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A subject of interest kicked off by WS and you say he refuses to answer questions on his allegations, yet castigate Muir who has no duty to answer anything. Best place for the unsupported allegations of WS would appear to be the bin.


He is a Director of our club and as such has a duty to answer any questions put to him by shareholders , whether at an AGM or after , the very fact he is continually refusing and even more worrying attempting to hide behind LLoyd's lawyers is a worrying thing in my opinion

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A subject of interest kicked off by WS and you say he refuses to answer questions on his allegations, yet castigate Muir who has no duty to answer anything. Best place for the unsupported allegations of WS would appear to be the bin.


I'm not castigating anyone, mate. Just looking for answers.

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Guest Northampton_loyalist

wabash, ANY calls for clarity, aimed at anyone, are in my view welcome. You need to understand that sometimes picking a target, any target, can flush out answers across the board. I would even go so far as to suggest that the threat of a protest managed to squeeze more information out than 18 months of nothing. If the protest is aimed at the wrong people, and I fully admit it could well be, if it leads to the 'right' target being made apparent that can surely only be a good thing?

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wabash, ANY calls for clarity, aimed at anyone, are in my view welcome. You need to understand that sometimes picking a target, any target, can flush out answers across the board. I would even go so far as to suggest that the threat of a protest managed to squeeze more information out than 18 months of nothing. If the protest is aimed at the wrong people, and I fully admit it could well be, if it leads to the 'right' target being made apparent that can surely only be a good thing?


The part where we disagree is the target, as far as I can see the target for want of a better word, is abundantly clear...SDM. I hope to be proved wrong, but I believe, as in days gone by nothing will be said or happen without his say so, people seem to think he is in no position to influence anything, believe that at your peril.


The more I read of subterfuge and Humphrey Bogart Casablanca style meetings, allinged to the reticence to require WS to back up his allegations, the more I wonder if there is a Struth type coup d'etat in the offing with WS being the modern day Struth.

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I'm still at a complete loss as to why we're protesting against Donald Muir or Lloyds bank - or what it is we're expecting from these people. It's one thing to say we need information, it's another to ask the right questions of the right people.


I feel hugely disappointed that, after advocating protest for so long, when it does eventually happen it's apparently so ill-directed and impotent. I'm not going to get sucked into this chorus of 'well-done' to those who have done something rather than nothing........ I'll save it for when we see something more appropriately directed. At the moment it seems to be a case of either inventing targets or waving banners to relieve personal frustrations.

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