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  1. Here is a list of things that David E Murray needs to turn his attention to as soon as PLG confirms that he has the tools in place to get us back to the top of the pile domestically and build on the very going showing in last seasons CL. Youth Development; Back on my high horse here ââ?¬â?? we urgently need to get this back under our own control. We urgently need to turn ââ?¬Ë?Murray Parkââ?¬â?¢ ââ?¬â?? which is essentially a training facility into a Youth Development Centre. We must hire the best coaches and the best scouts to ensure that we are getting the best crop of youngsters from all over the world. They must be houses and schooled at Murray Park. PR Department ; Again, another pet hate for many Rangers supporters. We urgently need to get an effective PR department that will challenge the lies, half-truths and innuendoes printed in the press. A PR Department that will represent Rangers and us the fans at anti-sectarian events and not allow our enemies to dictate the sectarian agenda. This PR Department would ideally be staffed by Rangers fans, and possibly run in conjunction with The RST and this Bear would nominate David Edgar as the new head of PR. Fans Groups ; The RST, TBO, FF, No1 Fanzine as well as the supporters association would all share the responsibility of liaising between the club and the fans. This would include inputs into stewarding (home, away and Europe), fans displays, travel, away ticketing prices / allocation etc. Also, this would include drawing up a schedule for first and second team players to represent the club at Supporters Clubs functions. Failure to attend would lead to fines. They would also work with the club to ensure that the Rangers Museum becomes a reality. Ticket Office ; Firstly, this would be moved from a port-a-cabin at the Craptic end to a permanent building within Ibrox. It would be managed and staffed by highly skilled and effective customer care professionals. After all, they are dealing with people who are spending hard earned cash to follow Rangers ââ?¬â?? they would be courteous, helpful and bend over to help the Rangers fans. Financial Growth This includes long-term business goals that will ensure the financial stability of the club for generations. It means the board of directors searching high and low for potential backers and when they have identified them, get them to put money into the club to help finance transfer, wages, youth development etc. Official Publications ; As said previously, these need a major overhaul and I would like to see the fans becoming involved in the authoring and publishing of articles from the Rangers News, Rangers TV, the match programme and the official web-site. Match Day Experience ; Supporters groups like TBO, CDL, CRL etc would be given access to Ibrox on a match day to place flags, banners, TIFO, etc all over stadium. The club would help pay and store ALL banners and these would be allowed to be draped over the stands for a certain time prior to kick-off and at half-time. The pre-match entertainment would be used to build up an atmosphere with the playing of Rangers songs like The Blue Sea Of Ibrox, Follow Follow, Every Other Saturday, Wolverhampton Town etc (the original version, not some raved up versions), with fans URGED to join in and wave flags, scarves, banners etc. So in summary, whilst congratulating David E Murray for capturing one of the best young managers in Europe, he still has a lot of work to do to make Rangers FC the club that we all want and deserve. Cammy F
  2. http://www.bwfc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,1004~865988,00.html Tuesday 25th July Cammy F
  3. Firstly, congratulations to Rino on becoming a World Cup winner, the wee man had a very decent campaign and I am delighted for him. However, I reviewed todayââ?¬â?¢s Scottish media fully expecting (tongue firmly implanted in cheek) full page spreads, colour pull-outs etc dedicated to Rino as an ex-star of the Scottish game. I fully expected Graeme Speirs to be eulogising about Rino;s thighs in a Larsson-esque gay fantasy article. Well, to my surprise, Rinoââ?¬â?¢s affiliation to Rangers and the Scottish game hardly merited a mention ââ?¬â?? now, compare and contrast to the attention given to larsson after the CL final and in the build up to the Sweden v England game. As I posted the other week, maybe Rinoââ?¬â?¢s refusal to swap jerseys with a Craptic player or his comments that Craptic fans, resplendent in their crucifixes used to bore him to death with talk of religion during his stay in Glasgow hasnââ?¬â?¢t gone down too well with the TWATS (Tims With A Typewriter). Cammy F
