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  1. We have a little over 2 weeks of the transfer window left and there is STILL no new midfielders at Murray Park. Sometimes WS does his business on the quiet like the signing of Bougherra which came out of the blue - so we have a tiny bit of hope that a deal could be done somewhere but i wont hold my breath until i see a player in a blue shirt. I still think Davis is likely but we still need more than him. I can also see him being played out of position if he does sign. Davis had a few good games for us when playing next to Ferguson but signing Davis alone doesnt fill me with confidence. In that 2 weeks we couldnt face a tougher fixture card. Hearts at Ibrox and Aberdeen and Celtic away. Right now with that team that played at Falkirk i dont fancy us to get anymore than 5 points from that 3 games. With the Cuellar sale, the pressure is now at peak for Murray, Bain and Smith.
  2. Suprised I hadn't heard anything on here about this but FF is going wild with a rumour of an alleged bustup between McCoist and Bain over the transfer of Cuellar. A quote from McCoist not that long ago which would perhaps explain a part of it. Rumours even gone as far as him resigning, which I highly doubt and this whole rumour could be rubbish aswell, but thought it made interesting reading. Anyone heard anything?
  3. So 15 invited fans speak for the masses now??!!! I dont think he should be sacked but this headline in the news doesnt nearly speak for the real fans. Bit in bold - I'll believe that when I see it!!! That should have been dealt with in June!
  4. Thomas Jordan Evening Times EMBARRASSING. Disgraceful. Shameful. Diabolical. Just some of the words that could be used to describe Rangers' performance as they crashed out of Europe. However, the biggest criticism you could level at Walter Smith's players is that not enough of them cared. Not enough of them wore the blue jersey with pride. And not enough of them were willing to go the extra mile. Yes, they were hurting as they faced up to the prospect of being directly responsible for one of the worst, if not THE worst, result in the Ibrox club's 52-year European history. But, by then, it was too late. How can a team that was playing in the Uefa Cup Final just 84 days ago find themselves not only knocked out, but outplayed and outfought by a team from Lithuania? Kaunas shouldn't have got close to Rangers regardless of whether they were without their two best players in Barry Ferguson and Carlos Cuellar. Or even the fact they are well into their domestic season before Smith's men have even begun theirs. Quite simply, there can be no excuses. Today, the Rangers legions will be selecting their targets and deciding who is to blame. The chairman, David Murray, will be chastised for failing to open his cheque book. Their chief executive, Martin Bain, was forced to run the gauntlet at the end of the match and, as the man who now controls the purse strings, he will also be criticised for failing to fund transfer deals. The manager will have his team selection held respon-sible along with his failure to bring in more new faces. Maybe the three of them can be held to account. But, you know what, none of them come close to the players. Had they found themselves facing a European outfit of genuine quality, then there is not much you can do when playing against better players. However, they were up against guys with a fraction of their ability and with a wage packet that is small change compared to their bulging pay packets. Quite simply, something is far wrong. From front to back, questions will be asked. Goalkeeper Allan McGregor should, on reflection, feel he could have been better at the opening goal when he was beaten from all of 35 yards. He was also extremely fortunate that he wasn't punished when he completely misjudged a Rafael Ledesma free-kick which flew wide of the post. At right-back, Steven Whittaker wasn't even as good as awful. From the first whistle to the last, he constantly gifted possession back to Kaunas and looks like a fish out of water as he struggles to find form. At the heart of the defence Kirk Broadfoot, standing in for the injured Cuellar once again, was steady enough, as was Davie Weir up until he lost Linas Pilibaitis for what turned out to be the winning goal. The 38-year-old has been in the game long enough to know you can have a stormer for 89 minutes of the game, but switch off just once or make a mistake and that's what you are remembered for. At left-back, Sasa Papac was reasonable enough. But, as feared, it was the middle of the park where Rangers struggled the most. Rather than go with just two in the centre, Smith went for three in the engine room at the expense of a second striker. In the holding role was Christian Dailly. Never someone you could accuse of not giving his all, he gave it everything he had but, in a game where Rangers enjoyed a fair share of possession, he was never going to get the ball down and dictate play. It was his lack of control at the end of the game - when he tried to bring the ball down with his chest - which handed Kaunas the corner from which they scored their winning goal. Beside him was Lee McCulloch, who once again allowed the game to pass him by. Kevin Thomson was slightly better, scoring the opening goal but never does he really grab a game by the scruff of the neck and accept the responsibility for being the main man. For all his critics, Ferguson does that on a regular basis. Out wide, Nacho Novo troubled Kaunas