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  1. http://dartagnanthe4thmusketeer.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/consistent-inconsistency.html My tweet announcing my retiral from online forums came as a surprise to some but not to others. What was once a rich and abundant land of views, debate, humour and Rangers related stories never to be found in any book, have at times become little more than “gang huts” where you hang out according to your take on all things Rangers. Either that or the same tired arguments are done to death in every thread, as opposing factions slog it out, exchanging profanity and insults to fellow bears who happen to hold a different perspective on things. I’m an ex-Marine, a bit of profanity doesn’t bother me, watching a community I care deeply for, tear itself apart from within, does however. The Rangers online community is fragmented, divided and marginalised. I often wonder if those who appear to have an appetite for such a status quo remaining, realise that such fragmentation and division makes us something else – ineffective. As we expel energy and effort into trumping one another at 7 card insult, how are we faring at defending our club from those who would seek to cause her fatal injury ? With the various technologies available to us via social media, forums, e-mail, blogs etc did we manage to mobilise and ensure the 100,000 signatures required for the E-Petition into HMRC confidential leaks were attained ? Brace yourself – we didn’t even reach half the desired number of signatories. We appear to struggle with the concept of consistency. Outwardly we take umbrage at inflammatory language used by other club’s officials, supporter’s trusts spokespersons and journalists yet inwardly, we are guilty of much worse towards one another. As we not only strive, but demand equality, parity and respect from others, how debilitating to our case is it that we seem incapable of exercising these qualities to one another ? But I do consistency something of an injustice, for it is far more than just a standard we need to aspire to in order to establish credibility. It also serves as a compass in determining motivation. I’ve realised Twitter with its limitations, is not the ideal platform for engaging in the kind of debate we as a support need to have. And have as a matter of urgency. But I find it a valuable tool for gauging the motivation of others. Yesterday, demands were made of Rangers Media to exercise responsible and appropriate moderation on their site – I would concur with such sentiment but only with an additional caveat. Should we not be making similar demands of all forums ? Why single out one when others are equally as guilty of allowing the unacceptable to remain unchecked ? RST members had to suffer the unedifying sight recently on Follow Follow, of former board members engaging in accusation and counter accusation, a tit for tat exchange involving allegations of serious criminality, along with what has almost become the “obligatory” character assassination. A support demanding equality and parity from others need to be consistent in the demands we make of ourselves if we are to be taken seriously. Bill McMurdo and I had a very public disagreement recently on Rangers Media. Bill’s proposal recently that we as supporters have no right to question the board, to me smacks of a dis-empowerment of our support. The club we love only continues in existence due to one of the few things we manage as a support to get collectively right – our ability to support the team no matter what. But I would like to continue the theme of consistency by asking you a hypothetical question. What would your feelings be if an e-mail was produced from the Easdales or Jack Irvine on which Bill McMurdo was an addressee, asking him to ready himself for one final push around the time of the AGM ? Martin Luther said “Peace if possible, truth at all costs” My dance of peace is over. Whatever the cost, its time truth prevailed. In delivering that truth I can offer you no “inside info” from Ibrox nor an exclusive from an “unnamed source”. The only agenda I offer is putting our club and support first. But I guess you already knew that, it’s probably why you got this far in the first place. Yours in Rangers D'Artagnan
  2. THE Parkhead striker is at the centre of fresh controversy after new video footage emerges of the Edinburgh born player singing a racist song directed at former Hearts player Rudi Skacel. CELTIC star Leigh Griffiths is at the centre of a fresh video storm today after he was filmed leading a pub in a *racist song about former Hearts hero Rudi Skacel. Mobile phone footage passed to the Sunday Mail shows the Scotland striker standing up in the packed pub to start a massed chant branding the Czech player a “f****** refugee”. Footage clearly shows Griffiths, 23, leading dozens of Hibs fans belting out the hateful song in the Roseburn Bar before the club’s *Edinburgh derby with Hearts last Sunday. Wearing a grey top, he stands up with his hands in the air and kicks off the chant before jumping up and down when others join in. Ex-Hibs player Griffiths has already been fined by Celtic and faces SFA *discplinary charges after he was filmed singing a song about Hearts’ *financial problems in the bar. The *incident led to Celts manager Neil *Lennon warning on Friday that the striker – who has been embroiled in a string of controversies – was on a final warning before being kicked out of the club. But Parkhead bosses – who have vowed to take a hardline against bigotry – face a headache over the clip of their £800,000 star, who signed in January. It will anger fans of the club, who were founded to help Irish *immigrants. A pub onlooker said: “Leigh didn’t appear to have a care in the world. “Even though there were a few people filming him on mobile