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Rangers Protests ââ?¬â?? "Donald Muir, the Saviour Within"? - article by Boss

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Problem is both of these forums are so agenda ridden that anything posted on them nowadays has an ulterior motive and it often undermines any nugget of wisdom said article contains.


Did it not strike you as fishy that on the eve of a crucial game, one of them posts an article like this - even if you didn't know that said article was clearly done to upset the other, the mere close to the bone nature of it should have been left till post-game regardless.


Thats what I was alluding to earlier. Two articles designed to criticize the protest and released at the precise time for maximum effect.


Having no opinion on the protest and not getting behind it due to parties involved is extremely petty but fair enough, clearly the greater good is unimportant to some (on BOTH forums). We'll ignore Forum number 3 (and that ranking is being kind) as the irrelevance it is.


FYI, the protest went exactly as planned. No-one got gassed which can only be a good sign.

Edited by OnlyOneAmoruso
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We're back to 10 points clear & things don't appear as bad in my eyes as some people would have us believe.


Not that i'm up or down on the whole 'protest' thing, but could that be a saving grace for Muir/Bank/Club at the moment. Things are going well and a large number of fans seem quite passive about any hard hitting protest.

Edited by nokiss
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We're back to 10 points clear & things don't appear as bad in my eyes as some people would have us believe.


Not that i'm up or down on the whole 'protest' thing, but could that be a saving grace for Muir/Bank/Club at the moment. Things are going well and a large number of fans seem quite passive about any hard hitting protest.


That's always going to be the way though. Success on the field will breed apathy on the terraces. It is important any protest is maintained when "things are good" (on the field at least), otherwise the protests can easily be dismissed as knee-jerk responses to a few bad results.

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Thats what I was alluding to earlier. Two articles designed to criticize the protest and released at the precise time for maximum effect.


Having no opinion on the protest and not getting behind it due to parties involved is extremely petty but fair enough, clearly the greater good is unimportant to some (on BOTH forums).


Couldn't agree more. The bosses of both are more interested in their boards and their selves (and bandwidth) than the club. Egos took over a long time ago.


We'll ignore Forum number 3 (and that ranking is being kind) as the irrelevance it is.


FYI, the protest went exactly as planned. No-one got gassed which can only be a good sign.


I felt the protest was a pointless exercise, ignored by everyone, as it should have been. I considered it slightly pretentious and not actually coherent - if it was against Muir, then it shouldn't have been a protest - but a dignified request for dialogue from him or someone from the club who could represent him and his intentions - demonising him just makes these protestors look ignorant and foolish. If it was against Lloyds, then it was a incohesive shambles because Lloyds are keeping us from drowning - we might be in vicious debt but we're some distance from going into administration. So, what were these clowns protesting, exactly?

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Thats what I was alluding to earlier. Two articles designed to criticize the protest and released at the precise time for maximum effect.


Having no opinion on the protest and not getting behind it due to parties involved is extremely petty but fair enough, clearly the greater good is unimportant to some (on BOTH forums).


I finished the article on Friday and PM'd it to an RM Admin. Apparently he was out on Friday night and didn't get a chance to put it online until Saturday afternoon. Sorry if that doesn't tie in with your "precise time for maximum effect" theory. It certainly doesn't seem very precise to me.


I was the one who ran the proposed Statement passed RM Admin, then started the "10 am" thread last Monday, and made sure the Mods kept the thread constructive and free from abuse. There were some aspects of the Protest that I was concerned about and said so well in advance of my article. Indeed, my article specifically stated that the Rangers board probably deserved the Protest, and twice congratulated the orgainsers for the work they had done.


I'm sorry if none of this backs up your vitriol. I guess folks will just have to make their minds up one way or another.

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Just seems rather strange to me that the protest has been planned for the best part of 2 weeks yet you chose the day before to release the article.


I was under the impression you were an admin on RM. If not, I stand corrected.


Danny, the protest was a request for clarity, as were the leaflets handed out outside. The protestors cannot be responsible for other banners appearing within the ground (for e.g I believe there was a Donald Muir - Traitor banner which was not part of any 'official protest')

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Danny, the protest was a request for clarity,


That is not what a protest is. A protest is specifically protesting, to complain, to object, to voice displeasure.


If you request clarity you go a completely different route to obtain it.


as were the leaflets handed out outside. The protestors cannot be responsible for other banners appearing within the ground (for e.g I believe there was a Donald Muir - Traitor banner which was not part of any 'official protest')


Actually, yes they can. Through word of mouth this nonsense built up and 'protest' became the buzzword of the day. The sites this stuff propagated on, the articles promoting it, the people organising it are all responsible for all third parties who use their protest. Simply because if this stuff hadn't built up momentum, such idiotic banners wouldn't have surfaced.


None of my comments are a dig at you personally or your aims, whether I agree with them or not, but this protest or whatever it was was an ill conceived notion which achieved nothing except notoriety among many fans and little to no media coverage.

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