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  1. Given the silence eminating from the board room it has become clear that the current custodians of our club have no interest whatsoever in appeasing the fans fears. The bare faced truth is that they tried to pull a fast one with the meeting with Wallace. make it look like theyre doing the right thing by communicating with the fan groups and trying to deceive those who havent renewed their SBs. Some are saying that theres a split in the boardroom. i for one dont think so. It was a last throw of the dice driven by sheer desperation to get some more fans to buy sbs. They are now banking on raising enough money to get them to the start of the new season. they will mortgage everything down to the kitchen sink to raise cash if they have too. They will anticipate 40 000 plus with every home game when the new season starts. and if they get those numbers they will get the money to fill their boots. We need to starve them out . that means empty stadiums until their hand is forced. Its not about just supporting the team, its about saving the club and its future. give this lot money and you are signing the clubs death warrant. I implore every fan to boycott our home games and drive these cretins out.
  2. No doubt our pulses are all racing with excitement at the prospect! Nobody v Somebody Else! I repent of my contemptuous words. A great day for Saints and United fans. Rangers had the chance to get there but weren't up to it. Brings back memories, though. Tam's blockbusting 30 incher. Kai's strike from heaven. Ian McColl's swan song master class against Kilmarnock. But best of all, the 1964 epic against Dundee. I enjoyed that one the most partly because Dundee were so damned good. A terrific game of football. Your best 'Gers finals please?
  3. Might as well get a gander at Merlin's latest on here as opposed to giving his blog hits..... May 15, 2014 by billmcmurdo Who Blinked? Much has already been said and written about last night’s meeting between Graham Wallace and the UoF. Depending on who you listen to, the board of Rangers has caved in to rebel demands or has once more outsmarted them. The issue of Ibrox being sold and leased back or mortgaged has never been an issue to worry about, as far as I am aware. Back in the early days of the new era, a sale and leaseback of Ibrox option for financing was pitched to Charles Green and Imran Ahmad. The figures were very impressive and would have brought millions into the club. However, it was never an option as both Green and Ahmad refused to sell what they regarded as the heart and soul of the club for easy money. So there is no victory for the Union of Fans in “obtaining” a guarantee that was already known board policy in terms of security over Ibrox. It could be argued that the UoF is now acting in opposition to Dave King’s interests because his season ticket fund is demanding Ibrox be handed over as security. It certainly looks like a hollow victory for the UoF as their backing for King’s proposals left them even further out in the cold than he is, after the board unequivocally ruled out dealing with the harebrained fund idea. The reality is that any guarantees by Wallace are not worth the paper they are not written on. Which means this civil war will continue and get murkier. From discussions with other bluenoses I am aware that Graham Wallace has cheesed off a large section of the Rangers support, particularly those who have renewed already, by even agreeing to engage with these anti-board people. It is increasingly looking like Wallace is keen to appease the rebels but not so eager to engage with loyal supporters. The truth is that last night’s meeting has left the board looking weak and prone to compromise – something that will not fill many with confidence. Whilst I accept that there are some fans who support the anti-board faction with genuine concerns about the condition of Rangers and the club’s finances, there are also those in the reb camp who will never stop till they have displaced the board and have their own Murrayite placemen in. This means they will go agitating and undermining no matter what – and this makes Graham Wallace’s capitulation even harder to stomach. The most stupefying thing about all of this is that the UoF are lucky if they represent 5% of the Rangers fanbase. For the board to cede to any demands made by such a small constituency beggars belief. Yesterday was the centenary of the date when Bill Struth first joined Rangers. I have no doubt Bill Struth would have hunted the UoF down Edmiston Drive and told them never to darken the door again. Oh how we need such a leader in 2014.