phones, he just carried on jumping up and down and singing. “He was enjoying himself – and the attention he was attracting. “The pub was packed with Hibs fans who were who were loving the fact one of their former players was leading the sing-song.” Griffiths was dropped to the subs bench for yesterday’s match against Dundee United. But Celtic fans showed support by chanting, “Leigh Griffiths sings what he wants” before he came on in the *second half in the 2-0 win. In 2005, former Hibs star Derek Riordan was fined by his club and forced to apologise to Skacel when he was filmed singing the same offensive song in a pub with other fans. Sung to the tune of Beatles’ hit Yellow Submarine, it features the words: “Rudi Skacel is a f****** refugee.” Like Griffiths, Riordan also went on to sign for Celtic. In 2012, Dunfermline fan Andrew Irvine pleaded guilty to aggravated breach of the peace and was fined £200 when he sang the song during a match against Hearts at East End Park. Last night, Anas Sarwar, deputy leader of the Scottish Labour Party and MP for Glasgow Central, called for police to investigate Griffiths’s behaviour. And anti-racism charity Show Racism the Red Card urged Celtic to send *Griffiths to one of their workshops. Sarwar said: “Intolerance and *racism is not acceptable in society, the workplace or football. “It doesn’t reflect the best of *Scotland, we celebrate our *differences and any racist actions from anyone should face the full weight of the law.” Griffiths facing stronger charges from the SFA over latest incident David Foster of Show Racism the Red Card added: “We want to *eradicate racism, bigotry and *sectariansim in all its forms and we believe the best way to do that is through education. “Whatever action Celtic feel they have to take is an internal matter but we hope that Leigh Griffiths will attend one of our events. “The racist words in this song aren’t acceptable and it may be the case that he isn’t fully aware of the damage they cause. “He is a role model and *thousands of young fans look up to him. “Some players wouldn’t choose that status but it comes with the terrority at a big club so it’s *important he’s aware of his *responsibilities.” Griffiths cheered on Hibs with his mates when his former team took on Hearts at *Tynecastle. He was then filmed singing about Hearts going into adminstration in a pub after the match. SFA bosses later charged Griffiths with a breach of Disciplinary Rule 86: “Not acting in the best interests of Association Football by singing in public about Heart of Midlothian FC in administration.” His case is expected to be heard on April 24. The images also forced Celtic to give him a written warning. Lennon said: “We’ve all been guilty of doing daft things at times but that’s his one strike. “I don’t want him doing any more – otherwise his career at Celtic won’t be as long as he maybe wants it to be.” This isn’t the first time Griffiths has been at the centre of a *racism row. Last year, he was arrested and charged over an alleged racist *comment he made on Twitter. Skacel, who’s without a club and considering retiring, was *unavailable for comment. Last night, a Celtic soure said: “The club will take this very *seriously. “They’ve shown outbursts like this won’t be tolerated by players by how swiftly they dealt with the last footage that emerged.” A club spokesman said: “It would be inappropriate to comment until we’ve investigated the *allegation.” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/exclusive-celtic-star-leigh-griffiths-3380576
  3. Rangers Supporters ‏@rangersfctrust 9m Please note that the Albion car park will not be open on Saturday as the game falls under the jurisdiction of the SFA. Expand Rangers Supporters ‏@rangersfctrust 1m via @RFC_Rab there are 3,500 tickets left for Saturday. GET THEM SOLD. We need to make Ibrox a cauldron. View conversation https://twitter.com/rangersfctrust
  4. It has been coming but could be official today if they lose against Hibs. What a game for them to lose. It will get the SPFL and SFA licking their lips at money maker with the only show in town v Hearts 4 times next season.
  5. No quotes, could have done it before, and is one of those thrown in the hat every now and then. Alas, he sure has the money to do it ... and is presumably not many people's favourite either. Daily Mirror
  6. Monday, 07 April 2014 12:48 Corporate Golf Day Written by Rangers Football Club RANGERS Corporate Spring Golf Day returns to the prestigious Mar Hall Golf & Spa Resort. Each group of three will be joined by a Light Blue legend to make up your four-ball, adding a unique Rangers element to the day. Guaranteed to be a great day out for you and your team, guests will enjoy an unforgettable game of golf with spectacular scenery, challenging holes and the chance to play with Rangers legends. Mar Hall Golf & Spa Resort: Monday 19 May 2014 Four-ball priced at £995 + VAT and includes: Return coach transfers Bacon rolls on arrival 18-holes of golf Complimentary half-way house 3-course dinner with wine Drinks reception Team photograph Prize-giving Complimentary gift Individual places available on request and are priced at £325 + VAT per person. Click here to download the booking form. Click here to book online or for more information, call the Hospitality & Events Department on 0871 702 1972 or email events@rangers.co.uk, calls costs 10p per minute plus network extras. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/club-news/item/6703-corporate-golf-day
