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By Andrew Dickson


WALTER SMITH has backed his Rangers players to respond positively to their League Cup final defeat to Celtic at the weekend.


Many of the squad that travelled to Hampden two days ago returned to Murray Park for training today, with the rest due to report back tomorrow.


Walter SmithThey'll work together for the rest of the week in preparation for Saturday's crucial SPL match with Hearts at Ibrox.


It's a match which will take Gers to the top of the league standings if they win, albeit perhaps only for a day.


Claiming three points is essential and manager Smith expects a good reaction to the Old Firm loss in that fixture.


He said: "The only guarantee with football is that you'll face disappointment from time to time and that was the case on Sunday.


"If one team is far better than the other in a final then you can have no complaints about losing but the game at the weekend was a tight one.


"Hopefully our defeat will lead to a determination to ensure our remaining games this season are successful for us.


"It hasn't been through choice that we've had disappointments to come back from already this season but it has been the case that we've responded to them strongly.


Walter Smith"We'll have to make sure we do that again and the players have shown previously that they have character.


"They want to win and have a competitive streak in them. That gets tested throughout the season and this is one of those times.


"There's a managerial responsibility in terms of treading the right path when you're looking to go in the right direction again.


"But the players have a responsibility too and they'll pick themselves up. They have their pride and don't like losing so they'll want to ensure this doesn't affect them too greatly."


There are worries that Smith could find himself with a defensive crisis on his hands ahead of the clash with the Jambos.


While David Weir is suspended for the meeting with his old club, Madjid Bougherra, Kirk Broadfoot and Lee McCulloch are all carrying knocks too.


Bougherra missed the final with a calf injury and McCulloch limped off on Sunday with the same problem.


Madjid BougherraBut both should be fine for the weekend along with Broadfoot, who was able to take part at the national stadium after showing signs of progress.


Smith added: "We're hopeful Madjid will be fit. He just missed out at the weekend and unless something untoward happens, we think we can get him back fit again on time.


"Lee had a calf injury and there was always going to be a chance on Sunday that he could be affected by tightness there.


"That's what happened and that's why he had to come off. He isn't injured as such and he'll be okay after a couple of days rest.


"As for Kirk, his injury is quite a simple one. It's on the base of his foot and he needs a little bit of rest to let it heal.


"He has had a couple of weeks where he wasn't training but he is doing a bit better now and he'll have no problem being fit for the Hearts match."

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Not read that in full.


Less words, more action please.


I couldn't bring myself to read the whole lot either. I read a few sentences and know the bumf that i assume it was.

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I couldn't bring myself to read the whole lot either. I read a few sentences and know the bumf that i assume it was.


Aye, you've seen it so many times before after a couple of lines you know where it's going.


Overtake the tims in the title race and stay there and i'll be more inclined to listen. Starting with Hearts this weekend. :rfc:

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