with his pace and gave a decent account of himself, although his final ball could have been better at times. On the other flank, Charlie Adam was another who contributed next to nothing. Where has the goal threat he carries gone? And playing the lone striker's role was Kenny Miller. He had another golden opportunity to open his Gers account second time around when he found himself through on goal with only the goalkeeper to beat, but tried to chip the ball and missed the target. Not good enough. Andrius Velicka climbed off the bench and missed a great chance with the scoreline locked at 1-1, and Kris Boyd and Kyle Lafferty arrived on the scene with just minutes remaining and far too late to offer anything to the game. Criticism will not go down well. But the 500-odd supporters who spent their night sitting in the pouring rain watching the players go through the motions, offering up a display that wasn't even as good as mediocre, deserve far better and are entitled to vent their fury. As far as Europe goes, Rangers' chance has gone. If this level of performance and result continues during their quest for domestic honours, then it should be the players who should be on their travels - out of Ibrox.
  5. Let me start off by saying I watched the whole game, I know how poor we are and yes it's really starting to p*ss me off - and the txts from my timmy mates are not helping BUT.. after the rollercoaster ride of last season had died down the hard cold fact was that we did not win the league. Now with Celtic chasing 4 in a row it is imperative that we win the league this season. Last season was a one off, it's not going to happen again for a long time and even though I fully understand the financial bonus's and midweek excitement the champions league games bring maybe a team fully focused on winning the league is what we need this season. Lets face it we looked knackered tonight, its obvious last season's 68 games are still taking there toll. Maybe tonight will give SDM the kick up the backside to spend big. Walter Smith is not new to this game - he must see the frailties in our midfield, he must have identified players he feels will make a difference to our "midfield" so now SDM must back him in his plans. We all remember Faubert last season. Out of nowhere we were willing to spend big bucks on a player who genuinely looks an exciting prospect and I for one believe the same will happen before the end of the transfer window. I'm not saying I'm happy being out of europe, I grew up with the 9iar team and hold very high standards for our football club..it's just my opinion that it's not the be all and end all and could be a very strange blessing in disguise.
  6. There are a few issues spliting the fans at the moment. Some are calling it a negative attitude yet some call it plain facts. The season has not even kicked off yet but this far we have looked very untidy in pre season and in our first competitive game of the season. On Tuesday we have a huge match against Kaunas to make it into the final qualifying round of the hugely important Champions League. I'm going to try and elaborate on a few topics that the fans have issues with. 1) Summers Signings In / Out: Plenty eyebrows have been raised because WS brough in 3 strikers and then concentrated on the defence when the midfield is the most obvious position needing filled. We have forked out near on 10 million on 4 players for upfront and defence yet we are reluctant to spend a penny on the midfield. We have recouped a small fee for Buffel and Sebo thus far. I still question the Buffel sale when all we needed to do was pay a fee of approx 400k which makes more sense than paying 3-4 million for another player of this type. Its ok bringing in strikers but so far none of the current forwards have left the club leaving us with a large forward line. There is still 28 days left of the transfer window so in no way can this topic be concluded yet although its imperative we sign some midfield players soon. 2) Style of football: Last season this was brought up on many occasions. Some want to see total football yet others are perfectly happy with a grinding 1-0 win as its winning that matters at the end of the day. For me a bit of both would be better. I dont expect 5-0 thumpings of teams every week with playing out of our skins, but with the level of SPL opposition we really should be seeing off teams by 3 or 4 goals on a more regular basis. Going away from home to the tougher teams is when we should be happy to grind out 1-0 wins. Some put direct blame on Walter Smith, but for me the dead wood has been there before he arrived. In McLeish's latter days most of PLG's matches we were dreadful to watch at times. Walter Smith hasnt changed much other than the fact we are very difficult to score against. Basically Walter sets out not to lose a match rather than win it. I think we are bit away from knowing our first choice XI and I actually think WS doesnt have that. He prefers to have maybe 14 players who will be shifted around in a few positions every week. 3) Loyality to players: Fans will never agree on team selection and we dont have any right to have a say in team selection - thats what the manager lifes and dies by, but we are certainly in our right to an opinion and currently a number on here picked out the Walter is very loyal to certain players. He was like this in his first reign also. You have to wonder is he happy to play safe or just to afraid to change things. Maybe its personality clashes with other players like the rumours