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Walter Starts the Fight Back - Time for the Fans to Boycott the Lloyds Banking Group?

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The information tallies with contacts' and others who have so called in side information...


We can now put the pressure on the bank to accept King's offer. Make no mistake �£15million is a lot of money in the face of it.


What I would say is not to expect any sudden changes in transfer policy or club improvements under Dave King. A new owner may be agreeable in the short term but it remains to be seen what kind of changes we'll see in the medium-to-long term.

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Get it into the Nationwide Craig. Probably the most customer friendly bank in the UK! :thup:


agreed! they slowly took my overdraft away, but it was for my own good. and now they've given it back. which was kind.

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Have closed all my lloyds accounts and given the reason why , probably wont make any difference but if there is a fans backlash you never know. It is very apparent that there is a stand off between the bank and potential new owners

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