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The RST finally makes its play

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The following email arrived, doubtless others amongst you will have received the same. I thought I would share it with those who don't currently hold memberships in case they needed further evidence of their wisdom.


So little communication about matters that count, even when asked directly for information, but now an abundance of information about ....... the self-gratification of those who really ought to consider devoting rather more of their energies to addressing issues affecting the people they pretend to represent.


Looks like a nice little jolly, no doubt the proceeds will come in handy for .... well all sorts of things. Nice to see the board of the RST hasn't lost its sense of proportion.:(


The Trust is delighted to announce that the date of this year�s dinner is

Saturday the 18th of April.


The venue is the Crowne Plaza down by the waterside.


Ex-Premiership referee Jeff Winter and comedian Bruce Morton will entertain

us, John Gilligan will be our chairman for the evening. More attractions

will be announced in the coming weeks.


Always a glittering occasion the price per ticket for this year�s Dinner has

been set at a credit crunch busting �£50 - a saving of �£10 on last year.


Tickets can be bought online - here - or by sending a cheque (made payable

to Rangers Supporters Trust) to


The Rangers Supporters Trust

PO Box 3099,


G60 9AN


As in previous years we have the ability to take deposits ahead of full



Keep an eye on the site for more info regarding this exciting event. Please

contact us through the site with regard to any questions you may have.

Edited by maineflyer
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Sorry about that S_A. It's an age thing. :) Edited above.


No worries, could try reading the emails they send me instead of deleting them. :D


Jeff Winter is good for a laugh and Rangers are his second team. You would think he'd be above the tit for tat nonsense with the *******s that infest his site, but I guess he wants to give as good as gets and defend "his" club.

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I've read a bit of Jeff Winter's columns which are pretty incisive about refereeing decisions. The Tims hate him because he shows how pathetic their claims are for certain decisions. They think he's totally biased as he's a Rangers fan, and while he openly admits his love of Rangers, it doesn't affect his impartiality.

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I've read a bit of Jeff Winter's columns which are pretty incisive about refereeing decisions. The Tims hate him because he shows how pathetic their claims are for certain decisions. They think he's totally biased as he's a Rangers fan, and while he openly admits his love of Rangers, it doesn't affect his impartiality.


I'm sure it doesn't affect his impartiality, I was referring more to their usual nonsense.


Writing comments to Jeff like "how can you support the most bigoted club in the world bla bla bla" before making up some stories abour our support.


It sometimes degenerates into childish namecalling.


But still, gotta like the man. :D



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