  7. THE next crisis is scheduled for just after high noon on Saturday. Ally McCoist faces his biggest on-field challenge yet against Dundee United. Picture: SNS However, Rangers supporters, bloodied and bruised by two extraordinary years of turbulence, will be reminded bluntly about the realities of their club somewhat sooner that the William Hill Scottish Cup semi-final with Dundee United at Ibrox this weekend. The season-ticket renewal letters will be sent out tomorrow, with informed sources suggesting an 18% hike. These missives might precipitate a period of reflection among supporters. The crisis at the club is political, financial and professional. It has seeped from the boardroom to the playing field. The crux of the matter in the wake of the Ramsden Cup victory by Raith Rovers appears to be the future of Ally McCoist, the Rangers manager. A simple investigation of "should he go or should he stay" has more twists than Agatha Christie on a Waltzer. Rangers are believed to be in the almost unique position in football of having a manager who can't walk away from a club that can't sack him. The belief is that the board and McCoist are welded together by mutual necessity. Being Rangers, however, it is not as simple as that. McCoist remains determined, even defiant. He has been sorely tested by the events both before and after liquidation. He has made mistakes both on and off the field. But he has become the rallying point for a support who have been introduced to more chancers and comic singers than a matinee audience at the Glasgow Empire. The Rangers manager could be forgiven for deciding that his future lies away from a club that he loves and a job that he craved. His professional abilities have been scrutinised with some rigour in the aftermath of defeat to Raith Rovers. The accusations include: his recruitment policy is and was flawed, his tactical acumen is limited, and his ability to make a game-changing decision is hardly conspicuous. There is a validity in all of this but McCoist is entitled to point out that players were necessarily bought in haste, that his tactics have been good enough to ensure only two defeats all season and who needs to change the flow of a game that your team is already winning? The pressure, though, is growing and is in danger of becoming intolerable. McCoist, famously, cannot do walking away. A personality with a strong sense of self-will and a belief in self-reliance, McCoist must wait on the deliberations of the board, however constituted that may be in the immediate future. The accepted truth is that he cannot be sacked in deference to his place as Rangers legend and as the enduring beacon in the most stormy of times at the club. This is no longer correct. First, there is a loud element of the Rangers support who are looking for change in the manager's office as well as the boardroom. Second, the present board includes those who have little time for McCoist. This disaffection stretches far beyond his capabilities or otherwise as a football manager. McCoist's decision to give the proxy vote on his shares to a supporters' club at the club's annual meeting in December was handled delicately by Graham Wallace, the chief executive. However, it was greeted with some anger by other members of the board. The chance of a united front against the requisitioners was weakened considerably by the manager's stance. This has not been forgotten or forgiven. There are also those on the periphery of power at Ibrox who are not admirers of the manager and have called on him to be sacked. McCoist has had a good relationship with Wallace but there are reports that this has been severely dented, if not fractured, in recent days. If they continue to sing from the same hymn sheet, it is with strained voices. There is, too, a constituency that argues that the sacking of the manager would give the sale of season tickets a necessary and timely boost. More sober voices point out that the level of uptake of season tickets may be beyond any such move given the continued uncertainty in the boardroom and the prospect of competing in the SPFL Championship with a squad that is not considerably improved. There is also the belief that finding a replacement for McCoist may be easy, but that does not mean it carries a guarantee of success on the pitch. "This place is bedlam," said a Rangers insider. "There is no budget, no scouting and no stability. "Who wants such a job? And are they the sort of people who could make it work?" Despite all this, of course, McCoist could be sacked and there would be little concern over any pay-off. "Can you imagine Ally suing Rangers?" said one cynical but acute observer last night. The manager thus prepares for a defining match against Dundee United against a backdrop of severe sniping, unyielding criticism and increasing pressure. He would be forgiven if he remarked with his trademark smile: "So what's new?" This rhetorical inquiry may be answered by Dave King, the South African businessman, who is pressurising the board to accept his plan for an immediate investment of £50m backed by a rights issue. The issuing of the season-ticket book reminders might prompt King to make another verbal intervention as he seeks to persuade fans that he offers the last best hope of a swift re-invigoration of the club. His supporters insist he would provide funds for a strengthened squad for next season's campaign. King would almost certainly also back McCoist, at least in the short term. However, King did not become a multi-millionaire on the back of a penchant for patience and a predilection for backing those who do not give him what he wants. Rangers now stand just more than a week away from the publication of the business plan that will set out the way forward. It is difficult to see how it can satisfy King. McCoist, meanwhile, must select and set up a team to defeat a quick, inventive and increasingly confident Dundee United side. The Rangers manager, ever the optimist, will point out his team are just 90 minutes away from unlikely redemption. Until, that is, the next crisis. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/what-to-do-with-a-man-who-cannot-walk-away.23908867?
