(or Alexander), Cuellar, Weir, Broadfoot and Papac conceded just 2 goals in 8 games on our way to the final. Whilst some may point to the fact that we only scored 5 in these same games that merely goes to strengthen my point and Smith�s case for the defence. If you don�t concede you can�t be beaten. Sure we needed penalties to eventually see of Fiorentina, but for the past few seasons they have been competing at the very top of Serie A and in that same season deposed the Rossoneri from the Champions League places. Whilst many fans contest is a one off game, a final and we should just go for it, are they right if it reduces our chances of winning the match? Sure, in hindsight they can claim to be correct because we did not win. That does not mean that Smith�s tactics, which proved so effective throughout the rest of our European competition were wrong. A number of factors conspired against us going into that final. The attitude of Cousin, costing himself a place in the final day squad. Our fixture backlog throughout the entire season, the number of games played in such a short space of time going into the final was unprecedented. Injuries to key players made our plight even more difficult. At the end of the day though, that is the nature of the game and you cannot fall back on these excuses. Many fans are frustrated. They feel Smith cost them the opportunity of European Silverware. I just don�t think that argument stands up to scrutiny. I don�t want to see our team attacking recklessly, just for the sake of attacking. I do not want to see us battered in the same manner that a Munich team blessed with the quality of Franck Ribery and other such stars were so easily despatched. I want us to play the game that gives us the best chance of victory. Playing to our strength, keeping the game tight and looking to hurt them on the break with the likes of Darcheville, Davis was the correct way forward. That does not excuse Smith negativity in playing a defensive 4-5-1 against teams who are not blessed with a greater wealth of talent. I am appalled at the decision to play in such a defensive, scared to get beat, too scared to try and win manner against your Aberdeen�s and Celtic�s. But let�s not tarnish Smith�s achievements in Europe of last season through an agenda and weak comparison with the dregs of Scottish football and one of the most impressive teams in European competition of the last 2 seasons. A team who went on to handily beat English, European and World Champions Man Utd. no less!
  17. Am I the only one who thinks he's pulling the wool over our eyes with his constant inept performances? Granted, he's probably been one of our better performers and probably our best player this season with the exception of Boogie but I wouldn't say that as a compliment, it just goes to show how garbage the rest of the team are. Apart from his goal against Sellick and his goal against Plastic Whistle what else has the guy done that sticks out in peoples minds? There's absolutely no doubting he has the quality, he's a CL winner with Porto so maybe it's the tactics that his current manager deploys that don't allow his talents to shine through. I'm hoping if that is the case then if/when WS decides to it chuck our next manager can bring the best out of Mendes. Is there more to come from him or is what we're seeing at present the best it's going to get?
  18. The way this season is panning out has similarites to Smiths final season in the 90s. A team running out of fuel fast! He continues to play guys who have nothing in the tank and players out of position. Although the quality of this team cant be compared to one in the 90s. But silly defeats like at home to Inverness remind me too much of Rugby Park and Pittodrie in 1998. McCulloch, Ferguson and Dailly all on the park/squad ahead of younger and fresher players like Aaron, Edu, Fleck is mind blowing. Ferguson along with Davie Weir is playing too much games. Everyman and his dog can see they arent fit to play every game so should be being used sparingly to get the best out of them, then we might see some better performances from BF rather than someone who isnt even a shadow of what he did 7 years ago. BF should start thinking about Rangers first rather than be an auto pick every game. Surely he must know he is struggling to run games these days. Celtic are no great shakes and I firmly believe if we had Davis and Mendes in the centre midfield they would have pulled the strings a lot better. Novo should have been on the right rather than coming wide left and Dailly coming on is an embarrassment after he hasnt kicked a ball all season. Lee McCulloch continues to be selected in every postion available. He does a ok job defensively by breaking up the odd opposition move but offensively and technically he offers nothing. The league and Scottish cup double is still firmly in our sights but if WS doesnt start to set his teams out with a hint of common sense then we will be runners up all on fronts. He needs to start playing to our strengths and forgetting about the opposition. Right now if we meet Aberdeen in the Scottish cup final id be surprised if WS made any changes from yesterdays 16 players. Next season we