  4. The Union - an umbrella group comprising six supporters' organisations - had been urging Gers followers to withhold season ticket cash. A company, Ibrox 1972 Ltd, has been set up with South Africa-based businessman Dave King and legendary captain Richard Gough as directors. The Union wanted the club to grant them security over both Ibrox Stadium and Murray Park training ground in return for the money. Wallace admitted last Friday that season ticket renewals had been slow and fears have also been expressed by some about the future of the club. But representatives from the organisation met with Wallace, non-executive director Norman Crighton and major shareholder Sandy Easdale. And Wallace, who has stated in the past that security will not be granted, told them the club could be prepared to give them a legally binding guarantee over Ibrox. However, the Union asked for an identical agreement over the club training ground at Murray Park and the club officials agreed to look into that possibility. But the talks were a huge step towards the bitter stand-off between fans and the club being brought to an end. A Union of Fans statement released on Wednesday night read: "Following a number of attempts for several weeks to arrange a meeting with chief executive Graham Wallace to discuss our proposals for security over Ibrox and Murray Park, the Union of Fans were invited by Mr Wallace to discuss this and other issues at a meeting at Ibrox. "Representatives of the Union of Fans met with Mr Wallace, non-executive director Norman Crighton and Sandy Easdale. "A proposal was made by Mr Wallace that, whilst the board would not grant a security, they could consider giving a legally binding undertaking which would protect Ibrox from sale, sale and leaseback or as any form of security for a loan or other finance. "We made it clear to Mr Wallace that we felt it was also appropriate that they provide the same undertaking for Murray Park. "Mr Wallace and Mr Crighton agreed to discuss this with the rest of the PLC board as a matter or urgency and further discussions between the PLC board and the Union of Fans will continue once this board meeting has taken place. "We believe we accurately conveyed the fears of supporters that either or both of these club assets could be lost to the club in a scenario where they were used for any sale and leaseback or other loan security. "Any proposal by the board will be evaluated by our lawyers and a decision will then be taken on how to move forward. We will keep fans full informed as discussions continue." Rangers did not comment on the meeting. GET RANGERS NEWS ALERTS BY EMAIL
  5. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/u/rangers-supporters-trust-claim-8-in-10-fans-will-not-renew-season-tickets.1400067566
  6. “If you’re prepared to accept mediocrity because our owners are greedy fair enough. Me, I intend to do everything I can to root them out.” A quote from Gunslinger. So what are we doing as a support to root out the directors? I believe the answer is “Not a lot”. Let’s look at the two lots of people a majority of the fans want rid of – the Shareholders and the Directors. 1. The Shareholders There are 2 main ways that the shareholders can get to go or to lose control: a) Someone buys their shares – there is currently nobody who wants to buy their shares. Dave King has said he won’t do it. There are 2 fans’ vehicles for purchasing shares, both of whom are a long way away from getting enough cash to make a meaningful investment. They also both have the dilemma of raising cash and then deciding whether to use the cash to pay existing shareholders and therefore not a penny goes to the club, as happened recently with BuyRangers, or wait until there’s a share issue at some future point. They also run the risk of their shareholding being diluted. Let’s say they get 1% of the shares and then there’s a rights issue. They could find that their 1% has been reduced to 0.5% or even lower. Perhaps it needs yet another calamity like an administration to change the mindsets of the fans to fan ownership as they have consistently shown that a vast majority are not there yet. b) There’s a share issue of some sort, which dilutes their control in the way mentioned above. However what happens if they are the ones to put in the cash? They could increase their shareholding percentage. Dave King has said that he would be willing to invest, but only under certain circumstances. Are the current shareholders likely to structure an issue that sees them losing control to King? Very unlikely. Is King willing to invest that level of cash and not have a level of control? Very Unlikely. All of King’s actions seem to be aimed towards trying to force the existing shareholders and directors out without him having to spend any cash in doing so. He has built up a degree of animosity between him and the board and as such he has made it less likely that the board will turn round and make it easy for him to get control. The existing shareholders generally want an exit strategy and nobody is offering them one and they aren’t going to effectively have their shareholding become worthless. 2. The Directors Most Rangers fans are not impressed by the current Board, but nobody has offered any alternative since the Paul Murray faction got voted down at the AGM. Nobody has set out any level of vision for the future and King suffers from this criticism more than most. He has not set out detailed plans or any level of alternative. King set up his Ibrox 1972 Ltd company, asking for the club to give it security over its biggest assets. Does anyone seriously expect a quoted PLC to give security of its main assets to a third party company that apparently doesn’t have a season ticket holder or Rangers shareholder on its board or as a shareholder? There is no connection between this company and the club. As it stands, there’s no connection between the ownership and control of Ibrox 1972 Ltd and the support either. It’s almost as if King has come up with a vehicle that makes it impossible for the club to grant security, not that they would do it anyway. Perhaps that’s what King is hoping for? Many fans are not buying season tickets, partly due their opposition to the board and partly due to the fare on the park. For the fans who fall into the former category, is them withholding season ticket cash really going to chase out the directors? I really don’t think so. Why should it? Are the really just going to resign and walk away or are they going to carry on running the company in whatever financial situation it Is in? I would argue that it is the latter and they will continue run the club as best they can, with the lower income and therefore lower quality on the park. Many are there to do a job (presumably to the best of their ability) and less season tickets makes it more challenging but it is not a reason for them to resign from their job. Are the shareholders going to insist on a change of board due to lower season tickets? Unlikely, given that the gave the directors a vote of confidence at the AGM even after the club had spent the £22m from the share issue in 9 months. If they still retain the shareholders’ support after that then season ticket holder revolt isn’t going to make much difference. There is also the situation where Sandy Easdale controls the votes of over 26% of the shares and it means that he only needs 24% of other shares to get his way in most matters. The fans who are not renewing their season tickets have my admiration for the sacrifice that they are making and I understand their frustration as they want to do something and not renewing is something. However it doesn’t mean that what they are doing will result in a change or will make any difference to the positions of the directors. Even if the season ticket boycott did force a change in directors, would it change the overall way that the club is being run? Again, very unlikely. So what is the best hope for a change? We can only hope that Dave King has a change in heart and does decide to buy out the existing shareholders because otherwise I just don’t see a way out of this mess as we fans appear to be powerless against shareholders and directors who have no interest in engaging with the support and taking actions to keep them onside.
