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Next time you feel ashamed or let down by our support..

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I more or less accept the online Rangers' Supporter party line when I talk football press with others. When we get into the BBC and the media in general's unbalanced reporting of issues, I am invariably accused of being paranoid......... by fellow Rangers supporters. If the current level of cock-eyed reporting is accepted by fellow bears as the norm, I fear we have a real problem .

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We shouldn't fear challenging the media just because some may suggest we're paranoid.


Of course we need to pick and choose our battles to retain credibility but it is about time we stood our for ourselves and our club when it comes to unfair coverage.

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I noticed in the record today a report over drugs getting into Addiewell prison in West Lothian also mentioned bigoted prisoners sneaking in flutes to play the sash. Is it illegal to have a musical instrument in prison and now illegal to play the Sash on a flute. I guess all the tims in prison(if there are any) are lovely wee boys.

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We shouldn't fear challenging the media just because some may suggest we're paranoid.


Celtic fans were ridiculed mercilessly for their supposed paranoia in the 1990s. Look at them now - they virtually own the media. I can't remember the exact details but I believe the Daily Record were banished from Parkhead for a period after publishing their "Thugs and Thieves" front page about Celtic players' misbehaviour a few years back. One club in Glasgow stands up for itself, the other leaves it to the fans. The BBC petitions / protests are a decent start, it's just a pity the various Rangers-supporting groups and websites can't work together. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the BBC should be our number one target. A tainted, corrupt and utterly discredited organisation ran by Rangers-haters for Rangers-haters.

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Your point about journos is true enough, but I don't think they influence people as much as is made out. Anyone into football will have their views formed by family, friends and fellow fans far sooner than whatever ill constructed tripe Jim Traynor has scraped, kicking and screaming, from his word processor. Anyone who isn't into football won't, imo, care either way, or even read it.


But we all have our views.


Ach man, where did all these other posts come from? Techofear, it's happening again!

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Celtic fans were ridiculed mercilessly for their supposed paranoia in the 1990s. Look at them now - they virtually own the media. I can't remember the exact details but I believe the Daily Record were banished from Parkhead for a period after publishing their "Thugs and Thieves" front page about Celtic players' misbehaviour a few years back. One club in Glasgow stands up for itself, the other leaves it to the fans. The BBC petitions / protests are a decent start, it's just a pity the various Rangers-supporting groups and websites can't work together. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the BBC should be our number one target. A tainted, corrupt and utterly discredited organisation ran by Rangers-haters for Rangers-haters.


Entirely accurate in every respect. The BBC in Scotland is so obsessed with belittling and discrediting Rangers I'm sure it must have an entire department dedicated to ensuring nothing positive about Rangers is ever broadcast. And another team beavering away to ensure every possible opportunity to report and reinforce Rangers in a negative light is exploited to the fullest extent. It seems to be the Corporation's current vision of public service. How do you all feel, to be associated with Pariah FC?

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Noticed BBC Scotland mentioned Celtic's win and showed the goals while Rangers were only mentioned in the reading out of all the results.


Weird as we're Scottish champions and even with pro-Celtic bias you'd think we deserve a mention as Celtic's main rivals...


I realise that the Celtic game was on sky but that doesn't stop you spending 10 seconds mentioning the Rangers game and who scored.


They seem so petty that sometimes it's really got to be seen to be believed.

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Noticed BBC Scotland mentioned Celtic's win and showed the goals while Rangers were only mentioned in the reading out of all the results.


Weird as we're Scottish champions and even with pro-Celtic bias you'd think we deserve a mention as Celtic's main rivals...


I realise that the Celtic game was on sky but that doesn't stop you spending 10 seconds mentioning the Rangers game and who scored.


They seem so petty that sometimes it's really got to be seen to be believed.


I would also suggest it's the first time Reporting Scotland has not shown the hoisting of the league flag on the Monday after the first day of the season. It was only after last season's Scottish Cup Final that I began to realise the full extent of the almost total Rangers blackout at the BBC. Unless we've been fighting or singing naughty songs.

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