need to rid the dead wood once and for all. Mendes is suffering with 'past it' players next to him. He should be the focal point along with Davis, Thomson, Bougherra, Novo, McGregor and Papac for me. The rest aren't at the races. To think we started the season with about 9 strikers but WS still doesnt know who / want to play is concerning. Miller shows promise in some games but thats not good enough, his problem is when he has 1 bad game he will suffer more than the rest. Lafferty is the same, he shows glimpes of skill then shows he has no end product. But i dont think WS is doing any of our strikers favours by switching personnel and formation on a weekly basis. Young Fleck and Aaron are potentially good enough but the way they have been introduced is all wrong and the pressure on them could affect the way they develop. After 3 appearances each, both of these young players are expected to be match winners! Edu and Velicka continue to not feature in games but id rather see these two given some match time before judging. They deserve it more than half the team. We cant win every tournament but id rather see us lose after having a good go at the opposition, then we could hold our hands up and say there wasnt anything else we could do rather then picking the obvious errors that continue to baffle the fans.
  19. ARCHIE CAMPBELL has recently watched on as Gers teammate John Fleck forced his way in to Walter Smith's first-team plans and the young striker hopes to follow in his friend's footsteps in the not too distant future. Archie CampbellCampbell has been in electric form for Billy Kirkwood's under-19s this season, scoring 13 goals in 16 starts, and his ability to hit the net has kept his side in the chase for another domestic double. The Fife-born hitman joined Rangers at the tender age of 14 and came through the ranks with Fleck at club and international level. The pair featured for Scotland's U16s in the Victory Shield and were being touted as two of the most promising players in the country at that time. While Fleck has shot to stardom in 2009 Campbell has been continuing his development with the 19s and doing his best to impress so that he can take the next step in his blossoming career. At 17 he has plenty of time on his side but Archie admits he would love to be one of the next players from the under-19 squad to be drafted in to the top-team. He said: "I think the young players at the club have really been given a chance by the manager recently which is great. "Flecky, of course, has been brilliant but we have also seen the likes of Danny Wilson and Jamie Ness on the bench and they are only 17. "I am roughly the same age as them so hopefully if I can keep scoring goals I might get a chance in the future. "We will wait and see what happens but I think there is a big opportunity for all the players right now. Archie Campbell "Flecky has shown what can be achieved if you work hard, show the right attitude and impress the coaches here." Archie's pace and ability to find the net made him a stand-out as he progressed through the ranks at Murray Park. These attributes have again been evident in 2008/09 and he bagged a double against Hamilton Accies on Saturday to add to his impressive tally this season. He said: "I have been pleased with the way I have played this season and hopefully I am improving all the time. "I have managed to get a few goals and still have another year wit the 19s so I am happy with that but I know I need to keep working hard on every part of my game. "Right now I am trying to get stronger by working in the gym with the physios and this will help me a lot on the pitch." Rangers will take on Inverness Caley Thistle in the semi-final stage of the SFA Youth Cup on March 29 after the Highland Jags beat Old Firm rivals Celtic in a dramatic penalty shoot-out at the Tulloch Stadium. The tie will give the Murray Park starlets another chance to run out at Ibrox Stadium and Archie is not surprised to be facing Caley for a place in the final. He said: "I think most people thought that would be up against Celtic but I knew it was going to be a tough game for them. Archie Campbell"Caley made it difficult for us earlier in the season and I am sure they will do that again when they come to Glasgow later in the month. "But we are at home and the holders of the Cup so we will be confident going in to it and have a good chance of going through. "It's great the game is at Ibrox and we all want to get to the final at Hampden. Hopefully we can do that." The 19s have now extended their lead at the top of the league to four points after closest rivals Hibs drew with Celtic and Rangers romped to a 4-0 win over Hamilton on Sunday. Despite having a young squad Archie is confident his team have the quality and character to win the title again this season. He added: "The team have done great so far but we have to keep it going. "We still have a lot of big games coming up and need to have the right attitude going in to every one. "We are a young group of players but we are confident going in to every game and always think we can get three points." The 19s next match is against Dundee United on Saturday at Thomson Park, Dundee, kick-off 1pm.