  8. Back in the Cold War, namby pamby lefty liberal types used to put on dramas every so often, depicting the aftermath of nuclear conflict. The production teams involved found it easier (cheaper) to take the deaths of millions as read and focus on small survivor units, depicted against a horribly convincing nuclear landscape. That the Britain of this period accurately stood in for an atomically ravaged landscape ought to tell us something about Britain in general (vote yes!) but the thing I recall best as a small child was the concept of the nuclear winter, a perma-sunless period of years in which nothing could grow or prosper. Grim stuff. Even then, though, the bleeding heart type couldn't resist closing with some hackneyed image of a small plant growing, as life started again without the fell hand of right wing government bringing about the apocalypse this time. There was always hope! No such luck for us, though. We seem to be struggling to take even a single step forward from the dark days of administration and liquidaton. The UK economy is tottering on Bambi legs toward recovery; Libya and Tunisia had their 'Arab Springs', and while Egypt and Syria are hardly the best of adverts for this particular crap analogy, it beggars belief that entire countries and fiscal systems can absorb shocks and recover faster than a well supported football club based in a settled, safe society. I've bored you before with my patented theory about the dark forces who are slowly killing us, but added to that sheer fatigue is doing people in. Many have stopped going due to the abysmal standard of play, others are deflated by online abuse, while some have just run out of steam. We saw over the weekend D'Artagnan packing it in and no wonder: years of firefighting the attacks of other fans and clubs, with no weapons except to point out their own stinking hypocrisy, while the weight of the media is borne down on our club would knacker anyone. But when the feeling grows that the thing you're spending a stupid amount of time defending isn't worth defending you're in big trouble. Not only is the football rubbish but the officials who run our club have been and remain rubbish since Craig Whyte walked down Edmiston Drive, to the cheers of about 40 people who recognised him. He stared killing us slowly from within, Charles continued (continues?) it, while the present incumbents don't bear speaking about, such is my contempt for them. I suppose the fans of other clubs are loving it, but our slow decline is mirrored in theirs. It's not just us going down, it's football as a whole. No amount of Politburo releases from Pacific Quay about the terrific standard and full stands around the country will fool anyone with a grain of sense: as late as the 70's, when I was watching nuclear dramas, clubs had attendances in the tens of thousands. Certainly the decline had set in and to some extent football has been staving off illness for decades, only ocassionally recouperating before falling ill again. I find myself wondering whether Rangers reflects this: since the heyday of European runs and titles in the 60's, it's been a story of boom and bust, staving off decline with some periods of success. That would be normal for a club in a normal country but it isn't normal in Scotland, because firstly about 90% of fans support two teams and secondly without some success for each of them the financial wellspring of the game runs perilously dry. This comes close to the old 'football needs the OF to thrive' argument, and while I think their dominance has hardly helped the game their withering will scarcely revive it, unless we're aiming for a top league with attendances roughly akin to those of Pollok juniors. Many threads on here are becoming increasingly nostalgic, and no wonder. If there's nothing to look forward to, what else can you do? Maybe the bluebells will be out on that grubby bit of wasteground across from Edmiston Drive by the time I fetch up for the next home game, offering the prospect of a new spring ahead. I have my doubts, though: it's more likely a passing fan of another club will have kicked its head off. edit - while a bunch of bluenoses fight amongst themselves and take no action!
  9. I was going through some old stuff at the weekend and came across a folder with the team photos from 1960-61 to 1967-68 (one missing 1963-64) which adorned the walls of my bedroom as a child. I’m going to start with this one of the 1961-62 line up because it is the only glossy photo, the rest are newspaper cuttings. It is stamped on the back “RECORD COPYRIGHT RESERVED” but hopefully it will long since have passed into the public domain. [/img] In those days, the big pre-season friendly, was the First Team v the Reserves and you can see the large crowd it drew. Another reason to start with this one is that the players are not named so you can have some fun trying to put names to faces. (I've played about with it endlessly on Imgur and this is the best size I can come up with that isn't just a small thumbnail or so big only half the picture appears. If Zappa or anyone else in admin can make it a bit bigger that would be appreciated.) The trophies won the previous season are displayed: League Championship (32nd time) League Cup and the Reserve League Cup. The 1961-62 Rangers finished second in the League on 51 points (2 for a win back then) from 34 games in the old 18 team First Division, behind champions Dundee on 54 points. However, we won the League Cup, the Scottish Cup and the Reserves won everything there was to win: Reserve League Championship, League Cup and Second XI Cup. Rangers defeated Hearts 3-1 in a League Cup Final Replay after drawing the first match 1-1 (Jimmy Millar). The regular forward line of the day: Scott, McMillan, Millar, Brand and Wilson broke the Hearts with goals from Jimmy Millar, Ralph Brand and Ian McMillan in the first 21 minutes. At that time the European Cup was a straight knock-out competition for champions only with all matches played over two legs. In the First Round Rangers defeated Monaco 3-2 home and away. The French described our performance beneath the ramparts of Prince Rainier’s palace as “Magnifique”. The second round posed a strange “cold war” problem. The draw sent Rangers to East Berlin to play Vorwarts (pronounce Vorverts) and Rangers returned with a 2-1 victory. However, the Allied Authorities refused Vorwarts visas to travel and it was decided that the game would be played in “neutral” Malmo; actually it was played twice! The first match on November 22nd, 1961 was abandoned at half time due to fog with Rangers leading through a goal from 17-year-old Willie Henderson. The replay kicked off at 9.00 am the following morning and Rangers won 4-1 for a 6-1 aggregate, to bring forward a Quarter Final against Standard