  4. I'v just got a job set up working in the coffee bar in the Kelvingrove art gallery/museum so I'v managed to have a wee sneak peek at whats in there before the official opening 2moro... There is a section that has some artifacts assocciated with both sides of the historic religious devide in glasgow, ie pictures of the pope and a china figure of King billy... which is definately part of glasgows history and I can understand why they would include it as it is meant to be a great new tourist attraction for glasgow and scotland and so gives some history of the city... but one thing i found rather controvertial (especially as the museum will have the backing of Joke mcconnel and the scottish parliament) is the blantant assocciation they make with the 2 football clubs of rangers and c*ltic. I wonder if the club has been consulted about this, especially as we are trying to erradicate the 'direct link' as it were, without losing the history of it. basically i find it hard to believe that rangers would agree to having a rangers scarf in the same cabinet as an orange sash where they link the two, especially after recent months... Should the club be made aware of this?! what do you guys think? am i being too PC?? Andy
  5. I phone home from a 'lads holiday' in Kavos from my old man to inform me that Rangers had signed Mo Johnston. I didn't believe him and continued drinking myself into obvillion. It wasn't until I saw a copy of the Sun a few days later that I realised that it was true... The day that rocked / shocked Scottish Football? A good or bad signing? Discuss.....! Cammy F
  6. As someone who used to religiously purchase both the match-day programme and the Rangers News (I have programmes dating back to the 50�s and 60�s as well as most home programmes from the 80�s and 90�s) and Rangers News (I have most editions from 77 until the early-mid 90�s), I would like to see both publications give space, if not all control to the fans. This would mean the Programme and News would raise and address the issues that currently face our club. Currently, neither tackles any issues that we face and with no disrespect meant, I for one do not want to read about someone�s dog who barks the theme tune to MOTD whilst wearing a Rangers top. Our club publications should be written by the fans, for the fans. It should address topics like the recent UEFA investigation / fine and allow the fans a real insight as to what went on there and what the club are planning to do about this in the short, medium and long term. They should also carry in-depth interviews with the new manager and his staff along with the captain and players. The Chairman should also be questioned regularly on things like debt, transfer budget and process, the youth development fiasco etc, etc, etc. I am sure most fans are more interested in the above than they are of what Burke and Boyd prefer for breakfast and what was the last tune that they downloaded. The Rangers Historian is a sporadic publication that gives great insight to the history of our club and IMO, would be ideal for the programme and News. Robert McElroy knows more about our club than most and would be ideal for writing his thoughts etc in the official publications. Same goes with fanzine contributors, these guys are fans and talk about issues that are fans minds. The official web-site also needs an overhaul and The Rangers Historian MUST have a place on any official on-line site. Where better to give visitors an in-sight to our great club? In saying that, they must also remove the registration to the site as it is a hindrance and no doubt stops casual browsers (who arte potential fans) from easily accessing information. Cammy F
  7. Some good pics of the squad training in SA... Ferguson taking a full part in the running and Svensson looking like the physical DC we require to compliment J-Rod. http://www.snspix.com/cgi-bin/SNSPix http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/Match/ActionShots/0,,5~865734,00.html
  8. Ole Budtz\ Cercle Brugge on a weeks trial. Marco di Vaio\ Valencia for 4 mill. Not too happy with these ones. Too many clubs with little success. Sorry i can't copy and paste for some reason, see the Herald.
  9. Guest


    Ricksen kicked off the plane to South Africa. http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,5~865465,00.html
  10. ... ive heard there might be getting extra CL/Uefa cup slots being opened up and other countries would get their places and start in round 1. Would Scotland (ie Rangers) get an extra spot in it? I doubt it cause there's only 12 teams in the league but not sure either way. Whats the co-efficent (sp?) looking like these days?
  11. Latest News: 1st goal Buffel http://www.zippyvideos.com/1875370275533806/mvi_2795/ 2nd goal Boyd Burke taken off injured.
  12. >> Is it? People are saying diff things. Rangers TV, Setanta......