  7. By Richard Wilson BBC Scotland John Brown is the latest former Rangers player to declare his support for the Ibrox 1972 Season Ticket fund. Brown, a fierce critic of former chief executive Charles Green, urged fans of the League One champions to withhold season ticket money two years ago. He has now joined Richard Gough and Lorenzo Amoruso in backing the fund, which has been set up by supporters' group coalition Union of Fans. "Rangers supporters must not give this board a lump sum of money," said Brown. The deadline for renewals is on Friday, and it is thought that the number of tickets sold is still in the very low thousands. During a question and answer session on Twitter last week, chief executive Graham Wallace admitted that sales were "slow". In their interim accounts, published in March, and in Wallace's business review, details of which were released last month, Rangers acknowledged that if season ticket sales dip below last year's uptake - which was around 34,000 - then the business's ability to trade as a going concern will be under threat. The UoF want fans to pay their renewal money into a fund instigated by former club director Dave King. The group will then seek security over Ibrox Stadium in return for handing over the gathered money in a single payment. This would prevent the property being used as security against future borrowing. Amoruso, the former Rangers captain, backed the campaign last week, while former Rangers manager Alex McLeish offered his support to King's intention to invest directly into Rangers International Football Club plc, by means of a new share issue. "I am not saying to my fellow Bluenoses, 'don't support your team'," said Brown, who left his job as Dundee manager last February. "Far from it. Buy your ticket on a match-to-match basis if this lot are still there next season." Brown, who left his job as a scout at Ibrox when Green's consortium took charge two years ago, pointed out that former player and manager John Greig refuses to currently attend games at Ibrox. He also said that he expects other former players to declare their support for the UoF initiative, although Mark Hateley urged fans to buy season tickets in an interview on the club website.
  8. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/6956-hateley-early-deals-key
  9. CASH gates will be in operation at tonight's Youth Cup final at St Mirren Park. Gordon Durie's under-20 side will face Hearts with the Youth Cup trophy at stake and you can back the side tonight in Paisley. The youths are aiming for success in the first final appearance for the club in three years. Tickets for the match, which kicks off at 7.30pm, and will go to extra-time and penalties if necessary, will be available at turnstiles this evening. Priced are £5 for adults and £2 for over-65s, under-16s and full-time students. http://rangers.co.uk/news/academy-news/item/6954-cash-gates-at-youth-final
  10. Some comparisons with Ann Budge's Hearts and our Rangers from yours truly on TRS: http://www.therangersstandard.co.uk/index.php/articles/current-affairs/323-rangers-own-budgement-day-is-coming
  11. The first two years of the American Civil War saw the Confederates win most of the battles, but continue to slowly lose the war. They benefitted from consistency of selection in General Officers, Robert E Lee was the very man to command the Army of Nothern Virginia. The Union had utilised several GOCs in the same period. Despite the Army of the Potomac being almost twice the size of Lee's command, McDowell, McClellan, Meade, Hooker, .... et al could not bring superiority to bear. President Lincoln was asked why he appointed and subsequently dismissed so many GOCs? Old Abe outlined an objective appreciation of the situation, the Union possessed four times as many men in the field, similar dominance in armaments, a massive superiority in production, and several times capacity in railways and logistics. He concluded by saying, "I am searching for a General that can do the arithmetic". He found him in Ulysses S Grant and the end game was inevitable. The wisdom of Abe ie 'doing the arithmetic' is something all parties in the on going Rangers crisis, could benefit from. If we accept the club sold 38,000 season tickets last season, what will the break down of this coming season's briefs be? Let's say the submission date is extended again, beyond this Friday. Would 15,000 renewals be a reasonable assumption? Given the UoF, Blue Order, Union Bears, ... etc have subscribed to the Dave King Trust, can we expect 5,000 to sign up to that perception of progression? The residual is 18,000, the biggest grouping and their decision might be based on style of football, prefer the option of game by game attendance, have had enough, ..... etc. I know other Gersnetters will have differing views on the numbers allocated to each grouping but I think we should recognise the three groupings. Weighting the random variables in the equation will be coloured by preferred prejudice, but we should attempt to be objective. Can either the Board or Dave King do the arithmetic?
