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Darrell King Exclusive on RFC Tax Issues

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My biggest concern is a supposed bluenose hack is spreading this stuff.


I understand he announced right after we won the league on Clyde 1 that he had terrible news regarding our finances.


If one of our supposed own is attacking us in this, as Frankie put it, 'sensationalist' way, words fail me.

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Indeed - which is why I'd be very surprised if several different parties had made a mistake here.

Would others also be liable to Rangers for giving bad advice?


Wouldnt be the first, or last, time this has happened though.


When treading the waters of HMRC, the Finance Act and tax legislation much of it comes down to interpretation. For each company who think this is legitimate you likely will find one who finds it, at best, in a grey area, and worst, illegal.


Many legitimate companies find themselves in huge legal battles with HMRC, and losing, despite being supremely confident in their chances of winning - simply because interpretation and perception is different between the two sides - and then you lay your case in the hands of tax commissioners and law lords who also have their own interpretation.

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Guest Northampton_loyalist

I posted this on FF, hope you dont mind it going up here?




Firstly, I don't now and never have worked for Ellis or anyone else involved in any bid for the club. This post is opinion and absolutely nothing more.



Ellis has been quiet on his deal from the off, nobody has been able to get more than a few words at any point and the only things that have been said are positive. He has denied on 3 separate occasions that the deal is dead and has been consistent in saying that nothing will be released until the deal is done. The few bits i was told all sounded fair enough on the face of it; no move from Ibrox, property angles around the stadium might be an option, Rangers are too big to mess around with, the club comes first etc etc. That all sounds good but the truth is that until his plans are laid out we simply cant judge the truth of his words.


The signs are good though. Of all the people interested he is the ONLY one that has not used every dirty trick in the book to either discredit others or drive the price down. Dave King met with supporters last week, a transcript of the conversation was posted by mistake in public and much of what was said made it's way into print today. There is no doubt in my mind that King used his namesake to release exactly what he wanted into the public domain. To me that is a problem. He has twice now, from behind a mask, tried to convince people that Ellis is out of the running and he has twice tried to get the support in a frame of mind to apply pressure to the bank. Firstly, if he is not in a position to buy the club himself and today due to the SARS thing, and is trying to delay a takeover until he can buy the club, he is condemning us to more of the same until his issues are resolved. Secondly, if that is the case then he really should be manning up right about now and telling us what he wants to happen and more importantly, how it will benefit the club.


As things stand we could well see people refrain from renewing season books off the back of this latest news in order to put pressure on the bank. The side effect is that the club, already in debt, lose out on cash that is much needed. If there is a plan and that is part of it, innuendo and conjecture are fuck all use to anyone, we need the cloak and dagger bullshit to stop and someone to actually come out and address us. Anything less is nothing at all for our good. It is for their good.


There are clearly people apart from Ellis who are interested in buying the club. They ALL, to a man, seem far more interested in discrediting other bidders and wrangling a better deal than actually manning up and making a rival bid.


I don't know that Ellis is the right man, he could be a disaster but I will say now that if this sort of tactic is the one preferred by King and anyone else who is interested, I want them nowhere near the club. trying to force the support into backing them by planting half baked stories in the papers? Trying to turn the support away from the only guy that has actually bid for the club? If they were serious they should stop treating us like kids and tell us what the fuck is going on and what they want. The question of why they have not leads to the disturbing question of what it is they are frightened of us knowing?


It's time for folk to stop applying agenda's and give the support something to work behind. The time for games are over, this is the future of Rangers and the only agenda should be what's best for our club

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"Since then, there has been little information from the Ellis camp despite numerous attempts to ask for a comment."


Yet our very own Northants Ger or whatever he's called phones the guy directly and supposedly gets an exclusive scoop not once but twice?

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"Since then, there has been little information from the Ellis camp despite numerous attempts to ask for a comment."


Yet our very own Northants Ger or whatever he's called phones the guy directly and supposedly gets an exclusive scoop not once but twice?


Given that you're quoting from him, it shouldn't be too difficult to get his name correct. :D

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The club releasing a statement is not a good sign, but they say its a query rather than an investigation which has been put by some media outlets.


I still think other clubs will be "doing" the same thing, so I'll wait and see. Its not great news but hopefully we get by it but we need something to happen on the ownership front and fast, a bit like what Walter said yesterday(?).

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The chairman AJ stated on sportsound that this had been ongoing for some time and "This is more in the holding company of Murray's. It has been one that the Murray Group has been taking care of and been involved in on a day-to-day basis in the past and I would continue to defer to them on that one."

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