Liege. Eric Caldow pulled out of the away leg with an injured toe, 30 minutes before the kick off and was replaced by 19-year-old Bobby King. Teenagers Willie Henderson and John Greig were the right wing pairing (outside right and inside right). Rangers went down 4-1 in a mud bath before a “tempestuous, partisan crowd” (well, what would you expect?). Willie Henderson had been chosen to play again in the second leg ahead of Alex Scott whose fitness was in doubt; but Henderson got caught up in traffic on his way to the ground from Airdrie and did not arrive at the Stadium in time to strip for the match. Rangers won 2-0 but went out 4-3 on aggregate. As a 15-year-old, 28 clubs wanted to sign Henderson, “Manchester United and Aston Villa being the most persistent”; but he signed for Rangers on his father’s advice at age 16 and spent the next 12 years at Ibrox playing 478 times and scoring 36 goals. He won his first Scottish Cup medal in Rangers 16th Scottish Cup triumph when we defeated St Mirren 2-0 in front of 127,940 spectators who paid £17,980 (excluding stands!) at Hampden on 21 April 1962, the first of a three in row cup victories and my own first Scottish Cup Final. This was the legendary Rangers line up of the day: Ritchie, Shearer, Caldow; Davis, McKinnon, Baxter; Henderson, McMillan, Millar, Brand and Wilson. Four of our lads: Eric Caldow, Jim Baxter, Alex Scott (who was still selected for Scotland although he had lost his place in Rangers team to Henderson) and Davy Wilson, played for Scotland in the famous 2-0 win over England at Wembley. Wilson and Caldow (penalty) scored the goals for Scotland, to give us our first British International Championship since 1951. Ian McMillan scored Rangers 5,000th league goal v Raith Rovers at Ibrox on the 14th of October 1961 and I was there! The season ended with an incredible and highly successful three-match tour of Russia: defeating Moscow Locomotive 3-1; Tbilisi Dynamo 1-0; and drawing the last game 1-1 with Kiev Dynamo. Thousands of fans swarmed over the tarmac at then Renfrew Airport to welcome the team home. According to Professor Graham Walker Between 10 and 15, 000 flooded into the precincts of Renfrew Airport to salute the team on their return that June evening, with thousands more stuck in traffic jams on the roads from Glasgow. The fans indeed swarmed on to the runway. One journalist proclaimed that the ‘No conquering army ever received a more vociferous homecoming’, while the late James Sanderson, then a journalist for the ‘Scottish Daily Express’, called it ‘the greatest homecoming of any sportsmen to Scotland – bar none!’ (Rangers Standard) [/img] If this has been of interest I'll publish one season every couple of weeks or so for the next few weeks. Credit: The above account is drawn from Rangers - The New Era (sic) by William Allison, published in 1966.
  10. Full elections in 60-90 Days when members can democratically decide. http://www.rangersfirst.org/structure/?mc_cid=156c158ef2&mc_eid=5413676696
  11. If they manage to stave off the liquidators that is! Hearts beat Partick Thistle 2-4 today, but St Mirren beat Motherwell 3-2 and Hearts are now relegated....
  12. Sad to hear that Police Scotland have told the Bridgeton Loyal they won't be allowed to take in and display their brand new (and expensive) banner despite it meeting all of the safety requirements and having been given the OK by both Rangers and Hibs.
  13. Well, at certain times in the game they did but in the first half Southampton played really good football. City remind me a bit of the Gazza/ Laudo teams. Miles ahead of the opposition but occasionally lethargic and ineffective - the teams, obviously because neither Gazza or Laudrup could be described that way. Anfield will be some match next week. City to burst the red balloons - if they can keep Suarez under some control.
  14. Saturday, 05 April 2014 10:00 Only Focused On Ourselves Written by Andrew Dickson RICHARD FOSTER doesn’t expect Rangers to get any credit if they win the Ramsdens Cup tomorrow and is focused only on claiming the trophy rather than on what people think. The full-back has made Ally McCoist’s starting line-up in each of the last eight games and is therefore likely to retain his position against Raith Rovers at Easter Road. He’ll go into the game looking to make a positive impact in what will be his first final appearance as a senior player. And he’ll savour the moment if he is able to add a winner’s medal to the SPL and League One titles he has won in two spells at Ibrox. Foster knows the Ramsdens Cup isn’t as prestigious as the Scottish Cups and League Cups Gers have played for in the past. In that sense, he appreciates many will have expected the Light Blues to deliver this prize since the start of the season and they’re more likely to bat an eyelid if they don’t. But the 28-year-old isn’t taking any notice of other people’s opinions and is concentrating only on getting the better of Grant Murray’s Fifers. Foster said: “It’s one of those where we won’t get any plaudits if we win and all we can do is try our utmost to come out on top. “It’s a massive game for us. These are the games you want to play in as a football player and we’re really looking forward to it. “We can only win the competitions we’re in and we’ve played four games in this competition already. “The whole point was to try to get to the final and win it so now we’ve got a chance to do that this weekend. “It would be an amazing feeling for us to win and we’ll celebrate it if we do. Everyone expects us to do that but it’ll be a really tough game. “It’s not one of the major tournaments so if we’re successful people will say we should have won it anyway and if we’re not people will say we’re not good enough. “That’s what comes from playing at a club of this stature. The fans expect certain things as we do as players and that’s something we’ll just need to deal with.” Statistically, Rangers go into this match in terrific form having won their last five games and gone on an unbeaten run which now stretches to 39 games. But McCoist’s men have only scored three times in one of their last eight fixtures and they haven’t always played as well as they are capable of. In turn, that has made for some tighter encounters than many would have liked and Foster is hoping for an improvement on that front at Easter Road. He added: “Our performances in the league have maybe dipped a bit in the last couple of games and we’re looking to put that right against Raith. “We want to give a good performance and get a victory to keep our momentum going ahead of the game the following week with Dundee United in the Scottish Cup.” http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/6683-only-focused-on-ourselves