  13. Ndyiaye will go with the sqaud to south africa but Rangers have ended their interest in Chapuis and Tosetti http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/r/rangers/5120738.stm
  14. Whilst browsing the web, I stumbled across a Craptic fans low-down Scotland and Craptic full back Danny McGrain. It was implied that Danny was turned down by Rangers as he was believed to have been a ‘Catholic’. The evidence that was given to ‘prove’ this was an extract from Danny’s book were he states that a Rangers scout came along to watch him play for his school. The critiquer then rambles on about how this is ‘proof positive’ that we had a sectarian signing policy. Now, Danny went to a non-denominational school and if we did have a sectarian signing policy, surely a scout wouldn’t go and watch a ‘catholic school’ team as the critiquer implied? I and many others have offered up many names of players who were known to have been Catholic whom graced the jersey during this alleged signing policy time. I am sure there are others who didn’t want their religion know (as is their right). When Graeme Souness arrived at Rangers he tried to sign Ray Houghton who was a ROI international from Glasgow. Ray, who was friends with a family member of mine admitted that it was due to the expected reaction of ‘his community’ that stopped his from signing for Rangers. At the same time, Souness used my uncle as a sounding board for West Brom players and one, who was a Catholic was very close to signing until WBA doubled his wages and Rangers withdrew from the deal. Now, the player in question never raised a concern about his religion or the reception he would receive at Ibrox. Look at the problems Neil McCann, Albertz, Rino, Amo, MoJo and Chris Burke have faced from the non-sectarian jolly jaipsters. Also, it is only the Tims and the mhedia who are making a big deal regarding PLG’s religion – 99.9%, if not 100% of Rangers fans don’t care, and that is what riles them. I will leave you with a quote from a Linfield director relating to Catholics signing for them – the same could be argued about West of Scotland, Ulster and ROI catholics and catholics in general signing for us ; “We have an open, inclusive policy for signing players,” pointed out Kennedy. “We’ve always had it, although during the troubles it might have been more difficult because young boys might get into trouble with their own communities for signing for us. We’re very proud of the traditions of our club. At Linfield you’re expected to conduct yourself with dignity and uphold the standards of the club, on and off the field.” Cammy F
  15. I would like to challenge you to find anything in any thread that could be conceived as ââ?¬Ë?attackingââ?¬â?¢ Scotland national team? I have merely pointed out that recently, Scotland have been a heap of steaming dung. That is not attacking them, it is being realistic but some have taken this as anti-Scottish, or an attack on Scotland. Conversely, England have had a largely successful time of it recently. Semi and quarter finals and itââ?¬â?¢s a dozen years since they FAILED to qualify for a tournament ââ?¬â?? that is a record that MOST, if not ALL Scotland fans would gladly swap in a minute. To dispute that would be, and I quote myself here, as it is very apt, talking shit. I vividly remember great Scotland teams and great Scotland performances, both by individuals and collectively as a team. However, those days have passed now (sic), we no longer produce the likes of Baxter (who never played at a world cup), Law, Bremner, Lorimar, JG, Jardine, McGrain, KD, Souness and even the likes of McCoist, MoJo, Gough etc etc. Just because I can appreciate Englandââ?¬â?¢s ââ?¬Ë?successââ?¬â?¢ whilst admitting Scotlandââ?¬â?¢s failures doesnââ?¬â?¢t mean I an attacking Scotland, quite the opposite in fact. The best way to move forward and better yourself is to recognise your failings and try to improve on them. In saying that, Scotland will NEVER reach the heights of past glories, as IMO, we were punching way above our weight. IMO, success now for Scotland is just qualifying for championships and putting up decent showings in the qualifying groups. I would like nothing better than Scotland qualifying for the next WC and progressing from their group, but at this moment in time, that is like a Killie fan wanting his team to qualify for the CL and progress from the group stages ââ?¬â?? a great notion, but a pipe dream just the same. I do not like certain aspects of the international scene, I make no secret of it, but I do not think any less of any Rangers fan who passionately follows Scotland ââ?¬â?? to do so would be hypocritical as I used to follow Scotland as passionately as I did Rangers. I can not stand the anti-unionist, anti-English and ââ?¬Ë?little Scotlanderââ?¬â?¢ attitude of sections of the TA, I do not like the SFA for their treatment of Rangers and Rangers players in the last decade or so. So what, I donââ?¬â?¢t like the wee neds that ruin Scotlands streets, but none of that makes me less Scottish. Is their a rule, or an act of parliament (the Scottish shambles of a parliament that is) that dictates that you are not Scottish, or less Scottish if you donââ?¬â?¢t dress up as ââ?¬Ë?See You Jimmyââ?¬â?¢ or actively support the national football team? If there is, a HUGE percentage of the Scottish nation ainââ?¬â?¢t Scottish then. I have supported Scotland at football, rugby, cricket, bowls and athletics (commonwealth games and Olympics) but I have also enjoyed, congratulated, appreciated some wonderful performances at all of the above from non-Scots. Hold the bus, lets hang Cammy from the hanging tree for not being a ââ?¬Ë?true Scotsmanââ?¬â?¢Ã¢â?¬Â¦.. I remember applauding Juve off the pitch at Ibrox after that had embarrassed us ââ?¬â?? I wasnââ?¬â?¢t the only one either, they were unbelievable that evening and were applauded accordingly. So, does that make me less of a Rangers fan? However, as following both got too expensive and too tiresome if I am being honest, I chose Rangers above Scotland and have never regretted it. Does that choice make me less of a Scot or more of a Bear ââ?¬â?? off course it doesnââ?¬â?¢t only some one with an agenda would claim either to be honest. So there you have it, I understand the Rangers fans who follow Scotland and would never claim they were better / worse than me ââ?¬â?? I just hope that the Scotland supporting Rangers supporters would give me the same credit. Ah for a perfect world. Cammy F