  12. Announcement: Gersnet and WATP Magazine link up with a new monthly Gersnet column We are delighted to announce that from this summer a monthly Gersnet column will now be featured in WATP Magazine - the only A4 sized monthly magazine by Rangers fans, for Rangers fans. Gersnet was one of the first Rangers discussion websites and has been a quality source of information and debate on the club for almost 15 years. WATP magazine begun its life in season 2013/14 and quickly became one of the biggest selling print fanzines; rivalled only by the official match-day programme in terms of it's first-rate A4 colour production and content. In each monthly issue you will find columns and interviews from club legends, articles that look into today's Rangers written from well-known supporters and historical articles which will take your breath away at the majesty of our history. The features section includes a closer look at the Rangers family, with everything from Supporters Club of the Month to the lovely Bearette section. We can't wait to complement all the above with our own writers from the Gersnet website and forum! You can subscribe to the magazine via www.watpmagazine.co.uk and follow WATP on Twitter @WATP_Magazine. Gersnet and WATP - 'One Rangers, no factions'.
  13. ........No it's time for Dave King to step up and pay. KEITH believes it's time for Ibrox investor King to put his money where his mouth is with the club's Murray Park training ground under threat. IF Dave King is serious about rescuing Rangers then he had better get a move on. In fact, come to think of it, he may have procrastinated too long 
already because this basket case 
of a business is staring its next disaster dead in the eye. Very soon someone will have to blink and before you know it this club could find itself minus a training ground if it’s not careful. In five days from now the curtain will come down on season ticket renewals and when it does,
bedraggled chief executive Graham Wallace might as well sound the emergency klaxon because unless there is a late stampede between now and Friday, Rangers will be right back on the brink. Raising money against Murray Park might then become almost inevitable, assuming insolvency is to be avoided as Wallace so bullishly insists it will be. It was interesting to note that the current board made no comment at all about the security of their Auchenhowie HQ when categorising Ibrox as ‘sacrosanct’ the other day. The truth is Wallace was busy discussing the merits or otherwise of raising funds against Murray Park with former financial director Brian Stockbridge at the turn of the year. Stockbridge wanted to push the button back then but Wallace at least had enough sense to resist. However, Wallace also made it clear that such a scenario might need to be revisited at a later date and if the season ticket revenue really is about to be obliterated then that date might well be now. Also, given the enormous scale of Rangers financial requirements, there would seem little point in simply raising a couple of million quid in the form a secured loan – like the deal Wallace brokered with those nice hedge fund folk from Laxey Partners just to keep the floodlights on till the end of winter. A full-blown sale and leaseback would certainly bring in significantly more money but at what price to a club which continues to be robbed of its soul from the inside? Which brings us back to the man who would be King and his plotting in South Africa. King has lent his name to the Union of Fans’ plan to starve the club of its biggest single source of revenue but he’s done so from a distance, almost half-heartedly, while this club’s supporters have been busy whipping themselves up into a state of high doh. That King did not attend the launch of this scheme in person, nor even make sure that his recently- recruited wingman Richard Gough was there to deputise, sent out more muddled messages to these fans who want nothing more than a leader in whom they can place their trust along with their cash. But then this is the Rangers civil war we are talking about. If there is a way to mishandle public relations then you can bet your last blue pound someone in this abomination will find it – even though you can barely move for gurus spinning furiously for one camp or the other. King says his attempted coup is not in any way reliant on public opinion, which is probably just as well because he hasn’t done enough to win over the rump of the fans. The vast majority want to believe in him but need to see tangible proof of his intentions. If Friday’s final tally of sold season tickets is as low as many are predicting then this will be an
indication of how little these fans trust the characters inside their own boardroom rather than a show of faith in the man who wishes to topple them. It would also leave the board with a couple of options – selling off the family silver or engage immediately with King, who is ready to talk. So far, King has done nothing much more than kick up a stink by issuing sporadic flurries of statements, most of which have told us nothing we did not already know. He has been heavy on promises – talking boldly of blowing £30million worth of his children’s inheritance – but feathery light on substance. So if he is serious about acting – and for the record I’m sure he is – then right about now would seem like an appropriate moment for him to start digging deep. King has made clear his reluctance to line the pockets of the very
