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Boyd out of cup final after bust-up with Walter

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ChilledBear is spot on. PLG was embarrassed by the reaction of his players and some fans over the decision to strip Fergie of the captaincy even though it was the right decision.


Au revoir Boyd. He'll not be a Rangers player come the summer.


Everyone knows his attitude stinks. He mumps and moans when things don't go his way. Him and Fergie must've gone to the same school of moan!


Boyd doesn't score against Celtic anyway so it's no big deal. Plus, we've beat them before without him so we can beat them again.

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ChilledBear is spot on. PLG was embarrassed by the reaction of his players and some fans over the decision to strip Fergie of the captaincy even though it was the right decision.


Au revoir Boyd. He'll not be a Rangers player come the summer.


Everyone knows his attitude stinks. He mumps and moans when things don't go his way. Him and Fergie must've gone to the same school of moan!


Boyd doesn't score against Celtic anyway so it's no big deal. Plus, we've beat them before without him so we can beat them again.


Aw naw, another bloody Boyd debate is a certainty after that post. :)

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Aw naw, another bloody Boyd debate is a certainty after that post. :)


To quote that Katie Perry burd re Boyd:


You're hot then you're cold, you're yes and you're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down, you're wrong when it's right blah blah blah.


Boyd in a nutshell!

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Or the ultra cynical amongst us might suppose this means Boyd is definitely in the starting lineup on Sunday:D


Smith always seems to tell the truth before these games for some reason, so there's absolutely no chance this is part of any mind games.

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The problem I have with the story is it just seems a bit of an OTT reaction.


I doubt any of us would disagree with the fact Boyd is a lazy bugger with a questionable attitude. His form has also been very poor of late. As such, I've no problem with the manager taking him to task on that. However, banning him from the training ground/team is hardly going to get him to change his attitude - only cement his sulk.


Surely you have your go at him then let him react in the best way - hard work at Murray park and improved displays in the team - if picked?


This just seems like cutting off our nose to spite our face.


PS: His value just dropped from �£3.8million as well.


You have to presume that there was something else. He would have been hauled up about his attitude and probably reacted badly, leaving Smith with no alternative but to kick him out.


It can't be a decision that's been taken lightly. Boyd must have stepped over the line.


I'd argue that allowing him just to carry on at Murray park wouldn't change his attitude. This might.

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It does seem very strange timing though, how can Boyds' attitude get any worse than what we already know ?, something not quite right about this, he has done something else if it is true he has had a bust up

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His attitude on the pitch had been improving in recent months but his performance against ICT was abysmal.


That's what I was meaning, but it's not something new about him, so I can't understand why now is the time to come out with this????, as I said we all know what he is about!!!!!:confused:

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