suggest. But IMO that shouldnt come into, if a player is good enough he should be given a chance. Im not afraid to name names, but the likes of Broadfoot, Adam, Burke and Boyd will never be good enough for Rangers and having average run of the mill SPL players is a huge reason behind our lack of championships this decade. Johnny Foreigner doesnt hide from this aswell, we have had too many guys picking up a nice wage packet and not doing it on the park. 4) The threat of going Backwards: Despite last seasons run on all fronts where winning and not was a thin line, we are on the threat of moving backwards. The squad may look stronger in numbers than last year but the starting XI doesnt. I was hoping for 3 or 4 players who would come in and be definate starters but so far it seems our signings are no better than what we have. Add that to the fact if the unthinkable happens on Tuesday and we dont make the CL then we are in for a long season with not much incommings. Nothing has been decided yet and the season hasnt kicked off but the concern is there. 5) Board level: The main 2 issues here is the stadium and the lack of a ticket office at the club. Ibrox: Its still a fantastic arena but at 25+ years old the Copland, Govan and Broomloan are feeling a bit dated. When your inside them they feel it aswell compared to when you visit a modern new stadium. The rumours are for a super complex to be built, that would be fantastic but I for one wouldnt mind Ibrox just getting modernized and not to any great length. The insides of the stands could be developed along with the screens being taken out and replaced by seats bring the capacity up to near 60,000. It the roofs of those 3 stands could be raised a little and say 10 rows added then that would be fantastic also. Ticket Office: I find this embarrassing. A club who gets 50,000 people at every home match does not have a ticket office. I remember the mid 90s in my teens before I had a season ticket Id go along to Ibrox regularly and at times picked up tickets from the old ticket office across from the Copland stand. I would be in and out of the que within 5 minutes. Now we have a shed with 2 ladies handing out envelopes to 1000s of people and causing fans to miss there first competitve kick off of the season - horrendous stuff!! I can only say - Bring Back the ticket office!!! Feel free to add the other issues at the moment and as Gersnet always does we will debate them openly and maturely.
  7. Exclusive by Andrew Dickson ERIK BO ANDERSEN believes the way has been paved for Rangers to take a place in the Champions League - but has warned them not to underestimate Aalborg. Bruce Rioch, manager of Aalborg BKThe striker played for the Danish side before leaving them for Ibrox in a �£1.5million transfer in February 1996. Although the 37-year-old is now working in politics rather than football, he has continued to monitor the progress AaB have made in recent times. The Jutland club, which appointed Bruce Rioch as its new manager in the summer, won the league by nine points from FC Midtjylland last season. Despite that win, Andersen thinks Walter Smith's Gers will have too much for them if they get past Kaunas and into the third qualifying round of the Champions League. Of course, Bosnian outfit Modrica could yet beat AaB to the final preliminary stage if they can overturn the 5-0 defeat they suffered in midweek this Wednesday. But it is almost certain the Superligaen outfit will progress, giving Rangers a potential chance to take on a team from Denmark competitively for the fourth time. Although Andersen is sure the Scots would then advance to the group stage, he has stressed it won't be easy for them to get so far.Thomas Augustinussen of Aalborg BK Aalborg beat Sampdoria on away goals last season to reach the group phase of the UEFA Cup then drew with Anderlecht and only lost by a single goal to Spurs and Getafe. Andersen said: "This is a good draw for Rangers. They will be the favourites if the teams meet, there is no doubt about that. "If the teams played each other 10 times, there is no way Aalborg would win at least five of those matches. "At the same time, it would be stupid to think this will be a walkover for Rangers because Aalborg have a good side. "Collectively, they are a team that works hard with no real superstars in it and that is their big quality. "On their day, they can compete with a lot of big sides. They were unlucky to lose at Tottenham last season and with a bit of luck, could have had a better result there. "Aalborg also went through on away goals against Sampdoria after drawing 2-2 with them in Italy to get to the group stage. "If they are on form, they are a hard team to beat. I would still expect Rangers to see off Aalborg but they will have to work hard if they are to win overall." Jeppe Curth of Aalborg BKAndersen has picked out forward Jeppe Curth as the man Gers need to be wary of if they find themselves pitched against the Danes. The 24-year-old was the leading scorer in his country's league last season and he is someone Smith will want his men to snuff out. Andersen added: "Curth is a good striker. He is not the tallest but he is a dangerous player. I think he scored 15 or 16 times last season and has shown a lot of potential. "He went abroad to play for Feyenoord when he was quite young but is back in Denmark now and is making good progress. "In midfield, Thomas Augustinussen is one of Aalborg's best players too. He is very tall and creates a lot of things. He holds the team together very well."
