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Rangers hero Nacho Novo tells Celtic to 'shut those mouths' after accusing rivals of season of moaning


Apr 28 2010 Exclusive by Keith Jackson


Nacho Novo was in the mood for a party. You might have noticed. He was the wee man in the Union Jack blazer wearing a sombrero and weighed down under a job lot of red, white and blue scarves.


On Sunday at Easter Road, the little Spaniard celebrated his club's latest title success like there was no tomorrow. And there's a very good reason for that.


For Nacho Novo, at Rangers, there might well BE no tomorrow. His six-year love affair with the Ibrox club has entered the final phase. And Novo - who knows he could be a goner in just over one week's time - is determined to savour every last minute.


So Novo makes no excuses for grabbing centre stage at the weekend celebrating the third title of his Rangers career. He says this one is the most special of all the trophy successes he has enjoyed since moving to Glasgow on a cut-price fee from Dundee in the summer of 2004.


And not just because it might be his last one.


Novo, speaking exclusively to Record Sport, said: "The other two titles I have won with Rangers were maybe more exciting because we won them on the last day of the season. But this one is a little bit more special because of the circumstances. All season people have been talking about our team and about all the problems we have.


"People from Celtic keep telling us we are not good enough. But at the end of the day we are the champions. It makes me happy to shut some of those mouths.


"It's very simple. Play football and win some games rather than talk, talk, talk. Celtic have moaned about everything this season. They have moaned about referees, they have moaned about decisions, they have moaned about the SFA. They have blamed everyone but themselves. But the one thing I need to have a go about is the comments made by Tony Mowbray. He said he would never play football the way that Walter does and that was a ridiculous thing to say.


"All managers have their own ideas on how to play the game and that's fine. But for Mowbray to come up here and criticise Walter's tactics? Who does he think he is?


"Ok, maybe if he had come up here and won some trophies then fair enough. But he was here for five minutes and he thought he had the right to say these things? That was not good enough.


"He said we played bad football and that we were defensive. He said he would never be a manager like Walter. He was right about that. Walter is the man who won nine in a row. How many titles has Mowbray won? "The gaffer took our team to a UEFA Cup Final. Mowbray couldn't even take Celtic to the League Cup Final."


Novo insists the strong bond that Smith has forged with his players is what drove Rangers over the finishing line - and says the Ibrox manager should now be in line for a knighthood after securing the ninth title of his career.




He said: "We know we are not the best players in the world.


"But I will tell you this about us, we have a big pair of balls and we fight for each other like a real team and that's what wins you titles.


"Celtic had all the money this season when we had nothing. Celtic had a big squad when, at some stages, we hardly had enough players to fill the substitutes bench. But we kept going. We put all our problems to one side and we got on with playing football. The manager was always there for us.


"I love him as a manager and as a person. He is amazing. For me it is time we call him Sir Walter Smith.


"Maybe if Mowbray had the same attitude then his team would have given us a fight. It was only when Neil Lennon took over that Celtic began to look like a team again.


"In one way what Mowbray said really annoyed me. But now it doesn't seem to matter so much. We are the champions and second place? That's nothing. Winning this title was the best way for us to shut them up."


But Novo is still full of respect for Celtic's caretaker boss Lennon.


He added: "Lennon is the best thing that can happen to them. They should forget about all the other names and make him the manager now.


"He was put in a very bad situation taking over from Mowbray. But he's won five league games in a row with these same players and for me they should give him the job right now.


"You need a manager who knows what it means to be in charge of an Old Firm club. Lennon knows what Celtic are all about - his contribution to that club has been phenomenal.




"If they give him the job then Celtic will give us a proper challenge next season. Lennon will bring the competition back."


Novo, though, is far from certain to stick around for the next SPL battle. He is out of contract at the end of next month and has so far failed to agree on a new deal.


Middlesbrough boss Gordon Strachan has already opened talks with Novo's advisers about a possible Bosman move but more offers are set to follow.


And Novo admits the uncertainty gave him all the more reason to celebrate Sunday's victory in style. He said: "You always get emotional when you win a trophy. But of course, there is also the possibility I will leave the club this summer and so this might be my last ever title. If I am going to leave Rangers then it will be hard because I love this club.


"For me, part of the club are the fans and they've been great with me. That's why I wanted to celebrate with them. They deserve everything.


"I just wanted to enjoy it with them because I know it might be the last time I get the chance. Right now I don't know if I'll stay or not - that's the truth.


"But I have to say, if this is the end for me, then it's going to hurt me a lot."




Who does he think he is? Walter got to a UEFA Final ... he couldn't get Celts to the League Cup Final




Walter is the man who won nine in a row ... how many titles has Mowbray won? Celtic just moan




Neil is the best thing that can happen to them ... with him in charge, we'll get a challenge



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