  20. ... Character, Discipline, Strength, Fitness, Innovation, Technique, Imagination, Ambition, Consistency, Motivation, Quality and Bottle. All necessary virtues sadly lacking from the players and management team at our club. Negativity is our buzzword and with a chairman who is AWOL and a chief executive who is incompetent, this has spread to the fans and is a factor that we see not only in online forums but across the board at Ibrox and beyond. Is our future that bleak? Who can change it? Who really wants to? It's no longer a case of 'Hullo Hullo' but 'Cheerio, Cheerio'. 'Ready' has never been more inappropriate.
  21. JORDAN MCMILLAN will have mixed emotions this weekend when he sits in the stands at New Douglas Park to watch Rangers take on Hamilton Accies. The young defender moved on loan to Billy Reid's side at the start of January and has grown fond of his new surroundings and teamates Jordan McMillanBut he has never hidden his love for the Gers and when his current deal with the Accies ends in May he will return to Murray Park with one objective in mind - to make the grade as a first-team player with the club he has always supported. Jordan will not feature in Saturday's game due to an agreement between the clubs but is now fit and ready for action having suffered a frustrating spell on the treatment table with a hamstring injury picked up in his first game against Ross County on January 10. Getting back in to the Hamilton first-team will be easier said than done for the 20-year-old who has watched on as the club went on a six game winning streak before losing in the SPL to Motherwell on February 14. They then got back to winning form against Falkirk last weekend. McMillan has been hugely impressed with the group of players he has joined and insists Rangers will have to be at their best if they are to get three points from this weekend's crucial SPL clash. He said: "Hamilton are definitely an up and coming team just now and there is a good mix of youth and experienced players. "The young lads are bursting with enthusiasm which undoubtedly helps the team. "I have been well impressed with the likes of James McArthur, James McCarthy and Brian Easton. "They have been very good and you can see that there are players coming through behind them for the future also. Jordan McMillan and Paul McGowan "But to balance things up you have more experienced pros such as Mark McLaughlin who has a key role for the Accies. "He is 33 and you can learn a lot from the way he conducts himself and his attitude to training and games, he is a lot like Davie Weir. "He always wants to help the young kids and that helps a lot. "I definitely think Hamilton has a great team spirit and they are going places. "They will be up for the game against Rangers and will go in to it with no fear. "They recently went six games unbeaten so I think the boys are confident they can beat anyone and stay in the SPL which would be a great achievement." Jordan is hoping he can now play his part in the SPL run-in with the Accies and show Billy Reid and the management team at Rangers that he is ready to take the next step in his blossoming career. He said: "It's been great being at Hamilton, I needed the change to be honest. Jordan McMillan"I have been at Rangers for a long time and found it difficult to push in the first-team this season "So I had to go out and gain a bit of first-team experience. "It's just a pity that I broke down with an injury almost straight away but that has cleared now and I am just desperate to get back in the team and get a few games under my belt. "Leaving Rangers was not something I never really intended on doing. "I always said that I am a massive Bluenose and in the last couple of seasons when I spoke to the Rangers News I always said I never wanted to leave at any point. I want to be kicked out the door. "But as a career opportunity coming to Hamilton has been hugely beneficial and it was something I had to do. "I spoke to a lot of experienced players and the coaches at Murray Park as well as my family. "I looked for advice from everyone really and with the size of the first-team squad at Rangers right now it is difficult to break through. "But being at Hamilton has opened my eyes a lot in a good way. "They are an up and coming team and are trying to establish themselves in the SPL as am I. Pedro Mendes "That is why I decided to join the club until the end of the season and I have learned a lot. "You are fighting for a different cause and I had to adapt quickly. "But it has been a great experience and I couldn't have asked for a better bunch of boys to be working with." Walter Smith recently admitted his first-team squad could be trimmed from 28 players down to 20 in the summer with several youngsters being drafted in to make up the difference. Jordan believes this