shareholders he blames for making such a mess of the club. While this is an admirable position, the more time passes, the less realistic it appears. And all the while, Rangers fans are wrestling with their own consciences and fretting over whether or not to hold their club to ransom. King could remove all that
confusion and guilt from their
shoulders at a stroke by ploughing some of his own millions into the very account that has been set up for their season ticket cash. If those who run the club will not accept his money then why would any individual feel the least bit bad about hanging on to their own £400? Better still though, King should rethink his strategy and find out exactly how much it would cost to make those shadowy investors lurking behind the likes of Margarita Blue Pitch Holdings and Margarita disappear once and for all. Ultimately, this is what will be required if Rangers are ever to be properly ‘cleansed’ and now Friday’s iceberg is approaching, maybe those lucky enough to have stuffed their pockets with penny shares might realise it’s time to abandon ship. Even if they sold now for as little as 20p a share they’d still make mind-boggling returns on their investments. The thought of making them rich might make King’s skin crawl but, even so, this would seem like a price worth paying. He could always ask Fergus McCann who had to perform a similar U-turn when bringing down the Kelly and White dynasty across the city. A deal could even be structured that would allow King to be given some of the money back, much like the £2.5m Ann Budge has just had to pony up to make sure Hearts are a 
Lithuanian-free zone. King could do any of the above and instantly cement his status as a genuine hero among the club’s rank and file. The longer he waits though the more time is running out for his club.
  14. GEORGIOS Samaras struck a 
discordant note on a day of 
celebration for Celtic when he claimed he has been forced out of the club. The Greek international was in tears on the Celtic Park pitch yesterday after scoring the second goal in a 3-1 win for the champions against Dundee United before they received the Premiership trophy. It was widely anticipated beforehand that it would be Samaras’ last appearance for Celtic following months of speculation over whether he would sign a new contract when his existing deal expires next month. But, in a startling interview during the post-match celebrations, Samaras insisted he had wanted to stay at the club all along and was only departing because of Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell’s failure to offer him a new deal. “I’m leaving, that’s for sure, but it was not my decision,” Samaras told BBC Scotland. “I never had an offer from the club. I never had an offer from Peter Lawwell. I’ve been seven years at the club and I’d have loved to stay. I had a chat with the manager. He would have loved me to stay and I was happy to stay, but me and the gaffer don’t make the decisions – there are people higher up. I’ve not spoken to any other club. I was waiting to the end to see if they offered me anything, but that is the end. “We are the champions and that’s what counts in the end. I am very happy for my team-mates and the coaching staff and wish them all the best.” The 29-year-old joined Celtic, initially on loan, from Manchester City in January 2008. He scored 74 goals in 252 appearances for the club, winning seven major honours. Although he often divided opinion among the Celtic support, he was highly valued by Celtic manager Neil Lennon and was often especially effective in the Champions League where he scored ten goals. Samaras appeared as a second-half substitute against United, receiving a warm ovation from the home fans. He scored his 11th goal of the season from the penalty spot after regular spot-kick taker Kris Commons handed him the ball. Lennon, clearly unaware of Samaras’ comments when he conducted his own post-match media conference, indicated he felt the player was leaving through his own choosing. “I’d imagine his mind is made up,” he said. “I wouldn’t have thought there would be any negotiations. If there are any to be done, it would be between his advisor and Peter. He’s going to join up with the Greek World Cup squad pretty soon, so I don’t know if I’ll have a chance to see him or not. It was a nice touch from Kris to give Sami the opportunity to say goodbye properly. I don’t think it’s any big secret now that it doesn’t look like he is going to be here next season. So if he does go, he goes with the best wishes of the backroom team and the players.” http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/spfl/georgios-samaras-claims-celtic-forced-him-out-1-3407308