  15. Shit. Sandy Easdale said: "James and I wish Douglas every success in securing the right buyer for his club we know he dearly loves. As for us, we are completely focused on Rangers and the job we have there." http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/mobile/rangers/easdale-brothers-wont-do-walking-away-at-rangers-158506n.23882978
  16. April 1, 2014 by billmcmurdo Rangers Supporters Loyal The rebels in the Rangers support have reacted with predictable hatred and venom to news that loyal fans are preparing to buy extra season tickets and are also willing to pay extra monies to the club in order to offset the impact of a potential season ticket boycott. The good news for those loyal fans, many of whom read this blog, is that the new supporters group is in the process of being formed. A new website with a forum is being developed and the loyal fans can have an online meeting place that meets their needs – a place free from the negativity and pollution of other online forums. This forum will be a place where Gers fans can communicate with each other without the playground abuse you get elsewhere. It will be heavily moderated in terms of who gets to enter the forum. No agitators, rebels or imposters will be allowed and, if found therein, will be punted swiftly. A code of conduct will be drawn up for the new supporters group and its general ethos will be one of support for the board – without giving the board a blank cheque in any way. Many great ideas have been put forward and we hope the new group will have an immediate and dynamic effect on the Rangers family. The driving force for this new group has been the vision and determination of Ayrbear to create a voice for fans of Rangers who are not anti-board but are very much pro-Rangers. Old-fashioned attributes of dignity, decorum and respect – as exemplified by Rangers men of old – are very much part of the ethos this new supporters group will seek to embody. We all owe Ayrbear and one or two others who are in the background a massive debt for putting flesh and bone to an idea whose time has come. This group will be staunch friends and allies of other Rangers groups who share our values of supporting the club through thick and thin. However, we will implacably oppose those who seek to agitate matters at Ibrox for self-seeking agendas that could damage RFC. There will be an annual membership fee and all monies will be fully accounted for with transparency. It is important for me to say this – this will not be the Bill McMurdo Rangers Supporters Group. I am happy to support it and be involved with it but this new group has come out of that wellspring that is still thankfully at the heart of our massive bluenose support – the wellspring of loyalty to and love for the club which makes us The People. In other words, it is YOUR group. Your devotion to Rangers has demanded that such a group be formed. The group will be known as Rangers Supporters Loyal and this name says everything about what this organisation will epitomise. It is not about individuals but about Rangers FC and what the club stands for. Many of you have indicated your willingness to join Rangers Supporters Loyal. Soon you will have the chance to do just that. Also we will have a meeting soon to formalise things and elect office bearers. We are coming down the road, folks and we will not be stopped, sidetracked or deflected. http://billmcmurdo.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/rangers-supporters-loyal/
  17. Friday, 04 April 2014 10:00 Fozzy's Breaking New Ground Written by Andrew Dickson RICHARD FOSTER has waited 11 years to make up for the disappointment he suffered in his sole final as a professional and hopes his long wait for success ends on Sunday. The Rangers full-back was part of the Aberdeen team which lined up against Celtic in the final of the 2002/03 SFA Youth Cup at McDiarmid Park. Aged just 17 and a winger at that point, it was an exciting chance for Foster to get a medal under his belt so early in his career. But instead he found himself on the end of a 3-1 defeat in Perth and he’s never gone so far in a competition since. In that sense, this weekend’s Ramsdens Cup decider with Raith Rovers takes on extra significance for the former Bristol City player. While some might dismiss the competition for the fact participation is open only to lower-league clubs, Foster isn’t among them. He knows how important a trophy it is for the Light Blues to win and for him personally, it would give him a chance to add to the two league successes he has had at Ibrox. Foster said: “I’ve not played in any senior finals and my last final of any sort was in the SFA Youth Cup with Aberdeen. “We were beaten 3-1 by Celtic that day so this is a landmark game for me. As a player you want to win things and win cups. “This is my first experience of a big final and hopefully I’ll get to play. Hopefully we will win as well. “Everyone wants to be in the team for the final because we all want to be on the pitch if we win the trophy.” Despite their League One status in comparison with Raith’s Championship standing, Rangers are favourites to come out on top. Still the country’s most successful club by some distance, the Light Blues are used to having supporters of other clubs cheering for whoever they play. Foster isn’t bothered by that and is focused only on delivering more silverware for Gers’ loyal fanbase. He added: “It does have that feel but that’s something you’ve got to live with when you play for Rangers. We deal with that every day so it’s nothing new. “It’s not something we use in the dressing room. We just know that happens and we deal with it. We take each game as it comes and we want to win every game we play anyway. “We try not to think about what other people will say or think about us. We just try to win for ourselves and the fans.” http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/6682-fozzys-breaking-new-ground
  18. When is the 120th day or has it passed? Not sure if we're counting from Wallace's appointment or the AGM. Also, what's the chances of hearing "the review is over and proposals will be out in 4 week" just to keep us hanging on? It's clear the majority of fans don't trust the board so I'm not sure how they can win hearts and minds without making a magnificent gesture which is tangible to us. Even then it'd be viewed with suspicion but our fans are easily led from the Blue Room. Obviously there's talk of a new share issue but is that realistic when they know King might walk in and scoop up the shares, assume control, and go about clearing the decks for his own people? Wallace might welcome this but I highly doubt Easdales and Laxey will. The small matter of BPH and Margerita most likely objecting to their holding and future earnings dwindling is another factor to count in which could scupper any new share issue. Negative loyal!
