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The Boyd situation

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And back we go to the usual "attempt to deflect from what I said" from wabash.


I would be surprised if many, if indeed any, took what you posted as anything other than WS is losing the dressing room.


Seeing as life is so "black and white" to you, how about you tell us, in layman's terms, whether you think WS has lost the dressing room (because you DO allude to this) and why that is so. Better yet, instead of attempting your usual "hit and run" tactics how about you debate that which you are trying to state in a normal manner - rather than the deflectionary tactics you revel in.


The deflect and deny tactics you use make me think you may actually be SDM himself :devil:


Ma stovies are getting cauld, how about you showing me where and when I posted your immortal words "WS is losing the dressing room" I think you doth protesteth to much, so like the actress said to the bishop, show me the way ....mibee it was Peter Frampton, anyhow are you going to continually waffle or put up,they cant shoot me because I don't rate wattie as anything better than good in Scotland.....:whistle:

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Ma stovies are getting cauld, how about you showing me where and when I posted your immortal words "WS is losing the dressing room" I think you doth protesteth to much, so like the actress said to the bishop, show me the way ....mibee it was Peter Frampton, anyhow are you going to continually waffle or put up,they cant shoot me because I don't rate wattie as anything better than good in Scotland.....:whistle:


I already showed you where, but you chose to deflect. Until and unless you try to make at least some effort at rebuttal there really is no point continuing. Either put up or shut up. The manner of your posting is both tedious and inane.


WS may only be "good in Scotland" but domestic football is still the bread and butter - so as long as he remains "good in Scotland" whilst in charge of Rangers then it is a fair possibility we will remain as SPL champions - which will do for me.


Oh, and by the way - if there is any waffling it most certainly is coming from your keyboard, not mine. You asked where you suggested the dressing room was being lost, I pointed it out to you and yet here we are, a number of posts later and you have asked the same question again - I believe that qualifies as waffle.


Enjoy your stovies - take your time with them though, perhaps use that time eating to also think about your next riposte - at least try to make it worthy this time though.

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What qualifies as waffle is you attributing your own words to me, that apart the stovies were braw. Are you a relative of "Walter" or just a big fan. :devil:


Until and unless you can actually debate a point properly I suggest you simply dont bother posting in this thread. I dont want to have to re-iterate the same point with you over and over - it, and you, bores me and I am sure countless others too.


I will, for one last time to see if I can get through that hard-head of yours, point you to post 29 on page 3. Nuff said.


Further, your continual "are you a fan of Walter" comments bear absolutely NO relevance whatsoever to the talking point here. I asked you why you felt he was losing the dressing room - that does NOT by inference mean I am a fan. So funnily enough you keep prattling on about "waffle" and yet you are the one providing a constant stream of it.


Try getting back to the question asked - which, quite simply, in easy language for you, was "why do you think WS has lost the dressing room". And yes, post 29 DOES infer he has lost the dressing room.


Instead of trying to run people round in circles because you either realise you have lost the debate or because you know you are wrong you should perhaps stay on track with the question at hand.


As I said in my opening sentence, unless and until you actually answer the question raised, I wont even bother debating with you - and, believe me, it will say a helluva lot more about you than it will me.

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"why do you think WS has lost the dressing room". And yes, post 29 DOES infer he has lost the dressing room.



You are correct you lost the argument because there was no debate, no doubt, the bold are your words not mine.

It must be the fabled magnetic distortion of the Bermuda triangle that is affecting your reading and understanding compass, try a less windy course it is much less of a strain on the sails...I would give you a smilie but I know how much you dislike them, but have one anyway....;)

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"why do you think WS has lost the dressing room". And yes, post 29 DOES infer he has lost the dressing room.



You are correct you lost the argument because there was no debate, no doubt, the bold are your words not mine.

It must be the fabled magnetic distortion of the Bermuda triangle that is affecting your reading and understanding compass, try a less windy course it is much less of a strain on the sails...I would give you a smilie but I know how much you dislike them, but have one anyway....;)


Pish and wind - pretty much about sums you up wabash.


Go read post 29 again, which is YOUR post. You really must try harder to keep up.


Seeing as you like to make things black and white.... you state above I dont like smilies, point me to where I say that would you ? Ahhhh, thats right, just like most other stuff you post, it is utter tosh.


Dont bother continuing on in this supposed debate - I would be relatively comfortable in the belief that rather than me "losing" this debate with you it is you who does nothing but merely make yourself look a fool. Carry on though, the more nonsense you type the more you expose yourself as said fool.

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There you go again "wind" but none in your sails, is there any part of anything you cannot attach your own opinion to and generalise it as someone else's, admin insulting the plebs that is the sort of behaviour that can earn you an infraction notice, as I know from lesser crimes. Just in case you decide to fall on your sword , read it again I don't have to, I know what it says what the subject matter was, and not a dressing room in sight........http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showpost.php?p=199214&postcount=29 would you like a bigger shovel..... 1sm074hole.gif

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PS....you will have to show me where I said Smith was losing the dressing room, or is it that because I don'y buy into the Smith myth..

And yes, post 29 DOES infer he has lost the dressing room.



Will you and your alter ego decide what your arguing about , when you make up your mind whether he has or he hasn't lost the dressing room get back to the rest of us . Take your time with this as you will possibly change your minds a few times .:flipa:

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