  15. Ok, so it's silly season again! Post the latest transfer rumours in here please! OUT: Emilson Cribari - Out of contract. Andy Little - Out of contract. Signed for English League One side Preston North End. Chris Hegarty - Contract terminated by mutual consent - signed immediately for Linfield. Charlie Telfer - Contract extension rejected - signed immediately for Dundee Utd. Ross Perry - Contract terminated by mutual consent. Scott Gallacher - Contract terminated by mutual consent - signed for Hearts. IN: Kenny Miller - signed 1 year deal (with optional 1 year extension) on 4 June 2014. Darren McGregor - signed 1 year deal (with optional 1 year extension) on 11 June 2014. Kris Boyd - signed 1 year deal on 27 June 2014. Marius Zaliukas - signed 2 year deal on 11 July 2014 Lee Robinson - signed 1 year deal on 25 August 2014
  16. Thus far we have found that Graham Wallace can appear to talk a good corporate game. Indeed put that beside his legendery CV and we should be glad to have him on board, no matter what the price and foggy criteria to pocket it. Or should we ? Wallace is cutting his teeth in his first CEO role and it shows. When he is forced into details, instead of general and broad corporate nothingness he invaribly falls flat on his face with blatant contradictions, economies of truth and misleading lines. Sandy Easdale said in December that GW would be the public voice of the board. What has actually happened is either though design or a change in plan, Wallace has been reluctant to face an inquiring independent media. His press conference when presenting the business review was the first time in ages that he had braved the spotlight. He prefers a friendly RTV or more controlled interventions with the media (with expensive spin-doctor sitting beside him). The latest "engagement" being his twitter Q&A which ended up being more a O&G. Previously he had been a Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Manchester City and in the week the club is advertising that position I'd venture that this is a job that would better suit Wallace. I'll touch on one specific issue, scouting. Wallace has talked about the importance of this since December. When outlining what the 'extra long business review' (xLBR) would cover it included..... - "Develop and implement a Football Player Asset Strategy to take in First team squad, Youth Development and Succession Planning." http://rangers.g3dhosting.com/regulatory_news_article/363 It was also said that where possible/necessary, ongoing decisions and action would be taken before the xLBR was published. In January this year GW said the following in an newspaper article............. "At a time when this club needs to be identifying and scouting talent and acquiring talent at attractive levels our scouting and recruitment was largely dismantled. A small example of short-termism." http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/spfl-lower-divisions/tom-english-interviews-rangers-ceo-graham-wallace-1-3275716 This type of infrastructure usually takes time to bear fruit so is it unreasonable to expect some of the building blocks to be put in place as quickly as possible ? The months passed by and nothing was or has been done. Then came the xLBR and this is what it contained regards scouting or similar. Business Review – Assessment of Current Operations There is no proper talent identification and scouting operation in place for professional players and at the time when investment in playing talent needed to focus on identifying value acquisitions, the Club dismantled its scouting and recruitment network. Future Strategy Invest in Academy Players – An Academy Development Fund will be created with dedicated annual investment, increasing over time, committed to the acquisition and development of high calibre young players at different stages of their careers with the target to increase the number of Club trained talent coming through to play in the first team at an early stage. Develop Player Asset Management – Developing playing talent is one of the major challenges at any football club. The Chief Football Operations Officer will also have the remit to develop the Club’s player asset strategy which will build a long term structure and plan to deliver playing talent for the Club and maximize value from player trading. http://www.rangers.co.uk/images/staticcontent/documents/RangersBusinessReview.pdf To wait 4 months for that level of detail with vague pointers to how it will be funded is extracting the Michael. They seem to be in no hurry despite targetting the Scottish League title within 3 years. Wallace talks the corporate talk but doesn't or isn't allowed to start walking. Mind you he needed to bring in a spin-doctor to help him with the talking. Importance to the Board: Spin > Scouting Anyone thinking 'benefit of the doubt', 'let's see what happens' may want to look at how this board have gone about business and tell me why they should be trusted. What strikes me is that the consistent MO of the various incarnations of the boardroom in recent years is to mislead,.... lie,.... play for time,.... talk of 'X' ambition,... vanish with a sackful of our money before accountability can kick-in and a new lot come in......... and start a variation of the process again. Wallace is an empty vessel but it's those in and around the boardroom who have him as their 'Pied Piper' leading us down the road towards footballing obscurity.