  8. RANGERS Chief Executive Martin Bain has spoken for the first time on a number of important topics as the new season opens. He revealed record season ticket sales, explained the reasoning behind the five per cent charge on the sale of away tickets and insisted work is still being done to bolster the squad ahead of the new campaign. During the interview, the Chief Executive also announced exciting plans for Ibrox that will make it amongst the most cutting-edge in European football. He said: "We are well on target to set a new record of 44,000 season ticket holders which has been achieved as a result of our new ticketing strategy enabling a higher saleable capacity within the stadium. In the past four seasons we have reached highs of 42,500 but on the back of last season, the demand for the coming campaign has been such that we will hit the new record figure. "Last season was a journey beyond all expectation for Rangers supporters and was what we all aspire to, which is Rangers competing at the highest level in Europe and on all fronts domestically. The last day of the SPL season was our only downside. "Our new strategy aims to make football more affordable to families, and to maintain and create a great atmosphere in the stadium where supporters are safe. It wasn't just about pricing however, we also wanted to provide some additional benefits to season ticket holders. The first of these takes place on Friday with a free training day which will be a great day out for families. "To date the initiative has resulted in an 11 per cent rise in juvenile season ticket holders with many more on the waiting list and we are absolutely delighted with the ongoing response from the fans. "We had 19 European games last season and with the financial pressures in our economy today we could not have asked for more from our supporters, their commitment has been second to none. Tickets for tomorrow's Kaunas game are going really well and the Liverpool match on Saturday is fast approaching sell-out. "Last year we identified the need to address the playing surface and other aspects of the stadium infrastructure, resulting in the commitment of capital expenditure for an interim overhaul. We have ensured that the items invested in are easily transportable should our long term development plans come to fruition. "First on the agenda was restructuring the pitch and Walter Smith told me yesterday that he is delighted with the new playing surface. "Despite the inclement weather in Scotland we are confident we will have no problems with our pitch this season and let's hope it is the same scenario at every other SPL ground. We have invested in our pitch and it would be good to see the other clubs investing in a similar way to avoid the problems of last season. "Our next priority was to introduce a fully integrated stadium entertainment system. This will be phased in from the first SPL home game where our new state of the art LED perimeter advertising system and LED scoreboards will be unveiled. "The perimeter advertising will run the complete length of the Copland, Broomloan and Govan stands. In September we will install LED jumbotrons, giving Ibrox one of the most ambitious media and entertainment systems in British football. We plan to introduce the system into the concourses thereafter. Even the dugouts, uniforms and Club ties are changing!" Rangers begin the SPL campaign on August 9 against Falkirk, one of four clubs who have refused to accept the Old Firm plan of a five per cent charge for the sale of away tickets. Bain remains unrepentant at the approach taken and commented: "It is incredulous that despite our attempts to explain this rationally to other clubs, some of them continue to refuse to accept our approach. Rangers supporters travel the length and breadth of the country, often paying premium prices for grounds which are often found lacking in their overall facilities. This is about our fans. I believe they more than pay their way in Scottish football and we want to alleviate some of the financial pressure. "I am also disappointed at the other clubs lack of understanding of our continual efforts to make it as easy as possible to distribute their tickets with