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The Takeover that never was.

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Now that there is no takeover this January and highly improbable to be by next January, where have all the experts and commentators on imminent takeovers disappeared to. I wont get involved in who is running the club games, if punters wish to believe it is the Bank that is their prerogative, if my information is correct and I have no reason to believe it is not, SDM's son will be announced as the new chairman at some time in the future.

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Now that there is no takeover this January and highly improbable to be by next January, where have all the experts and commentators on imminent takeovers disappeared to. I wont get involved in who is running the club games, if punters wish to believe it is the Bank that is their prerogative, if my information is correct and I have no reason to believe it is not, SDM's son will be announced as the new chairman at some time in the future.


I hope not because he's definitely not what this club needs .......... and that's not information received, that's a direct observation after dealings with Murray Capital. God help us if you're right, which I doubt if you are

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As with all things time will tell, I think a great part of the confusion surrounding this whole affair is that people do not realise Murray's adherence to the mantra debt is good it is leverage. He has been astute enough to protect his personal wealth, while using other peoples or institutions finance to carry on his business, a few twists and turns to come yet.

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Now that there is no takeover this January and highly improbable to be by next January, where have all the experts and commentators on imminent takeovers disappeared to. I wont get involved in who is running the club games, if punters wish to believe it is the Bank that is their prerogative, if my information is correct and I have no reason to believe it is not, SDM's son will be announced as the new chairman at some time in the future.


Are they 'experts and commentators' or are they just people who think they have some inside info? Much like yourself....:whistle:

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Now that remains to be seen, but so far the information has been correct.......no takeover. :devil:


But was there an attempted takeover?


What's the timescale for Murray's son becoming Chairman?


Was he one of the people Murray failed to get onto the board prior to the AGM?

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As with all things time will tell, I think a great part of the confusion surrounding this whole affair is that people do not realise Murray's adherence to the mantra debt is good it is leverage. He has been astute enough to protect his personal wealth, while using other peoples or institutions finance to carry on his business, a few twists and turns to come yet.


Aye OK then.... debt IS good. Debt IS leverage. What you fail to mention is that there most certainly comes a point in time when debt levels are NOT good.


MIH is now operating with a debt:equity ratio of over 100% IIRC - and there is no way that is a healthy, good level of debt.


Sure, his personal fortune is intact, in part due to the corporate structure of his businesses. But if the rumoured numbers are indeed correct (and I dont know) then he is definitely running the risk of losing the business he has built up over the last few decades, or at least down-sizing it.

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I believe you will discover the attempted takeover was the work of over enthusiastic storytellers. As for timescale I have no idea, David Murray Jnr. was not a board nominee. I believe the fact that Murray owns the club may be seen by him and others, as enough to allow him to continue as the puppet-master, Johnston becomes more of a McLelland figure as time passes.

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Help required please.


Almost every time I read one of these posts from wabash, I struggle to understand what the hell is being put across. Can anyone explain to me what his central point is?


Is he trying to say that Murray remains in control and that he will continue to dictate what happens at Rangers? Is that it - or is there more hidden among the crytic misuse of language?

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