will provide a massive incentive for every Reserve and under-19 player at Murray Park and he will be doing everything in his power to secure one of those places. He said: "Obviously when you are at Rangers it is more difficult to push in to the first-team because of the quality there and the size of the squad. "But it has been well documented that that the gaffer will cut the number down a bit and this could give more youngsters a chance. Kris Boyd celebrates"We will wait and see what happens but I have no doubt that there are players in the Rangers Reserve team that could come to Hamilton and play every week. "I look at things just now and there are young boys at the Accies who have played over 100 games at first-team level and you can see they have benefited from that. "Of course the pressures at Rangers are totally different and that always has to be taken in to account. "The team is expected to play well and win convincingly every week, a draw is seen as a disaster. "At Hamilton it is all about getting results. There was a stage there where the team did not play to their best but kept clean sheets and got points on the board. "Sometimes that is what football is all about. "So it is a different culture but it is something I am really enjoying and I am thankful to the manager Billy Brown for giving me this opportunity."
  22. Feb 26 2009 By Hugh Keevins ALLY McCOIST will help build a lasting tribute to Davie Cooper on Friday night ... then honour his old pal's memory by continuing the search for the Super Coopers of tomorrow. A debate about the health of Scottish football has raged since Walter Smith and Gordon Strachan attacked the level of criticism aimed at the last Old Firm game. McCoist doesn't deny some of the stick was justified but refuses to believe this country's well of talent has dried up. Along with Celtic coach Neil Lennon, McCoist will tomorrow help with the fund raising for a sensory park for special needs children in Clydebank, the town where Cooper began and ended his playing career. But Rangers' assistant manager refuses to believe the exceptional skills Cooper possessed, and which ultimately took him to Rangers and a place in the national side, have skipped a generation. McCoist said: "I'm a glass half full kind of guy. I'll concede Coop was the last of the breed of players who learned their football in the streets but I won't accept pessimism so far as the future is concerned. "The talent is still out there and Scotland will continue to produce the type of player who makes you feel the anticipation of the crowd whenever he gets on to the ball. "Kids don't play on the streets any more for a variety of reasons but that doesn't mean to say genius no longer exists. "Aiden McGeady has ability to go past people for Celtic. Aaron and John Fleck at Ibrox have it as well. They're the players who produce the stuff the fans go to the pub on a Saturday night and talk about. "The priority for coaches is to make sure the team they work for wins matches. If we don't do that, we don't have a job but football has an obligation to entertain After the Old Firm had been slaughtered for the derby game, I felt we went out against Kilmarnock with a 'Let's show these people' attitude. "Coop was the consummate entertainer. Whether it was the swivel of the hips or the 40-yard pass, he entertained no matter the fixture or the surroundings. "The highest tribute I can pay him is to say I worked many times with Ruud Gullit on TV and he was always raving about Davie and a game he played against him while he was at Feyenoord. "I like the idea of a lasting tribute to Davie in Clydebank because I first became aware of him in 1976 when the Bankies took Rangers to four games in the League Cup before we got rid of them. I won't name names but there were two Rangers full-backs who tried swopping sides of the park during the first of those games because one of them was getting such a chasing from this young kid. "Coop was, first and foremost, a humble man but when people talk about him they don't mention his medals, they talk about his skill." Cooper, who died in 1995, was revered by his team-mates at Ibrox and McCoist smiled as he recalled one occasion when they literally pulled his leg. He said: "It was Coop's testimonial match and we racked our brains over a gift. "Then one of the lads had a brainwave and got the right leg off a tailor's dummy and wrapped it up in brown paper with the message, 'What do you give the man who's got everything ?' "I couldn't put a price on what that left peg of his would be worth in today's transfer market. Beyond price I would say. "I appreciate there's more to the game than goalscorers and I say that as someone who made his name as one. Rangers had three quality finishes on Saturday against Kilmarnock and Pedro Mendes was outstanding