  16. http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,5~855969,00.html well done gavin as you worked hard to get back to full fitness and you pllayed very well at the end of last season:thup:
  17. JJB apparently have a policy on not printing anything apart from squad names, or your name, on tops purchased from their stores. So far, Rangers fans have been refused - The Bluebells and We Are The People (in both English and French) printed on their tops. I suppose, once again, we are feeling the pain from a sort-sighted David E Murray decision.... There is a solution, go to a 'far more friendly' shirt printer and get what ever yuo want on your top Cammy F
  18. Watching the footie last night, I couldn't but help be very impressed with our old friend wee Rino. The reason I am posting this is that Britney Speirs was telling all who read his article the other day, that us, the Rangers fans, never really rated Rino - I'll think you'll find it was the press that never really rated Rino Britney, but why let the truth get in the way of your daily dig at Rangers..... Anyway, as far as I can remember, most of us loved the wee man when he played for Rangers as he always gave his all and he was what we called in the old days, a cult hero. I am not the only Bear that would welcome him back with open arms! Rino has bucked the trend as a Rangers player who has left and actually gone on to better things. The only other player that springs to mind is Gio, but he struggled at Arsenal before hitting it big at Barca. Rino has a Champions League medal in his display cabinet and could win a WC winners medal to accompany it. With Britneys orgasmic relationship with the Diving Swede, it isn't suprising that he was trying to deflect the 'Rangers connection' with Rino - we can't have someone upstaging his fantasy gay lover now can we...! In saying that, maybe its the fact that Rino refused to swap tops with any Craptic players after the CL game(s) and actually swapped his top with the referee instead You're welcome home anytime Rino... Cammy F - Tazmanian Devil Loyal RSC
  19. Exclusive! New Deal For Boyd by Lindsay Herron SCOTLAND'S top striker Kris Boyd has signed a new contract extension which will tie him with Rangers into the next decade. Kris BoydBoyd blasted a remarkable 20 goals for Rangers from 20 appearances in the second half of last season after signing a three-and-a-half year contract following his transfer from Kilmarnock. That followed 17 goals for Killie in the first half of the campaign and then he notched twice for the national team on his international debut for Scotland against Bulgaria in the Kirin Cup in Japan. Now he has added a further 12 months to his deal which will keep him with the Light Blues until the summer of 2010. Manager Paul Le Guen explained: "I'm very happy that Kris has signed for another year. He is a good player and it was important to keep him. I'm convinced he can get better and better." The 22-year striker is thrilled to get the seal of approval from the new boss and revealed that he worked hard to impress him. Boyd told rangers.co.uk: "I'm delighted to have added another year to my contract. "I came back to pre-season with the attitude that I needed to impress the new management team. I think it was the same for a lot of us. "I guess I must have done something right and it's very pleasing to commit for another year! "I knew when I came to Rangers last season that I had to perform to the best of my ability. There was pressure on me but I had had a good start with Killie and I think that helped me.Kris Boyd celebrating after scoring in his first cap for Scotland "I had to perform at the same standard - or even better - and I managed to do that with the 20 goals. "We all knew towards the end of last season that changes were happening so I think we all made sure that we kept our fitness levels up so that we were ready to go work. "We knew there would be changes with new players coming in and what have you so it's great that I'm part of the plans. "It's pleasing that the new manager has shown faith in me."
  20. St Etienne are rumoured to be looking at bringing Moroccan international Jaouad Zairi to the club. Les Verts have money available to spend in the summer following the sale of Didier Zokora to Tottenham Hotspur and the club's number one target is thought to be a striker, with Sochaux's Zairi high on their list of possible recruits. The 24-year-old is likely to leave Stade Bonal in the summer, with Rangers and Olympiakos also interested, and although favouring a switch abroad, Zairi admits he could be swayed by St Etienne's proposal. "I won't close the door. I would favour a move abroad, but if a club like St Etienne offer me a regular starting place, that would be nice," he said. According to But!, St Etienne could also be about to launch an audacious bid to lure Portsmouth's Tresor Lomana Lua Lua to the club. However, Pompey manager Harry Redknapp will be keen to keep one of the players pivotal in helping the club avoid relegation to The Championship last term and would most likely turn down the advances of the French club.
