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Celtic Come To Ibrox - Where Is The Tight Security ?

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Celtic fans attended yesterdays game with a certain flag which was confiscated on their arrival at the turnstiles. Smoke flares were also confiscated by the police on the turnstiles. Celtic fans were either ejected from the stadium by the stewards or arrested by the police for secterian chanting.


Fraser, just because you don't see it doesn't mean the police/stewards don't do anything.


I was at the cordon outside the Main Stand and Broomie. Fans will always find new ways of getting stuff into the stadium. It's not just the Celtic fans who misbehave themselves Fraser.


Yes, you do get lazy cops but you get that in every profession.


I don;t know everyone in the polis therefore I can't call them my "pals".


If what you're saying is true,and I've no reason to think you're not,then it's about time the media reported the arrests/ejections for sectarian singing

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my mrs has been singing that at random intervals and laughing to herself since going to ibrox the other week.


I also laughed at the Alan McGregor - The baby's not yours song sung by the mhanks. Credit where credit's due.

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I had to laugh at the security arrangements going into the ground yesterday which consisted of a policeman asking "Do you have any bottles in your jacket?"


What does he expect me to say to that, if I was trying to smuggle in a bottle or flare?

Edited by Bluedell
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