  17. Glasgow giants came within a whisker of reaching the inaugural Champions League final, missing out in somewhat controversial circumstances. A world away from their recent troubles, the 1992/93 season saw Rangers just one game away from the final of European club football's showpiece event. It was the first year in which the old European Cup had been rebranded the 'Champions League' and, in those days, it truly was restricted to domestic champions. The format saw the final eight clubs split into two groups of four, with the top teams in each mini-league qualifying for the final. Going into the final game, Rangers were level on points with Marseille. With current manager Ally McCoist then leading the Gers front line, a battle-hardened Rangers team were agonisingly pipped at the post, but not without controversy. Marseille went on to win the final 1-0, beating a brilliant AC Milan side in Munich, becoming the first French team to lift a European trophy in the process. Soon after the victory, however, it emerged that the club and their president Bernard Tapie had fixed a French league match involving Marseille six days before the final, allowing them to focus on the Milan game without fear of over-exerting themselves. The French side were subsequently stripped of their league crown, relegated to the second tier of French football and banned from the following year's Champions League, as well as the World Club Cup match in Tokyo (Milan took their place, losing to Sao Paolo). But they were not stripped of their Champions League win, despite suspicion being cast on the legitimacy of their European exploits, too. Rangers striker Mark Hateley has since claimed he was offered cash not to play against Marseille in the penultimate group match, when a win would have seen the Scottish side top the group with one game left. "It was a friend of a friend, who had got in touch via certain routes, basically asking me not to play," claimed Hateley. "He was not an agent I knew, but another agent had given him the number. It was a French-speaking person, offering me large sums of money not to play against Marseille." In the event, Hateley was banned from the match in Marseille after being sent off in the previous game, a 2-1 home win against Club Brugge. "I knew that something had gone off there," said Hateley. "It was a bitter pill to swallow." That same night, Marseille had increased their goal difference significantly by beating CSKA Moscow 6-0. It was a surprise scoreline, considering the Russians had earlier eliminated reigning European Cup holders Barcelona and drawn their home match with Marseille 1-1. The CSKA coach later made allegations that his players had been "got at", before withdrawing the claim, while there was also talk of drinks being spiked. Rangers bounced back from the disappointment of missing out on Munich by clinching a domestic treble, while their fans can look back on their Champions League adventure with pride, as well as a sense of what could have been. Two decades later, talkSPORT relives each round of the club's famous European journey... Full article below Read more at http://talksport.com/magazine/features/130424/robbed-why-rangers-could-have-been-first-champions-league-winners-195971#CKISL3cUclVoD4ei.99
  18. Lorenzo Amoruso urges Rangers supporters to put their trust in Dave King to oust Ibrox board Sunday 11 May 2014, by Stewart Fisher LORENZO Amoruso last night became the latest former Rangers player to call for supporters to back Dave King and Richard Gough's plan to boycott season tickets and place the money in a trust instead as a means of forcing major boardroom change. The Italian has emerged as a fierce critic of the current hierarchy and feels that placing funds in Ibrox 1972 Ltd, the vehicle introduced by King and already being used by supporters groups' the Union Bears and the Blue Order for pooling their funds, is the only mechanism for bringing about change. "Too many people have been touching the heart of the club who don't deserve to be so close," said Amoruso. "They have ripped out the soul of the club. It's so frustrating for people like me who were running, chasing after every ball, spitting blood sometimes and going through so many operations. " I didn't do all that to see this situation develop. We want to see better people control the club, people who really care about Rangers. "I didn't really encounter Dave King much when I was a player because he was in South Africa a lot, but I met him," said Amoruso, who was in Glasgow this week. "He was a director but not involved in the way David Murray was. But he is a Rangers man and he is putting himself out there and he deserves credit and support. He has been there before for the benefit of the club. "This is a crucial period because season ticket holders have a week left before deciding whether to renew and from those I've spoken to I don't think there is a feeling that supporters want to renew and I think that is the best solution. "It's hard to believe I am asking for the stadium to be empty. But if that is what it is going to take to get this board out then that's the way it has to be. There are easier ways to solve this problem but some people don't want to listen. That's why we must take a hardline approach. I'm sorry, this board just has to go." http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/lorenzo-amoruso-urges-rangers-supporters-to-put-their-trust-in-dave-king-to-oust-ibro.24190175
