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Whittaker - Goals not my goal

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What a season the guy's had. Got to hold my hands up and say I was wrong about him. After his poor defending and passing at the beginning of the season I'd have had him shipped out asap, but he has to be one of the biggest turnarounds of the season. His defending has improved, his passing has improved, his attacking runs are meaningful and dangerous, he's showing his class, he's scoring excellent goals and overall he's shown why we paid Hibs as much money for him. Still not the best right back in the world by a long shot, but definitely worthy of a jersey in the current squad.

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I always thought this was the season for him to turn into a class player, but I've got to say I've been very disappointed by him. At his best he's an excellent player, one of the classiest Scots around, but at his worst he's a waste of space and a very frustrating player.


He's had a bit of sublime and ridiculous this season and his goals tally is great but his defending has really let him down. I find that strange since our defence coaching seems to have been top notch since Walter came back, and you just have to look at the improvement of Hutton, Papac, Broadfoot and Wilson as well as the consistency of Weir, Cuellar and Bougherra. So where has it gone wrong with Whit?


However, he does seem to have pulled his socks up recently and fair play to him for that, but I think we'd all like to see him do that on a more regular basis, and if he does so, we could be looking at a future player of the year.


So keep it up, Stephen.

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What a season the guy's had. Got to hold my hands up and say I was wrong about him. After his poor defending and passing at the beginning of the season I'd have had him shipped out asap, but he has to be one of the biggest turnarounds of the season. His defending has improved, his passing has improved, his attacking runs are meaningful and dangerous, he's showing his class, he's scoring excellent goals and overall he's shown why we paid Hibs as much money for him. Still not the best right back in the world by a long shot, but definitely worthy of a jersey in the current squad.


You weren't wrong about him at all. He was shite and we called him shite. There were times when he couldn't pass the ball ten feet ffs.


There's no empirical right or wrong here, you can only ever call it like you see it and most Rangers fans do just that. Like manager or owners, players are not inherently good or bad, there's no permanency to any of it, they're just what they are at the time opinion is voiced. When Whittaker turned his game around very few fans were slow to acknowledge it. That doesn't mean we're two-faced. It just means we're offering honest and justified opinion at a point in time.

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What Cal said really...


To be fair though his defending has improved slightly over the course of the season but he was a bit poor on Tuesday night. In saying that, quite often Davis leaves him isolated as the Ulsterman tends to be playing in a free role throughout games as opposed to a strict right midfielder capable of covering Whittaker at all times.

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There are few more impressive sights, within the current team, than Whitty going on one of those runs. If he could control the ball instantly, as opposed to it popping four feet in the air as he addresses it and eradicate the sundry variations of the birdie dance prior to the runs, we'd have a really special player, as opposed to the good one we have.


..........and he'd be on his way to the EPL.

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The main problem I've had with him is him being the wrong side of an attacker, plus at times he seems to not have the pace to catch players. I was delighted when we signed him thought that was the right player to challenge Hutton but he was played on the wing at times when Hutton was here.


Still he has been very good this season and I hope it continues as I actually think he is a good player.

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