  21. Am in the process of adding some new Vb Rangers specific graphics to the forum... Hope you all like them... New stuff: - Forum old folder icon - Forum new folder icon - New Thread button - Post Reply button Also a few new smilies for the moment as well.
  22. Scottish giants Rangers have reportedly had their approach for Sweden international Johan Elmander rebuffed. Elmander's club Brondby are thought to be looking for a fee in the region of ââ??¬6 million (Ã?£4.2 million) for the striker, a price new Gers boss Paul Le Guen is not willing to pay. Le Guen may now miss out on one of his number one transfer targets, with clubs across Europe interested in the 25-year-old. Premiership side Wigan and Spanish duo Real Sociedad and Real Betis have all been credited with an interest. "We have not received a serious offer, but there has been contact," confirmed Brondby director Per Bjerregaard to BT. Credit: skysports.com Well, this seems to completely go against what Cammy said earlier about Elmander, obviously I hope this report is false, but still. Just when it seemed it was looking up. I know I can't change it, but it pains me seeing Rangers a million miles away from considering paying the likes of Ã?£4m for a player who, in my opinion, will be worth it to someone.
  23. ....In an Ipswich nightclub.
  24. Don't think this has been posted on here before, I haven't seen it anyway. The quality ain't the best but it's still an awesome wee video clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGw4esCV1gM&search=glasgow%20rangers
  25. Whilst David Murrayââ?¬â?¢s statement relating to the UEFA charges was welcome, it was months too late and ambiguous at best and shows that he, the club and most importantly us, the fans have a very important few weeks ahead of us and we, the fans, must continue to demand leadership from the club on the thorny subject of ââ?¬Ë?sectarianismââ?¬â?¢. David Murray and Rangers have been very ââ?¬Ë?privateââ?¬â?¢ in their thoughts about ââ?¬Ë?sectarianismââ?¬â?¢ and have allowed the press and now UEFA to demonise us and portray us as bigots ââ?¬â?? the damage has been done, our reputation tarnished and this will take major work to regain. The work needs to start now and needs to be led by the club along with groups like the RST, TBO, fan representatives etc. We have allowed our enemies to set the agenda regarding sectarianism in Scotland and this has seen as painted as the ââ?¬Ë?bad guysââ?¬â?¢ and the only club with a problem. We all know that this isnââ?¬â?¢t true, but the way this is being played in the media, large sections of non-football attending people are believing what is reported and think we are a bunch of bigots. This urgently needs to be readdressed. We (Rangers) need to have a PR Department that actively review media outlets and instantly challenge any lies, innuendos, half-truths etc peddled by the section of the media that obviously hates Rangers and everything we stand for. However, with Martin Bain at the helm, this is unlikely. Mr Bain has already stated that he will NEVER employ a Rangers fan in a job that offers more than Ã?£20K per year. So folks, if he was interviewing for PR jobs and Frankie, Calscot and I were up against Findar Oââ?¬â?¢Neill, Shaun Oââ?¬â?¢Shaunasy and Patrick Oââ?¬â?¢Mally, the later 3 would be given the job of defending Rangers in the press. Thatââ?¬â?¢s right, Rangers would rather employ 3 people who had, at best, no interest in Rangers over 3 people who actively support the club and have an obvious love for Rangers Football Club. This attitude MUST change and Rangers must employ people in the PR roles who have the best interests of RFC at heart. The PR Department should be bringing reporters like Leckie, McNee, Keevins and Speirs to task and by that, I mean banning the reptiles from Ibrox and stopping access to Rangers players etc for them and their newspapers. We have won ââ?¬Ë?smallââ?¬â?¢ victories against these scumbags by getting letters printed in papers, apologies live on air and the RST had the right to reply to McNee in his own rag. Imagine how much more powerful the response if it was directed by an efficient and effective PR Department at Ibrox, supplemented by the fans bombarding them as well? Next, we MUST start to admit, celebrate and encourage our Protestant heritage. It is nothing to be ashamed of, it is something that he have to celebrate along with celebrating our diverseness and our inclusiveness. I quote Davie Jeffery the Linfield manager ââ?