  19. Wednesday, 02 April 2014 13:00 Ready To Listen: Phase 1 Results Written by RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB THE results of the Rangers Ready To Listen fan engagement survey which was launched in February have now been analysed, evaluated and reviewed. An overwhelming 35,265 of our core support took part in the first step of the fan engagement programme which will help shape the future direction of the Club. Participants in the Fan engagement survey included: 50% of adult season ticket holders 83% were matchday attendees 5% from existing supporter groups 10% from overseas With 84% of supporters seeking a review of how the Club engages with fans and 68% feeling the supporters do not have a loud enough voice, it is clear the need for enhanced engagement with the Club should be a priority. One of the key findings and recommendations from the survey is the development of a fan representation board voted for by supporters and representing the interests of all fans including season ticket holders, overseas fans shareholders and families. Indeed, 84% of the fanbase supported the progression of this concept and this is an area we now need to explore further with the wider Rangers support. Fans were also asked for their thoughts on the potential for a membership scheme and 80% were in favour of developing such an initiative. We have listened to the response from fans and are now working on the development of Rangers membership with further fan input for launch over the summer and in advance of the 14/15 season. Supporters identified the top five best performing areas of the business as: Community/Charity Work Club Social Media Club website Safe Matchday Environment Hospitality The five most important aspects of the Club according to fans are: On-pitch performance Youth Development programme Overall direction and management of the Business Fan Engagement Matchday Experience The five most important statements relating to the Club from the list identified are: Proud of its rich history and tradition Open and effective relationship with its supporters Continually strives for sporting success Youth development is key to on-pitch success High standards of integrity and professionalism The most important issues for fans right now are a need for Honesty, Integrity and Transparency going forward, this was made clear in the majority of surveys completed. However, this is not surprising given events at the Club in recent years and the Board is ready to act on that feedback. Graham Wallace commented: "The Club wants to be open about the key issues highlighted in the Ready to Listen fan engagement survey and realises areas of concern like trust, transparency and honesty will not be improved overnight. We understand that trust must be earned and certainly appreciate supporters have had a difficult few years. "There are undoubtedly areas we can improve on and it is clear fans value a greater voice and involvement with the Club. We are listening to these views and will act accordingly. The Club values the feedback received as it will help us shape and ensure a sustainable future for Rangers. "We said at the outset that we wanted to engage with the 44,000 core supporters who attend matches regularly and we were therefore delighted that over 50% of adult season ticket holders took part and 83% of respondents attend games. "We believe that with the Club and fans working together we can impact positively on Rangers future performance and will now move forward into a more detailed phase in a number of areas that were identified." NEXT STEPS More than half of the survey participants advised that they would be keen to participate further in future supporter engagement initiatives to help shape the programme. Supporters were asked if they would be willing to engage with the Club to aid the development of certain areas within the business and the response was again overwhelming. Volunteers for each area are as follows: Ticketing; 6,567 Matchday Experience; 7,876 Hospitality; 3,132 Catering; 4,477 Retail/Merchandise; 6,088 Fan Engagement; 12,289 Club Media; 6,589 Customer Service; 5,409 Membership; 8,723 This next phase of follow-up research will help to define and create a formal fan engagement programme driven by the fans with the support of the Club via a specific fan engagement survey which will be issued next week. Specific communications on other areas of importance to the fans, including those listed above, will also start to be issued from next week and over the coming weeks. Thereafter, more focused face-to-face meetings with fans will be held to engage them on their opinions and insights across these areas with a view to having key initiatives and developments in place for the start of Season 14/15. The Club would like to thank all those who took part in this initial step in the Ready To Listen campaign. Your feedback is invaluable and we look forward to working together on the next steps to help shape the future direction of the Club. To view an infographic of the survey results click here http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/6663-ready-to-listen-phase-1-results
  20. Just noted that Motherwell beat ICT at home last night and John Hughes again was praising their valiant - but in the end vein - display. Well, when Butcher left ICT for the Hibs from the East, the Highlanders were 2nd in the table, 5 points adrift of the Yahoos, 6 points ahead of Motherwell and 8 points ahead of Aberdeen. Since Hughes took over, ICT has slipped to 5th in the table, 36 (thirty-six) points behind the Yahoos, 11 behind Motherwell, and 10 behind Aberdeen. No wonder the Highlanders are growing restless ... Meanwhile, Butcher's masterstroke has lead two teams into SPFL no-mans-land, with Hibs trailing ICT by 11 points, despite the latter's horrendous run. "Wrecked" to teams in one go, did he ...
  21. Statement from NARSA regarding recent events involving the RFFF: "The RFFF voted today that in the event of litigation against Craig Houston, arising from content on the Sons Of Struth Facebook page, a proposal to provide financial support will be taken to a general meeting of fans." Below is the NARSA (North American Rangers Supporters Association) response to the above statement by the RFFF (Rangers Fans Fighting Fund) from Wednesday March 26, 2014. NARSA hereby demands that the seven members of the RFFF who voted in favor of the motion to support the above proposal resign their positions on the RFFF Committee by Friday, April 4th. NARSA feels these seven persons have failed in their duty to use the funds in the manner befitting the original purpose or in the best interests of Rangers FC and the RFFF. Should any of these seven individuals remain on the RFFF Committee by end of day Friday, April 4th, 2014, NARSA and its Member Clubs will demand the immediate return of all monies donated. In addition, we propose that, as NARSA raised and donated funds in excess of $80,000 USD, we have official representation on the RFFF Committee going forward. Our representative would be the sitting President of NARSA, by default.