minimal cost and effort on their behalf. We help maximise ticket sales for SPL away grounds to the region of �£2.5million, but accept that this comes at a cost, hence our proposal for the reciprocal arrangement. This would allow us to remove the costs currently borne by our fans. "I am surprised that other clubs have failed to realise that we have maintained a core fan base for away matches and that base may drop off given the convoluted systems they are operating to sell tickets to Rangers fans. "The actions we have taken have been in the best interests of our fans and the Club and we hope this is recognised by our travelling support, despite the complicated and difficult route that may now exist to obtain tickets for fixtures that were once easy to obtain." The Rangers Chief Executive hopes that those who choose to sell to Old Firm fans directly will ensure that they take all the responsibilities which accompany this decision. He said: "The SPL guidelines are such that every person who buys a ticket has to supply their name and address, and I now look to the SPL to ensure that while these other clubs have taken it upon themselves to sell these tickets that they record all these details. That said, it is unfortunate that I won't have the same level of awareness of whom the tickets are now being sold to. "At this stage Falkirk, Hibs, Hearts and Dundee United have indicated that they will sell tickets to our fans themselves and we await confirmation of the official response from the remaining clubs." Although the signing deadline has passed for tomorrow's Champions League qualifying match with Kaunas, the Chief Executive insisted that work is still being done on the playing front. He said: "We are still working hard to make sure we have a squad capable of challenging on all fronts. "The nature of Rangers is such that we are constantly linked with players with no foundation. But we are used to that and know what our priorities are. I am confident through experience of transfer windows in recent years that there will be movement, both in and out, in the weeks ahead. Walter has a core squad to meet the immediate challenges, although we are disappointed to have picked up a couple of injuries at this early stage." http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,5~1353740,00.html
  9. Not exactly a suprise but Im absolutely delighted with this signing. Keane and Torres up front together will be unreal. They have also strengthened in defence which was already pretty strong so I really do expect Liverpool to give their best challenge for the EPL for a number of years. Im not sure if they will be able to surpass ManU or Chelsea but they are going the right way. I may watch the friendly tomorrow while listening to our game...
  10. With the start of the new season galloping over the horizon, the title of this article should actually read, Read! We Better Be. We have a very tough start to the season both in the CL and the SPL. Kaunas arrive at Ibrox on Wednesday evening and present themselves as the first hurdle in our race to reach the Champions League group stages. They will be a very tough proposition and weââ?¬â?¢ll need to be at our best to overcome the Lithuanian champions over two legs. The fixture list and injury curse could have been kinder to us as we enter the season without the injured Barry Ferguson and are without Carlos and Beasley for the first leg on Wednesday. Worryingly, there is a doubt over Kevin Thompson for Wednesday so we are VERY short of options for the central midfield role that is essential to our chances. Lee McCulloch is also a doubt but the official website states that both ââ?¬Ë?shouldââ?¬â?¢ be ready for the game. Looking beyond the CL qualifier (if we dare), we have a very hard start to the SPL race with only one home game in the opening four and with visits to Falkirk, Abergreen and Celtc ââ?¬â?? the SPL couldnââ?¬â?¢t have given us a harder opening if they had tried. Reflecting on the abysmal end to last season and the scarce additions to the squad, it is hard to find any evidence that points to us being a decent shape for the obstacles we face in the next 4-5 weeks. We are at least 5 players short in my opinion especially in the full back and creative midfield positions. It doesnââ?