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Craptic Fans Got Their Wish�

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Aided and abetted by their lapdhogs in the media but did they really think the consequences of their actions through? We have been battered from pillar to post by UEFA and they unbiased sections of the mhedia recently, but after this weekends affairs, it appears that the worn is turning and the spotlight could be falling on those who instigated this whole investigation.


Craptic were reported to the SFA for their fans singing in the last 2 games of last season and will inevitably be reported for their singing yesterday and possibly for their attacks on PLG (he is not the first Rangers employee to be physically attacked by the scum). Rangers were widely applauded after the DUFC game where no sectarian songs were sung and the atmosphere was superb. The Match Commander also confirmed that there were no arrests at the game, a statistic that means we are still the best behaved supporters in the UK with an average of only one arrest every 2 games.


We have now employed a very effective PR firm who are believed to be compiling a dossier of biased, sensationalist and impartial reporting by the media and actions that could be deemed offensive and sectarian from other fans in Scotland and this will be presented at some point. Media outlets let The Daylate Rebel and The Scotsman are reporting Craptics vile songs (only The Gerald arenââ?¬â?¢t) and ââ?¬Ë?reportersââ?¬â?¢ like Keevins and Britney are under pressure from their bosses due to their bitterness and nastiness towards Rangers and us supporters. In fact, the RST could be taking further action against Keevins for misrepresenting them on Saturday and I have heard Britney could be looking for a new jobââ?¬Â¦Ã¢â?¬Â¦


So Timmy thought that this was a great way to get at The Rangers, and it was, what they didnââ?¬â?¢t realise is that this would backfire and see them receive the same treatment, if not worse, then we would. Keep those eyes and ears peeled Bears and keep reporting them to the appropriate authorities. And as they like to tell us, ââ?¬Ë?Their Day Will Comeââ?¬Â¦Ã¢â?¬Â¦Ã¢â?¬Â¦Ã¢â?¬â?¢


Cammy F

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Dear Sir,






Thankyou for your interest in our campaign.






Due to our limited resources, we regret that we are unable to investigate and follow up every individual complaint we receive. We therefore often encourage people who feel strongly about sectarianism to support the campaign by taking action themselves.




The football aspect of our campaign is focusing right now on demanding that the SFA acts swiftly to implement and enforce a strong policy to deal with sectarianism consistently and fairly throughout Scottish football. We are also asking both Old Firm clubs - and will be approaching others - to remove more of the worst sectarian offenders among their support from stadia at home and away matches.




Perhaps you would also like to contact the SFA, SPL and/or the Old Firm to express your views on these matters.




I hope you find this information useful. Thankyou again for your correspondence.






Kind regards,







Nil by Mouth


Caledonian Suite


141 West Nile Street




G1 2RN


Telephone 0141 333 6697


Email mail@nilbymouth.org


Web http://www.nilbymouth.org


will it matter Cammy if this is the bog standard reply we get?

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Hopefully Steve, this is one group that will be focussed upon by our new PR gurus - I have numerous unaswered emails from them - they are now being shown up for the sham that they are, Legget ripped into them a few weeks ago, and I don't see it letting up.


If I were you, I would send you original email and this reply to Rangers and ask them to send it on to the PR group (or send it to them directly) and let them deal with it. Or alterneatively, send this with your concerns to The RST thro their website..!


The more pressure we apply, the quicker fraudsters like NBM get exposed.


Cammy F

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The person who replied "we cant deal with individual cases"...but as far as I know yesterday was not an individual case as I am sure hundreds emailed them yesterday highlighting the same points.


Watching closely.....

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The person who replied "we cant deal with individual cases"...but as far as I know yesterday was not an individual case as I am sure hundreds emailed them yesterday highlighting the same points.


Watching closely.....


Exactly, something that I pointed out to them in my second reply...!


Have also eamiled Lothian & Borders Police to complain of negelct of duty. There were no arrests at Swinecastle yesterday, yet 1000's of 'people' broke the law by glorifying terrorists (which is no ileagal in Scotland).


Cammy F

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