  19. http://www.odgersberndtson.co.uk/gb/executive-opportunities/opportunity-details/?tx_llproxy_pi1[request]=nNmroWpjaJajop6xj6aWoMulqWDG059npqqrz8zTfZukxZ_QX8fWod2jzaaZmZ9omGpmlw Chief Operating Officer Football Club, UK Odgers are working with one of the world’s most successful football clubs who are currently looking for a Chief Operating Officer. With a world class stadium, training infrastructure and a loyal and passionate global fanbase, the Club has been a dominant force for decades. The Chief Operating Officer will be a key member of the executive team and will serve as the primary financial officer of the Club as well as deputising for the Chief Executive when necessary and will help lead the club into their next exciting period of growth and success. The role • The COO will work alongside the Executive team and Main Board to support the business planning and strategy setting process and will participate in all board meetings with responsibility for the preparation and management of all board meeting papers and reports. Will also act as advisor to the Executive Team, in particular aiding the understanding of financial performance information and how this relates to the achievement of the organisation’s objectives. • Will have overall operational responsibility across the business excluding football operations and including; finance, facilities, HR, legal and office administration, match-day operations and security. • Provide overall leadership and direction in financial structuring, debt raising and covenant reporting, with full responsibility for all stock exchange reporting. Will also oversee the operations of the club including the hospitality, catering, conferencing, health and safety and all other non-match day activities The person • Minimum educational achievement of a Bachelor's degree in accounting or business administration. Advance degree preferred. • Business experience and 10+ years of progressively responsible experience for a major company or division of a large corporation. International experience strongly preferred. • Certified Public Accountant or Certified Management Accountant designations preferred. Some experience of the requirements for stock exchange reporting would be advantageous. For further information, please contact Lindsay Petken (lindsay.petken@odgersberndtson.com; +44 (0)20 7518 2630)
  20. Don't think we've had a discussion on Boyd before. Certainly haven't had on whether I have been pro-Boyd. Long time posters on here will know I was his biggest critic. However this season I think we've seen a different player and I cant believe I would ever say that if we are being linked with him Id like him to return - mainly due to the position we are in. I still think he is a poor 'footballer' as such but he is a good poacher / scorer. 18 goals this season has kept Kilmarnock in the league until the final day and I wouldn't bet against him scoring today against Hibs. Looking at some of his goals from highlights and pictures I think we have got a guy who has matured late and realised what being a professional is all about. Ive no doubt his ventures in England, Turkey and USA (all of which were poor) has developed the 'person' Kris Boyd. I thought we wouldn't see him play again but to be edging towards a Scotland call up shows the hard work he has put in and he also looks far more fitter and stronger. Perhaps he thought he had made it when he came to Ibrox first time around and being part of Fergusons gang made him feel untouchable. If we was still a top flight team challenging for titles this wouldn't even be a thread but if we ever needed someone WANTING to prove his worth and banging the goals in the championship it might be Boyd now. If Ally could only find some tactical knowledge then playing Templeton, Macleod, Shiels and Law in creative positions then Boyd would score 20+ goals in the championship. But then again if Ally had tactical knowledge we maybe wouldn't need Boyd as Clark, Little and Daly may have got high tallys this season also and we'd be happy with them going into next season. I reserve the rights to retract this statement.
  21. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/mobile/rangers/peralta-eyes-rangers-escape-162843n.24175472 Feel free to walk away any time Arnold, and wave any pay off if you're that keen to go.
  22. Due to overwhelming demand we're delighted to announce an additional Tour on Saturday 14th June. Our Tour on Sunday 15th June which is Father's Day is completely sold out. Please note that Tour Gift Vouchers for Dad are available. Tour details are as follows. Join us on a journey of discovery back to 1872 when The Rangers were just the dream of a group of young kids who gathered on Fleshers Haugh. They had no ball, no football kit and used a bush on the green as a changing room. Their Club, which they nurtured, was to become the world?s most successful and it all happened on the streets of Glasgow. Our journey takes us to the area of Fleshers Haugh where The Rangers played their first ever match, we also visit Glassford Street, Union Street, Berkeley Street, Burnbank, Kinning Park, Craigton Cemetery and many other places of interest before finishing off our day with a tour of our magnificent Ibrox Stadium. During our journey we have a 30 minute break at the West of Scotland Cricket Ground in Partick which was the scene of the Rangers first ever Scottish Cup Final in 1877. It gives everyone a chance to unwind, grab a beer or soft drink and a bite to eat at a beautiful and historical setting. Adults : £20.00 Children (under 16) and Senior Citizens £15. Group discounts are available upon request. To reserve your seat just send an email to : thegallantpioneers@googlemail.com For further information phone : 0790 2855536 An insight into our research can be found here on our website. http://www.thegallantpioneers.co.uk/
  23. via @Rangers_Official Now that the season is over, this is a good time for me to speak to you directly as part of our ongoing Ready To Listen fan engagement programme. In order to do so I will be answering questions from supporters today in a Twitter Q&A on our official club account. You can tweet your questions directly to me on @RFC_Official using the hashtag #ReadyToListen between 1pm and 2pm. I will answer as many questions from supporters within the hour and look forward to speaking with as many fans as I can. Graham Wallace, Chief Executive Officer.
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