¬â?¢t look like these glaring gaps are going to be addressed or filled prior to the start of the season and weââ?¬â?¢ll just have to go with what resources we currently have starting on Wednesday. Even given WS splashing all of his apparent transfer budget on strikers, it is hard to see him deviating from his preferred 4-5-1 formation or his ultra-cautious approach especially in European ties. Given this, it looks like the tried and tested formation and personnel on Wednesday and I believe the team will line up as follows : McGregor Whittikar Daily Weir Papac Novo Hendami Thompson Adam McCulloch And pick one from the numerous strikers WS has at his disposal (if pushed, I think heââ?¬â?¢ll plump for Cousin). Personally, I wouldnââ?¬â?¢t play McGregor in goal as he has looked rusty in pre-season and doesnââ?¬â?¢t look back to his best. I can also see WS playing Broadfoot alongside Weir, pushing Daily into midfield and dropping Adam to the bench. I would play Lafferty out wide left as we are at home and have to take an (large) advantage to Lithuanian. So my starting 11 would be : Alexander SW Daily Weir Papac Novo Hendami Thommo Adam Lafferty And again, pick one of the many strikers to play the lone front man ââ?¬â?? if pushed, Iââ?¬â?¢d also go for Cousin with JCD a close 2nd. All in all, it will be a nail-biting start to the season and the opening fixtures will go along way in deciding how successful (or otherwise) season 2008 ââ?¬â?? 2009 will be. Winning the league is a MUST, nothing can detract from this fact ââ?¬â?? we simply canââ?¬â?¢t let them win the league again. So are we ready? Well only time, results and performances will tell. We have to hit the ground running. Cammy F
  11. Could this pave way for the Shittu move to be back on? Bit is a bizarre signing by Watford TBH.
  12. There hasnt been massive activity in the transfer market here but this season seems its going to be as open as it ever has been. It will be interesting to see how Scolari does at Chelsea. He has a winning mentality about him. Portsmouth have smade some good signings and they are first up at Stamford Bridge. I think Ballack will be player of the season, and with Deco, Joe Cole, Essien and possibly Lampard they will be too good. Arsenal need 1 more signing and they could be unplayable at times but you have to wonder if they can last the pace. Man Utd are full of winners and will be favourties. There wont be much between them and Chelsea again. Liverpool need to make a challenge but I cant see them being strong enough. They have Torres who is awesome but they cant expect him to do it all. Gerrard is still there best player but only he and Torres would get into the Man Utd team - thats not enough good players to make a challenge. The rest are a lottery. Spurs were expected to come on leaps and bounds with Ramos but they could lose Berbatov and keane which would be a nightmare for them. Villa and Everton will be consistant again while Newcastle and Man City will have high expectations. I wonder how Paul Ince will do at Blackburn. He has signed Paul Robinson for 3.5 million which is a steal considering Scott Carson went to West Brom for 4 million. Obviously I want West Ham to do well but with the above teams being strong plus Portsmouth, I cant see them being in the top 8. They have the capablity of being there but are never consistant enough. I expect Stoke, Hull and West Brom to go straight back down. West Brom will have the best chance of staying up but the likes of Wigan, Sunderland. Bolton and Fulham are just a bit better. You just get a feeling Chelsea could be a hit or a miss and whether Scolari will stay all season. If Roman Abramovic buggars off they would go bust. But if all goes well Id say they will win the league. For me: Chelsea --------------- Man Utd Arsenal Liverpool -------------- Aston villa Tottenham Everton Newcastle Man City Portsmouth West Ham Blackburn Middlesboro Wigan Fulham Sunderland Bolton --------------- West Brom Stoke Hull
  13. Yet again a player who so called cost us nothing has cost us at least a million + without playing a game. keep going Walter your doing well.