  22. Friday, 04 April 2014 08:30 A Happy Hunting Ground Written by Andrew Dickson NICKY LAW hopes his unbeaten record at Easter Road stands him in good stead as he returns there on Sunday looking to win the Ramsdens Cup with Rangers. The Light Blues midfielder is optimistic he’ll be fit for the clash with Raith Rovers at Hibernian’s home ground in Leith after training earlier this week. Manager Ally McCoist is equally keen to have the Englishman involved and that desire will probably be enhanced if he looks at the 26-year-old’s record there. Law played in Leith three times with Motherwell in his two seasons at Fir Park and played his part in two hard-earned away wins. In another game the Steelmen could only take a point from the contest but it was the former Sheffield United star who got them it with a leveller nine minutes from the end in a 1-1 draw. There are some concerns about the pitch at the stadium after a long season, with a lot of surfaces around Scotland bumpy at this stage of the campaign. Otherwise, Law is excited about going back to a venue where has done well in the past as he bids to add to the League One trophy with Gers. He said: “It’s a ground I’ve always enjoyed playing at and in my Motherwell days we never lost there so hopefully that continues. “Sometimes you get grounds where you do well at them and Easter Road has been good to me. I’ve managed to score a goal there as well. “It’s one of the better stadiums in Scotland and while it doesn’t have the biggest capacity, there will still be 20,000 people there. “Our fans will generate a great atmosphere. They always do that and it will be no different on Sunday in a tough game for us. “The supporters know they can be our 12th man and hopefully they will be again for us at the weekend.” Rangers are seeking to win the Ramsdens Cup for the first time following their failure to do so last season, when they went out in the quarter-finals to Queen of the South. And Law admits he has noticed an extra edge in training over the last few days as McCoist’s players compete with each other for starting slots. He added: “Everyone’s fired up for the game. This two-week period really defines our season and we’ve a couple of huge games with the Dundee United match in the Scottish Cup too. “The lads are really looking forward to them and they’re really up for them. You can see that in training. “There has been an extra bite in our sessions this week which you’d expect with the matches we have coming up. “There is a real excitement in the group and it’s a different atmosphere at the moment. We have been plodding along a bit in the league but there’s real determination there now. “Looking at their league form, Raith have been a bit up and down but they’ve delivered in some big games and they went to Easter Road in the Scottish Cup and won. “I’m sure they’ll take confidence from that. I saw quite a bit of their game with St Johnstone and although they lost, I thought they played really well that day too. “It could have gone either way in difficult conditions. We know it’ll be a hard game against a full-time team, something we’ve not encountered too much this season. “We need to have everybody right up for the game and it’ll be as tough a match as we’ve had this season but we’re ready for that.” http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/6681-a-happy-hunting-ground
  23. Keeping people safe and discouraging criminal activity will be the focus of Police Scotland’s operation at Sunday's Cup Final between Raith Rovers and Rangers. To ensure the game is enjoyable for fans, officers and stewards will be undertaking searches in and around Easter Road stadium to make sure alcohol isn’t brought into the stadium and that supporters who are under the influence of alcohol are not allowed entry. Specialist search dogs will also be working to detect anyone in possession of fireworks or flares, and those found to be in possession of such items will be stopped from entering, arrested and may be subject to a banning-order. In recognition of the impact the final will have across the city centre, a strict no public drinking ban will be in force supported by local bye-laws. Licensing officers will also be carrying out inspections of pubs and clubs across the city where crowds gather to watch the game. Teams from Police Scotland’s Operational Support Division are also working with local officers and the City of Edinburgh Council to minimise any traffic impact as a result of the estimated 30,000 fans arriving in the city on public transport and coaches. Police officers will be directing coach traffic carrying Rangers supporters to the Regent Road and London Road areas, and Raith Rovers coaches are being directed towards the Leith Links area. Many fans however are expected to make their own way to the match and drivers are being warned that there are no parking arrangements near the stadium. Event Commander Chief Superintendent Mark Williams, who will be directing the operation, said: "The Cup Final is always a great day for fans to celebrate the achievements of their respective teams but it is important to remember that it is a day that should be enjoyable for fans both young and old. “That’s why we have robust plans in place to deal with any minority who are intent on causing trouble. While we know most supporters will be well behaved, my officers will seek out those who are antisocial or who turn up drunk. They will not only be refused entry, but will also be subject to criminal action. Of course, there will also be officers on duty across the city centre to monitor licensed premises and respond swiftly to any reports of disorder or trouble”. “There will undoubtedly be pressure put on the transport network so I’d encourage fans attending the game to make sure they have their travel plans in place early and, because there is limited parking, to try and use public transport wherever possible.” http://www.scotland.police.uk/whats-happening/news/2014/april/221256/
  24. http://kickoff.blogs.lequipe.fr/les-rangers-religion-decosse/ Someone care to translate?
  25. I'm away on holiday so will miss the game - hope everyone else enjoys it!
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