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I don't think this is a big deal -even if we all know the BBC are hardly impartial nowadays.


If his football supporting leanings were important to the crime/story then fair enough but I don't think they were, were they?

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They always show a "Rangers fan" in a football top whether it has anything to do with the story or not. I think the issue being highlighted here is surely the double standards.


if that is the case, do you have evidence? For me this reeks of paranoia... football may be important to us, but many people dont give a hoot...

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if that is the case, do you have evidence? For me this reeks of paranoia... football may be important to us, but many people dont give a hoot...


Maybe not strictly BBC but the media in Scotland always do that or make reference to a criminals leanings when he's a Rangers fan but ignore it if he's one of them.

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Maybe not strictly BBC but the media in Scotland always do that or make reference to a criminals leanings when he's a Rangers fan but ignore it if he's one of them.


Perhaps... but I'm not sure its as common as some people make out. Although i guess you can't blame bears for getting worked up as we've had such a hard time of it - I just think some people do take it too far - like making a "story" out of the BBC changing a photo from someone you could see wearing a celtic top with a blurry face to a clear mug shot.

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BBC Scotland continues to sit comfortably with a preferred prejudice in such instances.


Last week, Neil Strachan received a life sentence for child sex abuse and leading a child sex abuse ring. The Police led Operation Algebra brought a dozen members of the ring to justice. All convictees had their lives opened up to reveal past discretions, criminal convictions, and a light was shone on their social and working lives. Quite right too, it's important for the families of those abused and those that may have been exposed to the dangers of these animals, to know their social and employment history.


BBC Scotland included a line that HIV positive Neil Strachan had been Secretary of Celtic Boys Club(East) for several years. The line was deleted from the report within 15 minutes. All other information remained unchanged. Why would BBC Scotland be so concerned as to the sensitivities of ra Sellik? Are the sensitivities of the other associations and employers not to be assauged too? Why just Sellik?

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Oh, and another point.


I note ra Bhoy in Corduroy has penned two articles within a week using the term, 'white underclass' to describe an element of the Rangers support. Is Christopher Miller a fully paid up member of 'the white undrclass'? Given Spiers extrapolations about empire, British nationalism, armed forces obsession; it would appear Christopher Miller does NOT tick the appropriate boxes.


Last year, a young Asian was assaulted at Glasgow Cross on a Saturday evening. He was hospitalised. He, and a number of witnesses described his four attackers, including three of them wearing the green'n'grey hoops. BBBC Scotland carried the story, but omitted the Police issued decriptions of outer garments. BBC Scotland were content to go with, "Police are looking for four white youths".


In late summer 2007, a charity bottle was stolen from the kiosk at Partick Rail/Underground station by a green'n'grey hooped wearing teenager. The whole episode was caught on the station's security cameras. BBC Scotland wrote, "the Police are looking for a tall, thin teenager with dark hair".

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