  14. Guest

    gers eye etuhu

    Rangers are considering a move to sign Sunderland's Nigerian international midfielder Dickson Etuhu. Etuhu, 26, joined the English Premier League club from Norwich City in July 2007 for �£1.5m and made 20 appearances for Roy Keane's side last season. The dynamic box-to-box player won the first of his five international caps for Nigeria at this year's African Cup of Nations tournament. Etuhu was born in the northern Nigerian city of Kano but grew up in London. He began his career at Manchester City but started just 11 league games before signing for Preston in 2002 for �£300,000. He played nearly 150 games for North End before joining Norwich after a loan spell at Carrow Road. Manager Walter Smith has only strengthened his strikeforce so far this summer, with Thursday's Champions League signing deadline looming. Forwards Kenny Miller, Andrius Velicka and Kyle Lafferty have all arrived at Ibrox. But, with time running out to recruit more new arrivals ahead of next week's crucial second qualifying round against FBK Kaunas, Smith has yet to add to the trio. Press speculation has linked the Ibrox club with a variety of transfer targets, including Portsmouth's Portuguese midfielder Pedro Mendes and Cardiff City's Dutch defender Glenn Loovens. MY SPORT: DEBATE Should Rangers sign a player before the deadline? Highly-tipped Middlesbrough left-winger, Adam Johnson, 21, has also been touted as a possible loan option for Smith. And the Glasgow club are thought to be still locked in discussion with Fulham over acquiring the services of midfielder Steven Davis. The Northern Ireland international enjoyed a successful five-month loan spell in Glasgow last season and, with captain Barry Ferguson missing the start of the new term, Smith is keen on securing the services of the 23-year-old on a permanent basis.
  15. I have always said if anything happens to Roman Abramovich to make him walk away Chelsea will find it almost impossible to survive.
  16. Former Plymouth Argyle defender Russell Anderson is being linked with a move to Glasgow Rangers. The 29-year old Scottish international moved to Home Park on-loan from Sunderland in February and enjoyed a successful three-month loan spell, making 14 appearances for Argyle. Pilgrims' boss Paul Sturrock had made it clear that he would like to sign Anderson in a permanent deal but the cost of a transfer fee plus wages proved too expensive and Sturrock decided to look elsewhere for a centre-back. The former Aberdeen captain indicated that he was looking forward to a fresh start with the Black Cats and fight for a first-team place but with Rangers now showing an interest it could well be that Anderson makes a surprise return to Scotland. Anderson moved to Sunderland from Aberdeen last summer in a �£1 million transfer but ruptured his ankle ligaments soon after joining and spent several months on the sidelines until the loan move to Argyle.
  17. Another Boyd thread I know, but I agree with Hately (as you all know) we would be mad to let him go. I hope he is more than a bit part or impact player (although it looks likely) Velicka loogs good, Miller the same as many expected although its still early and we havent seen anything of Lafferty. JCD and Cousin still here which suprises me. As Hately says in the article, if we want the player, just go and get him. Unfortunately we havent done this for a while, the possible exception of Lafferty.
  18. http://www.theherald.co.uk/sport/football/display.var.2403897.0.Dane_hints_return_to_Ibrox_still_possible.php I'd welcome him back. Depends on the fee, seeing as we could get him on a pre-contract in Jan.
  19. I signed up for this site a few days ago,( www[dot]rangersfg[dot]com ) when I read about the Marseille fans clubbing together to try raise the funds to buy back Didier Drogba. I looked around for one for Gers fans and found this new site. Trying to tell as many Rangers fans as possible about it so hopefully can see if I can put some money towards my hopeful suggestion - Darren Fletcher I know it's never going to get us Ronaldo or David Villa but it would be great if it did actually come to something and get us a stronger squad, after all that's what cost us at the end of last season. Take a look see what you think. Cheers all.
  20. I guess official is not official any more.
  21. Strange goings on and the move, when it happens wont suprise anyone. Interesting to see the comments re the Whinger. Suprised at him having a go at Fabregas though, I htought he was outstanding last season and would walk into any team in the EPL and further afield.
  22. I thought he was excellent two seasons ago but got really frustrated last season by his turning and passing the ball back. I don't know if that was because we only had one option\target up front but he just seemed to go in one direction and that was backwards.
  23. Unfinished business For this to work we need to get the scouts off their arses and if Walter Smith is the man to lead the way is also debatable, given his record in actually playing young players. Davie Weir? I rest my case.
  24. As much as I think the days of us making big-name signings are in the past - partially because of the JJB deal (less money to be made from a name), but also because we seem to be trying to make the big-name players these days as opposed to signing has-beens - As the '6th best team in the world' not to mention UEFA cup finalists, there's no doubt we could attract our fair share of the worlds best (OK, better) players. If you had your pick of household names (at least try to be realistic) who would you go for? Let's say the transfer kitty for this endeavour is �£10 million
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