with defence-splitting passes. "But fans love the genius of a Coop or a Jinky Johnstone or a Willie Henderson. We need more like them and I know they can still be found." Part of McCoist's remit is to help discover and develop stars of the future - a job a certain ex-colleague would never have expected him to take. He said: "I can guarantee Coop will be looking down at me shaking his head. The prospect of me in management would have tickled him. "Never a day goes by that I don't think about him and Tommy Burns. You might go from the Old Firm to work elsewhere but in your heart and mind you never leave Rangers or Celtic. "Stefan Klos once told me it was what distinguished the Old Firm from German clubs. "That's why Davie will be on my mind when I pay tribute to him in Clydebank on Friday night. He had that magic ingredient and others will come to show they have it too." http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/spl/rangers/2009/02/26/exclusive-duty-is-on-us-to-find-the-new-generation-of-davie-coopers-insists-ally-mccoist-86908-21153912/
  23. RANGERS' defender Ross Perry has been in excellent form for Billy Kirkwood's under-19s this season and the towering defender is hoping to test his skills to the limit tonight when Scotland face France at the country's world-famous training and development facility at Clairefontaine. Ross is one of five Murray Park kids to be selected for the glamour friendly with Danny Wilson, Stephen Stirling, Gregg Wylde and Grant Adam the others who have travelled across the English Channel this week. Jamie Ness was also selected initially but will miss out due to injury. The game will be a useful exercise for Billy Stark's U19s as they prepare for their European Championship Elite Group qualifying games against Slovakia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and England in May and June. Having already progressed through a qualifying group consisting of Hungary, Azerbaijan and San Marino at the tail end of 2008 the Elite Group stage represents a far greater challenge with the team finishing top moving on to the final tournament in Ukraine in July. Tonight's opponents France are regarded by many to be one of the best European football has to offer at U19 level and they showed their potential by taking nine points from their three qualifying matches against Northern Ireland, Malta and Liechtenstein, scoring nine goals and not conceding in the process. Ross has been on the bench for recent internationals but would love to pit his wits against Les Bleus. He said: "I am really looking forward to the game at Clairefontaine and hopefully I will be involved. "I have not played in France before and it will be a great test for all of us. "We played against Holland recently and that was a fantastic experience even although we lost quite heavily. "To be fair I don't think we played to our best on that occasion, we were perhaps taken by surprise just how good they were. "But as a player you want to come up against the best teams in Europe and France are right up there. This time we know what to expect and will try to put on a good show. "The main thing is that we try to take as much from the game as possible and getting a good result would boost our confidence ahead of our Elite Group games coming up in May." Ross Perry, Rangers Ross is delighted that five players from Murray Park are involved in the national set-up and believes it highlights the quality of youngsters coming through the ranks at Auchenhowie. He said: "It's always good to see a group from your team being picked for Scotland as it shows we are doing well at Rangers and this is being noticed. "Obviously we are still in the running for a domestic double so when this is the case I suppose you expect a few of the boys from Murray Park to be selected and it's great to see familiar faces when you travel. "But in general I think we have a very strong bunch of players in the Scotland U19 squad this season. "A few of the lads are playing first-team football already so I think we do have the potential to reach the finals in the Ukraine later in the year. "We have a tough Elite Group to get through first but hopefully we can do well there. "The England game will be a really big one although I don't have good memories of the last time I came up against them. "I scored an own goal so hopefully nothing like that will happen this time around. "As I say it will be tough to qualify but we have to believe we can do it."
  24. Another lengthy (but quality) article in the STS series with bmck examining the interesting very public and most unnecessary 'battle' between the internet loyal, the media and the club. Well worth taking 10mins to read this. http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=758&Itemid=2
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