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What a goal from Kyle Lafferty

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I think when we signed him Walter admitted that he'd been playing out on the left at Burnley but that it wasn't his natural position and that he would try to avoid playing him in that role here.


Its strange, because until a couple of weeks ago I really saw nothing at all in him. Now, not only has he scored a couple of very well taken and vital goals, he's also beating players out wide which is something he just looked incapable of until recently. Maybe he's a player who thrives on confidence and we'll see a lot more from him now if he continues to play through the middle?


Its a difficult one though because he's been absolutely rank rotten pretty much since joining us and you can't just forget that, but the flip side to that argument is that he has been playing out of position.


I thought he was for the off in the summer, but maybe his recent starts through the middle are also a sign that he'll be leading the line next year and confirmation that Boyd will be for the off. Whatever, massive props to the guy for sticking in and now producing the goods.

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Guest Flying Hippo
Apparenty Burnley have put an offer on the table for Laugherty.


Here's hoping Watty does the right thing and accepts!


Why would they bid for a player they sold to us? They couldn't afford him anyway



btw, spelling his name like that just makes you look like a total moron. I stopped posting on FF to get away from shit like this.

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KYLE LAFFERTY is living his Rangers dream, as he revels in another title party.


But only a few months ago he felt stuck in a NIGHTMARE.


Disillusioned and dejected after Walter Smith dumped him from his 18-man squad, the under-fire �£3.25million striker was ready to walk away from the club he loves.


It was one thing coping with ferocious stick from all quarters about his playing ability and personality.


It was another when it seemed even his legendary boss had given up on him.


That cut to the bone and, suddenly, Lafferty started thinking about quitting Ibrox.


There are Premier League clubs who'd happily take the ex-Burnley ace back south.


Lafferty, however, never wants to leave Glasgow on the back of taunts of being a waste of money.


The 22-year-old told SunSport: "I'm not going to deny there have been moments this season when it's got particularly tough and I've thought about leaving Rangers.


"But my team-mates have always been there for me and that's meant a lot. They have lifted my spirits.


"I never want to leave Glasgow classed as a dud. In years to come it'd be nice if the fans were saying 'That Lafferty's a good player' or 'That Lafferty, he was a good player for Rangers'. That would do me.


"The lowest point this season for me was a few months back. I got dropped from the squad.


"Before that I'd at least been on the bench for every game when fit.


"Being left out of even the 18, that was hard to take.


"It hurt me badly. But it also hit home then I had to do MORE to be a Rangers player. I started working harder and dedicated myself more to the job.


"I got healthier and my attitude improved. Being dropped completely was my lowest point at Rangers."


Ex-Celtic target Lafferty - tracked by Wolves, Stoke, Hull and Southampton - is often a different player for Northern Ireland.


Indeed, he even candidly admits to be being a BETTER player for his country - and he thinks he knows why.


Lafferty said: "There have been times I've played better for Northern Ireland than Rangers, but that was also the case at Burnley.


"When I'm playing for my country I'm more relaxed about my game. When I'm playing for Rangers I can get too uptight, I try too hard.


"I know that sounds strange, but whenever I get the ball I feel a pressure to do something.


"I know I've not really expressed myself in the way I wanted to, but I don't want to leave Rangers until I've proved to the gaffer, his coaching staff, my team-mates and the fans that I'm good enough for the club.


"I just want to stay here and prove my critics wrong.


"Being at Rangers means everything to me. It was a dream fulfilled when I signed.


"Knowing that the gaffer rates me, that he thinks I can do a job, gives me great belief.


"I think in the last few games I've shown glimpses of what I can do. I was delighted with Sunday's goal.


"Over the last six weeks I feel I've been doing the things that got me the move to Rangers.


"The lads have been brilliant. One of the best for me, someone who has been an amazing support, is Kevin Thomson. He's become one of my closest friends.


"Kevin is captain material and I hope he stays at Rangers for the future."



Quantcast Quantcast


Lafferty was his own worst enemy earlier this year in an interview in which he appeared to brag about his Bentley, his house and his wages.


And bluntly disrespecting arch-critic Charlie Nicholas hardly helped matters either.


Lafferty doesn't take back a word of his Nicholas attack - but does deeply regret the public's perception of him now.


He said: "I'm still maturing, still learning about things.


"I'm one of those players who needs to be egged on, to have their confidence boosted, to have an arm on the shoulder.


"That's been happening. The coaching staff have been brilliant. The gaffer didn't really say much to me about the Charlie Nicholas comments. It was more Coisty and Kenny McDowall. They said if I was going to have a pop at someone as big as that then I was going to have to take what was coming back.


"I got off my chest what I thought about Charlie and I DON'T regret what I said.


"But when Charlie came back at me and said I couldn't take a beach ball off him in a telephone box I actually LAUGHED. I thought it was a great come back.


"I'm not going to deny that I said what I did about my money and Bentley in the recent interview.


"But I was responding to a question put to me about rumours of me having financial problems, that I was poor.


"When I opened the paper, saw the article and looked at my quotes I thought 'What have I done? Why have I said that?'


"People since then have understandably looked at me as being flash and arrogant, a big-time Charlie. But I'm NOT like that.


"My mother also reacted badly to it all. It's tough for her back home in Northern Ireland to open the paper and be left with the impression that everyone's out to get me.


"Whoever knows me well knows I'm not the character that's been described."


The Bentley, by the way, has since been ditched.


Lafferty's instead trying to steer himself back to credibility on and off the pitch.


Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/2948918/I-nearly-walked-out-on-Rangers.html#ixzz0mHNwX0PN

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