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Ellis Bid Imminent ??

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Guest Northampton_loyalist
I sent Frankie a pm on the 16th saying that ellis hoped to make an announcement 'within 2 weeks' i didnt post it here for reasons im sure you can guess at :D) That would take him up to the 30th so the timing is pretty decent on that front. I have not spoken to him this time but 3 different sources are all saying the same thing. Either they share a common 'super source' or they have all recieved the info from different places. Either way, it is looking pretty likely that something will be happening soon.


shameless bump. couple of days out, not too bad :D

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shameless bump. couple of days out, not too bad :D



Don't feel to bad about it, we all knew he would dance when Murray struck up the band....and strike it up he did by puttin the boot into Park. who is next for the Minty smoke mirrors and rope ..........ellis....:whistle:

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Guest Northampton_loyalist
Don't feel to bad about it, we all knew he would dance when Murray struck up the band....and strike it up he did by puttin the boot into Park. who is next for the Minty smoke mirrors and rope ..........ellis....:whistle:


You really intreigue me to be honest. It is kind of like the guy in Iraq denying the yanks were near Bagdad despite the tanks in the picture behind him :D This makes me think you are not basing it on guesses but on some solid info, nobody would be that certain and steadfast, not even a hint of 'well, actually maybe,,,,'. All I will say is I hope to god it is both guesswork and poor guesswork at that but it is a bit of a reputation gamble you are taking.

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Nothing so dramatic NL, I remember when Murray's Da was a big hitting gambler and scrappy, his son is a chip off the old block, he plays to win and doesn't give a toss who gets chewed up in the process. I always have and always will take anything that the Mint says at 100% less than face value. The whole rancid pantomime stinks from the top down.

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Guest Northampton_loyalist
Nothing so dramatic NL, I remember when Murray's Da was a big hitting gambler and scrappy, his son is a chip off the old block, he plays to win and doesn't give a toss who gets chewed up in the process. I always have and always will take anything that the Mint says at 100% less than face value. The whole rancid pantomime stinks from the top down.


But that is not what you are saying. You are saying that Ellis is nowhere near in the picture and that Murray will own us for the foreseeable future, even going so far as to say you are happy to take a sine die over it. That looks like someone posting from info rather than posting from his opinion.



My bump was more for the people that sneered at the idea a twat like me could have some info. Everyone, and I mean that in the exact meaning of the word, was reporting a fortnight ago that the deal was dead. Only one person in the country contradicted it. :flipa:

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But that is not what you are saying. You are saying that Ellis is nowhere near in the picture and that Murray will own us for the foreseeable future, even going so far as to say you are happy to take a sine die over it. That looks like someone posting from info rather than posting from his opinion.



My bump was more for the people that sneered at the idea a twat like me could have some info. Everyone, and I mean that in the exact meaning of the word, was reporting a fortnight ago that the deal was dead. Only one person in the country contradicted it. :flipa:


Not that you like to gloat or anything. :D


Lets see what happens.... ;)

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Guest Northampton_loyalist

Not that you like to gloat or anything. :D


Lets see what happens.... ;)


moi? :whistle:



I took some real shit from people over this and stopped sharing. What happens from now makes no difference to what was said before, all of it coming to fruition against the reports of every fine upstanding rag in this country.

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But that is not what you are saying. You are saying that Ellis is nowhere near in the picture and that Murray will own us for the foreseeable future, even going so far as to say you are happy to take a sine die over it. That looks like someone posting from info rather than posting from his opinion.



My bump was more for the people that sneered at the idea a twat like me could have some info. Everyone, and I mean that in the exact meaning of the word, was reporting a fortnight ago that the deal was dead. Only one person in the country contradicted it. :flipa:


Like I said Ellis is a distraction, a distraction that suits Murray for his reasons and no one elses, Stevie Wonder can see that Minty is pulling all the strings, even the ones attached to Ellis.

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Guest Northampton_loyalist
Like I said Ellis is a distraction, a distraction that suits Murray for his reasons and no one elses, Stevie Wonder can see that Minty is pulling all the strings, even the ones attached to Ellis.


and I'm saying that those are brave words if you are not in the know. I just hope you are wrong, time will tell obviously.

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“When one admits that nothing is certain one must, I think, also add that some things are more nearly certain than others”


Bertrand Russell (Logician and Philosopher 1872-1970)

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