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Spiers Apologises ?

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We do though. It's a game of tit for tat & one-upmanship between the two clubs. I think it was a great gesture by the club, but they also knew exactly what they were doing with regards to playing the game & it didn't go unnoticed on the other side of the city with their immediate announcement of donating cash to the War Child charity.


1. Take my post in context. It was in the context of Spiers making an "apology" - it could easily be taken as another slight on the cluib.


2. How ? We are a BRITISH club supporting the BRITISH troops. Celtic are a BRITISH club and should also be supporting British troops. Simples. The club did what was the RIGHT thing and whilst I can see how you suggest that this is "playing the game" I respectfully disagree. I dont think the club were "playing the game" at all.


Now, were it Celtic who made their donation to the War Child charity first and we then gave free tickets away then I could see your point. But we made the gesture first and there was no precedent, so how can that be seen to be "playing the game" ?

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"I�m not in the habit of apologising to Rangers � it�s a bit late for that..."


Translation: Everyone knows I hate Rangers and I'd like to make that clear, mid "apology".


Unbelievable as ever.


I still say ban him from gersnet!

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I don't think it highlights any differences at Rangers. Supporting the army to me is "normal", it is only Celtic who have "differences" to normality.


If Man U had done the same, there would be no highlighting of differences, just praise.

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In fact, it could easily be construed as yet another criticism of the club ...... "And Rangers � far more readily than Celtic, I�ll bet � would hand over tickets like this to the Army." - this could easily be taken as him saying that we (Rangers) exacerbate the "cultural differences" between the two clubs.
We do though. It's a game of tit for tat & one-upmanship between the two clubs. I think it was a great gesture by the club, but they also knew exactly what they were doing with regards to playing the game & it didn't go unnoticed on the other side of the city with their immediate announcement of donating cash to the War Child charity.
1. Take my post in context. It was in the context of Spiers making an "apology" - it could easily be taken as another slight on the cluib.


2. How ? We are a BRITISH club supporting the BRITISH troops. Celtic are a BRITISH club and should also be supporting British troops. Simples. The club did what was the RIGHT thing and whilst I can see how you suggest that this is "playing the game" I respectfully disagree. I dont think the club were "playing the game" at all.


Now, were it Celtic who made their donation to the War Child charity first and we then gave free tickets away then I could see your point. But we made the gesture first and there was no precedent, so how can that be seen to be "playing the game" ?

1. I did take your post in context. It wasn't much of an apology if at all, I agree, but no matter what his underlying intentions were in terms of how it can be interpreted, the fact is that when he wrote - "And Rangers � far more readily than Celtic, I�ll bet � would hand over tickets like this to the Army." he was stating the obvious in a way that could just as easily be interpreted as a slight on Celtic as it could in the way you suggest. Think about it...


2. IMO the club keep a close eye on what the fans are doing, saying, writing etc and there is no way on this earth that they've missed or overlooked the fact that our support are at war with the mopes over the subject of supporting the armed forces. To a vast majority of our support it's not only the right thing to do to support our troops, but something that can be thrown in the faces of our enemy & something that can be used as a moral marker & reminder that we are better than them. It's used in ways that not only show how proudly British we are, but in ways that also show our contempt of how anti-British they are, knowing fine well that it's provocative and at times simply adding fuel to a fire that's already blazing. It is tit for tat & it is a game, but it's a serious game, a war game....

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1. I did take your post in context. It wasn't much of an apology if at all, I agree, but no matter what his underlying intentions were in terms of how it can be interpreted, the fact is that when he wrote - "And Rangers � far more readily than Celtic, I�ll bet � would hand over tickets like this to the Army." he was stating the obvious in a way that could just as easily be interpreted as a slight on Celtic as it could in the way you suggest. Think about it...


I dont need to think about it. Spiers has previous and it isnt in making us look good when compared to Celtic. If you think he is having a pop at Celtic, go right ahead. I will remain a pessimist when it comes to Spiers and his undertones.


2. IMO the club keep a close eye on what the fans are doing, saying, writing etc and there is no way on this earth that they've missed or overlooked the fact that our support are at war with the mopes over the subject of supporting the armed forces. To a vast majority of our support it's not only the right thing to do to support our troops, but something that can be thrown in the faces of our enemy & something that can be used as a moral marker & reminder that we are better than them. It's used in ways that not only show how proudly British we are, but in ways that also show our contempt of how anti-British they are, knowing fine well that it's provocative and at times simply adding fuel to a fire that's already blazing. It is tit for tat & it is a game, but it's a serious game, a war game....


"To a vast majority" ? You sure ? Serious question. For me (and admittedly I could be in the minority) it was simply a very kind gesture from the club to the troops given that these seats would be empty and would not be sold pre-game. A PR campaign. No more, and no less in my eyes.


I will accept you disagree with that, no problem. But that doesnt mean that the club are doing it to poke their nose at Celtic. You say it is "tit-for-tat" - well it only became tit-for-tat when the Tims donated 10 grand to the War Child campaign. But for their obvious "playing the game" I doubt it would have been seen as "playing the game" by Rangers.

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I dont need to think about it. Spiers has previous and it isnt in making us look good when compared to Celtic. If you think he is having a pop at Celtic, go right ahead. I will remain a pessimist when it comes to Spiers and his undertones.

Craig, I said it could be interpreted either way, which it can when you read that sentence in the context of the rest of the paragraph it's in. I don't know for sure which way it was intended because it was written (no doubt deliberately) in such a way that it's open to varying interpretation. It's hypocritical of us to talk about x bias & y bias if we can't take our own blinkers off long enough to interpret a single paragraph without imposing our own bias on it.

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"To a vast majority" ? You sure ? Serious question. For me (and admittedly I could be in the minority) it was simply a very kind gesture from the club to the troops given that these seats would be empty and would not be sold pre-game. A PR campaign. No more, and no less in my eyes.


I will accept you disagree with that, no problem. But that doesnt mean that the club are doing it to poke their nose at Celtic. You say it is "tit-for-tat" - well it only became tit-for-tat when the Tims donated 10 grand to the War Child campaign. But for their obvious "playing the game" I doubt it would have been seen as "playing the game" by Rangers.

Re - the 'vast majority' comment, I'll stick by it in the way I intended it mate. That's certainly the impression I get from reading RM & FF which between them accounts for a very large number of Rangers fans.


I agree that it was a kind gesture by the club & I've already said so, but I won't accept that it was as simple as some good PR because there are many possible connotations to it. We could discuss all the possibilities of it in depth, but to what end? There's not really any point.

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