¬Ë?At Linfield weââ?¬â?¢re about inclusiveness. In the past there has maybe been a nervousness for people to come out and say that, but Iââ?¬â?¢d like to say it emphatically. Iââ?¬â?¢m probably as Protestant as anybody, or as Loyalist if you want to put that slant on it, but the most important thing for me is the football club. ââ?¬Å?I donââ?¬â?¢t give a fig about colour, creed or whatever else. If players want to play in a blue jersey, thatââ?¬â?¢s all Iââ?¬â?¢m concerned about ââ?¬â?? and they should be supported by all our fans. People donââ?¬â?¢t need to sing anything that is offensive, hurtful or derogatory if theyââ?¬â?¢re supporting my team or my players. We are pushing a new venture at the moment. What weââ?¬â?¢re saying is that if youââ?¬â?¢re a true blue youââ?¬â?¢re anti-sectarian and anti-racist.ââ?¬Â These are the type of words that should be eminating from Ibrox. We should be encouraged to celebrate the positiveness of our culture whislt eradicating the negative songs. It is undenyable that we have become more ââ?¬Ë?anti-catholic/rebpublican/cratic than pro-Unionist (loyalist)/protestant/Rangers. We have to cut out the ââ?¬Ë?FTPââ?¬â?¢sââ?¬â?¢ and the cringeworthy Red Hand Salutes. Now we move onto the word/term that is likely to split the Rangers support if we allow this debate to fester unmanaged any longer. The infamous F-word. Now, this word and itââ?¬â?¢s meaning has been debated at great length and I have listened to both sides of the arguemnt. What doesnââ?¬â?¢t help is that the two camps use offensive terms to describe each other. The fans of the F-word call the non-fans; handwringers, PC-Brigade, apologists etc whislt themselves being referred to as ââ?¬Ë?uber-probsââ?¬â?¢ etc. Personally, I firmly believe that Fenian doesnââ?¬â?¢t equate to Catholic but it can not be denied that certain Rangers fans think that using the word Fenian does mean Catholic or even Craptic fan. Given UEFAââ?¬â?¢s directive to Rangers to ban The Billy Boys, it looks like we have to refrain from using this term. In my humble opinion, I am more than happy to cease using the word if it benefits Rangers and means an end to UEFA charges. Rangers must now inform us why The Billy Boys was banned ââ?¬â?? was it the reference to Fenians, was it to do with being ââ?¬Ë?up to our knees in Fenian bloodââ?¬â?¢ and what other songs are to be axed? Rangers must also ensure that UEFA arenââ?¬â?¢t just picking on Rangers. There are clubs not a million miles away from Rangers who have a worse sectarian problem and that is not mentioning the racist andf sectarian problems across main-land Europe (and further afield). We the fans must actively try to get David Murray to change his attitude regarding the press and get an effective PF Department up and running which is run and managed by people with Rangers at heart. People like Martin Bain and McIntyre must be removed and replaced by ââ?¬Ë?Rangers menââ?¬â?¢. Lets not forget that McIntyre stopped TBO from having a display against Aberdeen but allowed the Aberdeen Ultras to have a display. Yes people, youââ?¬â?¢ve read that correctly. McIntrye stopped a dedicated, anti-sectarian group of Rangers fans from having a display at IBROX but allowed Rangers hating scumbags to have a display whilst singing about the Ibrox Disaster, Richard Gough, Ian Durrant and mocking Davie Coopers death ââ?¬â?? welcome to David Murrays Rangers 2006 folks. Never fear tho, if the media have a go at either Murray and or Bain, the legal writs are flying and the stroies retracted ââ?¬â?? but if they tarnish our image ââ?¬â?? silence is golden. Someone more cynical than myself would argue that Murray has a deal with the rags ââ?¬â?? leave him alone, attack us and everything will be hunky-doreyââ?¬Â¦ So ii summing up, we the fans, have a choice. We can take Murrays attitude and sit back and let the press write what they want about us ââ?¬â?? no matter if it is false. Or, we can lobby Murray and get a PR Depertment that will fight for the good name of Rangers Football Club and everything associated with it. It may mean the end of his ââ?¬Ë?yes-menââ?¬â?¢ but it would be in the interests of Rangers FC. Are you ââ?¬Ë?Readyââ?¬â?¢ ââ?¬â?? I amââ?¬Â¦. Cammy F
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